I don't understand all the Boot Campers trying to find a reward for putting in their 30 days...are you just totally forgetting your HATS??? I mean really!!! I've ordered a fresh batch for you all, too!! I will try to do something special...maybe with a military theme?? I would encourage you change your mindset to...'WHEN, I hit my 30 days', not, 'IF'. As a Boot Camper, you are totally taking the option of drinking off the table for 30 days...you will succeed. Set your mind to this. After all, it IS all a mind set. ALL of you are doing great. Remember, when you get to Day 13, something in your head changes, and falls into place...you see that being AF IS something you can do! It CAN be a lifestyle! Something just clicks. Get yourself to magic day 13, and let us know if it's true for you! It was a game changer for me.
Butterbean.. I wish this site were a little easier to navigate...because I could direct you to post after post after POST of members who have said the SAME WORDS as you did. Maybe after 30 days I can re evaluate my drinking and then have the occasional ______. You will spend a lifetime chasing this fantasy. Or at least several years like I did. Maybe Lolab can direct you to the thread, she started one sometime back...it was like a place where people had tried to do just that...moderate after long stents of being AF. I called it the Wall of Shame, but there's a more politically correct way of saying it. I can say with a great deal of authority ( I consider myself an expert) on this subject. I have never seen one single person change his/her relationship with AL except that it got worse. Your genes know where you left off that last day you drank. It may not be the first week, or the first month...but it always creeps back up to those levels and worse. Yes, there's always the 'and worse'. I don't know why that is, either. Oh sure, you can look around this site even and find those saying they are sticking with their plan...but if you read back, or even follow them for any period of time...they are blowing it left and right. They are in denial of a serious problem they have. Sure, maybe they aren't drinking every day, but look closely and you will see that they are still struggling every single day. Should I, shouldn't I? The Guilt/Shame/Remorse (GSR Brothers) are alive and well among them. This is a losing battle and a living hell. AL will win. Every time. When you make rules about AL, and then break them....when you reset the rules, and break those...when the unacceptable becomes ok...then you might be one of us. I said it back in another thread somewhere...I think there are 2 sure signs of being an Alcoholic. One is when you try to quit and realize you can't. The other is when you decide to moderate. My question is why would your relationship be any better with AL now that you have some sober time in? Self awareness? More knowledge? The answer is simple...the day you quit drinking is as good as your relationship is ever going to be. Sad as that is, all is not lost. Your AF self is waiting to be reborn. Get those 30 days in and you will see that you've never felt better...about life in general, and your place in it!!! Alcohol=Hell. Acceptance is the hardest part of this entire journey...that's the last phase of grief. Once you can accept this for what it is, you can move forward. It's not easy...but it is sooooo worth it.
MindPeace to everyone today!! Byrdie