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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Back from 6am walk. Going 3x week with a neighbour ? something that has helped with my AF days ? seriously can?t get up at that time after a bottle of vino.

    Kradle ? 50 is the new 40 right. So we?re in prime of our lives and a great time to get sober. When you?re 55 you?ll have been 5 years sober ? cool!

    Destiniey ? your retreat sounds dreamy. How I?d love to do that but a zillion miles away. You?re doing great by the way with your double figures. I?ll be on your heels all the way.

    LG ? The Killing sounds fab ? I love series like that, right up my street. Think I may just have to join Netflix. May even be worth it now I can remember what I?ve watched! Like the sound of the weight loss thread ? mine?s now happily heading in the right direction.

    Yogamom ? so sorry to hear about your brother. Thoughts are with you. My hat off to you for staying strong. I?ll be around this weekend ? determined to get through it so see you here ok. R&R see you both too.

    Daisy ? taking a leaf out of your book on the going out non-drinking thing. Street party tomorrow and my intention is to people watch ? that way I won?t feel like I?m missing out. First party without al for me and feeling ok about it, so far.

    LillyE & TxEllen ? I?m back again too for another, but this time very serious, stab at kicking this thing. I thought I was before, but something?s shifted this time. It?s like Byrdie said, there?s a difference between hoping to be sober and committing to be sober (I HEAR YA BYRDIE!). Wishing you both strength.

    Lav ? just loving the Lavan-itude :H

    CatBelle ? you?re doing great ? nearly 2 weeks. I read your post recently with just a tad of drama going on in your life. Respect for staying strong.

    Fly & Sausage ? what an inspiration you both are at 100 days (you?re just about there Sausage) ? awesome!

    I think that?s everyone. My apologies if I?ve missed anyone. Have a fantastic Friday and a sober weekend - 4 day weekend for us in the UK.

    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



      Newbies Nest

      Good morning all Nesters,

      Could have used an extra hour of sleep but my puppy had other ideas

      Kradle, I'm sorry but I have to tell you....
      Kids really do react in accordance with your own reactions, their behaviors are learned from us.
      It may be hard for you losing a precious family pet but you really need to show your kids how to grieve in a less hysterical fashion. I just went through a similar situation with one of my dogs last September & had to gently explain it all to my 3 yo grandson. He still asks about 'Girl Dog' from time to time but I have always remained calm & pleasant when talking about her.

      Ellen, I hope you can sit down & make a list of pros & cons concerning your drinking. Do you really want to continue doing the same thing over & over or are you ready for change? It's your decion, you are in charge of your future. I hope you decide to join us on this AF truly is much better without AL.

      Lily, welcome home & I hope you feel better very soon. Let us know what your plan is to get restarted.

      FreeFly, doing anything in the eatly AM is so much easier without a hangover, huh?
      Keep your commitment strong, yuo won't be sorry

      Greetings to everyone in the nest & wishing a terrrific AF Friday for all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Nesters
        I'm away in the camper van with the family til Tues ( we have an extended bank holiday here over the weekend in the UK because of the Queen's diamond jubilee). I will try and read MWO on my phone from time to time but I doubt I'll post as it is a bit difficult from my phone.

        Stay safe everyone, will be thinking of you all and I'll be back soon

        Sausage x
        Day 99 ( yes I should celebrate 100 days whilst I am away !!)


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning everyone....a rainy dreary day here. Its OK pastures need the rain!

 sounds like you are going to have a fun weekend! Since you won't be on here I just want to congratulate you on 100 days! That is sooooo awesome and I am so proud of you!

 glad that you are feeling better! The weight loss thread is a good idea..the last time I did WW was with a friend and I am much better when I am "challenged" by having someone else in the mix. Since I am doing it on-line it will be nice to have all of you guys on here to check in with!

          Ellen....Good luck to you in your AF journey! Stick close to the nest and come on here as much as you can...the support here is awesome!

          LG...that was great advice that you gave Kradle. Have a geat day today...I will be back on later!

          Lav...hey girl..I will be rockin my Lavan-itude today! Heehee

 are going to do fine at your 1st party AL are such a strong person!!!!! Just think how much fun it will be to watch everyone get plastered...ahhhhhhh...the things they will say and do...not to mention how crappy they will feel the next day! Talk about wasting a weekend! You will be the last one laughing! Ha!

          Kradle....I hope today is better for you! You have gone through some rough sh*t can do this I know it! You are stronger than you think and the bastard beast is getting weaker! Keep kicking his ass!
          AB Club Member
          AB Start Date - 7/25/12

          10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

          :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


            Newbies Nest

            Oh Kradle, I'm so sorry about your dog. I lost my baby Sammie back in February, and I still cry at the drop of a hat. I also went on a huge bender after that. I loved that baby more than anything in the world. I have her ashes on my mantle, and I posted the Rainbow Bridge story on my fridge.

            Dest - now I KNOW we have to meet sometime. You're a vet tech? I'm not, but I sure have had been at the vet a lot recently with my new puppy and older dog. We should meet for coffee sometime, seriously!

            Lilly - welcome back to the States! Can't wait to hear about your plan!

            I also need to start making a list of you guys so I can keep up with who's who!!

            Anyway, off to a great sober start this morning, and a sober productive weekend is just ahead!


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning. My little lady is here asleep next to me, so I have a few minutes before I have to hide the Ipad. Can you believe at 5 yo she has figured out how to download apps from the app store? She cluttered my whole ipad up with crazy kiddie apps. There is one that is this obnoxious cat that just repeats eveything she says in a loud crazy voice. Try that in the am with a hangover! The purpose of this ipad was so i could have my own computer, oh well. Anyway - day 8. I really had no desire to drink when I got home last night. It can't be that easy - I know the weekend is going to be a challenge.

              Kradle - I am sorry about the dog. It is so hard on kids. I can clearly remember pets dying and the sadness I felt - even 40 years later. You aare there for them and sober. You can't protect kids from everything painful in life.

              Sauage - Have fun! Getting off for the Queen's jubilee - well that sounds so British. Also, going on a holiday sounds like so much more fun than taking a vacation.
              Ellen - welcome! I am new here and this place has been my lifeline. Come here and post instead of going to the kitchen to pour yourself a glass! Go to the story section and read a bit. It has been helping me so much.
              Freefly - a 6 am walk. Good for you. Yes, was able to drink and walk in the evening. But, in the am is so much better - maybe a cup of jo or a bottle of water would be the most you could carry.8
              LillyE - must feel good to be back home. Thanks for your thoughts about the best days being your AF days while away.

              Good morning to everyone else. I will stop by again later. Day 8 - yeah. Friday - ughh.


              Destiny - a vet tech. That is very cool. It must be hard at times too though.


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning All. I'm up and at em at 8 am.:H Not that early, but I didn't get to bed that early either, lol. Would be hungover and still in bed 4 months ago. I did start a weight loss thread in general discussion last night, if anyone wants to join.

                Yogamom, that's really amazing that your 5yo is downloading apps! How funny is that! A crazy cat, lol. Lav, always good, straight-from-the-hip advice (no one tells it like you, luv), Sausage a HUGE shout out for 100 days!!! (tomorrow, I know), Dest. I have some questions for you (haha, about my dogs)...I'm sure I missed some folks. Love ya ALLLLLLL!!!:l

                Now been up for nearly two hours, and thinking about laying back down with my book for a while. Hee hee, love not working on Friday, Sat. and Sun!!! Witwooooooo!!


                "I like people too much or not at all."
                Sylvia Plath


                  Newbies Nest

                  Yoga! Some days are just easier than others!!! I remember my last (and final) day 12 was easy! So here's hoping that the days from now until Day 30 (when you get your hat!) will all be easy ones! I'm so proud of you!
                  Kradle, I'm so sorry about your dog. I just can't imagine how empty that spot is in your home. I will be thinking of you, and praying for your strength in every way.
                  I'm so glad to see everyone committing to making this an AF weekend! Lav/Lolab/K9/Byrdie's Evil Eye will be on you if you even THINK about caving!!! You will see our avatars on the side of that glass just cussin! DON'T DO IT!!! eheheh...(not really kidding).
                  Strength to everyone...all you gotta do is get thru today!!! XXOO, Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    2 weeks today. What a difference 14 days can make. Had a nasty drinking dream last night - maybe because I went to a patio party and sat with a full bottle of white wine 2 inches from my glass. New goal is to make it past my birthday next week... That will be my everest.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good job Ambrose! I posted a funny but true account of the early days of quitting drinking, and it mentions the drinking nightmares. It's something we all experience. If you fancy something comical about this journey it's posted in the general discussion, things no one ever told you about quitting drinking.


                      "I like people too much or not at all."
                      Sylvia Plath


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning Nesters!

                        Thanks Thank you everyone for your love and support last Night. That was rough. But the kids were doing good this morning and joking about Norman's farts and the crazy stuff he used to do. I told them I thought he was the oldest living Lab in history so They are wrting a letter to the Guiness book of world records so he can be included! Lots of good lessons learned last night tough as it was.

                        LB I started to read your recommended poem and didn't even make it past the title! I started weeping silently. Matt read it to himself. He loved it. The girls said they would read it later. :l

                        Lav: Thank you for your thoughts but No thank you. I felt what you wrote, though well intensioned I'm sure was very insensitive and really upset me.

                        I told my children about Norman in an INCREDIBLY gentle and loving manner. We cried and hugged and I just listened to their grief and we cuddled with tissues and warm cloths and tea....Sedona said she wanted to break something she felt so mad, mad being the flip side of sad as I explained to her because at that age she felt powerless, powerless she couldn't stop Norman from dieing...Very typical thoughts at ten.
                        so I gave her some Poster Board paper and she ripped it up. Young children need simple tools to deal with their complex emotions. Mathieu slammed the door because he was mad at me for not telling him about Norman earlier. That was my mistake. When I wrote I 'lost' it that was because the girls were once again fighting over something unrelated to Norman... Children do learn behaviors from us but they are NOT carbon copies. They have their own Karma, their own sensibilites and I honor those.
                        Grief is not a learned behavior in my opinion and I am sorry my children's reactions did not live up to what you think are 'good'
                        kids behaviors.
                        Also my kids are not three and I don't see them on a grandma Schedule.

                        You have given much great advice here and I have benefited a lot from it but on this you are way off base. I hate confrontation and I just thought of blowing this off but I want to feel safe here. Not attacked or judged or patronised...had enough of that. That's pretty much why I drink. To shut those voices up.
                        When you posted did you think I was going to read that, after the night I had had , and think : "Oh Gee! Thanks so much! Someone just pointed out my parenting flaws!
                        Feel so much Better about myself now" I don't think so.

                        I WILL NOT defend myself as a parent. Suffice to say My son wrote me a poem this Mom's Day and said " My Mom is better than a Snow Day..' HIgh praise from a 13 year old.
                        I am a very good mother, patient and nurturing. And I got my Children through a hard time last night in a safe loving environement which I feel stronly wil prepare them for their next loss.

                        I am sorry to bring a bit of cloud here and I don't want to spoil anyone's weekend, especially for all those who were so supportive and loving last night. I did not feel so alone at all and made it to day 13 ! Lucky 13...I hope
                        So I am going to shake this off and not let it affect me anymore. I certainly won't let it be the reason I drink. This is all a hard process and I am still grateful that I have you all as support and helping me find my way...even when we get rubbed the wrong way
                        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
               tool box
               newbie nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Kradle -
                          Sending loving thoughts and a hug your way :l
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Newbies Nest

                            What to drink?

                            Hi all, I was wondering what people drink now that alcohol is out? I know some go for juice, others for fizzy drinks. I see you can also buy alcohol-free wines etc now as well but are they a good idea?


                              Newbies Nest

                              Like the avatar Marc - nice pack!
                              You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                                Newbies Nest

                                Have just signed up for Netflix to get stuck into The Killing and can't find it. Any ideas anyone?
                                You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi


