Back from 6am walk. Going 3x week with a neighbour ? something that has helped with my AF days ? seriously can?t get up at that time after a bottle of vino.
Kradle ? 50 is the new 40 right. So we?re in prime of our lives and a great time to get sober. When you?re 55 you?ll have been 5 years sober ? cool!
Destiniey ? your retreat sounds dreamy. How I?d love to do that but a zillion miles away. You?re doing great by the way with your double figures. I?ll be on your heels all the way.
LG ? The Killing sounds fab ? I love series like that, right up my street. Think I may just have to join Netflix. May even be worth it now I can remember what I?ve watched! Like the sound of the weight loss thread ? mine?s now happily heading in the right direction.
Yogamom ? so sorry to hear about your brother. Thoughts are with you. My hat off to you for staying strong. I?ll be around this weekend ? determined to get through it so see you here ok. R&R see you both too.
Daisy ? taking a leaf out of your book on the going out non-drinking thing. Street party tomorrow and my intention is to people watch ? that way I won?t feel like I?m missing out. First party without al for me and feeling ok about it, so far.
LillyE & TxEllen ? I?m back again too for another, but this time very serious, stab at kicking this thing. I thought I was before, but something?s shifted this time. It?s like Byrdie said, there?s a difference between hoping to be sober and committing to be sober (I HEAR YA BYRDIE!). Wishing you both strength.
Lav ? just loving the Lavan-itude :H
CatBelle ? you?re doing great ? nearly 2 weeks. I read your post recently with just a tad of drama going on in your life. Respect for staying strong.
Fly & Sausage ? what an inspiration you both are at 100 days (you?re just about there Sausage) ? awesome!
I think that?s everyone. My apologies if I?ve missed anyone. Have a fantastic Friday and a sober weekend - 4 day weekend for us in the UK.
