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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    "Do I need my liver to fail before I can get some serious help" was my next question...

    "I'm 42 and have been getting drunk for the last 15 years, ever night"

    Have some Valium....

    He is Muslim and thinks being dead brained on Benzo's is better than the Alcohol which Allah abhors..

    And he IS right in his way...

    Diazepam is way less harmful than AL in every way...

    Al is fecking EVIL, can you think of another drug that makes you so "Who you are not?"

    People who have had a joint or a pill don't beat the feck out of each other..

    I dont take drugs very often, maybe marijuana half a dozen times a year..

    But I've tried everything except Smack (Heroin) and Ice (Methampetamine) in my younger years and Alcohol is always e one that makes you a fuckwit...


      Newbies Nest

      Rooni, you sound like you are trying relay hard!

      Bootcamp is an excellent idea, especially because you know you have to be up super early, so can't get drunk the night before...

      Wishing you the best of luck...

      David x


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Rooni!!!!!!!!:l So glad to hear from you this morning! Jump back up in the nest...I found that using Crazy Glue on your butt instead of Velcro helps to keep us in here better! Ha! I was so disgusted with myself as well yesterday but I have such positive thoughts about succeeding this time! I had a rough night last night....but I usually do when I stop the AL...alot of tossing and turning and staring at the ceiling! Of course it didn't help that there was a raging thunder/lightening storm going on...ugh! But I woke up this morning sober and I feel so optimistic about today! I am so glad that you booked a trip as a sounds like fun! You are a stronger person than me with going to the gym at 6 one would want to be around me...I am such a biotch in the morning! LOL I am on day 2 today and good luck to your day 1 :h
        AB Club Member
        AB Start Date - 7/25/12

        10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

        :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


          Newbies Nest

          Ship, I agree with you. Whether or not he thinks you have a "serious" drinking problem is not his call. Has he walked a mile in your shoes and lived with your struggles with AL every night? He is a Dr and you are seeking help. Stay strong and don't leave the office until he writes a script for the of luck...I will be thinking of you!
          AB Club Member
          AB Start Date - 7/25/12

          10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

          :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


            Newbies Nest

            My Dr has never tasted Alcohol, he is Muslim...

            He told me "I have had never been Drunk, I see what it does to people...."


              Newbies Nest

              I wish my Parents had taught me that..


                Newbies Nest

                Thank you Ship and Dest - I really appreciate the support. It means so much to me! We can do this!


                  Newbies Nest

                  I am off to bed...

                  I will report back that I have Antabuse, Tomorrow :-)


                    Newbies Nest

                    Goodnight Ship! Have a great night and keep us posted! I will send you a can of "Woop Ass" to open on the Dr if he doesn't give you the script! Ha!
                    AB Club Member
                    AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                    10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                    :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Don't worry Destiniey...

                      I'm Six foot one and weigh 120 pounds and don't have an ounce of fat on me...

                      If it comes to it, I can heavy my Little Indian Doctor...LMAO



                        Newbies Nest

                        Sorry, i weigh 200 lbs...

                        I am in Australia, so confused the conversion...


                          Newbies Nest

                          God, I am going to bed's 12:35!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning Nesters!
                            Celebrating 8 weeks today - Holy Moley, that's 56 days! I'm closer to 60 than I thought! I still read every day, but haven't been posting much. Keeping up with you all really helps keep me grounded. Still struggling often with THOUGHTS of drinking, but happy to report that I can tell they are just thoughts. I have conversations with my mind where I explain to it, that it just thinks it would feel better to get bladdered and not have to think and feel for a bit, but it won't actually help at all.

                            I did want to add my 2c about ANXIETY. While I was drinking I would have sworn blind to you that the alcohol was essential to me to calm my nerves/take the edge off/help me cope/ help me get to sleep - the anxiety was hovering under the surface all the time. I was even diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder back before the drinking became too bad. I definitely had emotional issues to deal with as well, but I have been astounded at how much the anxiety has just disappeared since I stopped drinking and my head has cleared.

                            I've been lucky enough to be seeing an excellent Life Coach for the past year, who has really helped me learn to make peace with myself and with my childhood. I've also been learning meditation and yoga, so I now have alternative tools when I feel stressed. I'm taking supps and working on my diet, and I know I will feel even better when I eventually add exercise to my routine. For me, ALL those things helped my quit - willpower alone would not have worked for me. Finding this forum was also HUGE - just realising I was not alone in this, and could openly share where I was at, without fear of judgement. We are all helping each other here so much, and I'm mucho thankful!
                            If you always think what you've always thought,
                            You'll always feel what you've always felt.
                            If you always feel what you've always felt,
                            You'll always do what you've always done.
                            If you always do what you've always done,
                            You'll always get what you've always got.

                            3 Days AF = DONE
                            6 Days AF = DONE
                            14 Days AF = DONE
                            21 Days AF = DONE
                            28 Days AF = DONE
                            30 Days AF = DONE
                            60 Days AF = hmm, much bigger gap to this goal, but let's see if ODAAT works for this one too....


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Everyone!

                              Kradle - OMG I laughed so hard at your kids finding those pictures...oh lordy...what did you end up telling them? I don't know what I would have said...probably something like "Here, have a cookie" (distraction method). LOL

                              Ship - If your doctor does not prescribe Antabuse, go to another doctor! I have been on/off Antabuse for a really long time, so let me know if you need any advice. I've never had a reaction to anything, except alcohol, of course. No foods or products have ever affected me. Hang in there and I hope to hear you are starting AB soon! I also had to laugh at your original weight conversion...I thought "120 pounds, jeez, I could take this guy"...LOL j/k

                              Hope everyone is well today. Super glue your butts to the falling out, you hear me? Will check in later...

                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                Newbies Nest

                                I'm glad to see you, that were all down, seem to be in high spirits again.

                                So, I had a business dinner to go to. While waiting for our table, I had a club soda, then we ordered (it was a steakhouse). After awhile I did order a beer, I repeat, one beer, why? I simply just wanted a beer with my steak. I did not have the urge for another one, actually, if anything, I as turned off at the idea of another...all I kept on thinking about was all the stuff I had to tomorrow (today).

                                So, with that, I still consider myself "sober", one beer is not going to get me drunk, obviously.

                                Now, I'm going to a show tonight, an old school band I used ot see as a teenager, this will be a test; these are times when I usually fall....feeling like a young man (or kid) again.

                                Best to all today.

