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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    good going on friday night, Fin.
    i've read all your posts the past few days and am sending mighty waves of strength and determination your way. sounds like you have a lot already!!!


      Newbies Nest

      thanks Byrdie for your encouragement and for the list of things to think about.
      i'm really trying to let myself completely trust and believe in the wise words of those who have been where i am now and succeeded. i'm killing any fleeting thoughts of previous failures before they paralyze my current attempts. i have started again!! and i feel really good about it, though to be honest a bit wobbly.
      i need a few days to get the hang of it again. and then i need to CARRY ON!


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Nesters

        Quick check in from me.

        I just want to draw everyone's attention to some great pictures that Sober Visitor ( a new MWO member) has posted today at the end of the Tool Box thread ( monthly abstinence section) - sorry don't know how to post a link, but do take a look. They are of different hungover alcoholics in different situations all trapped in their own private hell and as they say a picture paints 1000 words.

        Sausage x
        Day 121 AF


          Newbies Nest

          Wow everybody doing so well and it's already almost Sunday . I feel like I leave this thread for a few hours sooooo much happens..

          Hey Ms. Library, feel your pain. Sending hugs and heart :h and M&Ms

          Dest: you r rockin! so supportive and nice. Did you Brave your ride this morning?

          Sausage I looked at the photos and ....well, nough said really.

          I'm here at my kids musical performance class trying not to fall apart and think about a big fricken drink when I get home. I started this venture with my children with super high hopes -the arts classes here have been thin and silly and we are an artsy, musical family. The kids have done well and i started making some good relationships here...of course i had to deal with Matt's stuff but the head of the program was so incredible with him and really compassionate with me. Well that was until that incident with that women who had Matt overnight and then never called, no phones working and called me crazy because i blew up... I also have had the old Topa effect of forgetfullness and irratibilty when i volunteered for the next performance, the head of the studio literally ignored me and then basically said, 'thanks we'll call ya' for volunteers for this next performance...
          I'm just sick about this. I can understand being shitfaced and being rejected but being sober and getting the heave ho? Jesus, Mary and Joseph! What the hells left?

          I feel like getting sober is making things worse.

          Isn't that stupid???

          Can't help feeling this way. I'm so angry and vulnerable and sad.

          See LB, I really can feel your pain

          AF for now. . Think I'll be okay. Will stay close and try not to cave Bryd No Fricken Matter What.

          On a happier note- saw my wonderful Dr. Today and he is very happy with the program and says the Lglut and the Topa will not interact badly . He said to hold on. It will get better
          He is also going to see Matt so this is a very good thing.
          Also the kids look great in their performance....
          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
 tool box
 newbie nest


            Newbies Nest

            Yes, Kradle, it does seem that you and I both had a day to get through. I'm sorry that things didn't go so well at times today for you. The same happened with me, in a different way. At least 10 times I thought about going to buy some AL, but didn't when I also thought, and then what? Consume it, get numb, pass out, wake up, what's different besides me breaking my 42 days sober AND a hangover. I envy people who don't get them, lol. However, I might not be here if I were one of them.

            So, hanging tough here...Had to do a complete overhaul of my computer. I did get an overhaul after all...not what I was exactly hoping for, but at least the computer is now fixed (as far as I know), and without me spending any money. That's a little something to celebrate, at least.

            Kradle, you and I, we can do this. I am counting on you, and I expect you to count on me. Let's keep it real and honest. Ok? ((hugs))


            "I like people too much or not at all."
            Sylvia Plath


              Newbies Nest

              Kradle123;1339308 wrote: LG did I miss you at 41 days!! Conragulations :h
              I can't believe I missed it. If I were anymore self absorbed I'd be an sorr I missed it!

              Destiny, yey for a pic. I was actually thinking to ask but thought it would be presumptions so happy to see you :l

              MWO lady I should probably join you in the boot camp...

              I am heading to bed...
              After Voyager, BB!

              Night all,

              Ok, what the heck is Voyager??

              Start date: Sunday June 17, 2012
              30 days AF, DONE!
              Next goal, stay dry!


                Newbies Nest

                Kristin Elizabeth;1339388 wrote: Hey Everybody,

                My friend Mike gave me this link, and I can't thank him enough. It seems soo inviting, and I think this is a good place for me.. Kris

                Welcome, your friend was right!

                Start date: Sunday June 17, 2012
                30 days AF, DONE!
                Next goal, stay dry!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Well kids, I'm off to a pub crawl where the plan is to NOT drink. (Been working on my no drinking excuses - I might try to make a game out if it and see how many outlandish things I can say over the night) and my drink of choice will be a club soda, neat, with a lime, in a wine glass. I'll be staying overnight but I am driving so if it becomes too much I can escape. I'm a bit nervous. Now that I've gone 5 days I keep thinking I *don't* have a problem. Sigh.

                  I am also going to take extra Kudzu and Glutamine. These herbs and supplements have done wonders for me. Or maybe it's the not drinking the last 5 nights! Regardless, I feel fantastic, hopeful, and pretty damn powerful. I'm a stubborn bitch, fo sho!

                  I am interested in seeing what choices I make tonight. It's kind of exciting!

                  I'll be checking in with you all tomorrow. Stay dry!!!!


                    Newbies Nest

                    WhispertoaScream;1339304 wrote: I need that analyst too! :H And not just or the pregnancies but the breastfeeding too! The joy of pumping and dumping. I think part of the reason why I stopped nursing my 2nd at 10 months was so I could go back to drinking. Oy!

                    So far the first 3 days has been the hardest. I have a challenge and a half coming up ahead of me: a pub crawl tomorrow night (yes, I am going - I'm insane), but then I'll be spending 2 weeks at my parents house which usually involves lots of boozing or at least nightly drinking with my mum.

                    I drink for boredom and loneliness in addition to habit. I think I need to hit up that toolbox ASAP!

                    I am so worried about you. You are going into the lion's den! Do you have to go to the pub crawl and can you make it through with your family and all the drinking? I will be here for you no matter what the outcome. Stay strong.

                    Start date: Sunday June 17, 2012
                    30 days AF, DONE!
                    Next goal, stay dry!


                      Newbies Nest

                      I agree with butterbean, whisper. I wouldn't go. It doesn't matter who it offends, what the recrimations are, nothing. If you don't drink, then you win. The rest is pointless. I know for an absolute fact that I could not, right now, go to a pub or anywhere where AL was readily available and not drink. And I have 42 sober days behind me. At one week, I would definitely be re-thinking going to a pub crawl. I hope you're stronger than I am, and I wish you strength and luck if you have no say-so in the matter of going or not going.

                      "I like people too much or not at all."
                      Sylvia Plath


                        Newbies Nest

                        [COLOR=Red]To stop drinking and drugging we have to get away from people places and things that make us want to use alcohol and other drugs. Counselors call this ?getting into an adequately controlled environment.? If you keep hanging out with people who are drinking and drugging your chances of staying abstinence are nearly zero. To break the cycle of destructive alcohol and drug use you need help. You need to put yourself around people, places, and things that will encourage and support your abstinence and help you to learn a set of specific skills to keep yourself from drinking and drugging even if you feel like it at that moment.

                        Whisper I read this in the tool box this morning and right away thought of you...another member, Briseus was posting here regular until she went to some AL function and now there has been no word from her.
                        It simply is a super bad idea to continue to go to the places that trigger you.

                        Sorry, I wish, believe me , that wasn't the case. May I suggest you stay home.
                        Thinking of you,


                        This entire post is in the tool box and is incredible. I suggest reading it all before heading out tonight,

                        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
               tool box
               newbie nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          LibraryGirl;1339698 wrote: what's different besides me breaking my 42 days sober AND a hangover.

                          Well that's the kicker isn't it LB? Nothing would be different except breaking our AF time and having a hangover. Hardly seems worth it in the long run . It's that fricken short run that's so bloody hard!

                          I am absolutely here for you. Hell or high water.
                          Kids are singing Carrie Underwood in the office, Good Girl. Too Funny.

                          BB, it's Star Trek Voyager from 1995 on Netflix. Just one of the many series in the Star Trek Franchise. This one featured the only female Captain of the Starship Voyager. Great characters, strong scripts.
                          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                 tool box
                 newbie nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi all. I have not told my DH that I have stopped drinking as I've said it too many times before - he sees no problem with the amount I drink anyway - little does he know the internal torment I have!! Anyway he bought me a "special" bottle of Merlot today!!! He looked a bit taken-aback when I said no thanks!!

                            Anyway this is day two and I had a really great moment tonight. I actually was able to get in the car after dinner and drive to the store to pick up some paper plates for tomorrow's picnic! I have not been able to do that for so many nights!!!!! It felt just so great to not have that horrible buzz in my head - not to have booze in my blood!!! Just had to share this with someone. Saturdays are horrible for me as I get really lonely and bored but today was not so bad as I was/am sober!!!!
                            Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                            (quote from Bean )

                            Goal: Survival


                              Newbies Nest

                              Well, here I am again. I messed up my quit last weekend and again this last 2 nights. I have just done day 1 today.
                              I don't quite know how to explain how I feel right now. Because I had already drank last week, I think there was something inside that I just wanted to check out and make sure that I really wanted this. I drank this past 2 nights. The hangover I endured, after not drinking for so long was horrendous. All in all this week I have lost 4 days without question. I think I had got to the stage being sober for 68 days that I had stopped appreciating just how much things had really changed for me. Complacency perhaps???
                              Well, I have visited that place again and I am here to tell you I just don't want that crap in my life any more. I don't feel like I am white-knuckling or fighting cravings; I just feel that this is a decision I have made because I want to be sober more than I want any alcohol in my life.
                              I am happy to be here on day 2, where after the first 2 nights mess-up last week, there were still doubts. I wanted to clear them once and for all. There was nothing, absolutely no enjoyment, nothing worthwhile......I could feel my body being poisoned and that is how I thought of it.
                              I do care that I am starting over but it is what it is and I am happy and enthusiastic to finally be saying goodbye to alcohol, not because I have to but because I want to - there is no room in my life for it any more.
                              I can't wait to get my day started tomorrow because I know it's going to be a good one!
                              IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                                Newbies Nest

                                On pg 20 in the Toolbox , Nicelife has a post I think you should read.
                                If you haven't already,


                                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                       tool box
                       newbie nest

