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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    oh crossroads....welcome to the nest. If you haven't checked out the toolbox, you should. Hang around and read lots....we're all in this together.:l


    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      What a busy day I have had, don't know how I managed to spend so much time smoking & drinking. Just glad that's all over

      Hello & welcome crossroad!
      I think we can all identify with your fears & shameful memories. But you can change all that with a strong commitment, a good plan & the support of your friends here at MWO.
      Be sure to read the MWO book, it has lots of info. (download the pdf from the Health store here).

      Welcome back Jane, looking forward to hearing more from you.

      Busy is a good thing Lola but don't drive yourself nuts :H

      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Day 1

        Day 1 of the rest of my new life done xxx
        Hope everyone had a good weekend. Croosroads, you're in amazing company, keep at it, remember the awful life were emerging from, there's no going back, ever. Whatever life throws at us will only be better without that enemy, AL. Love and peace to us all :h


          Newbies Nest

          Well done noodle just been reading lots of sensible advice in tool box - you sound in gratitude mode rather than deprivation mode which is where I'm going to be as well . . px
          Short term goal 7 days AF


            Newbies Nest

            Ooops sorry - Crossroads, lol, sober typing, tres tricky! lol, Yup deffo in that Gratitude mode - life looks rosy xI'm excited for the first time in a long time x


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters

              Noodle, I'm happy for you! Wishing you the best.

              Hi patricia, how are you?

              Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Nesters!

                Just checking in on Day 13. I hope everyone has a safe, sober Sunday today!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Better stick close to you guys. Stubbled last night and now must start again.

                  I have been reading through the toolbox, but can any one offer tips that really help them go al free.
                  I can't seem to break through two weeks .
                  Take care all
                  Today I chose to start living!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning. Nice sunny day here with a cool breeze. No AL since one tiny glass last Saturday (which I didn't finish because I left my mom's house in a hurry, lol).

                    Good job Noodle. You can do it! So over it, I can only say that I don't socialize much so I'm not around AL to be tempted. That is the only thing that I can offer, except for the fact, of course, that I also quit buying AL. The truth is, you make the decision to drink. It doesn't just happen, like the weather. You have the power to decide whether or not to drink. I have done it through sheer will power, and honestly I've not been too tempted in a while...I think it's from having gone so long without daily drinking that I don't think about it as much. Maybe some other members can give you specific advice that will help.:l

                    Drinking some coffee and enjoying the day so far.


                    "I like people too much or not at all."
                    Sylvia Plath


                      Newbies Nest

                      So over it;1319694 wrote: I have been reading through the toolbox, but can any one offer tips that really help them go al free.
                      The thing that has been successful for me this go 'round is this:

                      I made a list of all the worst things that have happened when drinking - I mean, really scary things - almost getting caught drinking at work, making a fool out of myself drunk at a work conference, getting a DUI, getting too drunk to deal with a family emergency, letting my dog out and not realizing it until the next morning, losing a good friend because she was mortified at my drunk behavior, etc.....

                      I think it's really important to keep these things at the front of your mind. The beast will try to convince you that drinking wasn't all that bad and try to make you concentrate on the good times. But the bad times is why you are here, and also why you need to quit.

                      This is helping me get through those triggers. Basically I'm scaring the crap out of myself....

                      Hope that helps!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning everyone! Happy Sunday! Rainy here due to the first tropical storm of the season. I love rainy weather - Reading the "Fifty Shades" trilogy, so today will be a good day to read.

                        Had a good, long, ugly face cry yesterday trying to explain why I drink. He is of the belief that it is yes or no, you drink or don't, etc. I told him a lot of things about my childhood, relationship, or lack thereof with my dad, teenage digressions, and on and on. And in this I cried for all of the wasted years of my life. All of the things not remembered or enjoyed. All of the mean nasty things said to innocent bystanders in an effortbtonsee someone hurting as badly as I did. And how I drink to forget. I don't drink to have fun, because it is not fun.
                        I explained to him the shitty cycle of waking up every morning, ashamed, hating myself, saying to myself that I will not drink tonight. And how the day wears on and it's easy to forget that promise and the next thing you know, you are standing at the kitchen counter pouring that first glass of wine, internally berating yourself the entire time. All to start or continue the cycle just the same.
                        I haven't hurt inside in a long time as I did last night. Realizing that no girl, no woman, should ever have the self-doubt, self-shame, lack of self esteem as I am sure a lot of us have experienced. No girl should ever doubt a fathers love for her. No girl should spend a wasted life seeking to drown her memories and looking for approval from anyone who would look on and admire her. What a wasted life.
                        And what could I have done in these years had I been sober? Saved one more animal, been kinder to those who loved me, had children, volunteered? I suspect I could have done much greater things rather than isolate myself from society.
                        It's very strange to have a job to go to everyday and be one person, and then to flip that switch when I get home.
                        Today is day 2. I deserve better than what I have been doing to myself. I deserve to be happy. And the people around deserve to be happy. I deserve to be able to do the things I have always to do. I am worthy. I am worthy.

                        Thanks for listening

                        "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                        -Alan Cohen


                          Newbies Nest

                          Cat Belle, that's very honest of you and it touched my heart.:l I know about the wanting to be admired/loved part, and that has been something I have striven for most of my life. Why? Low self esteem I suspect and not enough love of myself.

                          It's helpful, even though it hurts to examine these things. Thanks for making me think this morning sweetie.


                          "I like people too much or not at all."
                          Sylvia Plath


                            Newbies Nest

                            So Over It, back in January I posted, on my 24th day AF, what I found to be of help. At the risk of being repetitive, I’ll copy it here.
                            “I started out by telling myself that during the first week AF I would consider myself in critical condition and in the ICU where you can have any medication you want - just no alcohol. So whatever sounds good at the time of day you'd normally start to drink, go for it - a pound of chocolate, ice cream, potato chips, etc. I gave myself a week in ICU; then another week in "recovery" where I could still misbehave and have a small portion of something - but I had to add an alternative to the alcohol that I could maintain in the future - like tea or coffee or whatever you like; just to have something in my hand to drink that I could refill numerous times until I got past those "dangerous" hours. Then you eat dinner after which there is no point in drinking because you can't get buzzed on a full stomach. I was drinking at least 1.5 L of white wine, every evening, for years and honestly, I was drinking to get gassed, not because I liked the taste. In fact when I think about it now, smelling the first glass was like smelling vinegar and at the first taste, I would actually grimace. I also read on this site (thank you to whoever that was) that: ‘there are no reasons to drink, only excuses.’ It's so true when you think about it. I had a million excuses to drink but my only real reason was to get buzzed. Plus I do believe in prayer and I finally asked God not to help me stop drinking – which is what I’d always asked before - but to take away from me the desire to drink and I totally believe He has. There can be no other reason why it's been this easy so far; no withdrawal symptoms and I'm sleeping like a baby!”
                            So… now at 141 days AF, I have absolutely no regrets about giving it up; my only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner. Hope this helps you; good luck!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Jane, good to see you back. You had a good run earlier this year - glad you're getting back on the horse.
                              2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                                Newbies Nest

                                So Over it....could you go 30 days AF if the nest would give you a check for $25,000? Wow, just imagine that payoff!! If you can go 30 days for 25k, could you do it to gain back your self respect? Your family? Your job and your health? I think the reward is far greater than money....throw your hat in (as that's what you'll get at 30 days!) You can do it! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

