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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Destiniey;1324540 wrote: Hi everyone! I did 1st week AL is completed!!!!! :yougo: I never in a million years thought I could do's a big thank you for everyone that helped me through those really rough days!!!!! :thanks2: I had a great Memorial Day....went on a nice trail ride with my horse and then went to a bbq at my parents house. There was plenty of AL there but I just had diet coke and was perfectly content! I came home and watched a movie on Netflix but I wanted to come on here and see how everyone was doing before I went to bed. seem like you are in a much better place today! I am soooooo glad! Keep smiling!:heart: had a dream weekend! I am so glad that you finally slept through the night. I finally got 8 hours last night too except to get up and pee once.:toilet: You're right...I suppose we were too dehydrated before. I remember waking up in the morning with my mouth so dry I could spit dust! Ha! Those days are OVER!

    Yogamom....congrats on day 4!!!!! That's awesome!!!!! I wish your brother the best of luck with the chemo. It is so great that you can be there for his kids...I am sure that is a huge comfort for your brother! Keep smiing!

    Ronni....I had more day 1's than I care to count....we all have. Just think positive and crazy glue your butt to the nest....we are all here to help you!

    LibraryGirl....I am so glad that you took the afternoon off! I felt so bad when I saw that you had to work! It sounds like you enjoyed your day!
    Yay Destiniey! I've had a rotten headache the last couple days but you really made me smile when I checked in here and saw you made it! Your first week down. Yeehaw! You will have hard times in the future but really you've weathered a bad storm. Remember that you'll only have to go through this again if you choose to drink. I am proud of you!


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters,

      Another very hot & humid day predicted in my portion of the nest! Hope the rest of yuo are staying cool

      Destiniey, Congrats on your 1 week AF
      Keep up the great work!!!!

      Ellen, welcome back!
      You had such a hard time getting started last year, I hope you can just jump back in the nesat with us. You know AL should not be in your life, hang out with us.

      Fly, hope that headache is out of here today!

      I have to run, my grandsons will be here before 7 am - going to be a long day......
      Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning Newbies

        Just thought I'd post that today is day 10 AF (double figures woo hoo). It is working for me to set small goals and as cliched as it is .... one day at a time. I'm starting to feel more alert, sleeping better and best of all I can relax in my own company without the need to drink. My big goal now is to get my driving licence back which means a medical here in the UK. I have been drinking quite heavily over the last 3-4 years so hopefully I haven't done any damage to my liver. Thanks for all the great inspirational posts on this forum and the realization that I'm not alone with having issues with AL. Now to work towards 30 days AF.


        AF 20-05-2012


          Newbies Nest

          berner66;1324740 wrote: Good Morning Newbies

          Just thought I'd post that today is day 10 AF (double figures woo hoo). It is working for me to set small goals and as cliched as it is .... one day at a time. I'm starting to feel more alert, sleeping better and best of all I can relax in my own company without the need to drink. My big goal now is to get my driving licence back which means a medical here in the UK. I have been drinking quite heavily over the last 3-4 years so hopefully I haven't done any damage to my liver. Thanks for all the great inspirational posts on this forum and the realization that I'm not alone with having issues with AL. Now to work towards 30 days AF.


          Yay my friend, you are getting there, proud of ya!
          Keep it up, don't fall back into drinking again
          And after a month treat yourself to something really nice!
          I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

          They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


            Newbies Nest

   sorry to hear you have a headache but I am glad that I was able to make you smile. It's the least I can do! I will never forget day 4 AF and my total meltdown on were right there for me and talked me through it and kept me grounded. If I said thank you a thousand times it wouldn't be enough!

            Berner....Congrats on day 10...double digits...awesome! Good luck getting your drivers license and back and with your medical! Keep us posted!

            Sausage...thanks so much for the support! Congrats on 96 days....that is such an accomplishment! You are such a strong person and give such great advice on here!

            Ellen....Welcome to MWO. Coming on here and posting is a great first step! You have some time between now and Monday to get some AF days under your belt before work. Try and come on here as much as you can in a will find the support here amazing! I am on day 8 and coming on here and posting and reading what other people are going through has kept me sober. It is comforting to know that you're not alone!

   are going to be runing around with your grandkids bright and early today! You are going to be exhausted tonight! Have a great day...I know you will! You're a wonderful grandmother and an inspiration to all of us on here!
            AB Club Member
            AB Start Date - 7/25/12

            10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

            :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


              Newbies Nest

              Hey Rooni....I haven't head from you and I was wondering how your Memorial Day went. I am going to be heading to work so I won't be posting on here til later on today! Hope all is well!!!!!!!
              AB Club Member
              AB Start Date - 7/25/12

              10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

              :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                Newbies Nest

                I really need some support and encouragement. I am back on day 1. I wrestled with the thought of dropping off this forum just so I wouldn't have to come back in shame, but I'm going to confess and try again.

                They say three strikes and you're out, right? Well that means I have one more chance, and I'm taking it.

                So why did I fall? Well basically, my friend (who is a drinking buddy) called to say her two aunts were in town and to come over if I'd like to see them. Both ladies are in their late 80s, and one just had open heart surgery last month. I absolutely LOVE these ladies. I love talking about old timey things. They have so many great stories.

                Well, I struggled with going, because I knew my friend would have wine. At first, I told her that I couldn't go. Then of course she put me on a guilt trip about it. And then I started thinking how I may never see the older one again because of her health issues....

                So I went, and I drank. I drank too much, woke up hungover, and drank again yesterday.

                OK friends, can you give me one more chance? I swear I want to do this more than anything in the world. I said this after my slip last week, and I will say it again - I cannot be around my friends who drink right now. I just can't. I won't.

                Anyway, I come back to the nest in shame, if you'll have me...



                  Newbies Nest

                  Awww.....Rooni! When I hadn't heard from you I just had a feeling that maybe you were struggling a bit! In my world there is no such thing as 3 strikes and you're out! NEVER!!!!! It takes as long as it takes....eveyone is different! I am sooooo glad that you came back on here and didn't leave MWO! I know how horrible it feels to come on here and have to tell everyone you are back on day 1 but that's what we are here for....we are here to help you...not judge you! Don't beat yourself up about it today...what happened over the weekend is the past...just a distant memory...just focus on right here and right now. Stay positive and try to get on here as much as you can today! I just pulled you back up into the nest and just put Crazy Glue all over your ass! Ha!:l
                  AB Club Member
                  AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                  10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                  :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                    Newbies Nest


                    Don't beat yourself up about falling off the wagon. None of us are perfect and I'm sure very few people on this forum have been able to give up at first time of asking. One thing I have learned on this journey ... is forget about yesterday thats gone today is a new day so concentrate on not drinking today. I fell of twice within the last 4 weeks being tempted in the same situation as yourself. Unfortunately giving up AL is a life changing situation. I made the conscious decision to stop being in contact with drinking acquaintances who weren't close friends. As daft as it seems one day at a time. Stick close to the forums.


                    AF 20-05-2012


                      Newbies Nest

                      didn't make day 8

                      Ok, so i made 7 days af..and Saturday went boating with friends and didn't pass the test.i drank and i thought i could moderate but knew better...its all or nothing for me..can't have the first one or its a case.anyways, I'm on 3 days af today and plan to atleast 14. Have a great day all...if u fall just get back up!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Rooni, i am just comming to the end of my day 1 how about we do this together, i to could do with some support so how about we support each other. I once went just over 70 days A/F a while back and what helped me was to stay away from social functions and even some friends in the begining and that is what i am going to do this time.
                        Keep your chin up Rooni, together we can & will beat this xxx
                        :dancin: enguin:
                        starting over


                          Newbies Nest

                          Dest, thank you. I knew you'd be the first person to respond to my post. We North Carolinians stick together :l

                          Man, I wish I could come over to your horse farm and chill out. You are doing great, and I should learn from you. I'm right in the middle of Raleigh, surrounded by bars all over the place. It seems like everywhere I go, there's a bar screaming for me to come in and have a drink.

                          Anyway, I'm working from home today. Don't feel much like getting out. Going to a show downtown tonight, but I'm not worried about drinking. I'm so fed up with the beast right now, I am not tempted at all.

                          Anyway, thank you again


                            Newbies Nest

                            Day 8 was a fail. The boating/grilling party took its toll Saturday.I'm on 3af going for 14 my advice..don't pick up the first one. I wouldve made it further of i realized i cannot moderate..its nothing or"all for me


                              Newbies Nest

                              bent;1324805 wrote: I wouldve made it further of i realized i cannot moderate..its nothing or"all for me
                              I can relate, bent. They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. When I try to moderate over and over again and expect different results, I am expressing insane behavior.

                              I can't moderate. I just don't stop and it ends up being a two or three day bender every time.


                                Newbies Nest

                                pingu1997;1324742 wrote: Yay my friend, you are getting there, proud of ya!
                                Keep it up, don't fall back into drinking again
                                And after a month treat yourself to something really nice!
                                Berner - Yes, congrats on Day 10!

                                Pingu - I love the idea of a reward for 30 days; I'm thinking eyelash extensions

                                Rooni - There is no 3 strikes. There is as many times as it takes. Don't ever think about not coming here out of guilt/shame because we've all been there. Did you ever look at my join date? 2009. I can't count the number of #1 days I've had -- I literally can't remember. But all it takes it the right #1 day and then they will add up. I can't believe how quickly the past three weeks have gone by for me. Sober. Maybe you will have to develop thicker skin and avoid "slippery" situations. For me that sometimes meant not even going in the grocery store and asking someone to do my shopping. Or loaning my car to someone so I was held virtual hostage at home. That doesn't work for the long run and doesn't apply now but it helped in the beginning to take away the choice that I couldn't sometimes make for myself.

                                Bent - those first three days aren't easy. The fact that you went back to not drinking so quickly is a great sign. From my experience, the cycle of in-and-out, start-and-stop, gets shorter and shorter until you're ready ... good luck.

                                Everyone - have a great day and hang tight. Here in the States, many of us have a short work week so that's something to celebrate. AF, of course.

                                Check in with you all tonight!
                                "Indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting over lost days."
                                ~ from Goethe's Faust

                                :target: AF as of May 8, 2012
                                :target: Non-smoker as of Sept. 15, 2012

