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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    Hello all, especially newcomers, and hope you all had a wonderful day. Mine was spent in Dr's offices for the most part, but home now. Onto my looong work days the next few days. Keep G company and show him love....goodnight cherubs.
    Pops & G


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning, nesters! And welcome to you, Cheryl Schmidt! :welcome: Hope we can help you reach your goals!

      Polo, there are no 'rules' about when you can share your story! People share their stories whenever they are moved to. I for one, love to read in that section and find much comfort and ispiration from people sharing their stories. I haven't yet shared mine though.

      Can you believe my BF asked if we could pick up a bottle of champagne to drink on the way ?
      That's some serious celebrating! :H I think your plan of just drinking a glass of champaign at the toast is a good way to go. I wish you strength. Isn't if funny that your carefully thought out goal is basically what a 'normal' person would do without even thinking about it! :H Oh,my, what have we gotten ourselves into with our good friend, al?!:bang

      SD, Today IS MY FIRST DAY! I finally made it! Plus, I am starting it HF! (hangover free)

      LilM, we got just a sprinkle yesterday but the whole day felt like a rainy day. Today I woke up to a pouring down rain and thunder! What a relief to finally get a good rain!!!

      PR, A HALF DAY in the doctor's office?! What?!!! :shockedmonkey:

      Have a great day, all you peeps!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi guys
        I miss you all too. Power cord is shooting sparks and I am trying to get in replace. I just discovered that my daughter's power cord works on my laptop, so I am charging up with that. I am getting no work from the agency, so I keep applying for other jobs. I have been very depressed. It won't be long before I go into foreclosure "Again" I have let it all get to me, and have been binge drinking around 4 days a week. I know it won't solve anything and it makes me feel like shit; just a temporary reprieve. Welcome newcomers. Believe it or not, I had it together for awhile. Love u all.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          Newbies Nest

          Sea, I miss you. I know your really down right now, but remember you are cared about. I wish I could do something to help you, I truly do. PM me, call me, anything, but remember I love you, girl, and be careful, OK?
          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


            Newbies Nest

            Love to too Seabers. Always here if you need me.
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning Nesters!!
              Dill-ENJOY YOUR DAY!!!!!!
              SEA--Sending my thoughts and prayers to you!!!!!!!!!!:l:l Hang in there...we love ya!!!!
              LilM, LILB, Chopps, Papa and all other birdies....have a great Thursday!!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Newbies Nest

                Good Morning Nesters! Happy Thursday! I am trying to get caught up on the thread, so I hope I don't miss anyone!

                SD, you get to close tomorrow!!!! That is so fantastic. I bet you can't wait to be all moved. How is Brayden doing?

                Dill, Happy Summer Vacation!!! I was so thrilled to hear how Grand your visit with your grandson was. My visit was absolutely priceless! I must say, I have a grandson that is quite full of himself :H

                :welcome: to Cheryl Schmidt

                Polo, as the others have said, share your story any time you are comfortable. You are in the right place.

                Sea, :l I am sorry you are having a rough patch right now. Know that we are all here for you and love you. May the sun shine down on you today :l

                Papa, are you ok? I am sorry to hear your had to spend so long at the doctor. G is sure to be giving you a lot of love. You take it easy over your long days. We will be here for you and G both. The ice cream cake for SD was such a thoughtful gesture.

                Lilbit, how are you faring with your decision over the wedding? I know that you will make the right choice for yourself. Keep us posted as to how it goes :l

                Hi LilMea! Hope you are well.

                Well, I must get going now. I wish you all a great day and I will check in later. Hello to all to come.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Evening Peepers,

                  Sea-Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. You know you a loved here. :l

                  Polo-As others have said, there's never a too soon to post your story. There's only when you feel like your ready. Go for it!

                  Lilb-If you can stop at just a toast at your wedding thing, that sounds like a good plan. It's always good to have a plan.

                  SD-So how is the packing going? Are you just about done? I'll bet you're getting excited!!

                  Dill-I woke up to the same light and thunder show. I sat on my deck in the dark and watched the lighting this moring. My chicken cats hid under the bed. This was my 3rd day of heavy all day rain! We should have bought a large houseboat instead of a motorcycle! :H Nice, wet way to start your summer vacation, yes?

                  Chops-Glad to see you here. I've been thinking about you. I hope things are going better for you. :h

                  Cheryl-:welcome: The nest is a comfy place to be. So welcome and grab a twig and make yourself at home.

                  PR-I hope things went well for you at the Doc's office. I'll send my Diva cat over to play with G so he won't get too lonely. As usual, we'll leave the light on for you.

                  I hope I didn't miss anyone. I've missed everyone and it was nice to get caught up a little bit. I hope everyone has a great evening.
                  AF since 7/26/2009

                  "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                  "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                    Newbies Nest


                    Dill, chopper, Lil, appreciate the support....I'm gonna be fine, just have A LOT on my plate right now.....Sea, my thoughts are with you my dear. MUCH brighter days are ahead for you honey....keep staying the course and before long the tide will turn for you. In the meantime, stay plugged into the a lot of people here who care about you.
                    Well, gotta go give G some lovin....he's gonna be without me the next couple days....hope all of you have a peaceful night.
                    Pops & G


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Peeps and Cheeps! Hope you're having good evening/morning/day -- whatever it may be in your part of the world. It's evening here, and I'm listening to our real feathered friends chirping outside. They do love the summertime!

                      Sea, big hugs to you! Keep your chin up, don't beat yourself up for whatever you do to cope during this time, and please remember that your luck could change in the next five minutes with a single phone call. You never know. My fingers -- or feathers, as it were -- are crossed for you.

                      Choppers, you're so sweet. 'Asked all about everyone in the nest but never said how you are. Are things going OK for you?

                      Thanks, everyone, for commenting on my decision about a 'day pass' for the wedding in Napa this weekend -- it really helped. I pretty much decided to allow myself a single mod day for the wedding so that I can toast the happy couple. But, I plan to take the L-glut with me, and if I feel like I could take the AL or leave it, I'll leave it. So many people who relapse say that they start drinking again for little or no reason at all. I find that interesting. The other part of my plan is that I enlisted my buddy, Mica, to be a touchpoint for when I return. I know I'll have to e-mail her by Monday -- so hopefully I won't go off the deep end.

                      Time to start snuggling into the downy feathers for the night, here. You're all in my thoughts.


                      "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                        Newbies Nest

                        Aww Lilbit! You are so wonderful. I am doing so-so. I am hanging in there and will move onward and upward! I will be ok. Just having a very rough patch with the BF and it's hard. I had the sweetest message from my son today about the whole situation. He is such a sweet young man, and so grown up. I have never had a message like that before. Usually he just wants something from me (typical 20 year old) :H

                        Good luck with your wedding and your "day pass". You will do just fine. Mica is a fine person and you will need to update her as well as us.

                        Hello to all the other nesters! Thank you all for your love and support. I will check in tommorrow. Have a great evening!

                        Hugs :l

                        P/S Sea, how are you doing? Can I lighten your things for you and let you brag that your Sox keep beating up on my Yanks? We are all here for you, hon.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning, Peepers!

                          Chops, I'm glad to see you back and posting more! The nest just isn't the same without you! I think it is so sweet that your son lent you his support. He sounds like a good young man. Of course he is! He's YOUR son!

                          Sea, Hang in there! My thoughts are with you. Remember, it's always darkest just before the dawn.:h

                          LilB, Good decision. Many have a hard time sticking to "just one", so maybe you should just do a sip at the toast and be done? I'm sure you'll know what is right when you are there. You might find the "Jump in June thread from a couple days ago and read the list of 'last time I decided to have just one...' for a little inspiration to stick hard to your plan!

                          SD, Thinking of you! Today is the move, yes?

                          LilM, woke up to another gray day! I know you are sweet, and like to share with your friends, but ENOUGH!! :H No more sharing your Indiana Rain!!! We got enough yesterday, thank you very much!:H

                          PR, :h You know your family here loves you. Follow your doctor's orders and be well! We'll be watching after G for you for the next couple days.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lilbit will be thinking of you at the wedding - keep strong, have fun look forward to your posts on monday

                            Taz x


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning Peeps,

                              Everyone's and early bird this morning!!

                              Chops-Isn't it something when our kids start turning into our friends and confidantes? I'm especially like that with my oldest daughter. But then, I was also young when I had her. I know this is a hard time for you, but it will pass. Keeping you in my thoughts. :h

                              LilB-What a good plan with the email to your friend! Good luck at your wedding.

                              SD-Is this the BIG day?

                              Dill-The sun is finally shinning today. But storms are suppose to be back on Sunday. It's starting to flood in places. Last year this time we had major flooding. So bad that the Wabash river actually changed it's course. Indiana is a flat little state and it doesn't usually get this much rain!

                              Taz1-Hello! :hallo:

                              Sea-Sending lots of :h and :l. You mean so much to so many people here.

                              PR-Rest! Rest! Rest! We'll all be giving G lots of love and attention for you.

                              Well birds, it's a beautiful day here in the neighborhood and I'm going to get outside!!! I hope everyond has a great day.
                              AF since 7/26/2009

                              "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                              "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning Nesters! It's finally Friday and I am so happy for that. A weekend to get some rest and sort out my thoughts.

                                Sea, how are you doing hon? You have been on my mind the last few days. I hope you have gotten some phone calls on your job search. Lots of love and thoughts coming your way :l

                                Dill, yes my son is a very good young man. I have missed you (all of you) and glad that I am back posting. How is your summer break going so far? Any plans to go to Florida for a grandson visit?

                                LilMea, glad you got some sunshine today! Rain and flooding is the pits. We get too much of it here in Oregon. It is wonderful when our kids become friends and confidantes. I wouldn't trade it for the world

                                SD, Happy Closing and Moving Day!!! Woo Hoo!!! I am so happy for you!!!!

                                Lilbit, how are you this morning? Are you feeling anxious at all about the wedding or are you confident in your plan? It's a great plan and you have all your tools set. You can do this!

                                PR, please get as much rest as possible the next few days. G will be very loved and hopefully Diva cat is going to pay him some visits. Dill is right, your family here loves you :h

                                Hi ya Taz! How are you today?

                                Enjoy your day everyone!

