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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Afternoon Nesters!!!
    Thanks again everyone for the well wishes!!!:h
    First night home went good....nebs at 2 and 6 (not so bad)...timed them pretty good!! He slept until 10 this morning!! Had to run to the insurance agency and the bank to finalize stuff, the X left last night at 11...spent 60 bucks on boxes....just gave my son his 2 o'clock meds/ two loads of laundry done....I'm think I'm ready to start packing now!!!:nutso:
    It will all be so worth it when he's better and we're in the new house!!! Look at the bright side...don't have time to!!!
    LILB-I would love to visit Sam Fran someday....I bet it's so beautiful there!!! So much to do!!!

    Dill-Not sure what the weather was here this the time I got outside at 11:00 it said that's pretty darn nice for SD...except we always have to have the WIND!!!! Suppose to be crappy here this weekend...yeah....then I won't feel so bad being indoors packing!!! Selfish I know!
    Big hugs to Papa R and G cat!!
    I better go get packing!!!
    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



      Newbies Nest


      Another quiet day here in the nest.....hmmmmmmm....oh well, love the little birdlings that did visit me. Dill, not always proud to say it, but I'm a San Diego padre fan.....more excitedly, a SD Charger fan during football........Lilbit, being in AZ, but being from the Bay Area, I miss that morning fog these days.............SD, appreciate the hug for me & G.....he's gonna miss his pops the next 2 marathon days.....give him some love for me will ya..............goodnight my sweet cherubs.
      Pops & G


        Newbies Nest

        Stopping in real quick to say hi! I miss you all so much. Thanks for all the thoughts and well wishes. You are truly amazing, I consider you all my family, and I love you all. I will stop in again shortly. Just know I miss you all and I am thinking of you and cheering for you. :l


          Newbies Nest

          Hi, Peeps! OK, so how is that I woke up on June 5th and the temerature is 48 degrees? :argh: I'm freezing! I almost turned on the furnace! It is supposed to warm up to the mid 70's today, so I'll just tough it out.

          Lilbit, I have been to San Francisco once. We were tourists there back in the 90's. That was a really wonderful trip for me and my family and we all loved San Fran! We also drove from L.A. to San Fran on highway 101. Awesome. Of course we did Universal Studios and the Montereay Bay Aquarium, and Cannery Row. We also stayed in Yosemite. That was a fantastic vacation. We saw a lot of California.

          SD, I can't believe you have time to post with all your packing and looking after your son! I appreciate you checking in. I was remembering the last time we moved. It was 17 years ago and we had been in that house 7 years. You can accumulate A WHOLE LOT OF STUFF in 7 years with two young children. Man, what a pile of stuff we had out on the curb! My family helped us with the move. We moved from a wonderful, neat, clean house in a suburban style neighborhood to this old run down, falling apart brick farmhouse. What a change. We always wanted to live in the country and a fixer-upper was the only way we could afford to do it in this area. All my family and friends thought we were nuts! It was a lot of hard work! We love it here, though. How long have you been in you current home?

          Sea, You're Red Sox are doing Great! Indians lost yesterday.

          PR, I am just following baseball to fill the time until pre-season NFL! I enjoy listening to baseball on the radio, but I can't sit and watch it. One thing about listening to it is that it helps me feel close to my family and my 'roots' somehow. In the summer when I was a kid, the Indian's games always seemed to be on in earshot somewhere! It's kind of nostalgic for me. That was a long time ago, and my parent's generation are almost all gone now.

          Chops, So glad you checked in! I hope you are doing well. You know that we are thinking of you and sending you good and positive thoughts. :l Oh! I see my grandson Saturday! Woo-hoo!

          Lilmea, thinking of you, too!:h

          To all who pop in today, have a great day, and may you all meet your goals for today!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Newbies Nest

            Hello Dill and everyone,

            Just popping in to say Hi.
            My success continues with both of my challenges but I have to admit giving up the smokes has been the hardest. Maybe it's because I carried that monkey much, much longer than I did the alcohol monkey. Who knows? I'm just grateful that I've been able to stick with my plans, does wonders for your self esteem

            Looking forward to more grandson time this weekend. He's 6 months old now and a total joy.
            Wishing peace & blessings to everyone.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi ALL!!
              Just a quick check in b4 my son's follow up appt in a half hour...then back to packing...thought I could type and eat lunch at the same time...multi-tasking right????
              Awesome's grandson time!!!! That will make the weekend a GREAT one!!! I've only been in this house for three years...BUT I seriously have the MOST spoiled kid/grandkid in the world!!!! Didn't help that he was the ONLY grandkid for 4 years...we have SO MUCH CRAP!!!!! He's been a HUGE help and very good about getting rid of a lot of stuff he doesn't use/play with anymore!!! And he has more clothes than any boy should!!! Where does it all come from?!?!?!!? I swear I still have stuff from high school...I'll wear it until it falls apart!!!:H

              Lav--6 months was my FAVORITE baby age!!! Aren't they so much fun at that age!!!?? Oh, you'll have fun this weekend too!!! I need a baby fix!!!!

              Chopps---We miss you!!:l And are thinking about you everyday!! Stay strong sweetie!!!
              G cat---goes for you too...Papa needs you!! LOL!!!
              Hello to everyone else that flies by....lilm....has anyone heard how her hands are lately???
              Sea???How are you hun????
              I better go get ready for the doc!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Newbies Nest


                Goodnight my cherubs...............
                Pops & G


                  Newbies Nest

                  :rays:Wakey wakey, Nesters! It's a gorgeous day here. I've already been out for breakfast, have done the weekly grocery and sundry shopping and am home waiting for Daughter-in-Law, grandson to arrive! :happy:I bought him a little shorts and tank top outfit and an orange playgound ball that matches! We live on a farm, as some of you know, so I didn't go crazy buying stuff to play with because we'll probably do a lot of exploring the great outdoors with him. Oh! Yeah, hb cleaned up the old wooden wagon we bought some 30 years ago for our kids. He cleaned it up and gave it a fresh coat of bright red paint! So CUTE! I'll get a picture.

                  Hope you all have a great day!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning Nesters!!
                    Dill, you have a WONDERFUL time this weekend!!!! I can just imagine the wagon....I think I had one about 30 years ago:H It's raining here so it's a perfect day for I'm happy with that!! Brayden's dad is on is way here to take him up to my mom's to stay with him there...long story...we think there might be mold in the basement that might be some of the cause of this problems and want to get him out of this house...THANK GOODNESS WE ARE MOVING IN A WEEK!!!!!!!!!
                    For all the other birdies that may fly by...have a GREAT Saturday!!!!
                    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                      Newbies Nest

                      For all the other birdies that may fly by...have a GREAT Saturday!!!!
                      Oh wait, that's me! Have a great Saturday, fellow nesters. Happy packing, SD. It's very cleansing. Dill and Lavande, enjoy your grandson time. Thinking of you, Choppers.


                      "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                        Newbies Nest


                        Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful weekend my little birdlets.
                        Pops & G


                          Newbies Nest

                          Radio Flyer - 31 years old!

                          Here's a teeny pic of the refurbished wagon!

                          Well it's off to church with me. I'll stop by after and pick up some donuts for you peeps! Coffees on! Attached files [img]/converted_files/918568=4968-attachment.jpg[/img]

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Newbies Nest


                            Here i am! I am going to be challenged at this new venture of mine. Woke up this morning head spinning, hands shaking and nauseous. Had to have a glass of wine to feel better. Chardonnay that's my vice. never thought I would have such a problem with something like white wine. How sad is that? Something so simple but so complex. I started drinking it out of a coffee mugs so my 7 yr old daughter wouldn't notice i was drinking so much. Well, that didn't work! she asked me last night to stop drinking wine. You should have seen that face and how much she meant it. I said I would and even pinkie swore on it. Now here I am having a glass. SO SAD! but at least I am here writing to you all. HELP!!! What type of doctor do you talk to? To get help! A general doctor? or a specialist? Tomorrow will be my will be my first AF day and it will continue for a long time. I HOPE!:eekmonkey:


                              Newbies Nest

                              :welcome: Welcome challenged! Perfect name. We are all challenged! I have lost control of my wine drinking, too. It is sad, but it is what it is! I'm glad you joined us on MWO! We are here to support each other through this sometimes difficult journey. Stay close, read and post!

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Welcome, Challenged. You'd be surprised how many of us succumb to wine as our vice of choice. I used to think that only the people who drank 'hard liquor' had a problem. Duh!! BTW, an interesting thought for you...with Chardonnay, it's not only the alcohol that you're battling -- it also wreaks havoc on your blood sugar, which intensifies the cravings. Anyway, you're in a good place, here. Lots of support available and non-judgmental company from people who are in it with you. Keep posting & reading. It really helps.
                                "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells

