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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    He will know just by looking at you and being with you that you are on the right road; he'll go away happy and proud - trust me! My children are so proud of any step I take towards sobriety.
    In the same way that we love our children no matter what, they in turn do the same. We love 'through' the tough times as well as the good. Just enjoy!!
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      Newbies Nest

      Oh Des, yes they do! Bite, hiss, scratch, cuus you out, show you their pee pees! Lol:egad:

      "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
      -Alan Cohen


        Newbies Nest

        FlyAway and Daisy, thanks for the advice. I'll not bring it up. If he asks I'll play it by ear.
        "Indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting over lost days."
        ~ from Goethe's Faust

        :target: AF as of May 8, 2012
        :target: Non-smoker as of Sept. 15, 2012


          Newbies Nest

          I'm not sure where that came from Cat Belle, lol!! It did sound a lot like my male cats tho.:H

          Monique congrats on doing so well. I agree with the majority, and I wouldn't mention it unless he does. Then of course, I wouldn't feign ignorance and say, whatever do you mean? of course i don't drink. lol

          I seem to have gained quite a sense of humor, along with some ill moods lately. Haha, it makes for quite the challenge (for anyone in my company).

          Hi Everyone! Hope everyone is having a great evening/day/morning. My god, is it almost 11 pm. Where does the time go?! I can't believe I used to drink for HOURS every evening. When did I find the time?

          With that to ponder...


          "I like people too much or not at all."
          Sylvia Plath


            Newbies Nest

            Sitting here watching the Spurs with my kids. sober. Yeah. We just moved from Spurs territory and my kids are big fans. Will catch up tomorrow. I agree with not telling your son, Monique. Just enjoy your time together. were talking about cats...right? Stay close, stay sober!


              Newbies Nest

              Thanks for all the wise words and encouragement about the judging thing. I should say it's not one dinner but SIX separate ones. Does anyone else have this issue - where alcohol is part of their professional life and not just in a socialising sense? Just today I wrote two articles about wine!

              Daisy, that is great advice and I know just what you mean. Years ago, one of my major drinking buddies quit and it was really confronting for me, BUT, and this is what makes me really mad about this friend, I overcame that and supported her because I felt that's what a good friend should do. We stayed friends, we just did other things together but drink. Later she told me I was one of her only friends who still wanted to hang out with her just as much once she wasn't drinking... sad, huh?

              Maybe my 'friend' will surprise me but I'm not counting on it. I have in the past tried to heart-to-heart with her about it and not got much more than eye rolling or stupid suggestions about reasons why I should drink or why my anxiety/depression might be caused by things other than drinking. She also once said "Well it sounds like your problems are emotional while mine are only physical"... meaning she doesn't get anxiety/depression JUST bad hangovers. So I guess that means it's ok she drinks so heavily? You have to laugh sometimes...

              But I've thought it over and realised that I've GOT to stock letting these things throw me into a tailspin of panic as they're going to keep happening. I know I harp on a bit about the comparisons for me with smoking but it's one thing that keeps me hoping I can eventually do it despite all the failed attempts.

              When I was "trying to quit" smoking there always seemed like a reason I couldn't - a justification to smoke. Like a party, wedding, stressful time, etc. Now I've actually quit there is no occasion at all that makes me feel I HAVE - or even want - to smoke. I can get there with drinking too I hope but likewise it's going to take the hard yards of getting through those situations while still craving before I feel that way.

              Destiny and Roon - go ladies! You are doing great and we're all gonna kick some weight loss arse too. I KNOW that drinking has played a huge role in that for me. I can't see how it couldn't have. All those empty calories and the late night binges and the greasy food the next day when too hungover to care what I eat and too lazy to exercise. I absolutely eat better and work out more when I don't drink just because I feel more positive and motivated.

              Monique, I echo FlyAway here. It's hard to say not knowing much else about your relationship, but if you don't want to tell him I don't see why you have to? Surely if he notices you're still not drinking that will only be a good thing? If he brings it up, well, you can see how much you feel like saying then. It's great you're not worried about the booze at the party though. Good sign!!!

              It's a booze free weekend here too. I didn't go to a BBQ today as I had to work (Sunday but a deadline tomorrow) but also didn't quite feel up to facing a boozy event right now. But that's ok. After a month of socialising I'm happy to be cuddled up at home in the warm, especially as it's wet and cold here and I have loads of good books to read and movies to watch

              Happy sober Sunday (Monday for some) everyone!


                Newbies Nest

                Cat...I'm sure they do!!!!!! Wow..the things we do for people!
                AB Club Member
                AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning Nesters! Up early today as I am joining a rowing team in a boat race in 2 hours time; I went out yesterday to see the boats. They are like larger than average rowing boats with 4 rowers to each side - looks like harder work than I thought! Never rowed a boat before so should be quite an experience. It is not the rowing but just thinking about the depth of the water that lies beneath that makes me a bit jittery....
                  Gona jump in the shower now; wasn't going to as I gona get all sweaty anyway but I want to feel nice and fresh so....(I'm sure you all really felt the need to know that.Haha)
                  I am 55 days today and while everything is great, this weekend was quite a challenge. PMT is definitely a trigger time for me and I was shocked at how much I was justifying drinking....I didn't, thank God, but I am more on my guard now....
                  Hope you all have a great day and I'll let you know how my boating trip goes.....
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Daisy for some reason I always seem to struggle around 2 months too and this time was no exception. I think I start getting a little too comfortable in my new role as a nondrinker and I let my guard down. I struggled for a few days but once I got past it I've been good since. Today is Day 105 for me. Have fun rowing! That fresh clean feeling will last about 20 minutes! :H


                      Newbies Nest

                      LibraryGirl;1327992 wrote: I can't believe I used to drink for HOURS every evening. When did I find the time?
                      LG - I've been thinking about that same thing over the weekend. When I'm drinking, I may get some stuff done, but nothing much and definitely nothing really well. I guess it works like anything else. When you quit something, you replace it with something. When we quit drinking, we find other things to fill our time.

                      THANK GOD I'm doing other things than sitting around drinking. I've been sooo productive this weekend - catching up on work, doing projects around the house, getting some yard work done, grocery shopping, cooking healthy food, etc. I wouldn't have done ANY of those things drinking.

                      Have any of you read "Sober for Good"? If not, the book is basically a set of interviews with people explaining how they got sober. Some went to AA, some did it on their one, some had medical help, etc. But one guy in particular stood out to me. He was a barfly who sat on a bar stool for several hours a day, every day. He said he was able to quit by replacing drinking time with other stuff. I mean, really making an effort to do things during the time he would normally be at the bar. Now that he's sober for good, he said "I just don't have time to drink anymore" and just couldn't believe all the hours he used to waste on that stool.

                      Anyway, happy Sunday everyone!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Daisy .. Rowing? You go girl. what is pmt? I am kind of dumb on all the abbreviations.
                        Rooni. ou are so right about having to fill our time. How much time did i spend drinking and recovering. It blows the mind. i will check that book out. I have reading lots of the stories on MWO. They really help me stay motivated and get by any craving.
                        Flyaway. 105. Wow.

                        AFM....Day 9. Actually slept well last night but still feel tired. Today i am going to start focus on healthier eating for me and the family. That is one of my goals. I planted some herbs in pots the other day. I already made mint tea. And get out for a long walk. It looks just beautiful here today. And sober.
                        will check in again later. This is my way out. Thank u all.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Flyaway, congrats on 105! Great job and enjoy your day!

                          This was my Birthday weekend so I have eaten my butt off....well if it only worked that way! Haha. Got great presents, ate tremendously good food, now to get back in gear with exercise and better for me food. So day is a recovery day! Happy Sunday everybody. The only thing missing is a goo rain so that I would have an excuse to stay in and read the two books I am working on.

                          Ck in later

                          "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                          -Alan Cohen


                            Newbies Nest

                            Cat...Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy YOUR weekend....well...whats left of it anyway! Ha!

                            Fly....Omgod!!!!! 105 days...that is friggin awesome!!!!!!!

                            Daisy....good luck with your rowing....your arms are going to be "singing" tonight!!!!! The last time I rowed was when I went on a camping weekend with my daughter when she was in the girl scouts. I made it to a tiny little island at the beach and was too tired to row back! LOL

                            Rooni....good morning! Another beautiful day here for us in NC!

                            Hey everyone...I am going to be organizing my tack room in the barn I will be popping in and out on here! Have a great Sunday!!!!!!!
                            AB Club Member
                            AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                            10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                            :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Geeez! Just back; yep, arms were weak after rowing! But really enjoyed it. Couldn't get the benefit of the scenery as I was too busy trying to keep up with the 'real' rowers! A very calculated operation!
                              We have had a 2 week heatwave here and the weather turned over the weekend so standing waiting our turn on the coast was freeeeeezing. I have a chill now from the inside out.
                              Feels great to have experienced something new that simply wouldn't happen on a hungover Sunday morning...
                              IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Great job daisy!! That's awesome! No one would have wanted me on their rowing team, lol. I am weak as a cat.:H

                                Well good morning everyone. I hope everyone is doing well today. You all sound good. I also hope that I didn't offend anyone by my silly comments. Sometimes I throw in an lol, or a bit of sarcasm, but it's mean good-humoredly.

                                Just chilling and wondering what I might do today. I have lots I need to do, but resisting at the moment. Will check in later.


                                "I like people too much or not at all."
                                Sylvia Plath

