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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Welcome to the nest, Mick! Day 3 is huge in this journey!! You are now operating on full Mick Power! All the AL is out of your system. Next goal...7 days! I'm so happy you are here...I like to suggest reading back a couple of weeks to get to know us and see what we are doing at the moment...then jump in. What brings you by??
    Remember, Friday is just another day (Mother Lav's words)....stay strong everyone!! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Think the diary idea is a really good one. As I've said before, expect days 4 and 5 to be tough, but then it does get easier. After a week you will notice things do get less tough and then it continues to get steadily easier and at the same time the benefits continue to grow.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Byrdlady thanks for your help.. just read some of the back posts..thing that strikes me is that when you decide to give up drink that you are on your own...and yet there are people in the same or worse situations all over the world.You dont realise how many peoples lives are so wasted by alcohol.It is classless,and the strange thing is that it is advertised in much the same cigs were up till pretty recently..wonder when booze will get the publicity chop?It also struck me the number of people who have found this site for support where others didnt take an interest..Sausage youre a star I intend to beat this as you all do and have so together we can... have a good al weekend
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Newbies Nest

          Mick, it amazes me, too. I knew there were other alcoholics/drunks out there...but they were the kind on the street, or barely hanging on the outskirts of society. I had a discreet problem. Other than my husband, step daughter...oh, prolly the neighbors...some coworkers...I managed it pretty well (I thought). Up until the last year, I was highly functioning, and very good at hiding my drinking. I kind of hid it from myself, in a way....because I was always totally appalled at the number of 1 liter boxes I was able to empty and hide. 37 was my count one time when I had the opportunity to take them to the car wash's dumpster. When I hit bottom, and my husband of 24 years was sitting across from me asking how I wanted to divide up our property...I knew I had to make a 180* change. My choices were him and this life OR Alcohol. I gotta tell you, it was a HARD choice, can you believe that? That I considered letting him leave so I could continue?? Dam, what an opponent we are up against. When I found this place, I knew that the face of Alcoholism was my own. There are people from all walks of life on here...and from all around the world. But we all know the living hell on Earth being tied to a bottle can become. It's a bitch....but at least, as you say, we can all learn from each other. I knew what to expect every step of the way and that helped a lot. When I didn't feel like I could go one more minute without caving, I found a hand extended and words written to me. You are certainly not alone...and you will have us by your side as long as you want us. Thank you for being part of the nest, it IS the tool I used to get sober. If I can do it, you can, too. Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Byrdlady;1346897 wrote: There are people from all walks of life on here...and from all around the world. But we all know the living hell on Earth being tied to a bottle can become. It's a bitch....but at least, as you say, we can all learn from each other. I knew what to expect every step of the way and that helped a lot. When I didn't feel like I could go one more minute without caving, I found a hand extended and words written to me. You are certainly not alone...and you will have us by your side as long as you want us. Thank you for being part of the nest, it IS the tool I used to get sober. If I can do it, you can, too. Byrdie
            Byrdie - what you have just written above about MWO is so true. You have summed this up so well. Without the support of this place I know I wouldn't get very far.


              Newbies Nest

              Well I am back home. We went to Monroe, not Marion, lol. Not that anyone probably knows the difference. I think however that I looked at the flea market in Marion, that said it was open Friday's. Not the one we went to! All that driving, for nada. Oh well, it was an excursion.

              I thought about buying some beers on the way back home, but decided not to because I was more interested in reading or watching t.v., and I plan to get up early in the morning. None of that is friends with AL.

              Welcome to the nest Mick!

              Fin, I see nothing wrong with non-AL beer. Only the calories, ha ha. I still have about 5 in my fridge from March. I just couldn't see wasting the calories on something that I didn't LOVE, and that also didn't work, lol. Enjoy them if you like them.

              "I like people too much or not at all."
              Sylvia Plath


                Newbies Nest

                Oh Bryrdie, your post actually brought tears to my eyes.

                Welcome Mick, I'm glad you're here. And I second your thoughts but we're not alone, clearlyf. There's just such a crazy stigma about alcoholism in society. I was just saying to a friend last night - it's basically 'either you are falling down in the gutter homeless or you don't have a problem'. Which is why so many have to get to that point to get help. It's insane and also very sad. Imagine if we forced people with cancer to get to that point before they could seek treatment and stigmatisd them for their disease while they were trying to do it?

                fin, I'm glad to see you here. Was worrying about you. I know people have mixed feelings on AF beverages. I suggest you do an advanced search for those keywords and I bet you'll find a few threads. I'm sure I've seen them. Personally I don't see the point of them, which tells me that my bullshit for years about 'loving the taste' is just that. But whether they're 'safe' I really don't know. Personally I reckon drinking something that tasted and looked just like wine - my drink of choice - would trigger me into cravings for the real thing but you may be different?


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey all! I am three days sober! Same as Mick! I could not have done it alone. I am finally ready to do the work to stay sober. I wish there was an easier way... a way for me to enjoy a drink-- wait no I don't. I know that AL is poison for me... unfortunately an addictive poison. So, one day at a time, choosing my life over AL!


                    Newbies Nest

                    great job Liath! So glad you are here. I would suggest you read back a couple weeks and see who we are and how we are dealing with things like the recent holiday. Lav should be along shortly to show you where the Tool Box's a treasure trove of tips and tricks to use when the going gets tough.
                    Get yourself a plan on what you are going to tell people about why you are not drinking...also get all the AL out of your house. No safety nets needed, this time you are going to succeed! Settle in and tell us about yourself.... xo, Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      I've decided to take a break from the Nest. I love all you guys, but I am not posting the most helpful things for Newbies lately and I think it's time for me to fly out.

                      See you in the other threads!!!!!


                      "I like people too much or not at all."
                      Sylvia Plath


                        Newbies Nest

                        Fin;1346782 wrote: This is a good thread. Thanks for the link, etc. I'm curious what folk's thoughts are around the non-AL beers out there. Do any of you like those things? The one thing I "like" about them is that it spares me having to explain why I don't have a beer in my hand when everyone else does. I mean, so one has noticed that I've had a non-AL beer vs. the real thing. Anyway, I'm a bit conflicted about it. You?

                        It really just depends on the person. Some people can drink NA beers no problem. Then for others it leads them right back to drinking the real ones. I guess it's up to the individual.

                        For myself personally, I don't want to mess a round with my sobriety, its too important!.... I drank for every reason that can possibly be described!.... One of the main ones was, I liked the effects, the buzz!.... For myself drinking NA beers or wine would be like romanticizing the real thing!

                        Yes, in the past I tried NA beers & wine. Thought they tasted like crap! I missed the real thing, the buzz!.. I did feel like I fit in socially a bit better. Now I'm afraid if I were to be around drunks they'd annoy me!

                        Done With Alcohol 5/23/12


                          Newbies Nest


                          LibraryGirl;1346955 wrote: I've decided to take a break from the Nest. I love all you guys, but I am not posting the most helpful things for Newbies lately and I think it's time for me to fly out.

                          See you in the other threads!!!!!

                          Hi LG:

                          Well, Ummmm. Okay. Not certain why there is a definative desicions to 'Go'. Something doesn't sound too right. But that might just be my weird paranoid head.
                          Does this have to do with becoming a senior member? I don't think it means your an old lady now and so cant be a newbie

                          Well I will see you on the other threads and please PM to keep up to date.

                          Miss you already !:h

                          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                 tool box
                 newbie nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi nest how are you all?Well Liath Day 4. Suddenly thought during the night suddenly had a thought...nearly every post that I have read says that the journey will be long and tough?, and yes I know it will be... but remember when you were young and everything was an adventure? well what if you could turn that long road to an adventure in your head??Dont know how but just a thought..anyone any ideas?
                            Well for those of you with sun filled skies, the weather over here has stopped raining for a little bit tho more expected...anyone want to swop some sun for rain?
                            Keep going enjoy the weekend
                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Mick, Liath and all the other Nesters

                              Don't want to be off putting when we talk about the tough journey - just preparing you, incase you have difficulties. Anything worth having requires a little effort. I have had several quit attempts ( this is my 3rd serious one and hopefully my last) and every time I've found the day 3/ day 4 / day 5 the worst. In case you are struggling, I don't want you to think it will always be this hard, that's all. Generally once a week is past, it gets easier with every passing day.

                              Mick, I like the way you compare this to a childhood adventure. Another thing to look at from childhood, is remember how children have natural highs and lows and don't need an artificial substance like alcohol to make them feel good / excited? I have young kids and I see this most days, particularly when they go to children's parties and they are on a real high without anything intoxicating to drink. You can go back to this way of feeling with long term sobriety.

                              Have you read the Jason Vale book about kicking the booze? Definitely worth a read.

                              Rain here too, and am on holiday so lots of swimming at the waterpark and indoor sports. By the way, those of you following the tennis, you know Andy Murray is through to the Wimbledon final - well he is tee total as he doesn't like alcohol? Like me, he doesn't eat gluten either! Just thought I'd share that with you all!

                              Have a great AF day everyone.

                              Sausage x
                              Day 135 AF


                                Newbies Nest

                                So here I go Day 7, soon I can celebrate passing my first goal. It will not be a problem. I see so many times my SOBRIETY is too important. I never for the life of me thought of me being sober or drunk. I always detested that word. To me a drunk was my father, falling down mean abusive, not me. I was quiet, and would go to sleep. I am growing with the acceptance that yes unfortunately I was drunk. Now however, I am not. I wake up refreshed, still tired from brocken hours of sleep, but I wake up later, still early but later. So day 7 move over I have more goals to beat.:k:yay:

                                Sausage, yea for becoming a senior member, and for your 4 months. You are an insiration for us all who are just getting a few days or a week under their belts.

                                Kradle, I used to dream about drinking when I quit before, scary. I also quit smoking 20 some odd years ago, and still dream I smoke. Have not had one for a while, but does not mean they are done. Dreams can be so powerful, and make us feel quilty when we wake up, "Did I really take a drink/smoke, or no" then we truely wake and know it was a dream.

                                Fin, Goal 1 accomplished good work. I am working on my first goal will have won that round the end of the day.

                                Mick, welcome to the nest and congrats on day 3. I did not know that the AL would be out of the system by day 3 so thanks Byrdie. I agree with you about the advertising, they sould control it more, or totally stop it. They truely glorify al.

                                Byrdie, your words are always so powerful and elequant. You share, extend your hand to all. You are a real assest to the nest.:l

                                Leath, hi and welcome to the nest. Congrats to your day 3. There is no easy way, I also wish I could enjoy a drink, but I know I cannot and will not. Everytime, I think I have a handle on it, AL gets the better of me. I do not want to look at my bank account, and as Byrdie said the amount of box's of wine I have to dispose of is disgusting. I am beginning to my self esteem back. So no AL is not in my near or distant future.

                                Wildflower, your words are so good

                                LG, Like Kradle I miss you already. There are times I feel I nothing to contribute, but I simply drop a line to say hi or congrats. Don't go:upset:
                                I am starting over as of Sept 6
                                SHIT this is so stupid (I hate AL)

                                AF since June 30, 2012
                                be AF for 7 days yea done:yay::yay:
                                be AF for 21 days July 21, 2012 boy I did it
                                be AF for 30 Days July 30, 2012 I have done it:thanks: to all the nesters
                                Now to be AF for 60 days Aug 29---blew it
                                Work to be AF for 90 days Sept 28---blew it

                                I have been AF for 1 month Oct, 2011
                                I have been AF before for 3 months Mar 16, 2011-July 2010

