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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Oh, and I forgot to mention my water theory...I think part of the problem when we stop drinking is, I can say at least for me, its more of a social thing, when I'm're so used to have that glass, bottle or whatever in your you replace it with water, soda, whatever (Oh, and I agree about the caffeine!)....however, you're probably drinking a lot more because, one, in my experience, bartenders usually put way too much ice in soft drinks...and they obviously go down a lot easier...its kind of like habit...and you're also, obviously, not feeling you drink more and more water, etc. hence why the bathroom issues.... (sigh)


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Everyone!

      Just wanted to throw in my 2cents about rewards and incentives. I am all for them! But Byrdie is right, it will be HARD to beat that hat she hands out!! Personally I feel like I'm spending too much rewarding myself...I have to stop thinking "well I don't drink anymore so I can buy this"...I mean for milestones I think it's great...but I've been doing it every day of the week...LOL. Nothing huge of course, but it still adds up!

      Lilly and Rooni, I'll be rooting for you both and am anxious to hear that you've both gotten your rewards, your TV and your iPad. Let us know so we can celebrate with you!

      I am in a rush today and it's almost lunchtime, so I will say bye for now, and I'll be back later!

      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi, Nesters
        Good to see you drop by from Thailand Lilly, glad you are back with us.
        Yes definitely think buying yourself a reward is a good thing to do , with all the money you save, although I must confess its something I haven't got round to doing yet, even though in 81 days I must have saved loads.

        Not much else to add except that last night i was re reading some of my old posts from 2009 and it was very enlightening.

        Stay safe in the Nest everyone.


          Newbies Nest

          Sausage, I can only go back on my posts to August 2011, how do you go all the way back? (this site isn't the easiest to navigate!!). I was bummed that I got deleted...I find it enlightening to go back and read too. Thanks, congrats on your 81 days!! B
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Sober Mother's Day!

            Hi everyone,
            I just wanted to claim my first sober Mother's Day since I was pregnant 4 yrs ago! Yay! Today is day 8 and we have girl's night. I volunteered to be DD! That never happens! Ha! I get cravings and anxiety around 5pm- witching hour- but have been fighting through! I also set up an alert on my iphone for 5 pm every day and it sends me a message w an alarm saying "AF Day Today" as a little reminder! It helps a lot and I laugh when I hear it because It's my inside secret. My husband's like "what's that alarm?" hee! Have a great day !


              Newbies Nest

              Think you can only go back to last 500 posts ( which for you takes you back to Aug 2011. ) for me as I've only ever done 841 in total , I can go back to early 2009 but not earlier.
              If you search on threads you have started it may take u back earlier . Alternatively you may just see your older posts if you randomly look at an old thread.
              If anyone knows more about going back further, do let us know.


                Newbies Nest

                Stressd;1316419 wrote: I also set up an alert on my iphone for 5 pm every day and it sends me a message w an alarm saying "AF Day Today" as a little reminder! It helps a lot and I laugh when I hear it because It's my inside secret. My husband's like "what's that alarm?" hee! Have a great day !
                What a great idea, Stressed! After work around 5ish is also my weak moment, so setting an alarm on my phone will be just one more way I deal with that trigger :-) :thanks:


                  Newbies Nest

                  I like the phone alarm, Stressed. What a cute and helpful idea!:goodjob:

                  As for rewards, I gave myself a big one yesterday. I was stressed from a family misunderstanding on Saturday, and then yesterday had several big blowouts with my bf. I finally left the house with the vague notion of "maybe" finding some AL. On Sunday here, AL is only available at private bars or (some) restaurants. There is a private bar not far from my house, and although I am not a member I was considering paying the membership just to sit down and have a few drinks last night. I actually drove into the parking lot and looked into the windows of the bar (although I couldn't see in, lol), but never stopped. I then went to the theater and looked at movie showtimes, considering maybe watching a movie for two hours...but I didn't want to wait until the next showtime. So, I ended up driving out to the mall and bought cosmetics and an expensive bottle of perfume that I wanted. Put a hurting on the credit card, but not on my liver, so I'll take it as a win.

                  Hope everyone is having a great night. Monday's (work day) over and we can be thankful for that.

                  "I like people too much or not at all."
                  Sylvia Plath


                    Newbies Nest

                    Byrd and sausage, that's one good thing if you only post to one thread...the only way I know is to just look back on that thread. if you know the date approx. that you started to post,you can look for that date...I did find this Byrdie.

                    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      Glad to see some creative drinking prevention strategies here

                      Speaking of old posts - I can't even remember what I may have said 3+ years ago.......
                      I just remember getting happier & happier as each AF week passed by

                      Have a safe night in the nest & keep up the great work!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi everyone, just checking in. One week sober. YAY!!

                        Obviously I didn't end up at the bar yesterday after work, but I didn't end up at the gym either. I know that exercising is going to be key to me getting back in shape - both physically and mentally. I'm going to shoot for the gym again today. Just gotta do it!!

                        Have a great day, everyone!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi all, Well done Rooniferd. Had hoped to post that I was now on day 3 but this is not the case, so back to day 1. I'm really sick of this on and off start - I think the problem is my birthday at the end of the month and I just don't know whether I want to moderate or not - this seems to be what I have been doing all my life and it is really getting wearing. I don't think I have ever committed to never, although I did do 18 months in 2002 and then another year in 2005. So for today, I am not commiting to one week AF. This will not take me up to my birthday but I feel it will give me a fighting chance to clear my head and see the wood from the trees. This stop start might overall be better for my health (although last night and Saturday I had one more wine than usual) but I'm not sure what it is doing to my head. So thank you all for being there.

                          R - WELL DONE YOU

                          My short term goal is 7 days AF
                          Restarting Day 1 today
                          Short term goal 7 days AF


                            Newbies Nest

                            Ha Ha - I get worse (and this is me sober) line 3 should read I am commiting - freudian slip perhaps? My short term goal is definitely 7 days AF.

                            Short term goal 7 days AF


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning nesters,

                              Soaking rain over my portion of the nest today!

                              CONGRATS on your 7 AF days Rooniferd :yay:
                              That is a great accomplishment, be proud

                              patricia, I do remember how hard it was making that commitment but I have to tell you that once you do commit yourself & really take drinking as an option off the table ~ it all gets much easier!
                              Make a good solid plan for the week & feel proud of yourself as well.

                              I have a little work to tend to this morning then expecting my grandsons & DIL this afternoon. Staying busy keeps one out of trouble

                              Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Afternoon Nesters; lots to do but using delaying tactics so thought I'd say a quick hello.
                                I am now on day 36, actually like '5weeks and 1 day' better as it sounds longer!!Haha
                                I have been here before but feel this time is different; hard to explain why.
                                Before I was grabbing at everything like vitamins, diet, exercise, hypno cds, books, like they were the cure. Even though I have had many start/stops over the past year and a half, I don't think it was all lost. I have continued to learn.
                                When I first went AF, I think my body was in such a state that it was craving vitamins, dietary changes and 'mind' changes. I have gotten into good habits during my AF periods and continued working on many aspects even though I hadn't 'made it' yet. A lot of preparation for the life that I intended to be mine.
                                I took the vitamins and L-glut for the periods when I felt they were needed, I listened religiously to the MWO cds. Volunteered to do scenery and props for a local disability/able-bodied drama group which helps enormously with that feel-good factor and keeps me soooo busy; got in touch with old friends, took membership in the gym. When I go there I get a free swim so I make a point of using both.
                                As everything was coming together I think I left myself with only one barrier and that was alcohol. My stop/starts were getting in the way of this new life that I was building.
                                Each time I failed the disappointment in myself eat me up, but also each time I failed I could feel it getting further away so I knew that to make it work there had to be a much more determined effort from me; I couldn't see myself getting past 2 and half weeks, or 30 days, or just today......but I came here every day and read my ass off. I have felt sad moments when others are partying (everyone I know drinks a lot); but I have kept that bigger picture in my head.
                                I have kept the words of the long-termers here, who talk about the 'peace of mind' that is only clear after a considerable AF period; I want to be there, see what it feels like....
                                Had to edit as posted accidentally; (or maybe not??)
                                Anyways all, just thought I would put it out there. There have been a lot of down days, not because I don't have alcohol in my hand, but I am having to face myself, remembering clearly things in the past; maybe my next stage is forgiveness......
                                I am grateful to be here and for all of you......
                                IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!

