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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    A quick hello, Nesters.

    Pops, 107??? OMG, that's blistering! verheated: Tell me this isn't you!

    Sea, Reno is nice. I hope the contract works out for you. So glad that things are going better with E.

    Dill, of course we'll stuff the nest with my old furniture. A little pushing, a little pulling, a few puffs (not that kind of puff, Sea, heehee :H) and there it is. How's the itching, BTW? uchy:

    Choppers, don't work too hard.

    Hi to Lilmea.

    Well, I hope to hit the hay early tonight for some good rest. I had the most vivid, awful dream last night that I was being bitten repeatedly by posionous snakes and no one would help me. I was Googling venom cures on the computer while telling the people around me, "I'm going to just keel over any moment." Weird, huh? I woke up with a heavy feeling that stayed with me all day. Ever done that? Maybe tonight I'll have better dreams. I deserve a Bradd Pitt dream after that one!
    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


      Newbies Nest

      Hey Nesters!!

      Dill-talk to my step dad....he said prednizone (I think, that's what he said....:H ) for poison ivy...but now I'm second guessing myself??? Some help huh??? And yes, all my family knows about me trying to really limit my al!! Everyone is very supportive!!

      Chops--DS (Dipsh*t....dumbsh*t....either sounds like fitting words!!)

      Sea--:l glad you are having better deserve it!!!

      Papa-:shocked: 115 degrees!!!! WOWZER!!! I love it when you all down there say, "yeah, but it's a dry heat!" I lived there for a year....heat is heat!!! THAT'S HOT!!!verheated:

      To everyone else who flies in tonight....have a good one!!!! See you in the AM!!!
      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



        Newbies Nest

        Hey Lil B (cross post)!!!
        Funny you picked the same melting guy for Papa R!!!
        Sweet dreams tonight...although I think Brad is with me!!!!!!
        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning Nesters! It is a gorgeous morning here in Oregon. Oh how I wish you could all be here enjoying it with me and having some coffee and diet pepsi

          Pops, that is just too HOT and I LOVE heat! Stay cool. I must say a dry heat is better than mugginess...but it's still HOT :H We are going to have 80 here today. I'll send you nice, cool thoughts

          Dill, how are you? Has the itching all gone? I have been thinking of you and glad you got some advice from SD's dad :l

          Sea, fingers crossed for the contract! Reno is not too far for me to come visit. It was such great news about Emmylee.

          LilBit, thanks for the furniture in the nest! I'm not working too hard but it is our busy season so things are hoppin (pun intended :H) Did you dream of Brad last night, or did SD take him? I have had those types of dreams that stay with you all day. Not a pleasant feeling, but I do hope it passed quickly for you and you rested peacefully.

          SD, so glad to hear you and Mike talked. It sounds like you both are on the same page and that is wonderful. I am also glad you have such a supportive family. How is the ex holding up since the death of his grandfather? How's Brayden doing?

          Lilmea, I can't wait for you to come back. I do hope you have enjoyed your trip!

          I hope that I haven't forgotten anyone. Have a fantastic day all. Will check in later!


            Newbies Nest

            Hi, Nesters!

            Yep, still itching. The chigger bites are on the way out, but the poison ivy is spreading. That's because I keep scratching it. Big mistake! Oh well, if I get the scratching under control, 'this too shall pass'.
            Now, today, Mr. Dill thought it would be a good idea to go berry picking. It's black raspberry time in our part of Ohio and we have a nice little patch we found out near the pond. I tried to be careful, but there was definitely poison ivy there!!! Grrr. But, the berries are so good!

            Chops, are you all done with the move? What's your new place like?

            Hey SD, are you feeling settled in?

            Sea, Great news on the job!

            LilB, LilM and PR: A great big HOWDY!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Newbies Nest


              Peaceful night and sweet dreams to all my little all make me & G proud of you each and every day.


                Newbies Nest

                Hey everyone!!
                Quick FLY BY!!!!
                Been a long day!!! And a weird ex-DS (not the husband...the last boyfriend...of 18 months)....his son and my son have continued to remain the best of friends....the are the same age...go to the same school and even had the same kindergarten teacher...weird, huh??? we broke up a year ago and now his ex wife and I are like "BFF's":H she asks me if I can pick her up from work and take her to the car place and then when I drop her and her son off she asks if we all want to go out for dinner???? Is that weird or what???? She said that I dated her ex husband only so her and I could end up friends...'that was God's plan all along!' O...K... :huh?:
                Anyway....maybe it's not that big of deal....kinda funny....he always hated when we'd he would REALLY hate this!!:H

                Hope everyone had a TERRIFIC TUESDAY!!! I get my furniture tomorrow that I ordered....yiiipppeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!
                BIG HUGS!!!
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                  Newbies Nest

                  Evening Nesters! Hope your Tuesday went well!

                  SD, that is too funny you are BFF with the ex's ex :H: You go girl! I have been in that situation. I don't know what you attribute it to, but if it works, it works! It is great for Brayden and his friend! Oh the irony of it all...

                  Dill, I haven't moved yet. The big move is on Saturday. I am going to stay at my dad's house for awhile since this has all been so sudden to me. I am hoping to be in my own place before Christmas. The berries sound so yummy!!!! Pass them on!! Put gloves on your hands so you don't scratch the poison ivy...did that with my son and chicken pox

                  Papa, I cherish you and G more than I can express. Thanks for always being here for everyone.

                  Lilbit, where are you again? I think a trip to the bay area is in order so I can keep up with you! :l

                  Hi LilM and Sea!!! Big hugs to you both :l See you all tomorrow. Tweet dreams! :H


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning Nesters
                    Hopefully today will be a day where I get some things straightened out. Just when I when I was mentally preparing myself for the possibly of leaving here for 13 weeks in Reno, I got calls about a job here in NH (much less money) and in Mass. I have lots of calls to make today. My daugher is moving to Boston on July 1st. I am sad about that. I guess they all must grown up and move on.
                    Too funny SD-My EX husband goes out with his first EX wife. They can have each
                    Hopefully by the end of today I will have some idea of what the Hell I am doing. All I do know is I need a job and some money like yesterday!!! Staying sober. No AL, No Weed. Have a great day all. I will check in later and let you all know anything that I may know.
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nesters,

                      'nuther nice day on the horizon! I keep thinking I'll get my old bike out and clean it up and take it for a spin. Maybe today is the day?! Generally, I've been getting a long morning walk in for exercise. Sometimes alone, sometimes with a friend.

                      Chops, I think it is great that you have your Dad's place as a safety net for the short term. My son and his wife and son have decided to move back to Ohio! Yay! I have asked him to plan on staying with us as long as it takes for them to get settled and find a nice place to live. He seems hesitant about it, like he doesn't want to "move back home" or maybe he feels like it would be an imposition. But I really hope he gets over all that and just gets settled into a job/school and then gets a place to live. I know it will be quite an adjustment for Mr. Dill and I, but we can handle it! We have lots of space here.

                      SD, I think that's a little odd about theex-DS's ex-wife. Honestly, I'd be cautious if I were you. Here's why: you sound confused by the situation, at best. I sense some discomfort on your part. You need to stay reserved until you figure out what's "troubling you" about it. Also, you have enough family in your life that you don't really need to be extending that family-style relationship with someone you have such a basically loose connection with. And, you sound so busy in your life as it is, do you really have time for another committment? I recommend staying cordial for your son's sake, but not going overboard. That's just me. I'm not there and I'm not you. So, take my opinion with a couple of huge grains of salt.

                      Sea, what's the latest with you? I hope things are continuing to improve in your world.

                      LilB, how's the weather out your way? It's been nice here in Ohio, but I get a feeling today will be a bit muggy. Thank goodness we have AC!

                      Have a great day, peeps!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning Nesters ~ Happy Hump Day! It is another beautiful day in Oregon and I can't be outside to enjoy it :upset: Oh well, must make money, and I can enjoy the evening.

                        Dill, GREAT news that your son is moving back!!! Woo Hoo!!! I do hope that he comes and stays with you until they can all get settled. Him and his family don't want to rush into living arrangements that will make them unhappy. I had to get over the "moving back home" too. I am almost 36 years old, and frankly, was quite embarrassed having to go stay with my Dad. I am now learning to appreciate it, not rush things, and I will have a new place in no time.

                        Sea, you do have some calls to make!! Looks like the tide is turning for you my friend. Please keep us updated as to where you end up. Kids moving out is very sad and difficult. I had a very hard time letting go of my son. However, I do think it makes our relationship all the better and more special. :l

                        Papa and G, you haven't melted yet have you? How long have you been in AZ? Are you used to that heat? I would simply melt away :H

                        Hi LilM, Lilbit and SD! Hope you have a great day! Talk to you all soon.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Peeps, just a quick is crazy-busy, weather in SF is gorgeous -- sunny and high 70's -- wish you ALL were here (and not a chigger in sight)!!! 'Am trying to taper off chocolate. Hoping to become a choc-o-modder.

                          SD, you never know -- sounds like you got the better end of the bargain -- ex-hubbie vs good girlfriend.

                          Choppers, good luck with your move! After all the hard work, it always feels good to settle in the new place and have everything organized.

                          You're doing great, Sea, just 'roll with the punches' and I'm sure things will go your way.

                          Dill, your bike idea sounds great. I like the long morning walks, too. I will send some low humidity your way.

                          Hugs to you, Pops. Have you tried the "frying the egg on the sidewalk" thing yet?

                          Have a good one, everyone!
                          "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                            Newbies Nest


                            Sea, the tide is turning for you my dear....ride that wave to your destiny. Chopper, thank you for your kind words (G thanks you too) are a doll and I'm so happy to see you moving forward. Better things lie ahead for you too my dear. FYI, I've lived in AZ for 6 years....outside of a 3 year stint in Reno, the rest of my life was spent in the Bay Area, with that morning fog. Actually, 'the hot stuff' hasn't hit yet....we've been lucky to be in the low 100's....before too long we'll be around's okay though. Our payoff is the 70 degree days in December.
                            Well, doing the long work hours the next few always, give my G a lot of love. He's worth it!! Have a great evening all....................
                            Pops & G


                              Newbies Nest

                              not sure if have problem??


                              Hi All
                              I've read alot of your posts and some have been helpful. The question I have however is I'm not sure if I have a problem. I'm a wine drinker mostly and would have beers when out socialising in the pub. The problem I find is the wine is becoming a habt - every evening, I have to watch myself to make sure I don't finish the bottle.
                              I wouldn't have a hangover from this and usually only get hangovers if really out on the lash with alot of friends, I'm just a little concerned that I could be on a slippery slope.
                              I've two young children - 4 and 2, and notice that If i'm stressed with them I'm reaching for a glass, even if its only 3 in the afternoon. It hasnt affected my life negatively yet and my husband might give me an odd jibe about drinking a drink each night but has never said anything further than that.
                              The issue I have is I tell myself each day that I'm not going to drink tonight but in the end I always do. I don't class myself as an alchoholic as every other drink would remain in the house for months unopened and I don't think I need drugs to help me but I don't know exactly what I need.
                              Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Tks


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi celticgal, and welcome!:welcome:

                                You sound like me a few years back, and yes, it is a slippery slope! I continued to drink and was up to about 1.5 litres a day before I joined MWO. I was an evening drinker, starting with dinner preparation and going from there! Somehow, I was able to function at work, but that was definitely begining to become more and more difficult. And I was also begining to drink earlier and earlier in the day on week ends. Not good. Marriage was beginning to suffer. Fortunately for me, my kids are grown and on their own at this point and I was doing "OK" until they were both grown and gone. That's when I really escalated.

                                It's good you are recognizing this now and can maybe get a grip before you progress to a big problem. In my opinion, you are at least dependent on alc to some degree. I advise you to read and post a lot on this site. You will learn a lot, and you will get support for what ever goals you decide to set for yourself!

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

