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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning Fellow Nesters
    Fresh Coffee is on and What the Heck? Let's have my Sister and Emylee's birthday cake for
    I made dinner for my Sis and Emylee last night and had a small cake for them. It was Sis's birthday yesterday and will be Em's 21st on Saturday. It was nice.
    The agency that I was asking to pay to renew my Nursing license is right in the next state.
    The agency that wants to send me out to Cali wants me to recertify my ACLS, which is a piece of cake, but cost $150 that I don't have. I will call them this morning and see if they will pay for it and let me work it off. I have never been to Cali and know no one out there, but at this point I will work in
    My Red Sox won!!!
    I was invited to Motorcycly week today up North at Weir's Beach. It is supposed to be a beautiful day, so I really should go. I will take care of business first.
    Hope you all have a wonderful day.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      Newbies Nest

      Good Morning Nest!!
      Just a quick fly by....between baseball and tennis lessons, packing and getting Brayden ready to go see his dad for Father's Day! A weekend to myself!!! I need a break!!! Will probably at sometime go over to the lake and see my dad....have a wedding to go to on Friday and am going to Mike's tonight to watch a movie...did I mention I want to finish paining Bray's room....I should have plenty to keep me busy the next few days without him!!!

      Hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY!! And no, Dill, no chigger bites on this girl!! :H
      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning Nesters. Quick check in to say hi to all my friends. Today is my sister's birthday....ugh...she's getting older so that means I have to get older. I asked her to please stop doing that :H

        Dill, sorry about the Chiggers. I must say that I don't ever recall having a problem with them in PA or in Oregon. I don't know if I have even seen one I am a Mosquito magnet though! I am constantly drenched in Off with mosquitos. They especially loved me when I was drinking wine.

        Sea, did you get in contact with the agency? Fingers crossed they will pay for your ceritifcation. So, if you come to Cali, I am so going to visit you! The motorcycle week sounds fun. I am proud of you and thinking of you :l

        SD, you are making my head spin! You are so very busy, but it's a good feeling isn't it? You are unpacking and I am packing up. The worst ever!

        :welcome: to Becky! Hope to see you in the nest more and get to know you.

        LilM, PR, G and Lilbit, hello to you all. Hope your Wednesday is good.

        Well, so much for being quick! :H Have a wonderful day all!


          Newbies Nest


          Hi Sea, SD, and Chopper....hope you all had a splendid day.....wishing you and everybody else a peaceful night......take care of my G the next few days......
          Pops & G


            Newbies Nest

            Hi peeps!

            Dill, sorry about your chiggers!
            dill;637795 wrote: I hate chiggers. I must be a chigger magnet! :upset: Are any of you plaqued by them? I seem to be unable to weed my flower beds/herb garden without being eaten up by them!
            Years ago, I drove from Atlanta GA to NC to visit my mom. As I was getting in the car to return home, we noticed that all the luscious blackberries on the side of her driveway were ready to be picked. "Why don't we pick some, and you can take them home with you?" she asked. Five hours later, I emerged from my car in Atlanta, raced upstairs, and vigorously began scratching my... (well, there's just no good way to say this)... I was scratching my underarms and crotch like crazy! It seems that the little beasties like the warm places on one's body, and had migrated there during the drive. :dunno: Worse still, the next day I had to teach an 8-hour class. "Excuse me, I just need to step out for a minute..."

            BTW, to answer your earlier question Dill, the BF did indeed get a bottle of champagne, and drank it by himself in our hotel room while I took a lovely bubble bath in the hot tub. I try to remain open-minded about whether we'll ultimately stay together, but our pursuits are becoming very different now (or I should say that mine are). We'll see.

            Sea, I live in Cali, so you DO have a friend here!

            Good luck packing, Choppers, and welcome to Becky -- pull up a twig, my dear!

            Love to all!

            "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


              Newbies Nest

              Good Evening Chicklets,

              Becky- Welcome :welcome: The nest is a great place full of supportive people. So grab a twig and make yourself at home.

              Sea-Good luck on your job in Cali. Isn't your daughter moving to Cali. as well? I'm sorry if I have that wrong. When will you find out what's going on with the job?

              Dill-Yes, I've had chigger bites. yuke. This year I'm all eat up with mosquito bites already. But the worse things I have are those biting flies. I went out and bought one of those Off clip on thingys. The trouble is, I have so many bites on me already, I can't tell if it works or not! :H Oh, My old Diva cat is waiting for the pics of your cat. She's always happy for new subjects to worship at her paws!!

              SD-So does Brayden just love his new house? Are you going to let him decorate his own room? Lots of baseball and sports stuff??

              Chops-How are you doing hon? How's the weather out in Oregon? I say my first firefly last night. Do they have fireflies in Oregon? Sending you good thoughts. :h

              PR-Yes, G is our mascot. We all love him. We'll take extra care of him the next few days.

              I hope everyone has a great evening!!
              AF since 7/26/2009

              "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

              "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                Newbies Nest

                Hi LilBit-cross Post
                AF since 7/26/2009

                "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                  Newbies Nest

                  Lilmea, I wondered how well those Off clips worked. 'Guess we'll find out later, heehee. Luckily, we don't have too many bugs here in San Fran. Chin rubs to the Diva cat!
                  "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                    Newbies Nest

                    Chiggers, mosquitos, and biting flys...oh my! We are quite the bunch here aren't we? :H

                    Papa, rest assured that G will be very loved and taken care the next few days. I love having him as our mascot. Don't you work to hard, listen to your body!

                    LilM, I am sorry you are covered with mosquito bites. I have been very fortunate so far this year. Oregon weather right now is sort of, well, BLAH! It's mid-seventies, muggy and doesn't know if it wants to rain or shine. I have never seen a firefly in Oregon. Maybe they have them in Eastern, Oregon I used to love catching fireflys.

                    Sea, any news? Did you go to the motorcycle rally?

                    Lilbit, thanks for the luck on packing. I am gonna need it...I hate packing. Unpacking is like Christmas

                    SD, how was movie night?

                    Dill, how was your day? I hope you aren't suffering too much from the chiggers :l

                    Ya'll have a great evening. See you tomorrow :l


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hey Nesters!!
                      Ummm..... Mosquito Capital of the world here!!!! Sorry ladies....we take the cake on this one!!!:H
                      LILB-You had me rollin' with your chigger story!!! Sorry but it was kinda funny...I can only imagine!!!
                      Sea...any word???
                      LilM--Brayden has decided to do his room in baseball stuff this we are painting and I'll be stenciling....Twins and baseball words after we finish the border and bottom half. That means....I get to use all his PACKER stuff from his old room and FINALLY MAKE MY PACKER ROOM I've ALWAYS WANTED!!!!!!:wd::yay: It's going to be so cool!!!!
                      Chops---ok...the movie...I've been DYING to tell someone!!!! So we watched He's Not that Into You....tried not to read into that selection....:H.....he offered me a beer...I said no....after the movie....ya know....little smoochie....smooch action....asks me if I want to go to the we've been 'dating' since the beginning of May right.....but I was so freakin nervous....and why...I'm not sure how often I've been intimate without sad is that?!?!?!?! So we talk for a little longer about childhood stuff (counselor came out in me I guess)...and I told him I better go home so I could get another coat of paint on Brayden's room!! Yep...left him hangin'...but I just want everything about THIS relationship, experience....everything to be so different....maybe that's not fair to him or maybe it's the fairest thing in the world to him!!! I probably need to just be honest huh??? Alrighty nesters....theres something to think about with coffee and donuts in the morning!!!!:H
                      Big HUGS to everyone!!!! Where was Dill tonight....Chiggers eat her alive!!?!?!?!?
                      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi everyone! I'm still here and still itching! You know those chigger bites can itch for weeks? @$@#%!! Disgusting little creatures!

                        Chops, LilM, I haven't looked outside after dark yet, so haven't seen lightning bugs, but I'll be they are there! I think we are moving toward the "new moon' phase (6/30, I think) and the sky will be pitch black soon. I bet the lightning bugs will be putting on a show for us then!!!

                        SD, I think the movie night sounds really nice. As far as the intimacy stuff, I say, what's the hurry?! Let it unfold as you feel most comfortable with! You really haven't know each other all that long! But, that's just my humble opinion.

                        LilB, I could SO relate to your story! :H

                        Sea, Motorcycle week sounds like fun. Did you end up going?

                        PR, Cat got your tongue?!

                        OK, Lilmea, I am hoping to attach a pic of my gray cat for you to show to Diva cat. He is a country gentleman, doing his best to look dapper! Attached files [img]/converted_files/932853=4994-attachment.jpg[/img]

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Newbies Nest

                          I'm trying again with the picture to see if I can send a larger one. Patients, please!

                          Attached files [img]/converted_files/932856=4995-attachment.jpg[/img]

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning nesters. My gosh, I am up before the rooster today. It's now almost 4 a.m. and I have already been up for an hour...ugh...and have to be at work at 7:30.

                            Dill, CONGRATS ON OVER 1,000 POSTS! YOU ARE A SENIOR MEMBER! What are your plans today? More hay? I sure wish that I could see a firefly show. I haven't heard them called lightening bugs in so long Your gray cat is a dapper fella! Hope the itching stops for you soon. No fun!

                            Lilmea, Diva cat has a new playmate. How are you doing today? Any bike rides planned?

                            SD, Braydens room sounds so fun. I must admit, I like your idea for your room, but it would have to be the Steelers for me :H Sounds like your date went really well. As for the intimacy stuff, I agree with Dill, take it at your pace and what you are comfortable with. Building a solid foundation, before intimacy, is important. You will know when you are ready. If he asks, tell him your feelings. That is my .02

                            Lilbit, you never cease in putting a smile on my face I love hearing your experiences in life.

                            Sea, how you doing hon? Check in when you can

                            PR and G, have a wonderful day.

                            Well, coffee is on. Diet Pepsi is on ice. Enjoy the bagels, muffins, and donuts I have set out. Have a great day everyone!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Dill, Chopps- I think that's what I meant by I wanted this to be different...I think when alcohol clouds things...and also drains your self esteem and self worth you end up doing things you obviously don't feel good about or aren't ready wasn't this way this time....and I thought....hey if he gets mad...his problem, his loss...what kind of guy would he be any way??? But he didn't....he was really sweet about it....walked me out to my car and said good night! Like I said< I don't want to spend a lot of time even thinking about will just be what it is, and dwelling on it is just useless energy, it won't change anything. Well thanks ladies for your .02--as always...very much appreciated!!!!
                              Have a great Thursday....I'm off to paint a room!!! It's so nice here today...I want to spend some of it outside and get some color on these paper white legs!!!! LOL!!!!
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi all
                                Yes I went to Motorcycle week and It did ROCK. I met a musician that I had not seen in 25 years!!!! He said that I look great. Imagine. lol. Great blues show and I danced my little fanny off, BUT, no pun intended, the man I went to see who was so sick and I felt so bad for had his damn hands all over me. I drove home at 2am, so I got very little sleep. I also had to break up with the other guy that I was seeing because he was blowing up my phone with jealous text messages. I have totally had it with men. Sorry PR. Not You. I will check in when I am in a better space. Love u all.
                                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)

