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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning all! Late check-in and a quick one too! Hope everyone is having a fine start/middle/end of their Monday.

    PR, G sure is a lucky guy! Thanks for the recommendation. I will check out Wayne Dyer. How are you feeling?

    Dill, talked with my dad about coneflower and bee balm. Coneflower does grow in Oregon, however, he had not heard of bee balm. I am going to have to research this now! Thanks for the coffee and donuts...yummy!

    Enjoy your day everyone. Will check in this evening


      Newbies Nest


      Thanks Dill....appreciate you thinking of me....I'm fine....plenty of health issues, but nothing too serious. Chopper, G is a lucky guy.....but I'm the luckier one. We've always been close and I've always spoiled him, but even more so since I put his brother Titus to sleep last November....toughest thing I've ever done. While some have said get another cat, For 8 years it was the 3 of us and I don't feel G would be receptive to a newcomer desiring my attention. I will ride out our time together and make him the king of my castle for as long as we have together. I am the lucky one!!
      A proud pops.


        Newbies Nest

        Hey there Nesters!!!
        My internet is connected....I just have to figure out how to hook up my computer!!! The move was good!! I'm in the new house and busy putting things away...this may take some time!!! I LOVE IT!!!! And Brayden is STILL good and healthy!!! Papa---you can come here...we'll hook you up with an awesome doctor!! Take care of yourself!!! I sure have missed the nest the past few's hard when you can't check in everyday....I miss you chicklets!!:l:l
        I promise to get my computer up and running (at mom's right now)....that way I can fly in ANY TIME!!!! I better get back over to the house and start unpacking!!!
        Have a great night!!!
        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



          Newbies Nest

          Hi Peeps! LilBit is "back on the airwaves." The weekend trip was wonderful. The wedding was held outdoors at sunset, in front of a beautiful vineyard and rose garden. I had two champagne sips -- one for the best man's toast and one for the maid of honor's toast, and then, the next time I turned around my BF had snarfed down the rest of the champagne in my glass. Oh well, it was a crappy thing for him to do, but it solved the "do I want more?" issue. 'Better that way. And I realized from trying AL after 40 days AF, I'm not one of those people who really likes a sip or half glass here or there. Either give me a whole big bottle or I'd really rather have some lovely Pellegrino water & lemon instead. Does that make sense? Thanks everyone, for sending the good thoughts. They helped, and it's nice to say that I'm still AF (there's no "two sips" option in the DrinkTracker).

          So Papa, G sounds like a true wondercat. I can just picture him coming for his 4 a.m. petting! I call my dog "HRH" for similar reasons. But they're very special, aren't they?

          SD, so glad the move was successful and that your Internet is up! What a relief for you. Even though unpacking is lot of work, it's good work and fun to fix up the new "nest."

          Dill, it sounds like you're finally getting in some much deserved time off for good behavior. Enjoy!

          Hi Chops, here I am! Sorry it took so long to respond. The traffic was knarly last night getting in from Sonoma. 'Got stuck on the Golden Gate Bridge (which was actually very nice) but it was late when we arrived. Yay for your Penguins! I hope things are going well for you in all areas as well.

          To all the other nesters, PR, LilM, Sea, Happy Monday evening! Thinking of you.
          "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


            Newbies Nest


            SD, good to see you as always....the nest misses you when you're not around. Lilbit, YES they are special.....especially G.....okay, maybe I'm a tad bit biased there.....they are all such integral parts of our lives to be cherished each and every day.
            Have a wonderful night all....
            Pops....and his cherished one


              Newbies Nest

              Good evening my fine-feathered friends! Hope Monday has treated you well.

              YAY!!! SD and Lilbit are back in the nest.

              SD, glad the move went smoothly and your internet is up and going. We have way too much Diet Pepsi around since you've been gone :H

              Lilbit, I love the Golden Gate Bridge. What a great place to be stuck in traffic. Congrats on your two sip weekend! :goodjob: Things have been rough in all areas right now, but I am soldiering on. A great big apprecitive goes out to everyone here for helping me soldier.

              Papa, we are the lucky ones to have our pets, aren't we? It breaks my heart when we have to lost one of our faithful and beloved. I am going to so miss my dogs in my life. Be proud and brag!!! G just sounds so lovely and I thank you for sharing him!

              Good evening to all others. Have a great and peaceful evening! :l


                Newbies Nest

                Good Evening Peeps,

                Sea-Hey. I know about the Orlando Magic's! That's my son-in'law's basketball team so hb has been telling me how they are doing. How about that. I'm talking sports!! Lol!

                LilB-Good job at the wedding! I'm also one of those that doesn't want just one drink but an entire ocean of drinks. So I just don't have any drinks. So good for you girl. You rock.

                SD-So good to hear from you! All of us here in the nest will be glad when you get your computor up and running too!! We miss our diet pepsie bird.

                Chops-I hope things are going better for you. I can see you now, busy researching bee balm on the computor! LOL.

                Dill-Did you make hay will the sun was shinning?? Old farmers saying right? Glad to see you getting out side and enjoying your summer vacation.

                PR-Glad you had a lazy Sunday and got some rest. Good to hear the health issues weren't serious. I made you some vegaterian noodle soup. I didn't think "chicken' noodle soup would really be the thing here in the nest. Hope it helps you feel better. keep on spoiling G cat.

                Well peeps, I'm going to grab a twig and call it an evening. sleep tight all.
                AF since 7/26/2009

                "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                  Newbies Nest

                  I'm not one of those people who really likes a sip or half glass here or there. Either give me a whole big bottle or I'd really rather have some lovely Pellegrino water & lemon instead. Does that make sense?
                  :H LilB, that makes complete 100%+ sense to me and probably all nesters! That's why there was some concern for you when you mentioned going to a wedding and having 'a glass' of champagne! Hey, BTW, did your BF stop on the way and pick up that bottle of champagen like he mentioned? I used to think like that.

                  Hey LilM, That's a big "Yup!" We do make hay when the sun shines! :H Actually I'm a little worried about today's weather: pop up thunder storms. Today is raking and baling day for one field.

                  SD, That's great that Brayden is doing so well! :yay: Does he like the new house?

                  Chops, I am WAY proud of you for keeping it together and moving forward!:h

                  Uh-oh! I gotta fly!

                  Have a great day, all!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning peeps!!! How is everyone on this fine Tuesday?

                    Dill, You talking of hay brings back a lot of memories. I grew up next door to my grandpa's farm in PA and I LOVED haying season. Such great memories

                    LilM, I haven't been able to start my research yet, but you can bet I will know all there is to know about Bee Balm! You are so sweet for making Papa soup!

                    PR, did G come in for his 4 a.m. loving? Stay rested and cool in the heat. Hope it hasn't been too awfully hot.

                    Hi Lilbit, SD, Sea and all others to come. Have a grand day!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Afternoon Nesters!!!

                      I got my computer hooked up and now can log in from home!!! YIPPPEEE!!!!
                      I love coming here everyday!!!:h

                      Dill--You'd think being from SD I'd know a little something about farming or haying or whatever....but, nope....nothing!:H I live in a bubble!! Sounds very scratchy to me...that's what I remember hay feeling like when I went on a hay ride once....sad, huh??

                      LILB-Great job on the two sips!!!:goodjob: I understand what you are saying about the drinking....but my drinking all depends on where I am at....I don't normally drink much around people and for some reason when I do I can have one or's being alone that I don't do so well. That's why my "first date" was sooooo unusual.....I don't ever "lose control" of my drinking in public....anymore...back in the day is another story:H

                      Chopps--How you doing hon??? Hangin' in there?? Need me to Oregon and give someone a SD ass-whoopin'??? :H

                      Sea--Sending you a big :l ....hang in there!!!!

                      LILM--You are so thoughtful!!!! Me with my DP....Papa with his soup....what a sweetie!!! You always think of everyone!!!

                      Papa & G--Big HUGS to you two as well!!!! And anyone else that I may have missed!!!
                      Better get busy!!!
                      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello Fellow Nesters
                        My Internet went down on Sunday afternoon. I just got it back. Apparently the lightening storm that we had over the weekend fried my modem. Can anything else go wrong? It is my sister's birthday and I am having her over for dinner and a small cake. I couldn't afford to buy her much, so just a few small presents. I talked to the agency that wants to send me out to Cali today. I have to recertify my ACLS first, which is a piece of cake, but it cost $150, which I don't have. I don't know if they will pay it and let me work it off. I will call in the morning and find out. I called the agency in the next state and got voice mail. No one called me back, and no one in this state is calling. AF today which is always good. Glad u are all settled in SD. I am very proud of you Chops and Lilbit. Hope you are feeling better PR. Way to go talking up the sports Lil. Love you all friends. Have a relaxing evening. I will checking in in the morning. Shooting for another AF day.:l
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          Newbies Nest



                          I am Becky and this is my second day on campral. Great to spend two evenings now without cravings.:new

                          One crack at life


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey, Sea, fingers crossed for you and the California job! :fingers:

                            Hi, Becky, good job on two days!:welcome:

                            Hi, PR, feeling better?

                            I'm looking for a twig to settle on for the night! Sweet dreams!!

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              Newbies Nest


                              Hello cherubs.............chopper, thanks....I will always brag about G....I look at him as our little mascot here in the nest and yes....he awoke me again about 4, I don't enjoy that, but it sure beats the time, hopefully many years from now when he isn't here to wake me. Sea, best of luck to you with your job situation. You are a treasure here and we are all pulling for you. Lil, appreciate your support, and SD, always good to see you.
                              Well, have a peaceful night little ones................
                              Your pops....and your G


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning, Nesters!

                                We managed to dodge the rain until after field #1 was raked and baled! The cows will be pleased this winter! It's rained all night and is raining still, so field #2 will have to wait.

                                I hate chiggers. I must be a chigger magnet! :upset: Are any of you plaqued by them? I seem to be unable to weed my flower beds/herb garden without being eaten up by them! Hey, Chops! Did they have those in PA? How about Oregon? Disgusting little creatures! I'm going to dowse myself in Off next time.

                                SD, I'll bet you've never had a chigger bite, not being a farm girl! And hay IS scratchy, but it smells wonderful.

                                LilM, I am sure you have chiggers in where you live, but, they live in grassy areas. If you avoid grassy areas, you will be OK! I took a pic of one of my cats today. He wants me to send it to your diva cat to see if she might be interested. He doesn't think it quite fair that "G" is having all the fun!:H Watch out Pappa R.....might be some cat fights coming your way!!!:H

                                , I loved your story of the movie marquis on your other thread! Now we know the real reason why you didn't drink at that wedding reception!:

                                Hi, Sea
                                ! Let us know how it goes with the license. How would you feel about moving to California? Would it be permanent? Do you know anyone out there?

                                Time to fly!

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

