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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi LillyE, Im just a 32 yr old mum of 4, live in scotland...married to a lovely hard working guy who works for a rig company. Not much to say really lol as my life tends to revolve around the wee dudes lol!


      Newbies Nest


      Hi Arrii welcome to MWO. I read your introductory thread. I can identify with your situation very much as I too started drinking heavily after PND, (wine every night) I have young children too and my husband works away a lot.

      Ive now achieved 140 AF days with the aid of this site. Please check out my story in the My Story section.

      Look forward to seeing you around.

      Hi Mick, thanks for the welcome back, you are doing great. Hi to all other nesters. Will check in properly later.


        Newbies Nest

        Hiya Sausage...You've done so well!! You must be really proud of yourself? I can only dream of that this now but, like, mentioned before havent felt so positive or even yeah slightly excited about this before! Today will be the test as will the next two weeks for sure. I tend to get to about 5pm then fancy some wine as the thought of being in the house without is a boring thought. My hubby is the same he works away also, but hes so supportive and has never judged me so i am very lucky in that respect. I just dont want to let him down, or the kids again, but im sure every so often i'll mess up. Bt id rather the odd mess up than a mess up every night lol xx


          Newbies Nest

          Hi John welcome
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Newbies Nest

            Welcome John. Are you suffering with a drinking problem? I'm sorry if it's obvious, but you only stated your interest in fitness and health.

            Good morning Mick, Dest, Sausage, Lily...all you grand Nesties!! I'm up rather early for me...Hope I don't crash at work later, lol.


            "I like people too much or not at all."
            Sylvia Plath


              Newbies Nest

              Morning all. Finally made it three days. Big smile. Felt good to mark that one off on the calendar. Next stop 4 days. Off to workout. Hope everyone had a great night.


                Newbies Nest

                I have to apologize, I was a day ahead of myself yesterday, today is Day 12. I thought yesterday was Thursday, whata a dipp I am. So to get it right, today again is my Day 12. I have been to the mall everyday, and it was last nite that I realized I had no inkling to go to the liquor store. It never even crossed my mind.:happy:

                Arrii- :welcome: pleased to meet you. I know about being judged, it happened with my sister. She accused me of drinking one day around the first of March, I blasted her, for honestly it was the kettle calling the pot black. She drank more than me. Yes I had been drinking, but it is the principal. You do not judge when you do the same thing. We have not spoken since. People are really strange, unfortunately, my sister lives in a glass house so she must be careful.

                Didz-:welcome: have not talked with you yet, so hello. I know about being judged. Two years ago when I was living with Mr Judgemental, he did drink but not much. What he did do however when we were dating and in the beginning when we were living together was to tell me to grab my glass of wine and he would take his beer and go for a drive. That scared me. He would also take a bottle of wine and two glasses, find a spot on the beach and pour. Again another illegal thing. Near the end he was none stop about me drinking. I stopped for three months, but his constant badgering and insults put me back. I tried to moderate, but it gradually grew.

                Sausage- funny how we have to rest after a holiday. Welcome back. Great work on 140 days :goodjob: hats off to you.

                GDog- keep going, baby steps. You can and will get to 30 days. We are all proud of your progress.

                LG- I deffinately agree with you about moderation. As I have said earlier in my post I tried it twice before, and twice I failed. Each time I fail I drink more, seems that little red guy on my shoulder wants to and does make up for lost time

                Lily- I am going to see if we have a SMART group here in London, Ontario. Thanks for the tip.

                John-:welcome: fitness and weight loss is a great thing to talk about. Myself, I could lose about 10 lbs, not alot but I want to. I am told I am good the way I am, but it is something I want to do. Not adding the extra calories from the many many glasses of wine I used to have a day, plus all the water I now drink will help me. That and the many daily walks I take with my dog. Will look forward to see what else you have to say.
                I am starting over as of Sept 6
                SHIT this is so stupid (I hate AL)

                AF since June 30, 2012
                be AF for 7 days yea done:yay::yay:
                be AF for 21 days July 21, 2012 boy I did it
                be AF for 30 Days July 30, 2012 I have done it:thanks: to all the nesters
                Now to be AF for 60 days Aug 29---blew it
                Work to be AF for 90 days Sept 28---blew it

                I have been AF for 1 month Oct, 2011
                I have been AF before for 3 months Mar 16, 2011-July 2010


                  Newbies Nest

                  For all the other nesters, sorry I missed saying hi, so hi enjoy your AF Thursday.
                  Sitting here writing, I forgot about my coffee, and took a sip and it is cold, YUK.
                  I am starting over as of Sept 6
                  SHIT this is so stupid (I hate AL)

                  AF since June 30, 2012
                  be AF for 7 days yea done:yay::yay:
                  be AF for 21 days July 21, 2012 boy I did it
                  be AF for 30 Days July 30, 2012 I have done it:thanks: to all the nesters
                  Now to be AF for 60 days Aug 29---blew it
                  Work to be AF for 90 days Sept 28---blew it

                  I have been AF for 1 month Oct, 2011
                  I have been AF before for 3 months Mar 16, 2011-July 2010


                    Newbies Nest

                    Well, I deliberately ( how niave) stepped of the wagon was having "fun" i thought and guess what it all came crashing back down on me!!! and ....I was surprised....oooft.....ended up in A&E two night ago after taking some pills, when I came round I felt so stupid and stupidly enough discharged myself, been having palpitations and anxiety attacks since hoping they will clear up soon!!!!

                    Moral of the story stay off the booze forever!!

                    Glad to be back xx

                    Back to the beginning day 02 Jan 2013

                    Grateful for MWO :thanks:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Had a massive hangover yesterday and have decided I am not a cucumber, but a pickle and there is no going back to normal drinking for me. (I just read Greenie's post in abs thread) When you say to yourself you are only going to have three or four (and that is too much) and then proceed to go over even that generous limit, it is time to admit defeat and accept the fact you have a problem that you cannot control. You have control – and that is your quit – that is your control. Once you have learned that you are not your normal self after three, it’s over; move on, get grateful and don’t look back. I must do this for good. Shit I hate being so stubborn and having to learn the hard way. I am going to enjoy the rest of the summer sober and I am determined. I am downright mad right now at my self for screwing up a pretty good quit of over 6 months. Got to get over myself and move on!!!! I really thought I was different (insert laughing hysterical smiley face).

             might be seeing me around here for a while.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Windy, thanks for sharing your story. I'm very much like you, in that I've been stubbornly telling myself and everyone else that I'll be able to moderate after putting in 30 days AF. I'm starting to fear that that may not be the case. For now we'll see, I'm taking it one day at a time, and hope to get through today, day 5 for me.
                        Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
                        When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


                          Newbies Nest

                          DfromCT -- Congrats on 5 days and keep it going. It is a long process.... I take that back, it is a life process.

                          One thing I have learned from my journey and reading others' is that this is a fight to the bitter end. Weather you are 1 day sober, or 1 year or 10 years even, it never lets go of you. And will not go away with wishful thinking. I guess this is where the hard work comes to play. Your plan, your journey is forever changing and must be given the respect it deserves or you will let your guard down and.... BAM .... that sneaky Ba#&&&& is in, mess in with your mind. It's tough, but we are TUFFER. Liven and Learnin all the way to the BANK.


                            Newbies Nest


                            I am in UK does anyone know where I can buy Baclofen dont want to go through doc's


                            Back to the beginning day 02 Jan 2013

                            Grateful for MWO :thanks:


                              Newbies Nest

                              crap, post just got deleted and I'm struggling with iPad typing as it is!

                              Pretty sure "John" is spam kids.

                              Litre, try I'm going to meeting tomorrow am - will report back!

                              Night Nesties.


                                Newbies Nest

                                I suspected as much too, Lily (about "John"). Sorry you lost your post. K9 has been having some of the same problems and hardly ever posts anymore. :upset:

                                Ok, at work now, just have to make it till 5, and it's weekend time~!!


                                "I like people too much or not at all."
                                Sylvia Plath

