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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Nesters,

    Lilly asked -

    I'd love to hear more about how you got there, what was good about it, what went wrong - if you care to share - and how you think you can change that this time around. Welcome to 30-Day Boot Camp!
    Marvelous questions. One of the most important steps in your journey if you want to truly change long term is to be as honest with yourself as possible and accept the cold, hard truth – You have a problem if you think you have a problem. Re-evaluate constantly and never give up. The struggle, the failures, the ups, the Hell NOs – all of it – is the journey. (Thanks LG)

    To start with…I committed to 100 days, which was huge to me and seemed impossible, but I wanted to do it badly and knew if I committed publicly (here), it would be a promise I had to keep. I learned a lot and was open to everything. I came to the to realization I liked being AF and stayed there for a long time. But deep down, I was not ready to commit to being AF for the rest of my life and then we went on vacation.

    I would like to say it was the romantic setting that did me in, but in all honesty, I think it is stress and I still craved the relaxation and letting go that alcohol gives me. I know this is BULLSHIT, because in the long run booze has the opposite effect on me. What I know for sure is alcohol increased my stress levels quickly and tremendously. One thing I noticed is that during my AF period, the stress was almost nonexistent. I am not kidding. I need to get that back. But, being the smart, and controlled person I am, I figured I could manage moderation….AGAIN NO! It all comes full circle eventually, but I have to learn the hard way, as many of us do. All it takes is one and the rest in history. I learned a very valuable lesson and I am proud of what I have learned this far.

    In all fairness and truth be told, I still don’t know if I am committed to a lifetime as a non-drinker, but I get closer to that goal all the time. It's a tuff one. How do any of you feel about that commitment? I know I don't want to live with the anxiety that booze causes me. I strongly believe that will keep me away from it for the rest of my life. The older I get, the anxiety effect seems to be worse; even is small amounts. This will never change, as sadly, I am not getting any younger. My health is pretty important to me and must be a priority. You have to want to be sober more than you want anything in your life, in order to stay there. Find a very good reason to want to be free of it and you will. It could be your health; your spouse; your kids or all of them, but ultimately you do it for YOU. Because life is BETTER without drinking; you just have to find out for yourself and believe it.

    There are things I need to do differently this time. Well...not really different, but just stay the course because it is so easy to let your guard down and forget everything you have learned. I guess it is important to put your methodology into your method. Old habits do die hard, but you can change, but it takes time and work before they become the "new normal". You must make your new programs a way of life and stay vigilant. Learn to stay in the moment and control the booze brain voices when they start to wander, and push them to the ground and get your strong arm ready. Byrdie’s “HELL NO” saying is spot on. As easy as you can say Yes, you can say HELL NO. Focus more on the fun things in life rather than the ones that give you grief, and there are many of both. So forget about the small stuff.

    I don’t know if this has answered your question or not, so feel free to ask my anything and I will be as honest as possible about my answer. I did spend a good amount of time thinking how to answer your question, and don't really feel like I have done so. I apologize.


      Newbies Nest

      From Kradle
      I have 2 possible suggestions though: lately I have been juicing, fresh veggies and fruit after watching a great Doc called FAT, Sick and Nearly Dead' Not that you r any of these! It really showed the wonders of juicing and nutrition and I know that almost everyone I talk to these days about it is fascinated and of course the fact that AL is not part of a JUICIING regime is a NO BRAINER.
      ME TOO....ME TOO....I watched this movie too after starting juicing and I loved it. Title is a bit weird, but a great story. I love fresh juice and it really does motivate you to become healthier. Do you have any favorite recipes to share? I have been mixing and blending all kinds of things. I am not too crazy yet to for the green juice, but I will continue to work on the perfect blend.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Windy:

        I'm so glad you know and liked the movie! Did you know there was a web site? You can acually set up your own juicing program on i. haven't done it yet...

        I also had a 'Green Juice' hard time until I was reading another juicing book and this guy talked about 'toxic taste buds.' I swear! I thought about his concept for a while and decided I would just keep trying different combos trying o lesson the fruits (lots of sugar) and increase veggies.
        Now I can pretty much do my beets and lettuce and cucumbers and yams and Kale and Spiniach and carrots and lemon and ginger and only add about three apples an a handfull of grapes.

        Doesn't that just sound GROSS! But really it's not...I just got past my Toxic Taste Buds, experimented with different amounts of veggies and fruits and Voila!

        Carrot Apple Yam is great with ginger too

        As someone who drank and drank and drank... my juicing goal is pretty simply: Repair as much of the physical damage as I can (research on liver, bowles ect) and try different combos I can tolerate and evetually come to like.
        MWO is repairing alot of the emotional damage so hopefully I'm Covered !

        Sorry I didnt mean to get off on A Jucing Tangent. I was just checking in !


        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          Newbies Nest

          I'm not juicing per se, but I am having banana, blueberry and strawberries or blackberries with whey protein and coconut milk every morning. I have thought about adding spinach, or avocado, or both. I know it's doing something good, because it's helping me lose weight.

          "I like people too much or not at all."
          Sylvia Plath


            Newbies Nest

            Hi all the newbie nesters! I have been clogged up with work. Up here in the north country of Minnesota we only get 6 months worth of good warm weather so we have to make hay as they say when the getting is good. Welcome to all the newcomers and to all our nesters! Let me know how all of you are doing!
            Started living again 2/7/2015


              Newbies Nest

              Hey finallydone!
              Good to see you
              I saw news of flooding around Deluth - are you seeing anything like that?
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hey FD!
                It's so good to 'finally' see you around again.

                I can't feel to sorry for your six months of warm weather as we get about six minutes over here in the PNW... What's your work? Is it with boats?
                We have one more week here tll crabbing season. Double edge sword for me. My favorite couple we boat with love to drink and I love to drink right along with them....

                The guys drive the boats and we gals tend the the pots and the bait and the kids. We usually end up dropping the pots and then then heading to one of the nearby islands or tubing...
                Lasts year I held off on drinking for a variety of reasons and it was...different.

                Well, well see. I need a plan, as usual. I refuse not to go. I need a plan!!

                Anyway good to see you again :l
                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
       tool box
       newbie nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi all,

                  Still computer compromised and under deadline pressure too. Gah.

                  I've tried both Byrdie's trick of turning it on and off (repeatedly) and K9s of kicking the f*cker but weirdly this hasn't helped so far... Now my system software CD won't work - great. Going to a friend's tonight to do a total clean install with all the fun that comes with that. Yay! Not.

                  Honeysoup, so PROUD of you for going to your first AA meeting. I keep telling myself I should try it - if only to meet IRL people I can talk to about all this - but keep chickening out, so your story was encouraging.

                  I hear you re social situations, totally. It can be hard. But I've found when I can do it it isn't as bad as you fear and you might surprise yourself with how much fun you do have. Though be prepared to go home earlier than usual and to be shocked at how painful/tedious drunk people can really be sometimes... As for what to tell people. What about a gentle entry, like, you're having a break "for health reasons" or, as you said, you're cutting it out to diet or detox? Weirdly people don't question "I'm trying to lose weight" the way they do "I'm trying to get off the booze" - what does that say about our society's messed up priorities? I have only told a very few close friends I may actually want to quit for good. Mostly I'm still "having a break" or "trying to lose weight" - both true but not the whole truth. Byrdie's post made me think of another funny thing I've encountered more than once. When I've spent entire nights out with friends drinking, but not drunk anything, by the end of the night you feel drunk! it's weird but true. The associations I guess. Also I agree, focus on those 7 days for now and see how you feel.

                  , if you're into juicing have you checked out Jason Vale's juicing books? Thoughts if so. I have a juicer I was going to pull out in an attempt to get healthier but then I thought since I'm trying to lose weight better to focus on eating more fruits and veggies. But I'm curious still. I used to juice regularly and loved it - though all the booze and cigarettes I was consuming at the time probably negated the good effects. Er.

                  , thank you so much for taking the time and thought to write all that. It DID answer my question I think and it also gave me some more good food for thought. I really related to a lot in your post. Firstly, the realising that I am happier booze free yet still not being 100% ready to commit to a lifetime AF. Secondly, the anxiety. That's actually what brought me here initially. It was spiraling out of control along with my drinking. I know 100% it is so much better when I don't drink - not totally gone but sooo much more manageable. And, like you, the alcohol seems to affect it more and more these days even in relatively small amounts. You've got me thinking about committing to 100 days too. Not sure I am ready to right this second! but I'm going to mull that over during the (hopefully AF!) weekend.

                  Ok, I've rambled on enough, gotta run. Happy sober day to you all Nesters.



                    Newbies Nest

                    Lavande;1338129 wrote: Hey finallydone!
                    Good to see you
                    I saw news of flooding around Deluth - are you seeing anything like that?
                    Not here I live about 3 hours west of Duluth. It flooding there is almost unheard of because of the terrain around Lake Superior there. Seeing pictures of flooding there is almost unimaginable being I have visted there many times. It's maybe one of the best cities in Minnesota and I dare say America to visit. That town has a ambience about it. They will get threw it. There tough people there.
                    Started living again 2/7/2015


                      Newbies Nest

                      Kradle123;1338148 wrote: Hey FD!
                      It's so good to 'finally' see you around again.

                      I can't feel to sorry for your six months of warm weather as we get about six minutes over here in the PNW... What's your work? Is it with boats?
                      We have one more week here tll crabbing season. Double edge sword for me. My favorite couple we boat with love to drink and I love to drink right along with them....

                      The guys drive the boats and we gals tend the the pots and the bait and the kids. We usually end up dropping the pots and then then heading to one of the nearby islands or tubing...
                      Lasts year I held off on drinking for a variety of reasons and it was...different.

                      Well, well see. I need a plan, as usual. I refuse not to go. I need a plan!!

                      Anyway good to see you again :l
                      Hi Kradle! How have you been? No my work is not with boats....that would be a dream job for me. After my first year back at school I am doing a job involving what I am going to school for. I am basically helping the guys I work with install air conditioning units and refirgeration units. We are really busy right now as the weather is the best now for installing systems. I have this weekend off so I will be spend most of it on the water fishing and I can not wait I love watching shows on tv with anything fishing...Deadly name it. It's in my veins I guess being of Norwegian descent. :H
                      Started living again 2/7/2015


                        Newbies Nest

                        finishing up day one for the ------ time... I really plan on this being my last posting .... here I am on day one again. My goal is to wake up with a clear head, no upset stomach, no headach and a clear memory of the night before..


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi all. Welcome to all the new people. Tough night here, but holding steady. Just so down on the dumps. Usually, i would love a big glass of wine beore dh comes through the door. But, big glass of ice water. Tomorrow is another day.
                          Night all!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Yogamom;1338168 wrote: Hi all. Welcome to all the new people. Tough night here, but holding steady. Just so down on the dumps. Usually, i would love a big glass of wine beore dh comes through the door. But, big glass of ice water. Tomorrow is another day.
                            Night all!
                            Stay strong! It gets better from here...and sometimes worse. It's easier to deal with it all sober! You'll get there!
                            Started living again 2/7/2015


                              Newbies Nest

                              Does any one know know why I am eating like there's no tomorrow ?

                              And I am completely unmotivated ...boy howdy this is so much fucking fun!

                              Sorry, wrong thread ...
                              On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                              *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                     tool box
                     newbie nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                LMAO Kradle....Tell me about it...I am eating like crazy....weird stuff though...if I didn't now any better I would think I was prego.....but I have been sleeping in the guest room so that's not the case! Ha! Are you going to do the 30 day boot camp that LillyE is starting? I am totally on board and I am hoping that this time is IT! I was tempted to drink earlier but I decided to go out and give my horses a bath. After my 4th horse I was hot, sweaty, exhausted and had no desire to drink anyting but ice cold water! Have a great night and I am glad to see that you are still AF.

                                FinallyDone....I am heading to Minnesota in October. My brother lives there and he goes all out for halloween and he wants me to come and help him with his haunted house this year!

                                Monique....Holy crap girl....39 days....I am so proud of you!!!!!
                                AB Club Member
                                AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                                10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                                :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:

