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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Kradle123;1338677 wrote:
    I can't imagine 90 days which is strange as I went 9 months with 2 pregnancies.

    I think I need a team of analysts for that one :H
    I need that analyst too! :H And not just or the pregnancies but the breastfeeding too! The joy of pumping and dumping. I think part of the reason why I stopped nursing my 2nd at 10 months was so I could go back to drinking. Oy!

    So far the first 3 days has been the hardest. I have a challenge and a half coming up ahead of me: a pub crawl tomorrow night (yes, I am going - I'm insane), but then I'll be spending 2 weeks at my parents house which usually involves lots of boozing or at least nightly drinking with my mum.

    I drink for boredom and loneliness in addition to habit. I think I need to hit up that toolbox ASAP!


      Newbies Nest

      LG did I miss you at 41 days!! Conragulations :h
      I can't believe I missed it. If I were anymore self absorbed I'd be an sorr I missed it!

      Destiny, yey for a pic. I was actually thinking to ask but thought it would be presumptions so happy to see you :l

      MWO lady I should probably join you in the boot camp...

      I am heading to bed...
      After Voyager, BB!

      Night all,

      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


        Newbies Nest

        Excuses to NOT drink

        Hey Bootcampers,

        Can we come up with some good lines of what to say when we're offered a drink? Like, how to turn a host/hostess down? Especially if we give a "No, thanks" and it's not heeded?

        Here are some thoughts:

        1) Sorry, I'm in the middle of a 30 day bet - I can't lose my $20 and I am determined to be the master of my domain! (credit: Library Girl)
        2) I just started a cleanse - you should see how many supplements I'm taking! (Plus side, if they keep pressing, you can always go for the kill and start discussing bowel movements which should shut them up! Then again, if you live where I live, they'll probably keep wanting to discuss LOL! :H)
        3) I'm allergic to alcohol (not one but TWO chicks used this at a party at my house two weeks ago!)
        4) We're considering trying for another baby and I want to make sure I'm in working in order just in case...
        5) Shhh! I'm think I might be preggo! Don't tell anyone!
        6) I've noticed every time I drink, no matter how little, I get the WORST headache the next day.
        7) I think I'm allergic to the sulphates in wine.
        8) I'm going gluten free for a month for health reasons and sadly, no beer for me.
        9) The last time I had margaritas/rum&cokes, was a night I want to never relive so I just don't drink them anymore. (I'm sure we all have a jager bomb/white russian/cheap tequila story that left us never, ever able to drink THAT drink again! Even "normal" drinkers have that story (don't they?))


          Newbies Nest

          Hey Everybody,

          My friend Mike gave me this link, and I can't thank him enough. It seems soo inviting, and I think this is a good place for me.. Kris


            Newbies Nest

            Kristin Elizabeth;1339388 wrote: Hey Everybody,

            My friend Mike gave me this link, and I can't thank him enough. It seems soo inviting, and I think this is a good place for me.. Kris
            Welcome aboard my friend......look around, push some buttons, you cant break it :welcome:
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              Newbies Nest

              good morning everyone!
              i've sure missed being here. i was attempting to mod again for awhile and though it sortof went alright, it didn't really. like i said yesterday, i want to see what it feels like to have 30 days AF.
              so i'm in the BOOT CAMP! and so ready for it.
              i've been working out quite hard and have managed to get a handle on my nutrition the past 3 weeks, which i'm very happy about. i basically feel great except for the drinking. it's like so many have said, that's it's constantly on my mind whether i'm drinking or not. i can control how much i drink most of the time bit it's such a huge effort and i'm sick of it. i'm also sick of feeling so great after eating well and exercising to ruin it with 2 liters of beer. yuck.
              like all of you i also have so many goals and dreams that i'm not giving myself a chance to accomplish or realize. so i'm in there. my starting date is today, the 23rd of june--
              i've been trying (sometimes quite half heartedly and sometimes in full force) to quit drinking since last july when i joined here--but i've known i have a problem with AL for years and years.

              Whisper, i love the list of excuses. will post some of mine as well.
              Dest, i am soooo envious of you with those horses. i would love nothing more in this world than to be able to have a horse--you lucky gal.
              more later..


                Newbies Nest

                Whisper......omgod...that list was awesome!!!!!!!! can certainly start some rumors flying with some of them! LOL LOL Stay strong this weekend and while you are at your parents. Please know that we are only a click away if you need us!

                Life....good to see you again! I can't mod either. I went 17 days AF last month and then got too comfortable with my AF days and decided to have just "1"....WTF...that led to a weekend of oblivion....horrible! So here I am in boot camp on day 6...Ugh! I count my blessings every day I wake up here on my farm....this has been my dream since I was a little why the hell do I drink and spend my days in a bottle...pathetic! Moving on...moving forward...not looking back and finally enjoying my life AF!

                Kristin....welcome! You have found a great place to be! You will find the support and encouragement here is awesome!

                Kradle....almost pee'd me pants when I read your line about the antacid.....too friggin funny!
                AB Club Member
                AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Nice Group Here!

                  So, some booties and some not booties, eh? But such a nice group Amazing how people come and go, new folks all the time.

                  Day 2 for me today - being optimistic but that's a good thing. Went to Mass with DH last evening so that was a great help. Tonight won't be so easy as he will have been drinking beer all afternoon, as he usually does on Saturday but heck I'll have to keep busy and have a plan for those hours between 4 and 6 when I usually start pouring. I find it very hard to be sober when he's had a few - that's the stress time for me. If I can get to eating dinner without having a glass of wine I'm fine.

                  I have had many many months AF in the past (years too) but fallen eventually - the old brain keeps that message of "you need to relax so have a drink - that will do it for you and you'll get rid of all the stress!" But of course it's all a big fat lie!!!!

                  Got to keep that in mind!! The lie!!!!
                  Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                  (quote from Bean )

                  Goal: Survival


                    Newbies Nest

                    :welcome:Hi MWO!!!! Congrats on day 2! and welcome to Boot Camp! That must be so hard to stay AF when your husbands drinks. It sounds like you have a plan though. My husband doesn't drink at all and he just doesn't get the struggle that I am going through to stay AF that's why I am soooooo grateful for all of you!!!! Have you ever taken any supplements to help with the cravings? I swear by L-Glut and Kudzu. Yesterday afternoon I hit a rough spot but I took my supplements and the cravings subsided. I am so thankful right now that I didn't drink as I would be sooooo hung over and not motivatd to do a damned thing right now. It's so beautiful out today and I am so fed up with wasting my days. And remember...a craving doesn't last as long as a hangover. Stay strong!!!!!!!
                    AB Club Member
                    AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                    10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                    :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Destiniey, yes I'm taking Topamax and Kudzu. I also have some L-Glut but keep forgetting to take it. I think we fool ourselves sometimes and think these are magic bullets rather than tools and that we can just sit back and they will do all the work!

                      Thanks for the welcome. I'm not really a newbie but a re-vert - again and again! But that's the game eh? Starting over is so important. Then one day it really "takes." That's partly why I came back here - so that others who lurk will finally make the decision to stop drinking!!! It's so helpful to really KNOW that it can be done with lots of work, and lots of support.

                      You are so right about cravings not lasting very long. Now that I think about it if I get busy and take the L-Glut the craving is gone before I know it - thanks for the reminder!!
                      Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                      (quote from Bean )

                      Goal: Survival


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi All. Just getting up for the day...well about an hour now. Already hot outside before 10 am. I had planned to get out and do something today, but the heat just takes away my motivation. I really hate to waste another day inside. ugh

                        Kradle, lol at being an antacid.:H I don't expect everyone to remember what day I'm on, or even to pay particular attention to my posts. I'm just here to be accountable, and certainly not to brag about my AF days. Thanks for the congrats, hun, and you too Dest.:l

                        Just feeling tired and kinda down this morning. I need an overhaul. Not overalls, not a good look for me.

                        Check back lata, gators!


                        "I like people too much or not at all."
                        Sylvia Plath


                          Newbies Nest

                          MWOLady;1339477 wrote: So, some booties and some not booties, eh? But such a nice group Amazing how people come and go, new folks all the time.

                          Day 2 for me today - being optimistic but that's a good thing. Went to Mass with DH last evening so that was a great help. Tonight won't be so easy as he will have been drinking beer all afternoon, as he usually does on Saturday but heck I'll have to keep busy and have a plan for those hours between 4 and 6 when I usually start pouring. I find it very hard to be sober when he's had a few - that's the stress time for me. If I can get to eating dinner without having a glass of wine I'm fine.

                          I have had many many months AF in the past (years too) but fallen eventually - the old brain keeps that message of "you need to relax so have a drink - that will do it for you and you'll get rid of all the stress!" But of course it's all a big fat lie!!!!

                          Got to keep that in mind!! The lie!!!!
                          Said it in one - if I can get to dinner - I've made it


                            Newbies Nest

                            Made it through a Friday night. Next, bluegrass jam this afternoon and party to follow. Ultimate test, but feeling confident.
                            Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                            Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                            Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                            Go forward boldly and unafraid


                              Newbies Nest

                              hi MWOlady, LG, Dest and Satz!!

                              happy saturday-
                              i have to go to an art exhibition/outdoor grill party -- though i've been praying for rain the whole day (the girls even did a rain dance out on the balcony) it's only managed to sprinkle a few drops.
                              we are only going to stay for an hour and i'm taking a yummy protein drink along--and using the excuse that i'm coming down with something, which is unfortunately true as i have a very sore throat.

                              sending strength to you all.
                              and staying completely focussed myself.
                              will check in again later this evening.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Gosh a full nest of Booties!!! So glad to see it, there is strength in numbers!
                                I was having a few thoughts today as I read the posts that came in. I have a unique perspective, I think. I've been here a long time. I think this place is a gift, really...I have had the thoughts that just about every body else has...and I've seen them act on them. This is a great thing. Because I can see ahead of time what is going to happen. I can actually see the future thru the eyes of other people who have the same problem I do. I don't have to actually learn everything the hard way. Altho, I might argue that I already have. All I know is that not drinking makes me feel 1000 times better than drinking ever did.
                                A couple thoughts for the day.
                                *The past does NOT equal the future.
                                *Refuse to make self-fulfilling prophesies. (I always fail after 30 days...etc)
                                *Get a sense of the big picture. (AL is the problem)
                                *Try to improve the Brain/Body connection: Brain and Body are in a feedback loop.
                                *Focus on good things...Do something nice for someone else.
                                *Expect something good (Don't always expect that something bad will happen, change that perception).
                                *Do not cave in to AL no matter what and no matter who! It's NOT worth it, ask anyone here who did!!!
                                Hugs, Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

