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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Evening Peep,

    Dill-Your gray cat is quite handsome. My diva cat said she will allow him to come visiting. But G cat will always be her favorite! LOL! :contrat1000:

    LilB-No bugs in San Fran! :wow: So unfair! Indiana is such a buggy state. And everything bites or stings. I guess I could be worse. I could live in a swamp where swamp thingys live. LOL!

    SD-I thought you might do Braydens room in some sort of sports theme. He is a boy after all and you love sports so much! It sounds like it's going to be really cool.

    Sea-We have a motorcycle-I love those motorcycle rallys. Sorry those 2 guys had to be bad spots in a good time for you. Hoping you will hear some good news about your job.

    Chops-Awake at 4:00! I hope you'll be able to get to bed early tonight and get some rest. How are you doing?

    PR-Try not to work too hard tonight and as usual-the lights on.

    Well peeps, this old birds going to go find a nice comfy twig for the night. I wish everyone a peaceful evening filled with a lovely lightning bug show!!
    AF since 7/26/2009

    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


      Newbies Nest

      Chops and LilM, thanks for the Congrats. I feel so special!:thanks:

      SD, What color are you doing Brayden's room? I had to read your post twice because the first time through I must've read it too fast and I got confused and thought you were going to paint your paper white legs! Oh, I guess I really AM a "senior" member! I'm even getting senile!:H

      LilM I will tell my gray cat that he may come visiting. He's a charmer though! 'G' may have some competition on his paws!:H:H Congrats on 5 months, my friend!:h

      Hey, PR!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Newbies Nest


        Hey there.....rough day at work today....tragic too....can't go into detail, but ....well, I said, tough day. Hope yours was better. Sea, quit breaking hearts, will ya.....and thanks for not lumping me into 'all men'....I'm kind, considerate, caring, faithful, sheeeeesh, why the hell am I still single????????????
        Pops & G


          Newbies Nest

          Hugs to you, Pops. I'm sorry you had a tough day! And hey, sometimes a cat is a much better alternative to a spouse. I've had both, and can tell you that the cat is much neater and has fewer nasty habits.

          Speaking of which... Sea, that sucks about the the jealous text messages you received. What on Earth are they thinking when they write stuff like that?? Good for you for letting that one go. And the 'octopus hands' who spoiled your good deed needs a frying pan to the head even if he IS sick! Ugh! I'm sorry you went through that. Glad you had fun at MW and got to dance.

          Choppers, I bet you're in bed already. That was a very early start for you today. The only good thing about rising at that hour is how quiet and peaceful it is. Ahhhh.

          SD, I can SO identify with the WLS (White Leg Syndrome). I have to hide my legs when walking past the Japanese restaurants here for fear they might take them for sushi!!

          Lil, I moved to San Fran from GA, where the mosquito is the state bird. We had bugs-a-plenty there, so I've encountered my share (although I heard that all the mosquitos who bit me later ran into peoples' windshields and eventually had to check into the Betty Ford clinic).

          Night to all!

          Much love,

          "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


            Newbies Nest

            Good evening everyone! Hope the day was as good as can be.

            Pops :l I am sorry to hear about your tragic day. :h I don't know why you're single either. You'd be a great catch. You are in my thoughts and prayers. G will give you some extra loving tonight.

            Sea, what is it with men (no offense're a gem)! I hate the jealous text messages. He is not the right man for you and neither is "Octo-man". I am glad you still loved motorcycle week and danced your fanny off! I am going to come to Boston, hopefully soon, to see my cousin and a good friend. I just need to look you up! :l

            Dill, I chuckled at your "senior" comment! :H I have my "senior" moments as well. We are far from it chicky!

            Lilbit, I am still up! I don't know how. Must be all that coffee. It actually was a pleasant, peaceful morning. Don't want to do it again in the near future, but once I move I know I will sleep again.

            SD, Oregonians have you beat on white legs! I glow in the dark!!! :H We have too much rain and not enough sun.

            LilM, once again CONGRATS!!! You have done so well my friend. I was actually up at 3:00! Yikes! I am doing ODAT and sometimes one second. I am always moving onward and upward. This too shall pass.

            Hello to all others. I hope I didn't forget anyone, but well, I am exhausted. See you all in the morning. :l


              Newbies Nest

              OKay ladies and Papa...forgive me while I rant...I've been painting my son's rrom since 10 thins morning...only eaten one meal....cried three times...this is so freakin hard~~~I won't even get into what I'm trying to do but I'm pretty sure I'm making it harder than it has to be!!!!:upset: SO there's that.....THEN I get on facebook tonight to find that Mike has sent a "flirt" to someone last week on this dating service I guess facebook offers...ummm???? Don't know what to I ask him....he doesn't know what to say...he was like a deer in I said I don't have time to sit around and hoe--hum this--I'm going to go paint...good night...and I hung up!!! I'm DONE playing games FELLAS!!!! I AM SO FINE BY MYSELF!!!!! Never could say that before...too scary...not anymore!!!! Too scary being with a dipsh*t the rest of my life!!! Should I open a window....perhaps SD is high on paint fumes over here!!!!!:H
              Love you all!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Newbies Nest

                I'm with Sea...guys suck...but not PAPA!!!:l
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                  Newbies Nest

                  PR, sorry to hear about your very tough day. Welcome home to the nest. Settle in, focus on G's purr, and soak up all the positivity and comfort.

                  SD, I don't know how big a deal this thing is on facebook. Let things settle. You and Mike both are in the very early stages of getting to know each other. I can understand you being upset, and probably I would be too, if I were in your shoes. But, like I said, it's really early in the relationship, maybe he is unsure of where he stands with you. Or, maybe he's a jerk. I don't have enough information to say!!! But, I do know that you deserve the best, and shouldn't settle for anything less!:l IMHO (In my humble opinion)!

                  LilB, I love you sense of humor!!! Who needs lightning bugs when they have you lighting things up!!

                  Sea, don't write off all men. There are lots of good ones out there, just have to keep looking!

                  Chops, that goes for you, too! And you and Sea are both so special, you deserve the best, too. :l

                  Hi, LilM!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning peeperets!!

                    LilB-You crack me up! I have this picture in my mind of these smuched mosquitos, with paper white legs, checking themselves into rehab! :H I also like your comparision between men and cats. (excluding our dear PR of course) Being a cat person, I find it to be so very true.

                    Sea-Did you really dance your fanny off? Maybe I should give up the bycycle riding and take up dancing! How are you doing today? Any word from the agency. To tell you the trueth, I would move to Cali in a heart beat. But then, after 10 years in one place, I'm ready to move, and I've been here 16 years! LOL!

                    SD-I haven't tried to paint anything since I've stopped drinking. The paint fumes really are a big trigger for me. I use to paint in the winter with the windows shut. Not going to do that any more! :no: Just something to think about Sorry to hear about that thing with Mike. You deserve better than someone who flirts on facebook.

                    Chops-I knew you were a shinning star, but I didn't know you actually glowed in the dark! :H I hope you have a great week end.

                    Dill-How's the vacation going so far? You have talked about your herb garden. Does that mean you like to cook? I would like to have an herb garden but then I'm afraid hb would expect me to cook. (well, more than I do) I don't mind cleaning house and I love working in the yard, but I'm not real fond of the cooking thing.

                    PR-Sorry you had such a rough night. Those are to be expected in your line of work but do you have them often? This one was worse than normal? I hope you can get some rest before tonight.

                    We're getting ready to take a road trip for a few days. We spent yesterday packing the camper and I'll pack our clothes today. We plan on leaving in the morning. Indiana has a bunch of waterfalls. I've maped them out and we're just going to go around and see them. We live way up north and most of them are down south. I figure we should be gone about 4 days. I'll miss all my peep buddys. See you all when we get back.

                    Coffee's on. DP for SD. and blueberry muffins so wakey wakey everyone!
                    AF since 7/26/2009

                    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                      Newbies Nest

                      Dill-cross post! I figured you were on here somewhere too!!
                      AF since 7/26/2009

                      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning All. Late check in for me. I have been super busy at work. I managed a few hours of sleep last night thanks to a sleep aid, but am now groggy. I just want to go home and chill on a twig

                        LilM, I sure hope you have fun on your roadtrip. I'll be thinking of you and missing you :l Waterfalls are nice and calming. Enjoy my friend! The glow from the NW is my legs being so white :H

                        Pops, how are you doing today? Hope you have a better one today. :h

                        SD, WOW is all I can say. Although, I do agree with Dill, let things settle a bit and then see how you feel. I would have had the same reaction! I hate that deer in the headlight look. That is what I got when I confronted BF on cheating. Then he just kept repeating the questions I asked. Never actually answered! I wish the best for you, and never forgot you only deserve the best!! :l

                        Sea, any news from the agency? Boy us girls need some serious girl men (except Pops).

                        Lilbit, as always, thanks for the laughs! :H I need to come to San Fran and spend some time with you girlie!

                        Happy Friday everyone! Take care!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Fellow Nesters
                          PR I have No idea why u r still single, but u know what? I will buy my own motorcycle and come and pick u and G up. lol. Ladies I think we need to start our own "Men suck" thread. lol. I have forgiven everyone. Yeah there goes my bleeding heart again. I didn't even tell you guys that I was a daily Pot head for years. Well anyway. Sorry. I am 5 days off of it and yesterday I had such bad rage I almost drove my car through the garage door. I have to smell it right across the hall with my daughter, but whoo hoo, I made it. No going back now. I dosed up on the Topa today. Time for REAL honesty. I am getting DEAD serious with everything. This is my last shot. I apologize for not being forthright. I will be back when I am more in my right mind, whatever the hell that is.
                          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                            Newbies Nest


                            Hello ladies..appreciate your love......and/or sympathy for 'my being single plight'...hey, it is what it is......but it will change. Not all guys are like what I've heard as of late in the nest....but do set your standards high and REQUIRE to be treated the right way. It should be a privelege to be in your life.....NOT a given.....respect yourself and don't 'settle'.....okay, I'm done lecturing, you get the point.
                            Have a great night my dears,
                            Pops & G


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Peeps & Cheeps,

                              Sounds like everyone is off to a fun weekend. I'm in a quandary because there's SO much going on that I want to do (beach salmon bake, Native American festival, Japan cultural festival, The Fixx playing on the boardwalk at Santa Cruz). What I'm really grateful for is that I'm able to make those choices now instead of being a prisoner to the AL all weekend. It really made me lethargic and apathetic.

                              Yes, Choppers, you MUST come & visit! We'll have a bowl of clam chowder at the Ferry Building or shop Union Square.

                              Sea, it sounds like you're dealing with a lot right now. Please hang in there. It's hard to change old habits, especially several at once. And it's bloody impossible to change teenagers.

                              Lil, your road trip sounds like great fun! I hope you enjoy the beautiful scenery. What a lovely idea!

                              SD [sigh], I accidentally caught the BF doing something similar and faced the same choice of whether to keep him or throw him out. It happened the day after I quit AL and I decided (lucky for him) that it was too much to change in my life at once. I'm sorry he treated you that way.

                              Pops, sure do wish there were more of them out there who look at things the way you do! All the more reason why you're the best (and doesn't G know it??)

                              Dill, you're probably off on your trip by now. :racer: Here's sending you good thoughts for relaxation, good times with your loved ones, and a safe trip back home.

                              Night, Nesters.
                              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi ya Nesters! Quiet day around the ole nest. Hope everyone has had a great Saturday and achieving all goals.

                                Dill, how was your day? All done with the hay? Hope the chiggers are leaving you alone!

                                Lilbit, a bowl of clam chowder sounds mighty fine. Me thinks a road trip is in my future

                                SD, how's the painting going? Any more news on the dating front?

                                Pops, hope you didn't work too hard today. G has gotten a ton of love today.

                                Sea, how are you hon? PM me if you need anything. Any news on the job front? I am keeping you close in spirit, thoughts and prayers :l

                                Well, I am off to go have a BBQ at my mom's. Packing has begun and I sooo need a break from boxes and paper! :H

                                I will check in later. Big hugs all :l

