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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi sounds like your BF is finally supporting you....that is awesome...I am so happy! I feel a bit "under the weather" today stomach is all flippy started yesterday. At least I know it's not because of drinking. On the plus side I have NO desire to fall out of the nest...the last time I did I hurt my ass....:moon:*ouch* I am just taking it easy today....playing with my new phone...ha!....and trying to get my stomach settled so I can ride!!!!!! Have a great AF Sunday!!!!!!

    :welcome:Gdog...welcome to the newbie nest! You have made a great first step by coming here and posting. We have all been in the same situation....many many I am sure you will find comfort in knowing that you are not alone! Supplements seem to work really well with cravings so if you want some more info on them just let us know. Best of luck and I look forward to getting to know about you! We are all in this journey together!!!!!
    AB Club Member
    AB Start Date - 7/25/12

    10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

    :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


      Newbies Nest

      Gdog;1332574 wrote: Thanks akaMonique! Your 30 days AF was on my birthday, so taking that as a sign of affirmation from above.
      Welcome Ddog!!!! :goodjob:
      Started living again 2/7/2015


        Newbies Nest

        Hey many days is it for you now....I know you are racking them up...awesome!!!!!!!
        AB Club Member
        AB Start Date - 7/25/12

        10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

        :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


          Newbies Nest

          I second everyone else. Welcome Gdog!!

          Dest - my arse is still recovering from last week too, but it's almost healed now LOL. Let's don't let each other fall again, deal????


            Newbies Nest

            Rooni.....Deal!!!!!!!:yougo: I will be your personal cheering squad! Ha!
            AB Club Member
            AB Start Date - 7/25/12

            10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

            :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


              Newbies Nest

              Destiniey - Love to learn about supplements. Can you direct?

              Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! So a tiny bit more background is we have been through Job change, move, death, kids on drugs, and more the last year. All of us have kind of gone to the weak parts of ourselves, and in somewhat of a good way been unmasked. The revelation in my life is that I am much more needy than I thought, much less disciplined than I thought. Some days have been hard to reconcile how painful they have been. My default is to become a victim. The hardest part of that has been to see it repeat itself in my children. Where the heck did they learn that? Oh

              Having just turned 50 I have grown tired of being a victim, and living like the reincarnation of Eor. I am wise enough to know that this dance can not be done alone. It takes help from above and others. At the same time a healthy response is to accept what is in front and live it without blame.

              So that is a bit of my story as I seek to be healthy and alive.



                Newbies Nest

                :welcome:Welcome Gdog. I just turned 50 too and realized it is now the time to make a change. You can do it.
       did your breakfast go? It is great u have a friend that seems to understand.
                LG...yeah for a supportive BF. Hope you are feeling better.
                Destiny...i have to check put some of those apps, but you should put that phone down and get your ride in!
                Kradle...hope all is well and dh is not pushing your buttons.

                I have had a headache for three days now. At least it stopped me from any thoughts a AL when visiting my mom. I read somewhere on here of a trick of telling yourself that wine tastes like panther pee. I was telling myself that and you know, it worked. I really was turned off the thought of wine. Hmmm. I can think of all sorts of gross stuff. I have a vivid imagination.

                Have had a tough weekend between HA and family drama involving alcohol. It really makes me sick because it could easily be me. But my dh would have kicked me to rhe curb, so i really had to keep my drinking at a certain limit. Had i married an enabler, who knows where i would be. I am trying to be supportive, yet feel I have to watch my words carefully, i dont want to come off as holier than thou because there is so much stuff that could be thrown in my face. I hate AL today. I just want to pull the covers over my head. But, that is not an option, i need to take some more motrin and soldier on.

                Happy sunday all. Keep sober.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi everyone and Happy Happy Sunday

                  Hi GDog and Welcome. I just Turned 50 too and I am completely here with and for you. 50 is a fascinating time...

                  Yoga, You Too? The Big 5-0? You wear it really well, though I'm sorry about your headache. But The tools in your tool box seem to be working!

                  Destiny: Day Three Baby! Go Go Go! And Sunday is a nice slow milkshake worries

                  Roon: I completely Missed your Arse thing. You had a complete Arse thing wihout me! I had a coxus thing once. It hurts like hell...

                  FD: I meant to answer your last Post and then I lost the thread it was on. I keep loosing people's threads. There seems to be a lot of them and I try to search them but I get 'sorry no matches' Story of my life :H
                  I think I need to keep to one or two THREADS so I don't confused. I am 50 now and so easily confused. And top that with a life time of drinking myself down the drain and it's amazing I'm not in an alzheimer's ward Any Way I'd love to tell you about the Puget Sound. Crabbing is the big playtime for us there. Give a shout and up date your days because I KNOW you are Over 2 months now!! :yay:

                  Okay Here's a funny:

                  We were watching Star Trek last night and the story invloved the 'afterlife' and there was a scene where a grave site was desecrated.
                  So Sedona says "What's Desecrated mean, Mom?" and I tell her it means when you destroy or act disrespectfully towrds the gravesite. To which she responds:
                  "Oh. I thought it was when you pooped your pants..."
                  I'm so glad I was sober for that one
                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    I am 21 days today...

                    i think think that is not too too bad...
                    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
           tool box
           newbie nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      It is too too good Kradle!!! Well done!!! Keep on keeping on. Loved the little story about your daughter, haha!


                      "I like people too much or not at all."
                      Sylvia Plath


                        Newbies Nest

                        Kradle.....Omgod.....21 days...that is awesome!!!!!!! :wave: You are doing so great and I am so proud of you!!!!! Sedona sounds so precious....isn't it nice not to miss these moments anymore! I am so jealous that you get to go crabbing....when I lived back on Long Island we did that all the time!!!!!

                        Yogamom....sorry that you have a nasty headache. I woke up this morning at 5:30 with one...and a sick feeling stomach...ugh...but at least it wasn't due to drinking...just a little bug. Feel better and thanks for the tip about the panther pee....hey..whatever works right?!:H

                        Gdog...Wow...thanks for sharing! You have alot on your plate that you are dealing with so stay strong and get some AF days under your belt. Trust me when I say that AL won't help make anything will only make it worse. Minute by minute....hour by by day...whatever it takes. now onto the goes....
                        L-Glut for cravings..1,000 mg 4X daily...Morning, noon, midafternoon, night
                        Kudzu for cravings...300 mg 3X daily...Morning,noon, midafternoon
                        Milk Thistle to help heal the liver... 2 capsules morning and night
                        Omega 3 once daily at lunchtime.
                        This is my supplement schedule..feel free to adust it to you. L-Glut is very safe so if you get a tough craving..feel free to take more. I always carry it with me. It also helps any damage that we have done to our stomachs.
                        AB Club Member
                        AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                        10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                        :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Destiniey - Thanks for the supplements list. I already take the Omega 3, but will shoot out and grab the others.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Yes, KUDOS Kradle, 21 days is not too bad at all.

                            Desti - were we sharing about our annoying noctural pee wake-up calls? Just saw this article. I still wake up about 4 hours after I go to sleep every night, and have cut way back on liquids from dinner on. So it may just be genetic. Sigh. But at least I'm going back to sleep right away.

                            Why You Need Bathroom Breaks At Night

                            I've been getting ready for our little party tonight and thinking how if I was drinking I could not have pulled it off. I'm so glad my son gets to see me being productive and happy and singing.

                            I didn't realize we had such a strong 50+ demographic here. I'll be 53 next month. I look younger (I'm told). Probably because I've spent so much of my life pickled!

                            Have a great rest of the weekend, everyone!
                            "Indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting over lost days."
                            ~ from Goethe's Faust

                            :target: AF as of May 8, 2012
                            :target: Non-smoker as of Sept. 15, 2012


                              Newbies Nest

                              Monique...thanks for the article. I guess it's my genes too or perhaps I was born with a mouse bladder...ha! It was so nice of you to think of me and send the article. Have a wonderful time at your seem like you are in a very positive mood...YAY!
                              AB Club Member
                              AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                              10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                              :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                                Newbies Nest

                                My problem is obvious. I drink lots before bed. LOL, probably not going to stop either. I do sleep pretty hard, so don't usually wake more than once to go to the bathroom and sometimes not at all. Watch that come back to bite me now!!:H

                                "I like people too much or not at all."
                                Sylvia Plath

