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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Day 4 is going quite well.
    Daisy, one phrase I keep thinking about when I was in the hospital was (I KNOW I STOP, BUT I CANNOT STOP STARTING) That is everyones goal to stop starting. You can do it, welcome back.

    Destiniey, thanks a mil, keep up the good work,

    LG, baby steps are the way to go. I used to think I could moderate, so after 3 months AF living with Mr Negative, I got tired and tried. That made things worse. So after I left him, I was AF for 1 month and again tried. 1.5 years later I have realized I cannot. So moderation is not in my books.

    Pixi, good for you, 30 days and more will be no problem since you have already done 29. Great
    I am starting over as of Sept 6
    SHIT this is so stupid (I hate AL)

    AF since June 30, 2012
    be AF for 7 days yea done:yay::yay:
    be AF for 21 days July 21, 2012 boy I did it
    be AF for 30 Days July 30, 2012 I have done it:thanks: to all the nesters
    Now to be AF for 60 days Aug 29---blew it
    Work to be AF for 90 days Sept 28---blew it

    I have been AF for 1 month Oct, 2011
    I have been AF before for 3 months Mar 16, 2011-July 2010


      Newbies Nest

      Gdog;1345750 wrote: Well we took one broadside and bought the farm. Brother stress just overtook me to the point of returning to planet phucket. They serve beer on that planet.

      I am beamed back aboard and were are on our way again. No use crying over spilled beer. The thing is I see that just muscling up will not do the trick. This will come again, and I need to let it pass. Let it go through and just breath. It shocks me how difficult the last few evenings were. They were very loaded with stress. An AA friend of mine points out that it might be that most evenings are this way but you just are not medicated and they appear much harder than normal. Not sure but they were not easy.

      Anyway my goal remains the same. Want to get past day three and beyond. Might try and check out an AA meeting in the meantime. Never been to one except to support others years ago when I was under the illussion I had no drinking problem. So maybe my goal should read 3 days and attend 1 AA meeting.

      Hope everyone else faired better.

      In the battle.
      Hi Gdog,

      I Beamed my family off the ship months ago and left them on an M class (earths atmosphere) planet.
      Unfortunately we are still in communications range but I simply do not answer any of their hails...

      Happy Fourth and lots of hugs,

      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


        Newbies Nest

        Family is enough to drive us all to drinking. Oh, well, I guess they actually did do it. But that's not to say we have to stay in that place. Drinking doesn't do anything but make everything worse.

        We have a cheesy 4th of July parade around a swimming pool every year at 10 am. In years past, I'd have already had a couple of good stiff drinks before showing up. It was so good to be celebrating today, totally sober. In spite of family problems, I have a lot to celebrate: I have good health..I have both my arms and legs, most of my mind...and I am sober.

        Nobody said it was easy...but everybody says it's worth it. So far, I'm finding that to be true! Learn which of the voices to listen to. The one that says, "Come on! Everybody else is's a celebration! Just one won't hurt you!" that's the one that's lying. When I told myself, 'DAM, what I'd give for ONE glass of wine'! That was a lie...I can't tell you the last time I ever had one glass of wine (unless we are talking Viking Goblets). One glass of _____ isn't going to do us any good. Stay strong, you will be so glad you did. Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Hey all, hope you are hanging tough this 4th of July! I'm about to head to a party at my sister-in-law's (she has a pool). Hubby's family are not big partiers so I'm not expecting there to be any alcohol present, just lots of food!

          Gdog, reading your posts makes me feel like I'm watching an episode of "Big Bang Theory." I'm not too familiar with Star Trek, but I know all about visiting Planet Phucket. Been there MANY times. Stay strong, you are worth it! We are all worth it! :rays:


            Newbies Nest

            Hi all,

            Well, I'm still feeling rubbish, exhausted and depressed, if still determined, so have been reading along but without much intelligent to contribute - and I'm finding it hard to type on the iPad still - hopefully will get more used to it.

            Monique, nice to hear from you and glad you're enjoying your road trip AF. A trip to the counsellor sounds like a great idea - it can't hurt after all, right? And good for you for identifying in advance a point where you might find things tricky. CONGRATULATIONS on 8 weeks - that is fantastic. It has to feel good, right? Better than drinking - surely? I will fully support you when you quit smoking - I know how tough it is - or was for me anyway - but also how great it is. But, yeah, one thing at a time. Wait til you feel a bit smooth sailing in your sobriety to tackle that one.

            ((((((Litre)))))) Thanks for sharing your story. How are you feeling today? I'm glad you're still with us and fighting this battle to be AF for life and happier and there for your kids. Congrats on 4 days!

            PIXIE - CONGRATS ON 30 DAYS!!!
            Byrdie, I believe a party hat is in order!!

            Don't stop - stay with us. And feel free to post about the benefits of 30 days for those of us who are still reaching for it.


              Newbies Nest

              Hello again Everyone. I too have been reading along, like Lily, yet couldn't or wouldn't contribute anything of any real significance. Regardless, reading what others have written always gives me hope and uplifts my spirits.

              Thank you for sharing your story, Litre.:l I am very happy for you that your depression has been overcome and, of course, that you got help when you were at your lowest. I'm so glad you've joined us in the Nest and look forward to seeing your posts.

              Congratulations Pixie on your 30 days!!!:goodjob: Yes, you definitely deserve a party hat!!! A SOBER party hat!!! Byrdie grab that hat box from the shelf marked "Pixie"!

              Hard to believe it's already almost 11 pm. I slept most of the afternoon away. Just laid down to read and couldn't resist taking a nap (3 hour nap!).

              I hope everyone is doing well...listening to fireworks here (and the resulting barking of my dogs).

              P.S. I just realized I'm a "Senior Member"!!! hee hee he, go me!


              "I like people too much or not at all."
              Sylvia Plath


                Newbies Nest

                Hey Library, I forgot to add... I'm happy to talk books ANY TIME. Alcohol related or no...

                Actually, when you were posting earlier about ways to fill the gap left by drinking in your 'Something's Missing' thread it made me think about how I'm going to do that myself and one of those ways so far has been reading a lot more. It's always been one of my greatest loves but I realized over the last couple of years I've read less and less due to drinking, anxiety and the distractions of the interwebs.

                So, for me, reading, cooking and exercise really help a lot. (Trust me, I am NOT an athletic person by nature but exercise does seem vital for me when going AF as it helps feed into that whole 'being good to myself' vibe. Not to mention - free endorphin high


                  Newbies Nest

                  I've been reading a lot too, Lily. It's something I've always done, but even moreso now. I'm averaging about 4 books a week. Sometimes more. It's almost become an addiction in itself, lol.

                  As for exercise, I cannot seem to put one foot in front of the other. Haha, seems the simplest thing in the world, but every day passes without me getting out there and doing a thing. I could blame it on the heat, but I also didn't do anything when I first quit and the weather was nice. I keep hoping something will "click".

                  The "What We're Reading" forum has lots of great recommendations. Have you seen it yet? AL books and every other kind. I love it!

                  Two books I can highly recommend off the top of my head are, "The Thirteenth Tale" by Diane something (lol), and "The House at Riverton" by Kate Morton. I read the latter a few years back which is why I don't remember the author's last name...I think it is Sutton. Anyway, great books! Both of them.

                  "I like people too much or not at all."
                  Sylvia Plath


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey everyone! I hope everyone had a great 4th of July! I had a wonderful day...and was an AF day! It was busy, busy that is why I haven't been able to post until now! It's amazing how much you miss by not coming on here throughout the day!

                    Litre..thanks so much for sharing that with us. I am soooo soooo glad that you got the help that you needed and that you are on your way to a healthier you! That must've been so scary to take all those pills and end up in the heart goes out to you! You are such a strong person to overcome that and to share it with us. I just know in my heart that you can overcome AL too!

                    Pixie....way to go....that is awesome!!!!!!

           are still totally on didn't drink the AF beer to get drunk. Keep on keeping on and enjoy the mountains!!!!!!!!!

                    Gdog.....hang are getting steps!

                    LG....It sounds like after the night you had that you needed the nap!!!! I am exhausted after the day that I had so I am hoping that tonight I can get some sleep!
                    AB Club Member
                    AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                    10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                    :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Yeah, I've just finally started digging more into the reading thread since you mentioned it. Don't know why I haven't been glued there either!

                      Funny you should mention 13th Tale, as I just returned it to a friend not long ago. It's not the sort of book I would normally pick up but she leant it to me and I really enjoyed it when I read it some time back. Never heard of the other but will check it out.

                      Outliers was interesting but kind of started boring me with repetition by the end. Still makes me want to read some of his (Malcolm Gladewell's) others though, like Blink and Tipping Point.

                      I just picked up 'A Perfectly Good Family' but Lionel Shriver as I've really liked her other books even though they are very dark and twisted! ('We Need to Talk About Kevin' and 'So Much for That'.)

                      I have the HUGEST stack of to-read books by my bed yet you know how sometimes nothing seems quite right…

                      So, I'm researching more drinking related books to read. Which ones have you guys liked?

                      There's some great American literature that's come out of the South, that's for sure.


                        Newbies Nest

                        :contrat1000:Hey LG......Congrats on being a senior member!!!!!!!!!
                        AB Club Member
                        AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                        10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                        :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Ha ha, that's funny Dest. And I wondered what made people Senior Members. Got it! Right, I've only 700 odd posts to go then...

                          On ya LG!

                          Do you guys have the electronics brand LG there with the jingle "LG - Life's Good"? I can't not think of it whenever I type that!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Yes we do, Lily, lol. I started calling myself LG on here because others did. I never intended on that nickname to come from LibraryGirl, but it fits.

                            Thank you Dest! I guess I've been posting quite a bit in the four months I've been here. Might have something to do with my exciting life.

                            Just finished reading "Sara's Key". I really enjoyed it and learned a little bit of history as well.

                            "I like people too much or not at all."
                            Sylvia Plath


                              Newbies Nest

                              Well my dear AFand fourth of Julyer friends-
                              I can join your healthy hard won ranks of an AF holiday and AF party! :yay::
                              Other than being sick or about seven years old I don't think I've done that before.

                              It was actually pretty easy mainly because of all the great tools I've learned from all of you and how to handle myself and prepare. I had a good time and the kids loved it. except Matt of course who thought it was boring...oh well.

                              I brought my iPad with me and logged on to my friend's Internet (with permission) and when I felt a little wobbly I simply sat on the couch with my lime tonic and cranberry juice and got updates on how everyone was doing!
                              Sounds like everyone did pretty well!! :goodjob: So glad

                              Hugs and love to everyone . So proud of everyone tonight. Sleep well. :bedtime::
                              On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                              *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                     tool box
                     newbie nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Kradle123;1346056 wrote: Well my dear AFand fourth of Julyer friends-
                                I can join your healthy hard won ranks of an AF holiday and AF party! :yay::
                                Other than being sick or about seven years old I don't think I've done that before.

                                It was actually pretty easy mainly because of all the great tools I've learned from all of you and how to handle myself and prepare. I had a good time and the kids loved it. except Matt of course who thought it was boring...oh well.

                                I brought my iPad with me and logged on to my friend's Internet (with permission) and when I felt a little wobbly I simply sat on the couch with my lime tonic and cranberry juice and got updates on how everyone was doing!
                                Sounds like everyone did pretty well!! :goodjob: So glad

                                Hugs and love to everyone . So proud of everyone tonight. Sleep well. :bedtime::
                                YAY Kradle! I am really proud of you - you handled that so well and you sound great for it. WELL DONE!!!!


