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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Lilly...wish I could help you with your computer...the only trick I know is to turn it off, and then back on. Surprising how many times that does work tho!!! I honestly don't think anyone would mind if you held Boot Camp right here. I know I get lost on those other threads and they are hard to keep up with. You can try it out and if it grows out of the nest, so be it. In fact when someone mentioned tee shirts, it made me think of the solidarity we had back when Windy started. I still wear my pink polka dot lounge pants and think with pride why I have them. We did it to show our support for each other. It's a crazy little thing...but in this fight, it's amazing the little things that WORK.
    Thanks, everyone for the kind words. I know what a bitch this is to live with....I live it every day, as we all do. We all think the same thoughts and want the same thing....unfortunately what we want and what we must do, are 2 different things. One thing's for sure, we are in this together. Hold on....all you gotta do is get thru this day. Hugs to all, Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Everyone!

      Lilly, I feel your PAIN with your computer, I'm having the same problems. Byrdie had a nice gentle approach to fixing it...I say kick the hell out of it and see if that works. LOL

      Kradle - I loved your strawberry story too. Your kids just sound like a hoot, you must be so proud of them, "warts" and all. I still laugh at the story of what they found in the bathroom...

      Windy - I'm so glad to see you here! Please DO post'll find that it makes the struggle much easier. I know it does for me!

      I apologize to anyone if my words in that "other" thread were too harsh. But like Lilly said, why do people bring up a "problem" with no intent on trying to fix it? Some people actually like the confrontation, I don't, and usually try to avoid it...but I was in a grumpy mood yesterday. So I'm sorry if any of my words were upsetting to anyone!

      I ran out of Antabuse a week ago and the pharmacy has it "on order"....last night I had the STRONGEST urge to just buy a 12 pack. But my daughter basically put her foot down, which pissed me off, but I drove home in a funk and went to bed at 8:00. This morning I am SOOO GLAD I didn't give in. And my Antabuse will be ready today!!! It's scary how it can hit you "out of the blue". But we gotta do like Byrdie says "No matter what, no matter who"....

      LG, Rooni, Daisy, Yoga, MinStar, Des, Gdog, Lav, Byrdie and ALL my friends here...have a great day and stay strong. And keep posting no matter what!

      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Newbies Nest

        just a quick hello just joined today n this is my day 1 almost made it:-) x


          Newbies Nest

          Welcome to the Nest Shadow!

          You're going to like it here. There's so much support, encouragement and advice. Whatever you're going through, there's someone here that's gone through the same thing (or worse!). Good job on getting through Day 1...that's a toughie...the next couple days will be the hardest, then it WILL get easier. Do you have a plan to keep yourself busy and distracted? Anything you can do to keep your mind off of drinking will help. Let us know how you are...we're here to help!

          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Newbies Nest

            I dont really have a plan to be honest today was spent in the house just reading thru posts on here. See what tomorrow brings :-) x


              Newbies Nest

              I wrote this in another thread but I LOVE and feel most comfortable with Newbie's Nest:

              As Most of you now I have been in and out of this site.

              I have a great story to tell...Yesterday, I woke up somewhat not remembering how I got to bed, AGAIN! I have had it, I woke up thinking WHY WHY WHY can't I get over this. How stupid am I? I had my scheduled 2nd Counseling session last night so I was glad that I could go there after work and get started on this again. It was a successful session and gave me more determination to quite. I have also recently been going back to church, which I feel great about. The bad thing is I told the kids we would go on Sunday and I woke up way to hungover and didn't want to. Bad Bad Bad!

              Then I got a call from my husband while I was at work and he told me this friend of his from work would like to come over for a bit and wants to grill out. I was like sure, guys in the garage and I can focus on my pj's and start reading my Jason Vale book. NOPE that didn't happen, I didn't know this friend of his was bringing his wife. Then I got defensive and was like kind made bc I wasn't in the mood to entertain. So, I ask him, well are they gonna drink? And he didn't know. Then they called and said they were stopping at the store to get a few things and some drinks. Again, Oh great, here we go. Not only do I have to entertain people I don't know, how am I going to get t through this without drinking. So, I tried to relax and then here they come. COME TO FIND of the first thing she tells me is that she just got out of PRISON! Um ya, now what. Then she tells me she doesn't drink and has been sober for 5 years. She goes to AA meetings 3 times a week. My mouth DROPPED, OMG, it's a miracle. I truly believe this was Gods doing. We had a great conversation and I then I was like. Wait a second, did my husband set this up? But HE HAD NO IDEA....So weird and SO THANKFUL and Grateful that it had happened either way. So, tonight she is picking me up and heading to AA.
              I am scared, and don't know if I will change my mind and I just have so many emotions going on in my head.
              Anyway, I am back and have never been on this thread before, but I wanted to give it a try.
              Sorry this was so long I just wanted to tell someone 
              Good luck to everyone today...
              Honeysoup :heart:


                Newbies Nest

                :l Honey...glad you're back!

                I truly believe everything happens for a reason. I think you just witnessed a small miracle. Go with this lady and follow her lead. I'm so happy for you! And again, I am SO glad you're back, I've been thinking about you!

                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi all Nesters and especially happy to see Jack and Honeysoup here.

                  Jack, Just get through today and think about tomorrow when tomorrow comes.

                  Honeysoup, Thanks for sharing your story. The ending was not what I expected. Some things are truly divine and meant to be. Let us know how the meeting goes. Could be just what you need right now. Best of luck to you.

                  Byrdie -- I know my pink polka dot pj s are too warm right now. Should we all get some short shorts??


                    Newbies Nest

                    What a story Honey! have u been to AA before? let us know how it goes.

                    What i am dealing with today...DH found a bottle of vodka in son's (21) room. I feel like i am to blame. He has had a few alcohol related incidents already ..... Minor in possession, caught drinking at school, etc. He is a very intelligent and pleasant kid. I don't know what to do..... i know how bad all my brothers were at his age (much worse) but i want so much more for him. Unfortunately, there is a big drinking culture at his college. This makes Me hate the way alcohol can steal so much from you. I just want to make sure he doesnt go down that path.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Shadow, welcome to the nest...we are glad you found us. We have lots going on at the moment, so scrunch in and just join us. You are smart to read all around this site. There is information everywhere, so just pick something and read on. I always suggest reading back a couple or 3 weeks on this thread so you can get to know us a little. What brings you by? What is on your mind? If you are like most of us, the time had just come for a change...
                      Glad you got Day 1 overwith, in my opinion that is the worst. Get yourself to day 3 and you will feel like a new person....settle in!! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Welcome Shadow. Hang tight and post/read as often as possible. There are some very wise people here who will help you tremendously.

                        Honeysoup, thanks for sharing. What a little miracle to meet someone in the same boat, so to speak. How was your meeting? I would like to hear about it, if you want to talk.

                        Good evening to all my Nesties! Lots going on in here! I'm going to read around, and check back later!


                        "I like people too much or not at all."
                        Sylvia Plath


                          Newbies Nest

                          hi all
                          have not been around here for sometime... I am on my 4th glass of wine for the night and not feeling buzzed... when I first signed onto this siite I stopped for 45 days... then for some reason i had another glass of wine ... I have been in and out of this site ever since,but i have not put together more than 10 days in a row AL since then....part of me says I have a big problem and the other part of me loves the relaxtion of the wine... I want to reconnect and after tonight start my new AL life...(again)....problem i have is that i love wine


                            Newbies Nest

                            Newbie onboard

                            Not only is this place new, I have never been on a forum, blog or whatever this is! I am on Day 3. The day to day is ok. I am not white knuckling it day to day, I am dreading every social situation. I am 42 years old and I cannot remember a single party/get together where I haven't drank WAY too much. I have lost memory, embarrassed myself not to mention my husband and kids too.

                            I finally admitted to my husband (huge deal for a control freak like me) that my drinking has been excessive and that I have the best intentions of only having 2 glasses of wine but it always ends up with SOOOO much more. I have alcoholics in my family and I don't want to become one. I need to prove to myself that I can do 30 days. There is never a GOOD time to do this. There are constant get togethers, parties, games etc. I have to do this. Sometimes I can just have a glass and leave it but most times I can't. I don't know yet if I want to just get to moderation. I guess I just need to get to day 30 first!:new:

                            I have been reading all these messages and they are so helpful. I'm not alone. This is a relief.

                            Goal 1--1 week AF
                            Goal 2--2 weeks AF
                            Goal 3--30 days AF

                            Start date: Sunday June 17, 2012
                            30 days AF, DONE!
                            Next goal, stay dry!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Annnnnnd... I'm somewhere I belong

                              Hello out there...

                              Night 2 for me. I feel like if I make it to 9pm I have succeeded because by 9pm I'm too tired to drink! Of course getting past 5pm is a real kicker...

                              I go back and forth thinking my drinking is "normal" and today I took this online quiz that said only 2% of women drink more than me. Apparently it isn't "normal" to consume a bottle of wine a night or start a Sunday morning off with a double Bloody Mary and finish it with 4-5 double vodka lemonades (but hey, I didn't have a hangover on Monday so that means I didn't drink too much, right???).

                              I am tired of being told I say inappropriate things (I'm that loud obnoxious drunk chick), feeling like a crappy bitch until I get my first glass of wine, and just not feeling good about myself.

                              Anyway, I'm here. I bought $100 worth of supplements this morning and am putting them to work. However, I am finding myself slipping into binge eating. I was expecting sweet cravings (and loaded up on dark chocolate and coconut ice cream) but I wasn't expecting the desire to just FILL my stomach to capacity. Thinking about calling a doctor tomorrow (I just moved 2 months ago and can't go to the doc I trusted back home). Feeling freaked by going to a stranger and asking for Topamax, even if they are a doctor. I read that Topamax will quell the urge to drink AND eat - is this true?

                              I haven't yet slipped into full alcoholism but I can see where my nasty little nighttime (and occasional weekend) habit could easily spiral even more out of control. I really don't want to lose everyone I have.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Butterbean;1337727 wrote: Not only is this place new, I have never been on a forum, blog or whatever this is! I am on Day 3. The day to day is ok. I am not white knuckling it day to day, I am dreading every social situation. I am 42 years old and I cannot remember a single party/get together where I haven't drank WAY too much. I have lost memory, embarrassed myself not to mention my husband and kids too.

                                I finally admitted to my husband (huge deal for a control freak like me) that my drinking has been excessive and that I have the best intentions of only having 2 glasses of wine but it always ends up with SOOOO much more. I have alcoholics in my family and I don't want to become one. I need to prove to myself that I can do 30 days. There is never a GOOD time to do this. There are constant get togethers, parties, games etc. I have to do this. Sometimes I can just have a glass and leave it but most times I can't. I don't know yet if I want to just get to moderation. I guess I just need to get to day 30 first!:new:

                                I have been reading all these messages and they are so helpful. I'm not alone. This is a relief.

                                Goal 1--1 week AF
                                Goal 2--2 weeks AF
                                Goal 3--30 days AF
                                A big huge welcome from Minnesota! And you are making a big huge step in what is recovery from AL. There is a reason why the AA big book calls it baffling and cunning. So great to have you here with us :welcome:
                                Started living again 2/7/2015

