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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    So over it & everyone -

    You need to practice 'Lavan-ittude'! I don't give a flying damn what anyone else thinks or says. I don't drink AL & there's no discussion after an initial 'No thanks' on my part :H :H

    Sticking to our plans is the only way out for us & there's nothing wrong with that
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      :hMy Dear friend who hasn't drank in years just put the glass in the air and said 'To Tom and Jane, We love you!' and then set back down on the table...
      I of course finished mine!

      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


        Newbies Nest


        I feel like I need to take notes here! Everybody is doing so good and having so much action (well, action at any rate:H)
        And I only have minutes here and there to read and then I post fast, fast and then go back when I can sneak away and all this incredible stuff has happened!!! Geez! I sound like I am drinking for Gods sake!
        Destiny you r too funny and double digits to boot!
        Rooni where's your Flower?
        Yogamom, I know that Apple should have repleced it but I got insurance so maybe they will....Yhey were really nice as they ushered me out though.
        LB: 19 days: Holy Cow!! You are only one day away from the big two-OH! Also what is the Killing? We are Netflix Freaks and I am getting sick if Voyager. Can I watch it with the twins,
        Okay I have to scoot now. I am going to come back and take notes so I can talk like a grown up around here !@!:h

        PS: Day 12 here but I don't feel so great. JUmpy and worried about the weekend. I saw some others were too so at least I am not alone theer..

        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          Newbies Nest

          Kradle - the weekend? I am worried about tonight. Thursday is almost the weekend in my mind. Not as decadent as drinking on a Monday. I am off to yoga class with my 15 yo daughter. No one will be around when we return - that would be a big risk for me. Having a glass before dh gets here and then pouring one for each of us as he walks in the door. I am so tricky. But I need to out trick myself. After class, I need to run to the grocery store. That should tie me up until he gets home.

          Too bad about your IPAD. I must have looked desperate when I came in with mine....or they have changed their policy. That was last June.

          Thanks for the tips on how not to toast. That is really helpful. I am usually a sucker when someone shoves a drink into my hands.

          I will check back in later and hope to watch a fun show on netflix tonight. I was watching Doc Martin. I really enjoyed that - maybe I will start it up again and finish. Then on to the Killings.

          Stay close and sober.....


            Newbies Nest

            My friend and her husband just invited me to sit outside at a restaurant/bar. Yes, I am going, and NO, I AM NOT GOING TO ORDER ALCOHOL. I will be back soon to report how many sodas I had :-)


              Newbies Nest

              Dest, I watch Netflix streaming on my wii. I like that better than online, but online is good. You can hook up your laptop to your tv and watch it on the big screen if you have a pc monitor cable. That is, if your tv isn't too old. That's some info from my bf, btw.:H

              Kradle, yes I think you could watch it with the twins. It isn't that graphic, but there is some language. Not much. Idk, I think it's tv-13 or something like that. It's a judgement call for you to make. They probably wouldn't pay much attention anyway.

              Rooni, I'm doing pretty well counting my calories and eating healthy. I hope to lose between 1.5 and 2 lbs a week. Fingers crossed! Tomorrow I start exercising, even if it's just walking. Maybe we should start a weight-loss thread, just for those who are comfortably AF and want to take that next step.

              Home for the weekend!! Yayyyyyyyyy!!!! I'll be back!!


              "I like people too much or not at all."
              Sylvia Plath


                Newbies Nest

                Rooniferd, my friend also text me tonight to ask me down to hers for drinks; she lives 2 doors away. This particular friend has been a hard nut to crack as far as being understanding about my wanting to be AF. She continued to ask me down, tell me to change my drink, just have 1 bottle, anything to keep me as her drinking buddy.
                Well, tonight I have to say, I could hug her. She text 'having few drinks if you fancy coming down, but don't worry if you are not drinking'. She got it at last. I really appreciate her for that. I just said a no but thanks and that was it.
                I do find it easier to go out and not drink as at least then you can 'people watch' (I'm a nosey bugger!). Enjoy your night.
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Newbies Nest

                  LG....I watch NetFlix too through my Wii. The Wii is connected to my TV but it stops periodically through the movie to download but then starts back up where it left off! Grrrr.....very frustrating! I think we should do a weight loss thread...I am going to join WW on-line tomorrow. I have done it before and I am excited to do it now....counting points will occupy my mind with something other that AL...although today I have done pretty well. 4 pm came and went and I was a little ansy but it passed.

                  Daisy...Great advice on how to handle a toast and congrats on all of your days AF!

        's funny that you mentioned taking notes! This morning I got out a journal and started writing down peoples names that I talk with and where they are from and the different threads I post on....hopefully now I can keep track! Ha!
                  AB Club Member
                  AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                  10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                  :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                    Newbies Nest

                    I am back from the bar, and I had two soda waters. I love my friend and her husband, but I think I like them more when I'm drinking. The wife is very very sweet, but all she talks about is working out, and it drives me nuts because I'm so behind in that department. Maybe I'm just jealous. The husband is great, too, but he starts talking about work too much after a couple of Dead Nazis (Jager and Rumple) and multiple Heinekens. These guys have been drinking buddies for a long time. I'm going to have to be very selective when deciding whether or not to hang with them. I have to be VERY CAREFUL not to slip, and based on my two latest slips, I know that my weakness is hanging out with people drinking and expecting to stay sober.

                    A weight loss thread? Hey, that's a great idea! Actually, I've been telling everyone that I'm on WW now, and people seem to be very supportive. It gave me a great excuse not to drink tonight. I told them how each drink was four points, and they completely understood why I wasn't drinking.

                    I am so glad to be sober tonight. I just love waking up in the mornings feeling good, remembering the whole night before, knowing exactly where your purse and phone are, knowing that you didn't drink and drive or drunk dial, etc.....

                    You know how it goes....

                    Hey, for all you lurkers out there who aren't posting yet, IF I CAN DO THIS, SO CAN YOU. I will have to tell my whole story's not pretty.....

                    Goodnight, everyone!!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Rooni.....Way to go! That is awesome!!!! I am soooooooooo proud of you! Telling people you are on WW and don't want to drink is so much better than feeling that you have to explain why you are not drinking for other reasons. Not that anyone needs an explanation, but in this day and age if you don't drink at least socially than people think something is wrong with you. And have ya noticed that the more they drink the more they want you to join them....ha....misery loves company! Good night Rooni!
                      AB Club Member
                      AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                      10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                      :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Dest - so true! I agree that we don't have to make excuses why we're not drinking (it's not anyone's business!!), but the WW thing does seem to shut people up more quickly. If someone is struggling with what to say to people about not drinking, I guess it's a good thing to say. I mean, I think everyone knows the alcohol is empty calories, so it makes sense.

                        Goodnight Dest!!!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Dest, do you have DSL or Broadband Internet connection? I have Broadband and no trouble with lagging or downloading on Netflix. If you have a less strong connection that could be why you experience that.

                          Congrats Rooni on staying AF! And, you still socialized! It's eye-opening to find out how little we sometimes have in common with our drinking buddies, isn't it?

                          Ate some chili that I made for dinner and now drinking some coffee. Might go watch Netflix soon. My bf wants me to watch him play his video game. Ugh!:H

                          "I like people too much or not at all."
                          Sylvia Plath


                            Newbies Nest

                            Destiniey;1326371 wrote: Rooni.....Way to go! That is awesome!!!! I am soooooooooo proud of you! Telling people you are on WW and don't want to drink is so much better than feeling that you have to explain why you are not drinking for other reasons. Not that anyone needs an explanation, but in this day and age if you don't drink at least socially than people think something is wrong with you. And have ya noticed that the more they drink the more they want you to join them....ha....misery loves company! Good night Rooni!
                            Isn't it messed up that if you drink you're thought of as "okay," but if you don't drink people think you have a problem?


                              Newbies Nest

                              LG...I think I have DSL....that's probably what is going on! Stupid internet! Ha! I am watching "A Haunting in Salem' right now. Enjoy your coffee..I drank a pot of it today....nothing like iced coffee on a hot day!

                     is totaly messed up the way society is today...pathetic!
                              AB Club Member
                              AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                              10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                              :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Jason Points out in his Book 'Kick The Drink' that Alcohol is the only drug on the planet people must justify NOT taking!

                                That really grabbed...


                                PS: Does anyone mind is I lloose my mind here for a bit?:h
                                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                       tool box
                       newbie nest

