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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Ten days is completely brilliant ! N
    You will be your own avatar in no time. :l
    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      Newbies Nest

      I posted this in the weight loss support thread, but since it was my first weight watchers meeting, I will post it here too:

      So I went to my WW meeting this morning and weighed in at 170. My goal weight is 128, so I've got quite a ways to go. Lots of people spoke up about eating habits, why they had grained weight, what they were doing to lose weight, etc. Funny how none of them mentioned alcohol. The whole time I was sitting there, I was thinking how much alcohol had such an important role in my weight gain over the last few years. I mean, sure, I can't blame it ALL on alcohol, but it has been a huge factor - the empty calories, the late-night drunk snacks, the greasy hangover food, the lack of exercise due to being hungover, etc. Yes, I can blame a good portion of my weight gain on alcohol.

      Well, I know one thing. If I go over my points today, it won't be because of alcohol!!

      I am really excited about this AF weekend. I'm gonna cook and catch up on work. Very mellow and low key. The weather is gorgeous. Thank God that I'm not laid up in my bedroom with the shades down running to the bathroom every 15 minutes puking.....what an awful way to spend a beautiful Saturday.


        Newbies Nest

        Roon! I'm so happy for you taking control of your life! I think since I checked in last, you had about 3 posts...and I wanted to comment on each one of them...but by the time I finished everyone's had already come full circle! Being at home on a Friday night thinking that everyone else is out drinking and laughing is classice Addiction Head (Dick Head). There are as many, or more people who are places besides bars having a wonderful time. I try to think of it this way, people at bars are prolly the most UNhappy people. Singles trying to find mates...ALKIE's feeding their addictions....eating BAR food, the most unhealthy on Earth. Beware of the Pity Party on weekends it's done many a nester in, myself included. Everyone else is NOT drinking.
        So proud of you and your weight loss goals too. It's fine to blame a goodly chunk of it on AL, I did and it helped. Turns out, it was true! It took me almost into my second month, tho, before it started coming off without effort. I never thought I would be able to say that!
        Good things going on here! Keep it going you will never regret NOT drinking!! Never! Hang tough! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning everyone! It is a beautiful day today and the storms last night left us with no humidity today so it is really comfortable out. I think I'll go riding later on and use that as some activity points for WW. I joined last night (on-line) and put yesterday as my 1st day since I tracked my food during the day. I will post my progress on the weight loss thread!

          Marc...congrats on day 10....awesome!'s worth it just to come on here to see your keep posting! Ha!

          LillyE....Wow...I can't believe your friend is that friggin selfish. I have never had to deal with that since I drank alone at home...yup..pathetic! Perhaps if you tell her that you are on a weight loss program through your doctor and it's OK for you to sample the food but the wine has got to go...maybe she would be content with that.'s all the more wine for her to drink. I am so glad that you are staying so strong thoughout all of can do this..I know you can!

          LG...I was so relieved that it was just a dream...I used to do that and then sign on to FB and read posts that I didn't even remember writing! was such a waste of my time to have to go back and try and "fix" everything! I am sooooo glad that is behind me. Actually...since I have been AF....12 days today..yay....I haven't been on FB. I need the support here more plus no one on there knows what I am going why bother. I would rather apply my energy here! That is amazing that the guy at GNC was that open with you....Wow...I always thought that they were all into being healthy...I guess no one is safe from the beast! Have fun today looking for ebay items!

          Daisy...That was great advice that you gave LillyE. And yes....waking up sober is soooo much better than waking up with that dreaded "Wtf did I do last night" feeling!!!

          Kradle...hey girl! Another day AF....woohoo...we can do this! I hope you have a nice relaxing day today!

          Rooni....congrats on your first WW meeting! We are on the AF journey together and now we can be on the WW journey we like to be miserable or what! Ha! Kidding! I will post on the weight loss thread the specifics of my plan as per my virtual peeps at WW..LOL You sound like you are doing great....I love your new attitude. Byrdie is right when she matter what and no matter who....perhaps I will get that tattooed on my forehead! Ha! And yes...meeting for coffee would be awesome. If we are feeling daring that day we can throw in some celery sticks! HaHaHa Would love to hear about your new pup and your senior dog!!!!

 animals are like my children too. I've had my one horse longer than my daughter is 19 and my 4 hooved son is 32 and I've had him since he was 7. HA! And yes....other than the birth of my daughter the most rewarding thing I have ever done is become a vet tech and help animals and to help educate their humans. What you do is amazing too....a! Just least people don't bite, hiss and scratch...well..not always anyway! HeeHee
          AB Club Member
          AB Start Date - 7/25/12

          10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

          :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning everyone! It is a beautiful day today and the storms last night left us with no humidity today so it is really comfortable out. I think I'll go riding later on and use that as some activity points for WW. I joined last night (on-line) and put yesterday as my 1st day since I tracked my food during the day. I will post my progress on the weight loss thread!

            Marc...congrats on day 10....awesome!'s worth it just to come on here to see your keep posting! Ha!

            LillyE....Wow...I can't believe your friend is that friggin selfish. I have never had to deal with that since I drank alone at home...yup..pathetic! Perhaps if you tell her that you are on a weight loss program through your doctor and it's OK for you to sample the food but the wine has got to go...maybe she would be content with that.'s all the more wine for her to drink. I am so glad that you are staying so strong thoughout all of can do this..I know you can!

            LG...I was so relieved that it was just a dream...I used to do that and then sign on to FB and read posts that I didn't even remember writing! was such a waste of my time to have to go back and try and "fix" everything! I am sooooo glad that is behind me. Actually...since I have been AF....12 days today..yay....I haven't been on FB. I need the support here more plus no one on there knows what I am going why bother. I would rather apply my energy here! That is amazing that the guy at GNC was that open with you....Wow...I always thought that they were all into being healthy...I guess no one is safe from the beast! Have fun today looking for ebay items!

            Daisy...That was great advice that you gave LillyE. And yes....waking up sober is soooo much better than waking up with that dreaded "Wtf did I do last night" feeling!!!

            Kradle...hey girl! Another day AF....woohoo...we can do this! I hope you have a nice relaxing day today!

            Rooni....congrats on your first WW meeting! We are on the AF journey together and now we can be on the WW journey we like to be miserable or what! Ha! Kidding! I will post on the weight loss thread the specifics of my plan as per my virtual peeps at WW..LOL You sound like you are doing great....I love your new attitude. Byrdie is right when she matter what and no matter who....perhaps I will get that tattooed on my forehead! Ha! And yes...meeting for coffee would be awesome. If we are feeling daring that day we can throw in some celery sticks! HaHaHa Would love to hear about your new pup and your senior dog!!!!

   animals are like my children too. I've had my one horse longer than my daughter is 19 and my 4 hooved son is 32 and I've had him since he was 7. HA! And yes....other than the birth of my daughter the most rewarding thing I have ever done is become a vet tech and help animals and to help educate their humans. What you do is amazing too....a! Just least people don't bite, hiss and scratch...well..not always anyway! HeeHee
            AB Club Member
            AB Start Date - 7/25/12

            10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

            :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


              Newbies Nest

              LibraryGirl;1327691 wrote: Freefly, I was the one who suggested typing in the Netflix search on your tv, like you did, but since your selection is limited, you can do that on your computer. The one you're using now, lol. It doesn't have to be your tv. If it works, then you wouldn't need to do the thing I suggested about faking a US account, because I see now that it costs money to buy the fake domain. Hope you understand.

              The one you're using now :H Thanks LG I'm going to give it a go over our long weekend here. Plenty of time to watch movies. Will let you know when mission accomplished
              You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                Newbies Nest

                I changed my avatar to make it more "personal". Here are 2 of my babies!!!!
                AB Club Member
                AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                  Newbies Nest

                  They are beautiful, Dest!! You are very lucky. What a great sight to see sober!!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks Rooni!
                    AB Club Member
                    AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                    10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                    :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Wow Destiniey, what a back garden!
                      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey Dest, when we all meet up for our MWO/WW reunion, we can throw in some activity points and all go trail riding!!!! Yee Haaaaaaaa!!!zwink: I know it must be a lot of activity points because last time I rode I couldn't stay in the saddle, lmfao! It had been so long since I'd ridden, I couldn't remember how to hang on ffs!:H

                        "I like people too much or not at all."
                        Sylvia Plath


                          Newbies Nest

                          Destiny and Rooni - way to go on the WW. You are both taking charges of things and taking positive steps to a new you. I love your avatar Destiny. Wow you have owned that horse for a long time. We used to have horses, but had to leave them when we moved. I miss them, but we cant have them where we live now. I dont really ride the horse, my kids say i like to sit on the horse, because i go so slowly. I wish i had your view out my window!

                          I will keep close tonight because i have no plans. Risky, risky. A long walk would be in order. First i need to fix dinner sans my usual glass of wine. I know i will be glad tomorrow....


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi everyone,

                            Sounds like a good start to the weekend. I'm on Day 26 and feeling really good.

                            On the weightloss bandwagon, too. I don't care so much about the weight; it's the size 8 jeans I want to get back into. So we're talking at least three sizes. Protein shake in the a.m., a salad for lunch (Dr. Oz recommends oranges and avocado for fighting belly fat. It sounds weird but is deliciious), dinner is usually my weak time because I crave the carbs but I'm even doing better with that. I also used to go through a whole row of double-stuffed oreos in one sitting but thankfully don't have the manic sugar lust this time. It may be the Campral that helps with appetite suppression, I don't know. Sleeping well, reading, exercising - walking or Pilates, feeling better and more giving emotionally, instead of just thinking about me and my bottle.

                            My 17 year old son is coming home for a week next Thursday and I'm both looking forward to and dreading telling him what's going on. Or do I even need to? Last time I saw him was last summer and I was sober; he doesn't know how bad and dark it got since then. But he probably sensed that I wasn't consistently (or coherently) communicative. Any thoughts?

                            So I need to do major organizing and cleaning today in preparation for his arrival and a small graduation party. People will bring alcohol; I'm not even worried about it. My sober boyfriend will be there. And I am so thankful I'm having cravings or second thoughts. AL only crosses my mind infrequently now and when I'm here - the reminders are good. I don't want to become complacent. Saw my alcohol counselor yesterday afternoon, and told my boss all about it Thursday night at dinner. Her Mother was a star in AA and her 32 year old son died from AL just a few months ago (so so tragic, I can't even imagine) so it was a very open and revealing conversation for both of us. I'm lucky to have a boss who is so in my corner; she's become a friend as well as a mentor.

                            Now I'm just rambling to avoid the vacuum cleaner and chores, methinks. I'd better get with it if I'm going to watch the entire season of Game of Thrones on HBO tonight so I'll be caught up for tomorrow night's season finale.

                            Hang tight everyone. Or maybe hang loose would be a better way to put it. Just be well!
                            Thanks for your support.
                            "Indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting over lost days."
                            ~ from Goethe's Faust

                            :target: AF as of May 8, 2012
                            :target: Non-smoker as of Sept. 15, 2012


                              Newbies Nest

                              And I am so thankful I'm NOT having cravings or second thoughts.
                              "Indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting over lost days."
                              ~ from Goethe's Faust

                              :target: AF as of May 8, 2012
                              :target: Non-smoker as of Sept. 15, 2012


                                Newbies Nest

                                Monique speaking as an outsider who doesn't know anything about your relationship with your son, I wouldn't tell him anything. You are still pretty fresh into your quit and you need to protect yourself and protect your quit. I wouldn't open the subject up unless you really feel there's a need to do so.

