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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    daisy that's so's great to see everyone coming together. I know I need it...and if the weekend is anything like the past week, I'll continue to need it...

    As much as I don't want anyone to think that the 'cravings' don't go away...(they do get easier) I also don't think anyone should believe that at 'some point' they are gone for good....(because so far - they AIN't!)

    it's so so So true that it's soooooo helpful to hear from others who are in the same boat or feeling something similar. I like that "team effort" phrase daisy...I know I am not beyond needing all of you.....:h

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


      Newbies Nest

      I'm glad the "team" is here with me. And Lav, I'll pass on Stella visiting, she scares the hell out of me.
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Newbies Nest

        K9Lover;1318909 wrote: I'm glad the "team" is here with me. And Lav, I'll pass on Stella visiting, she scares the hell out of me.
        LMAO K9!!!! as does an ass kickin from Lav herself! :H

        I'm settling in tonight...made it past the craziness....thanks Byrdie...I'll be hanging onto the edge of my seat waiting for this upside down part of this friggin roller coaster ride to finish....hopefully it doesn't take a week or so. :-( I'm holding you to it that it'll be over soon!

        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


          Newbies Nest

          Hey Everyone, back for a second post today. I read about your crazy craving K9, and I'll see your bet and raise it to $1000.00, lol. I have those little cravings a lot...was getting gas today and just looked at the beer signs in the window and thought, what would a six pack hurt? I've been thinking about that too, since you posted...everyone I know who drinks has cravings, as in I'd really love a glass of wine, or I can't wait to meet up with the girls and have a drink...etc, etc. Does that mean that everyone is addicted??? I guess what it means for us is that we are not allowed to entertain thoughts of AL as pleasant because we know where that path leads...For Us. I think if you've ever enjoyed AL then it's perfectly normal to have random thoughts now and then about wanting to drink. The trouble is, we can't.

          Did that help?:H:H Depressing as hell ain't it, haha! Love you, mean it!!!


          "I like people too much or not at all."
          Sylvia Plath


            Newbies Nest

            Stella really isn't as mean (crazy) as she looks -
            afterall, I do get an egg from her every day :H

            Checking in here, when your thoughts get to be a bit too much to handle, is the safest thing to do!
            I'm sure it has a lot to do with my personal success
            To this day, when a drinking/smoking thought enters my head I stop whatever I'm doing & go do something completely different (if possible). Totally distracting myself has always been key.

            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Lavande, we saw some chickens last weekend that looked like this. LOL!!!! I want one!!!

              Attached files [img]/converted_files/1856625=6817-attachment.jpg[/img]

              "I like people too much or not at all."
              Sylvia Plath


                Newbies Nest

                I don't have any Silkies although they are interesting looking.
                Here's where I get my chicks (shipped to me as day old hatchlings):
                Murray McMurray Hatchery
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Lavande, I seem to remember you from a few years ago when I was AF for about 6 months. You have done a wonderful job! I however have not. I can't seem to get to rock bottom without alienating everyone I love. (husband). He has said I am a mean drunk. And I know that I am. I take everything out on everyone around me like there is no tomorrow. Most of the time unwittingly. How did you do it? I must say I am jealous. I want my sober back again.

                  I have tried to explain and explain. A drunk' s way of thinking. That even when you know how good it is to be sober, you still crave AL and the numbness, forgetfulness, that goes with it. I am sure you get these pleas every day. Anybody with advice is welcome . Thanks y'all

                  "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                  -Alan Cohen


                    Newbies Nest

                    Byrdlady;1315842 wrote: So glad to see you Capt Crunch!! I'm so glad you are back on course!!! I can't imagine living on a boat! Can you imagine if you were drinking? Man overboard!! So happy for you! xo, Byrdie
                    Thanks Ms Byrdie! You have been a great inspiration to me. I hope to stay onboard, no, I PLAN to stay onbaord!
                    -Cap'n G


                      Newbies Nest

                      Turnagain;1315870 wrote: heya Capn' Grego....

                      I'm happy to see you posting again. It's nice to have you around, you know? That's great you and the Admiral will be living on the water. There is something quite liberating about simplicity. Steady as she goes, sir.
                      Thanks Turn - You're the best!
                      -Cap'n G


                        Newbies Nest

                        lolab;1316090 wrote: Good morning nestmates! Congrats to all those who enjoyed the weekend AF and also to those who didn't but learned something and are right back to work even harder...:-) yep, that deserves congratulations because I know I did the opposite when I was trying to quit...when I drank again? I turned my back on MWO and it did NOT help. so rework your plan, and adjust your nest belts and this time you WILL do it. :-)

                        Gregorino, I could identify with what you were saying...even at this stage. just the other day, I was thinking "what a failure I am...." because I "knew" that if there was vodka in this house, I would have had some. I still wrestle with it. Not all the time but I definitely have my moments. Now - I do have wine in the basement. And while I used to be a wine drinker - this doesn't tempt me in the least. It's been there the whole time. I don't get it. And I don't "like" the taste of vodka. I wish I could figure it out. But, I use my tools - i think the scenario through to where I feel in a fog, and keep following through to the middle of the night unable to sleep, to tomorrow morning with the headache that lasts all day - to next week, when my skin looks awful again - to next month when I've put all the weight back on - to next year when I might be in prison for DWI or killing someone or I might be gravely ill from alcohol or dead. That's usually enough to snap me out of it! :H

                        I'm guessing I drank last Mother's Day - as I was "back into it" - so this would definitely be the first mother's day in a long time that I did not drink anything. I had such a beautiful day. :h
                        Great Stuff Lola! I am a big fan of visualization, and I will remember your "stages" approach when I get squirrelly again - it IS a great tool!
                        -Cap'n G


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning Capt'n G; good to see you back on board and hanging in are you getting on? Do you feel like you are in a strong position again? Just wondering.....I have always read your posts and got a lot of inspiration...
                          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                            Newbies Nest

                            DesertLady;1316202 wrote: Good Morning! Just a quick check-in before my day really gets started. Tomorrow will be 7 weeks for me, so it's you and me together, Cap'n Greg! Feels so good to have racked up so much time - but, at the same time, I feel as if my MIND wants a drink more and more. It's interesting, because I KNOW, in my body and my deepest self, that I DON'T want a drink - but my mind is hassling me more and more. Thanks to all those who've said time and time again here that they are JUST thoughts, and that they mean nothing if I don't act on them....
                            Hey hey Desert Lady - I read this recently: Beliefs are just thoughts that we have kept on thinking - In other words, beliefs are just habitual thoughts. So, if i keep on thinking of myself as a non-drinker, or maybe someone who has an allergy to alcohol, those thoughts will bind into a belief. Conversely, if I keep thinking one or two will be OK once in awhile, that that too will become a belief and i will eventually find myself acting on that belief.
                            What I know for sure is that I can't just have one or two - never could, never will. I believe I got a different gene somewhere. I am just not wired the same as "normal" drinkers. 2 or 3 is just a precursor to the impeding tsunami. We must choose our thoughts as mindfully as we can if we are to stay free from AL.
                            -Cap'n G


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters,

                              I am up bright & early again. My grandson stayed overnight & he's an early riser

                              Hi Cat Belle, glad you are here with us!
                              Sorry you are having such a hard time getting started. I think having a really strong desire to quit & change my life forever it what got me going.
                              Why don't you reread the MWO book & make yourself a good plan using the
                              Be sure to get all your drinking triggers covered, get all the AL out of the house & make a commitment to buy no more - that's what I did. You don't need to wait to hit rock's lonely down there. You are here now with lots of support & friendship!

                              Greg, Daisy, good to see yuo both this morning
                              Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Saturday!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning!

                                I can't believe I got through last night. I met a friend at our favorite bar, and then I went downtown for dinner and a show. I didn't have one drop of alcohol!

                                Let me start with the bar experience. I decided it would be a good test for me to go to the bar and order a soda water with lime. This friend IS a drinking buddy, but she's also very understanding and didn't think twice when I ordered the soda. I've seen her do the same. When the server walked up, she asked me if I wanted my usual. I told her just a soda water. She looked at me really surprised and said "That's ALL?!?" That kinda irritated me, actually. Do you HAVE to drink alcohol to go to the bar? I left her a five-dollar tip, so she shouldn't complain.

                                I felt the urge to drink a few times, but I was able to squash the thought by fast forwarding to the show (which I wanted to be clear-headed for) and what I would post this morning here. Yes, I really do depend on you guys for support and I don't want to let you down!

                                Downtown was easy not to drink. I went to a coffee shop next to a hopping outdoor bar. I just sat there and observed everyone. Most people just casually sipped on their beers and cocktails and enjoyed conversation. If I had been at one of those tables, I would have been consumed about my next drink the whole time. I would have ended up drinking WAY too much. I probably would have made a ass out of myself, spent 50 bucks, and driven home drunk.

                                But I didn't...

                                Oh, this is funny. When I was driving home around 11pm, a cop got behind me. I got that all-too-familiar sinking feeling in my stomach. I started obsessing about staying in the lines and keeping just below the speed limit. Then it hit me "I'm totally sober! I haven't had ANY alcohol!" I actually WANTED the cop to pull me over just to prove to him that I was AF. LOL

                                When I woke up this morning, I keep thinking about the show. At first, I started trying to piece together the night, and then it hit me again - I remember the whole thing - from start to finish!

                                Sorry for such a long post, but I had to tell you about my night. After all, writing this post was one of the major reasons I didn't partake.

                                Love you guys!!

