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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    LillyE and Monique....Thanks so much for the good vibes and support! It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your friend Lilly...that is so awesome!

    Monique...I am sending you good vibes this time.....Ha! Enjoy your weekend...and your graduation parties and don't let the beast crash the party...he didn't get an invitation anyway! Ha!
    AB Club Member
    AB Start Date - 7/25/12

    10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

    :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


      Newbies Nest

      Yogamom....Thanks so much for your support! I am so sorryto hear about your stuggles with your mom....that must be so thoughts and prayers are with you! It must be so tempting for you to have AL around....but stay strong and don't let the beast in like I did! Ugh!
      AB Club Member
      AB Start Date - 7/25/12

      10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

      :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


        Newbies Nest

        Rooni....where are you girl??!!!!!!
        AB Club Member
        AB Start Date - 7/25/12

        10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

        :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


          Newbies Nest

          Right here, Dest!! Went to bed major early last night and got up major late this morning LOL My body is still recovering from my slipup earlier this week, I suppose.

          I truly feel like I am back on track now. Just came from my Weight Watchers meeting. Apparently I've lost 1.2 pounds, but I don't believe it. All those calories from alcohol at the beginning of the week - UGH.

          Well, I definitely don't have time to drink this weekend. I've got a million things to do. If we stay busy, we won't be able to hear the beast screaming at us to let him out of his cage. I know he's hungry and thirsty, but that's just TOO bad!!!

          Off to the grocery store to get some healthy food. Will check in later!


            Newbies Nest

            Rooni.....congrats to you and 1.2 lbs!!!!!! I did my weigh in and lost 3.5 lbs...totally amazing since I drank all my bonus points and them some a few nights ago!!!!!!!! I went to the grocery store yesterday and got some healthy food and some Weight Watchers frozen meals...just because it's easy to grab something that already has the points figured out for you! Ha! That's just me being a lazy ass! Heehee
            AB Club Member
            AB Start Date - 7/25/12

            10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

            :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


              Newbies Nest

              Hey Rooni and Desti - keep up the good work! My slip last night at the party was half a cheeseburger and a cupcake so feeling pretty good about that!

              Have a good weekend everyone.
              "Indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting over lost days."
              ~ from Goethe's Faust

              :target: AF as of May 8, 2012
              :target: Non-smoker as of Sept. 15, 2012


                Newbies Nest

                Library Girl....I hope you did not listen to your friend who is now moderating after 2 years of sobriety. This is MY opinion...but I've been around here a long time and have personally struggled with AL for 25 years. It is NOT possible to moderate without falling back into the same OR WORSE patterns as before. It may be possible for a while...just enough time to lure you in....but over time, it will be the same. If you keep an eye on your friend, I bet you will see it, too. Please don't fall for this. I read on here just the other day and it's so true...once you think you need to's already got you. AL is NOT worth it. You don't have to have it in your life. Just look at what the THOUGHT of it is doing to you!!! Stay strong, cut it off at the not feed it!! Just my opinion, and I may get blasted for it...but I have not seen one single success story with moderation, if you look at them over time, and I've had the time to look. Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  LillyB = Friday night after a long week, definitely challenging. You're lucky to have a friend who's that understanding. My best friend is like that. She indulged when I did; didn't when I was on the wagon. Your post also made me realize that although I was exhausted last night, and normally I would crave that numbness and escape that wine provides, I didn't even think about it last night. Alcohol didn't cross my mind. That is a blessing. Such a relief to be free of those obsessive thoughts.

                  And don't you feel good today that you didn't? If only we could always think ahead and see the drink through when we're tempted. I was never very successful at that "out of nowhere" craving hit and I just went on auto-pilot.

                  Keep up the good thoughts/work!
                  "Indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting over lost days."
                  ~ from Goethe's Faust

                  :target: AF as of May 8, 2012
                  :target: Non-smoker as of Sept. 15, 2012


                    Newbies Nest

                    Just as I suspected. The drinking buddies have started calling asking me to come over and hang out at the pool. "Come join us. We have plenty of wine and mimosas!" I almost texted back saying that I wasn't drinking this weekend, but I decided not to even open up the communication lines. Two of them ran a 5K this morning and will surely sit there and brag about that a good part of the time. Must be nice to drink like a fish and still stay in shape....Right!

                    I think my friend Kim irritates me the most. She only works like 20 hours a week, so she's got all the time in the world to go to the gym every day and run at the lake. She's the friend I met out for wine the other night - you know, the first night of my three-day bender. I mentioned something about my weight, and she told me I was doing all the right things (joining the fitness boot camp and Weight Watchers). Funny how she didn't mention alcohol. I wonder if she thinks of herself as having a problem with alcohol? Probably not. She thinks being a wine snob is classy...

                    Wine snobs are idiots.

                    Anyway, enough rambling. I'm not going to the damn pool and pour poison down my throat and waste my Weight Watchers points all afternoon. I've got better things to do.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Dest & Roon:

                      Your posts are awesome and really keep me on the straight and narrow which is tough these days (long boring stuff...)

                      I have to admit there is no way in hell I could withstand that onslaught of friends at the pool with wine and cocktails after working out and sunshine and....:eeks::eeks::
                      And your friend Kim. Holy Shit !

                      WARNING WILL ROBINSON... :wow:

                      Even after your slip here you are still on the proverbial horse charging ahead, full speed!!
                      And I know that was tough. thanks so much for your strength.
                      Makes me feel I can fricken do this too. :l
                      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
             tool box
             newbie nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters

                        Monique - when I read your line that you took a drink after 14 years sobriety, a shiver ran down my spine. I hadn't realised you had so much sobriety behind you.So glad you've found the strength to start over again.

                        Lilly, glad you have found my posts helpful, you asked about my weight loss last time, no I wasn't trying to diet as such although I did eat more healthiely I think. I did have a good 24 lbs to lose from weight gain in my pregnancies and from drinking so a lot of it was that. However I must point out that during this period I became quite unwell and weight just fell off- turns out I wasn't absorbing my food properly due to me not being able to tolerate gluten - took a while to get to the bottom of this and so towards the end of my 8 months AF I didn't feel too well despite being AF and eventually my weight dropped to lower than ideal. When I went on a gluten free diet I initially gained about 6 lbs and went to just above my ideal body weight. When I started drinking again I put on another 4 lbs or so - I've now lost about 3lbs in this quit which is amazing given how much chocolate and crisps I am consuming. But i really I want to loose another 5lbs or so to get to my ideal weight that I had in my early 20's. As everyone knows the last few lbs are the hardest to shift. Hope all this makes sense!

                        Incidentally how did you manage to quote from a different thread - I only know how to quote from posts in the same thread, but would love to be able to do this.

                        LG I second what Byrdie says about moderation. I just think its an impossible situation, trying to drink less yet at the same time obviously craving more. Taking alcohol out of the picture is much less stressful.

                        Rooniferd you're pool friends sound scary and not who you want to be hanging around with right now!

                        Hello to everyone else.
                        Stay safe in the nest!

                        Sausage x
                        Day 107


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello Nesties!! I've been out and about today shopping, and went to see my mother too. It was a nice day--much better than yesterday for sure! I still had thoughts of AL this afternoon, and it sucked. I don't know why this is happening now. It's funny how you can get so exasperated sometimes with people who say they just can't control the urges, and then you experience it yourself [AGAIN]. It's best not to EVER underestimate the Beast. Never have I typed truer words.


                          Sausage, as for posting something from another thread, just copy and paste.

                          Thanks again Byrdie, for your undying support!!! It means so much!

                          Thanks to everyone else too...hope everyone is having a great AF night!

                          "I like people too much or not at all."
                          Sylvia Plath


                            Newbies Nest


                            I am Urge City Tonight and have been so Okay this week...My husbands home and he makes me nervous. We can fly off the handle at a moments noice.

                            Sometimes I think I pick a fight so i have an excuse to drink...Ah Ah! I wonder if I just had an Ah Ah Moment !
                            He thinks I have unresolved daddy issues...Oh Pleeeeeeeease !


                            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                   tool box
                   newbie nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              You'll be fine. I had a craving a little while ago but I'm fine now. As far as my marriage, it goes the same way - we fight about my drinking, and she's ready to divorce me now. That stress alone has encouraged more drinking. The worst fights are when she's had a bit much too, but she certainly doesn't have an AH problem.

                              Many nights I wish I could go back in time to avoid those fights.... I think you're on the right track!

                              Hang in there

                              (Yay, day 2 is almost over and I feel fine)
                              AF Since: June 8


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi everyone! Day 2 AF is almost over for me...moving onto day 3!!!! Plus...I finally have a smartphone!!!! My daughter wanted to get the new Iphone so I took her Droid....I love it! I have been having soooo much fun looking at all the different apps....perhaps that will be my new addiction!!! Ha! Does anyone know of any good sobriety apps out there....the only ones I have found so far are AA and I'm not a 12 stepper. There was one that was a sobriety tracker....has anyone used it?

                                Monique.....You done did good at the party....I am so proud of you!

                                Kradle....I am so glad that Rooni and I keep you on the straight and narrow. I am so sorry that your husband makes you nervous..I cringe sometimes to when my husband comes home after work although that has gotten better since being AF. I used to panic because I knew he was going to bring up the drunken stupor that I was in the night prior!!!!! Now the only thing he has to bitch about is coming home and the A/C is was 90 degrees today! Grrrrrrrr

                                Rooni....I am so sorry that these "friends" keep putting you in a bad situation. And I use the term "friends" loosely! How the hell can they run a 5K after partying....I would be friggin crawling on my hands and knees after running 6 feet.....Ha! There is a great app for weight loss that is 100% free and is better than the Weight Watchers app. Its called "MyFitnessPal" and it tracks EVERYTHING and has a data base of like 90,000 types of food and you can use it at restaurants and such. Check it's pretty cool!

                                Aero....congrats on day 2....and I love your avatar....very cute!
                                AB Club Member
                                AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                                10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                                :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:

