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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    YAY Gdog!!!!!!:wd: Full steam ahead to Planet AF! Enjoy waking up tomorrow with a clear head!!!!!!
    AB Club Member
    AB Start Date - 7/25/12

    10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

    :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


      Newbies Nest

      LillyE, haha! I've used PC and Mac as well, and since taking the IT gig, I've learned to hate Windows Service Pack 3, McAfee encryption, and Dell motherboards. :bananacomputer: I'm currently fantasizing about getting an iMac with one of those gigantic monitors. I also have a Macbook and iPhone, and the kid has an iPod Touch and iPad. For some reason, kids with autism can work magic with an iPad.

      Gdog way to go! I think the first day is the hardest...hopefully it'll get easier tomorrow!

      I love my new bed! My son insisted on sleeping in it the first night with me. It sits pretty high off the ground, and I woke up around 5 am and noticed he was gone, so I looked over the edge to make sure he hadn't fallen out! LOL

      Hope you all had a good AF day!


        Newbies Nest

        Omgod....I hope you didn't find him on the floor! Ha!
        AB Club Member
        AB Start Date - 7/25/12

        10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

        :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


          Newbies Nest

          Gdog, Good Luck, this site will help, even if you're having difficulty the posts help give you hope, at least they do help me that way as I stumble through my sober/ not sober enough life....tomorrow is going to be a better day


            Newbies Nest

            Good evening Nesters!

            I haven't been here much lately but I do look in once in a while
            In light of the ongoing discussion re Moderation I thought you might like to see one of the last posts written by the founder of this website & program Roberta Jewell in January 2010:
            Sometimes moderation just doesn't work out......

            Roberta Jewell;794383 wrote: Hi, gang.

            I'm here, but very much in the background these days. When I established this forum nearly five years ago, my goal was to create a self-sustaining online community to support people in recovery. As you old-timers know, I was very much involved early on and it required a tremendous investment of time and other resources.

            I am simply unable, at this point in my life and career, to dedicate the same amount of energy to this forum. Like you, I have a job, kids, and many commitments. It's no reflection of my interest in this community or the people who participate. It's life. I’m sure those of you with the same personality traits (perfectionist, controlling, workaholic) have come to understand how important it is to let go, find balance, and focus on your health as you work on overcoming your alcohol dependence.

            We now have a forum of nearly 12,000 members, with over 1,000 people coming to visit each day. I am deeply moved every time I visit the board and see the generous spirit shown by so many of you who reach out to others in need of help. Thank you for that. It’s really what this place is about—not me, or my life, or my personal journey. I remain diligent in my efforts to stay sober (I am now abstinent), and I don’t think I would have gotten here without the choices this program offers. I encourage everyone to take from MWO what is useful to them, and to lean on others for help. The support of family and friends is important. The support of others who suffer with the same disease is critical.

            As a side note, I would ask that each of you respect our members’ privacy—whether me, or anyone else. Nothing is gained by exposing another’s name, location, or personal communications. We have worked very hard to ensure that everyone is protected in this regard.

            A belated Happy New Year to each of you.

            In health,

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Destiniey;1348179 wrote: Omgod....I hope you didn't find him on the floor! Ha!
              LOL no, he got up and went back to his own bed. I'm guessing he got up in the night for a potty break and was in autopilot mode.


                Newbies Nest

                Well, I'm a good little alkie who has ta go think now, hahaha.... but ta clarify, I don't know Minstar. Just read about the 230 days of AF time, I think that's the time. Don't bash my head in please with skulls, just kidding. DfromCT, No problem, as I said this is the Internet it's a two dimensional world.

                I think it's good when others get me to see things in a new perspective. Sometimes I don't like it at first what they have to say, but sometimes those words are the ones that have helped me to grow the most on my journey, but not always. Sorry, about your friend, AA is supposed to be about attraction not promotion. I too have encountered this at AA, but still I have learned many great things from 12 steppers, that I would never want ta trade!....

                Now If I hear of anybody calling somebody a failure, Wildflowers is going to get P'OD. That won't be pretty, just ask my hubs. I called myself a failure many, many times..... to a point, I almost never tried ta get sober again, almost died out there alone!... :upset: I know almost all the mind games..... If ya need any grenades I can help ya find em.

                Glad we got to talk & that you are motivated to be a good & present Papa!.... I think sometimes being a bit of a more mature parent you have better life experiences & skills to teach, then being a younger Papa. Congrats on your becoming a Daddy of twins, this time! Really glad your here at MWO!.... :l

                LG, I won't shunn ya hun. I like you, find you interesting.... Now if ya talk a bunch about that your going ta drink, I might ignore ya, cause, my head will play tricks first, then my mouth might start watering. I know pretty sad for someone that is an alkie, who almost lost her life to this disease.

                I never thought you were a full blown alkie, like me. I just never wanted ta say so. That was up to you to say. I think ya have a problem, that ya took by the horns & are in control of now!...

                But, when ya first came here it sounded like ya were in trouble & it's possible that if ya did start drinking again daily, esp the spirits ya could be headed for trouble again. But, like I also told ya I think that if ya mess with the juice long enuf & hard enuf you can potentially screw up your brain & progress into being in bigger trouble!... I don't want that ta happen to you or anyone!.... :l

                As for modding, I can play plenty of mind feck games, cause I also had lots of times where I could Modd to, but usually I had to have everything just right, & in order. Found out it gets worse over time, much harder to control!.... Plus I think it's harder on Woman's bodies!

                I don't think every body has a pre-disposition genetics for addiction. I think a lot of this is emotional, mental, behavioral, spiritual & a choice. It's multi-faucted. It needs a multi-faucted treatment approach. The responsibility, the choice part, hopefully happens before it's to late. Of course these are just my opinions. I like hearing other peoples thoughts, cause it helps me to think out of my own box. Helps me learn & grow.

                Maybe I don't understand the purpose of this thread. I read it when I first got here & was confused, alcohol brain fog. Maybe I'm still confused. Maybe I shouldn't be here? I admit ta not being the brightest light bulb here, but my intentions & motivations are good most the time.

                I was suppose to be painting underneath my Kinkade wall border today. I have this cool blue paint with sand in it, instead I've been on this new addiction of mine, here. Well at least I have the masking done & I'm sober. Woo Hoo I don't like painting.


                  Newbies Nest

                  good morning nesters!
                  so much to respond to!! so much going on here--i'm running off to work though, so this is a quick fly-by.
                  Wildflower, thank you for the picture and the thoughtful post. i love this time of year with all the sweet new bird life. G-dog, great on getting to day 2. we're in the same place in this regard-- yay for day 2!!
                  hope yours is a good one-- sounds like you have lots of adventures.
                  will check in this afternoon.
                  sending you all strength today.


                    Newbies Nest

                    ITGeekChick;1348177 wrote: LillyE, haha! I've used PC and Mac as well, and since taking the IT gig, I've learned to hate Windows Service Pack 3, McAfee encryption, and Dell motherboards. :bananacomputer: I'm currently fantasizing about getting an iMac with one of those gigantic monitors. I also have a Macbook and iPhone, and the kid has an iPod Touch and iPad. For some reason, kids with autism can work magic with an iPad.
                    Really? Wow, that's interesting. Maybe I should try and get my nephew one. His parents are PC geeks though so maybe some other tablet. Interesting.

                    I'd love an iMac with a massive monitor too! You'd think I couldn't possibly need any more Apple products but I'd love to use my MB Air just for portability and have one of those as my desktop. Mmm. *drools slightly*

                    I hardly qualify as a full fledged geek but I can geek out a little over this stuff Cool that you're a woman in IT, btw, because you see that all too rarely! At least here, maybe that's not true there?


                    Told another friend today about quitting. A friend I don't see that often and who I think of as not much of a drinker so I thought he'd just be like 'cool - good on you'. He kind of was but kind of not too. People are so WEIRD about alcohol. I felt like he was wondering if I'd gone all 12-Step or something... maybe it was all in my mind? He made a comment about me no longer being able to enjoy all the cool bars in our area too. Oh well. Whatever.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Well Day 10, I am so please with my new found freedom, freedom with my choice of life, my mode of transportaion. I am blessed with my children, grandchildren, all my friends and my good friends here in the nest.

                      GDog, keep going, quitting is not in our vocabulary. I had numerous day 1's, I never thought I could make it this far, if I can do this I know you can.

                      Wildflowers, what a great inspiratitional post, I love it

                      Dest, after my own heart, I love animals. All my life I have raised baby racoons, squirrels and even a crow that had a brocken leg. That bird was a better watch dog than our trusty old friend Nelson (our dog)

                      All you other nesters enjoy your AF Tuesday.

                      As far as Moderation goes, I know it is not for me, I tried it, each time I quit drinking I go back harder. It is as if that devil is trying to make up for lost time. I would love to be one who can, but for now it is not in the cards, and I highly doubt if it ever will.
                      I am starting over as of Sept 6
                      SHIT this is so stupid (I hate AL)

                      AF since June 30, 2012
                      be AF for 7 days yea done:yay::yay:
                      be AF for 21 days July 21, 2012 boy I did it
                      be AF for 30 Days July 30, 2012 I have done it:thanks: to all the nesters
                      Now to be AF for 60 days Aug 29---blew it
                      Work to be AF for 90 days Sept 28---blew it

                      I have been AF for 1 month Oct, 2011
                      I have been AF before for 3 months Mar 16, 2011-July 2010


                        Newbies Nest

                        Gratefully made it! Day two dawns. Very tired. Did not sleep well, and the night before was really bad so my body is beat tired. Off to workout though and hope to settle into a nice routine of early to bed and early to rise.

                        Litre2 way to roll. Double digits is awesome.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Yes, ol' Rooni is such a loser. I can't even make it through one day without drinking. I am so tired of this. Starting over AGAIN...


                            Newbies Nest

                            I really want to join the boot camp, but I don't have any faith in myself that I will actually make it 30 days. Hell, I can't even make it ONE day these days. And I'm desperately asking myself WHY NOT? I know full well all the evils of alcohol and why I want that crap out of my life. Why do I suddenly "forget" those things? Why can't I ward off the urges like so many others on this site? Why do I continue to risk a DUI, losing my job, etc? Why do I sit here every day mad as hell at myself over the fact that I'm 40 pounds overweight, largely in part from drinking and eating crappy food as a result of drinking/being hungover? Why do I continue to drink even after knowing 1ST HAND that life is SOOO MUCH better when I'm sober and in control?

                            The addiction, right? And it's such a powerful addiction. If I can beat this thing, I will have accomplished the most difficult in my entire life. And the reward? Life itself....

                            OK, I am back on Day 1, and it's going to suck royally. If I can just get through today, I will be so much better in the morning. I need a day to wake up feeling better, and NOT in panic like I did this morning. Where's my phone? Where's my wallet? Who did I drunk dial?

                            So tired of that crap.

                            God give me the strength to walk away from this demon and start living the life I KNOW I can live...


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning. I said I was going to take a break from the Nest, but this is like home to me. I promise not to talk about THAT too much, or at least not how and when.

                              Roonie, hon, I'm sorry you're having a difficult time. You were really doing well, what happened? I am not trying to say that you can't get right back up and start again, of course you can and you will!! Are you still doing the fitness boot camp?

                              Hi Wildflowers! Thanks for your kind words. I am not going to make sweeping statements about my ability to do anything anymore. I am abstaining ATM and have not overdone it on the occasions I have drank. July 23 will be five months. Most of that time was abstinent, of course. I know I am still vulnerable to this addiction, and maybe always will be, and it's an humbling thought.

                              Lily, Dest, Gdog and anyone I missed, Hello!!


                              "I like people too much or not at all."
                              Sylvia Plath


                                Newbies Nest

                                Roon: First of all we are all actually much closer to where you are at. Secondly, I think this is a process that takes time. Some people do just shut down the drinking, but most people probably engage it after ignoring it for a long time, and then stopping itself can take a long time. A garden is not beautiful overnight. Keep taking the steps forward, but also love yourself in the process. I can not do three days in a row for some reason, and am on my latest effort, but I have been getting back after it each week, building the healthy activities, reading, praying, being open. Slowly maybe it becomes less and my freedome becomes greater. Great job even posting. Good first step.

