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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey Nesters!!
    Been away all weekend....very quiet in here!! Must be summer!! SS--so glad to hear from you...sorry you aren't feeling well!!!

    Chops-VERY glad you go outta there and are settled with family...things will be so much better now!!!:l

    Lav--sorry about your toe...ouch!!!:h

    Big HUGS to DILL, Papa, Sea, LilM, LILB and anyone else that may fly be today!!! I've missed the daily check ins....been a LOOOOOOONG...emotional weekend!!!! Now leaving tomorrow for the cabin....will be without computer again But I'll check in until I leave!! Miss all you chicks...and PAPA!!!:l
    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



      Newbies Nest


      Aaaaah, now that's a little more like it....missed my girls the last couple days....Sun, nice surprise to see you again...been a loooong time. Stick around a while. Chop, good for you!! Proud of you for setting a higher standard and sticking up for yourself!! SD, Lavande and Dill, great to see you all too. Brought 'G' in to get his nails trimmed....the vet is a mile away, but G was still very dramatic....he HATES being in the car and threw a fit.....been reassuring him since we got home......jeez, he's spoiled! Wonder who's fault that is?
      Have a great night my special ones.
      Me and a dramatic G


        Newbies Nest

        Morning, Nesters! It's a chilly 63 F here. It makes a bird want to stay in the nest in a big fluffy robe and drink a couple extra cups of coffee! (or Diet Pepsi).

        SD, have lots of fun at the cabin this week. I hope staying AF isn't too much of a challenge. Do your best. You can be a good influence on your Dad! We'll be missing you here in the nest, but we'll keep a twig ready for your return.

        Chops, glad you are settled in at your Dad's. Did you have a lot of furniture to move? What did you do with your stuff? Did you get a storage locker. I was just curious. These are the things that we'll be working through in the next month when my son moves home.

        Lav, good to see you checking in! You don't feel like a newbie anymore? I guess I don't either. Hmmm. I just like the birds here I guess!

        Sunny, did you just migrate south or something? It's been a long time since there have been any sunny sitings in the nest!! Missed you. Sorry you haven't felt well the last couple of days.

        Sea, hope you check in soon. Miss you.

        Renewal, you sound like you are finally over that bout of icky health. Are you feeling OK now?

        Hey, peeps, get out there and enjoy life!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning to all in the nest,

          Starting the day here with sunshine & clear skies, possible thunder storms to roll in later. For several weeks now there has been a bird that sits on top of my chimney every morning and just chirps away. He's so loud he sounds like he's in my livingroom

          Still nursing my dog damaged foot - I'm seeing a rainbow of colors on it this morning as the bruising spreads, ha ha.

          Wishing you all a great day!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning my fine-feathered friends! It's another beautiful day here in Oregon. We are supposed to hit 93 later this week. I love it!!

            Dill, there wasn't too much furniture to move. I did get a storage unit and just took the necessities with me to my dad's. It will make it a lot easier to move when I do find a place of my own. When is your son moving up? I do suggest a storage unit. They are fairly inexpensive and being able to have everything in one place is a relief! How is the poison ivy? Has it gone away?

            SD, have FUN at the cabin! Oh, I wish I was in SD to come join you all. You did amazingly well over the weekend. What high emotions to go through :l

            Hi LaVande! I do hope that your injury heals soon.

            Sea, glad you checked in on the other threads. I have miss you hon! Take care and check in when you can:l

            Pops, thank you for your words of encouragement. It felt great to stick up for myself and walk away with pride! I do deserve so much better. Lots of love to you and G.

            Hi Lilbit and Lilmea! I miss you so much :l

            Sunny, great to see you! Hope you feel better soon and can keep checking in.

            Have a great Tuesday everyone.


              Newbies Nest

              Hey there!!!

              Well I broke down and bought a lawn mower last night...I'm going to mow b4 I head to the lake. I've also signed myself up for 2 classes at the University. Ugh...more school...but being in education I get half tuition plus now I'll have Masters +15 so I'll go up on the pay scale, so why not huh?? Have I ever mentioned I don't like school???:H It's that old fear surfacing...I'm not smart enough...hate it!

              Brayden had a baseball game this he cracked that ball clear out into center was awesome!!!! Then we both went to the dentist...he of course has perfect teeth, me on the other hand...cavity!! I'll tell ya what?!?!

              Dill, I soooooo could have stayed in bed this morning as well!!!! I stayed up way to late!!!
              Chops--enjoy your need a great weekend after your move!!!:l
              Lav-hope your toes feel better more dog wrestling!!:H

              To all the other peeps who check always...BIG HUGS!!!!:l
              Have a great 4th of July!!!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                Newbies Nest


                Hello my ladies......yeah Dill....I'm doing okay....thanks for asking. SD, Chop, great to see you three are so loyal to this thread....really do appreciate each of you so much. We may need to go out there and recruit some newcomers to our nest.....ya think? Well, G is calling, so gotta go......have a good night all.
                P & G


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Morning, Nesters!

                  SD, I could hear the sound of the bat hitting the ball when you described it!
                  man he cracked that ball clear out into center was awesome!!!!
                  I wish I could have been there!

                  Chops, all my itching is gone! I just have to avoid getting new bites! It's hard, though. You never know where those chiggers are lurking. You can't see them. I went berry picking the other day: I wore long pants, long sleeves and knee high boots!!:H

                  Lav, are you still dog sitting? Did you ever get an xray for your toe?

                  PR, glad your doing well! Yep, we need to recruit some newbies.

                  Have a great day, all!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning All,

                    Happy July - can you believe it? The year is half gone already and I've been sober for half of it, ha ha. Really looking forward to more of the same

                    No xray for this stubborn old nurse Dill. Nurses are pretty darn good at healing themselves. The one thing we never want to be is a patient!! There's no apparent displaced bones, just a lot of bruising & swelling. I slept with an Ace Wrap on my foot last night to reduce the swelling with the hopes of being able to don a pair of shoes today. I have a lunch date with my old coworkers!! I think I can make it
                    My son stopped by late last night to pick up his dogs. The peace & quiet here right now is marvelous!

                    Hope everyone has a great day doing whatever you choose to do!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello Fellow Nesters
                      Have missed you all so much!!! The drinking has stopped, Day 3 AF today. The severe depression seems to have lifted. I will be limited on my computer time as mine is going out for repairs again, and I am on Emylee's. Great to see u back Sunnibutt!!! Thank you for all of your care and support through my darkest hour. Hope you are on the mend Lavande and hope you are feeling better Sunni. Just feel like my whole world is crashing in around me. I cannot find a job, they are starting foreclosure proceedings on my home today, I will have no where to live. My own family won't take me in. I saw no other way out and of course AL amplified that ten fold. Guess now, I am just rolling with the punches and doing my best to turn things around. Thank you all for being my friends. I love you all
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi, Sea! I'm so glad to see you back in the nest. We missed you. Keep checking in when you can.:l

                        Oh, Lav! I forgot to congratulate you on your 36th anniversary! WOW! Where does the time go? Mr. Dill and I have made it 31 years. I don't think I knew you are a nurse. I'll have to start hitting you up for medical advice!:H

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning Nesters! I hope everyone is off to a fine start today!

                          Dill, I am so glad that your itching has stopped. I don't think I could cope well knowing those chiggers were lurking :H I can just picture you picking berries all covered up...I would have done the same! How is your son's move shaping up?

                          Lav, do take care of the foot. I didn't know you were a nurse either. Congrats on being AF for 1/2 of the year....absolutely fantastic!

                          Sea, so great to see you hon! Congrats on day 3 AF..:goodjob: I am always here if you need a shoulder. I love you girl, as we all do!

                          Papa, we do need to get some new recruits in the nest. This is such a great place and a cherished family that I have here. You are so great to all of us gals! Give G a big hug hello!

                          SD, you are off to the cabin and I hope you have a great time! I am going to make the most of this weekend since moving and all the previous stress.

                          Hi Lilbit and Lilmea!

                          Have a great day all! :l


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey Nesters! Sorry I've been away lately. I've been testing my wings and flitting about other 'trees.' I suppose that's healthy. Even little birds grow up. 'Can't help thinking it's almost time for the next new little peep to join in and take over my twig (although I will be back to visit regularly, of course). Whoever you are, if you're out there, come on in! It's a new day in a new month, and this is a great place to rest your tired feathers.

                            Sea, it's SO great to hear from you. I'm sorry about your trouble, but so proud of your 3 days AF in the middle of all of it. Stay strong. You're right -- the AL would only amplify the problem. I truly believe that "When God closes a door, he opens a window somewhere." (If anyone is an Atheist, sorry, no offense -- subsitute "Life" for "God" and it still works.) I just believe that your window will open, Sea. Hang in there!

                            Chops, I'm enjoying the warm West Coast weather too. Funny that it's slightly warmer where you are than here. Must be the morning fog that keeps it cool in good ol' SF. I love to watch it roll away into a sparkling sunny day. Congrats on completing your move. Whew, huh?

                            Dill, it sounds like you were "dressed for bear" on your last berry picking expedition. :H That's the way to do it! And wow, to you and Lav on your long marriages! Holy cow, that's a long time.

                            SD, how's your mowing? I used to love it. Had a level yard, and it was very Zen-like, making various patterns in the grass.

                            Sunshine, we haven't really "met" yet, but I hope you're feeling better now.

                            Hope everyone has a great week, and for those in the US, a great 4th! (Strange, to have it on a weekend this year.)

                            Pops, thanks for keeping the nest together, and please give G a nice chin rub for me.


                            "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                              Newbies Nest


                              G has received the rubs, hugs and kisses you all requested....he appreciates do I. Gonna be gone the next 3 days at work, so keep my little guy company and shower him with love. Please feel free to invite some friends to join us in the nest as well. Have a great night all..........................PR & G


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning Nesters! Coffee's on!

                                Hey, LilB, it's good to see you! How's the weather out there on the west coast? It's a chilly 57 here this morning! OMG, I had to check and make sure what month it is. Sure enough, the calendar is on "July". Well, the good thing about it is the pea picking. Peas are a 'cold weather' plant and usually die out in July due to heat. We are still getting lots of nice, sweet sugar snap peas. MMMmmm!

                                Lav, are you still in 'limp mode'? Hey, did you have fun with your former co-workers at the luncheon? When you called them 'old coworkers' did that mean that you switched jobs, or that you retired? Hey, I have a lot of questions today!:H

                                Seabers, how are you Red Sox doing? I kind of lost track.

                                PR, we'll keep 'G' occupied!

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

