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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Morning Nesters! Another fine day here in Oregon. It is going to be HOT, HOT, HOT..better get my shades out. Thanks for the coffee Dill, I am going to take mine on ice today!

    Dill, that is chilly weather you are waking up to. Are you getting a lot of rain? My dad is heading back East next week, and the weather has been rainy and in the 60's in PA where he is going.

    Lav, how are you today? I do hope the foot is on the mend for you.

    Lilbit, thanks for stopping by. I do hope you continue to visit. I have been keeping up on your progress on other threads! You rock...keep up the great work :goodjob:

    Sea, how are you doing today? Do you have any plans for the 4th of July?

    Papa, as Dill said, G will be kept occupied. You are always in my thoughts, but more so on your marathon days. Stay rested as possible.

    Hello to all others who fly in. Have a great Thursday! :l


      Newbies Nest

      Good afternoon all,

      Waiting for the next thunder storm, they keep rolling through. No shortage of wet weather here in S.E. PA. Lost power for a short time last evening. No outdoor activities planned today!

      Thanks everyone for asking about my foot, I appreciate that. It's still too swollen to get a normal shoe on, just hobbling around in sandal type things. Feel kind of stupid but I'm not good at sitting still for extended periods of time. The good news is I can put more weight on it today so that's progress. I can't stay mad at my Granddog 'Jack' but I will stay away from him until I'm healed

      Dill & Chops, I am a nurse but no longer working in the field. I found 27 years of it to be enough!! Working in hospitals, shift work, holidays, weekends, etc. wears a girl out. We all try to get out before we hit 50 or shortly thereafter. The friend I met for lunch yesterday, who just turned 50, announced her plan to leave the profession. She's exhausted, bless her.
      I am keeping myself happily busy in my home based embroidery shop these days. Just me and my 2 machines, no cranky patients or call lights to answer, ha ha...........

      Sea, glad to see you here, hope things are a little brighter for you. If I can be of any help, please PM me. I am a good listener with an occasional good idea!

      I feel very happy & fortunate to be surrounded by this group of caring & supportive people. You all help me out so much, every day, Thanks

      Have a wonderful day, each and everyone one of you!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Lav, glad your foot is little better. I say, go for the sympathy in your sandal-shoes! Might as well soak it up. It's summertime, and you have the best excuse to prop your feet up (although I agree that it's hard to enjoy that for very long).

        Thanks so much for your kind words, Chops. Enjoy the hot weather. Iced coffee sounds yummy. I'm a sucker for Mocha Frappucinos.

        Dill, I think Mother Nature is going through menopause -- hot, cold, hot, cold. :H I share your love of sugar snap peas. What a nice side benefit! Someone once brought a dip with dill and ranch-type seasonings and some really crispy peas to a social function, and I was hooked.

        Good luck on your work marathon, Pops! Thinking of you.

        Have a good one, LilM, Sea, and the rest of the nesters!
        "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


          Newbies Nest


          Hello birdlings!

          Another just quick fly-by tweeting... still working (almost 9pm) or I should say again working, had to take a time out to take care of my old girl (horse). She's really in pain - we did her feets last weekend and did some reconstructive trimming... ouchies, now she's limping

          Otherwise all is well here... did you know? We had summer! All of last week. I think we're in fall now - I feel like lighting a fire! Grrrrrumble.

          Lavande, how's that foot? I've been stepped on by horses so many times (no wonder I gots flat feets! :H) - so not fun. I hope yours shrinks to normal size fairly soon.

          PR, you're still doing those awful shifts? *shudder*
          Sea, my luv, I've been trying to catch up on what's been happening... don't like what I'm reading from you... but SO glad you're back in the saddle! Money will sort itself out one way or another - as long as you stay with us :l

          Dillarooney, SD, Choppers - hello and so good to see all of you fighting the good fight! And hello LilBit! Are they treating you nicely in the nest?

          Ok, folks, gotta run... have yourself a great night!

          Tweet ya laters!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            Newbies Nest

            Hey, Sunny! I have had my foot stepped on by horses, too. I?m pretty sure they do it on purpose! And, yes, I?m still here in the Nest and still fighting the good fight. Lately I have been wondering how long a Newbie is a Newbie. I?ve been here for several months, but I still feel like I?m just starting out!

            LilB, ?Dip with Dill?? Sounds like a dance move!!! :H Seriously though, that sounds good. You won?t be surprised to hear that I have some dill growing right here in my little herb garden! I think I?ll whip up a dill dip for my sugar snaps today! You might be on to something with the Mother Earth menopause analogy!!! :H It?s been a bumpy ride.

            Lav, the more I learn about you, the more I like you! I was impressed to learn that you are a nurse (Once a nurse, always a nurse, burned out or not!). But I?m even more impressed to learn that you have a home embroidery shop! I am a knitter, crocheter, sewer and occasional embroiderer (been a long time, though). But I am just hobby level at these things. I?m still working full time and will be for at least 3 more years.

            Hey Chops, send us just a touch of that heat, would you? My best friend is visiting her kids in Eugene this week and next. I?ll bet she is NOT happy about the weather. She loves the cool weather and thrives on winter. The more snow the better, as far as she is concerned! So, your Dad is PA? Does that mean you have the house to yourself?

            Hi, Sea, LilM and any other nestlings that hop along!

            PR, 'G' seems a little restless. We'll give him some extra attention til you get home!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Newbies Nest

              Happy 4th of July Nesters!!! Just a quick check-in to say hello. I am off with my family today for a load of fun!

              Dill, I will gladly send a touch of this heat to you. It is unbearably hot until Monday. Eugene is a nice place to visit, although it mostly is a college town. Hope your friend does enjoy the visit. Yes, I will have the house to myself while Dad is gone He and his wife have a massive garden, and I am learning all the ropes to take care of it. I really hope they don't come back to dead flowers. :H

              PR, how are your marathon days going? We will all keep G calm and safe if he is scared of fireworks. Much love will be going his way today.

              Lav, I wish I was blessed with your talent. I am lucky if I can sew a seam back together. Although, my Grandma did teach me to knit. Bless her heart for that!

              Lilmea, Sea, SD, and Lilbit, I miss you tons. Please fly in for a visit soon. :l

              Sunni, I have been thrown off a horse but not stepped on. That sounds painful!

              Hello to everyone who stops by. Have a safe and fun 4th of July! Remembering and thanking our troops, past and present, is on my agenda today! :l


                Newbies Nest


                Hello my little ones......want to wish all of you a fantastic 4th of July today!!!! Hope it was a fun and safe one for each of you. Thanks too for taking care of G.....Chopper, funny you should mention that as G is terrified of fireworks.......I worked the 1st shift today, but wasn't able to complete the evening shift. Same, long story, but health just makes it tough now. The good news is that I'm home to help G get through the fireworks 'trauma'.....he is pretty dramatic ya know. Well, goodnight safe.
                Pops & G


                  Newbies Nest

                  Happy July 5th everyone

                  Hope you all had a good 4th, I did.
                  BBQ'd with the family, got to see my 7 month old grandson enjoy his first fireworks show right from the comfort of our own backyard! We have a few very talented farmer/neighbors nearby that put on very nice fireworks displays each year.

                  Plan to kick back & relax a little today, think I wore myself out yesterday. It was worth it though, everyone had a good time Glad to report that I'm finally fitting back in a regular pair of shoes - the foot trauma is resolving nicely - that was a pain.........

                  Hope everyone had a great AF 4th. Relax a little today, you deserve it
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nesters,

                    PR, sorry you aren't up to snuff. Take it easy and be good to yourself. I said a little prayer for you this morning in church.

                    Lav, I'm glad you had such a great day with your family. You sound like you are a rural dweller. We are, too. It's so peaceful. I had a good 4th. Grilled out, and got phone calls from each of my kids.

                    Hey Chops! Did you have a load of fun with your family? Hope so!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Newbies Nest


                      Thanks're a doll!! Have a great night everybody.
                      Pops & G


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesters ~ Sure has been quiet around here lately. Where is everyone?

                        Lav, your 4th of July sounded perfect. How did your grandson like the fireworks? I didn't get to see my grandson, but I was told he had fun

                        PR, I hope G wasn't too traumatized by the fireworks. It's always nice to have dad around to calm the nerves. How are you feeling? Hopefully up to par very soon.

                        Dill, I did have a load of fun with my family on the 4th! We BBQ'd, the boys rode dirt bikes, set off fireworks! It was a blast and I haven't had that much fun in a long time! How was your 4th?

                        Well, it's back to work for me now. Will check in later.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good afternoon all,

                          It sure is quiet here - hope that's good news

                          Thanks Chops, our 4th of July here was nice. Watching the baby watch the fireworks really warmed my heart. He's my main motivator to stay true to my quit!

                          Only 1 of the 3 dogs present for the fireworks had an 'issue' so we kept her in the house. She tends to traumatize quite easily...........

                          I'm back to work as well in my home shop. The economic downturn hurt my small embroidery business as well. Customers that I've had for the past 6-7 years have been unable to place orders with me - their businesses are hurting too. It's tough all the way around, am just very happy when I can do some business

                          Hope everyone is having a very cool day!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Nesters! Very quiet indeed!

                            Well, I finally took the leap and got on my bike! I've been working myself up to it for a couple of weeks now. I was really nervous about it, as it has been years since I have ridden. I have a 3 speed cruiser-style bike. I don't even know if they make 3 speeds anymore!!!:H I rode for about 40 minutes. It was a definite workout! I have been walking everyday this summer for at least 30-40 minutes a day, so I had some stamina. But the bike was definitely more cardio, which is good. I'm glad I didn't push myself too much, so I will be willing to get back on again tomorrow. It was fun!

                            Lav, I'm glad you are able to wear normal shoes again. Is your toe still sensitive? I'm sorry your business is struggling. Times are tough and I don't see any leadership that I have any confidence will turn things around. I'm very concerned. I'll keep my fingers cossed for your business.

                            Chops, My 4th was quiet but fun. We grilled out, of course. Each of the kids called us on the fourth. They live too far away for us to get together. My son and daughter and their families got together in Destin, Florida and had a wonderful day together. They took lots of pictures and emailed them to us. I got to see my grandson having the time of his life riding on a big boat. Mr. Dill and I attended one of the many TEA parties on the holiday weekend, too.

                            PR, good that you were there to help 'G' through the fireworks. All my pets are scared to death of them, too. Quite sensible, really!

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              Newbies Nest


                              Yeah, G survived the fireworks.....does help when dad is around......hope everybody had a wonderful day and may tomorrow bring more of the same.
                              P & G


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning Nesters! Well, the coffee is on and the diet pepsi is on ice for when SD checks in. I also put out muffins this morning. I am very hungry and wanted a treat!

                                Lav, my grandson is a huge motivation to stay sober. Isn't it amazing how these babies can be such motivators and not even know it? My grandson is about a year older than yours, and he is such a joy! I am sending good wishes for your business as well. I do hope that it turns around for you!

                                Dill, I am so glad that you enjoyed your 4th. Also, glad you got to talk to your kids. My son doesn't live too far from me and I barely get to talk to him or see him. Typical 20 year old boy trying to find his way I guess. He knows that his mom is always a phone call away! When does your son move?

                                PR, hope your health is improving and you are feeling better. Thinking of you and G

                                Sea, Lilmea, Lilbit, SD...miss you guys tons! Check in soon

                                Have a great day all!

