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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Uconn: Thanks for the encouragement. I heartily suggest you keep going after the twins, but understand the issue perfectly. I have not gotten the supplements part going yet. Great job on making it to the end of one week. We all understand how great that must be, and my guess is your wife is quitely happy with your loving on her and the twins in this way.

    Going to start moving our family to a new house this morning. I intend to see this new house as a good way to start a new habit and pattern in a variety of ways, but certainly in the way of AF.
    Just another way to break from the past.


      Newbies Nest

      Gdog - Good for you for starting earlier than planned - I think that's a good sign. You have a plan, but instead of the plan dragging you along unwillingly by the leash, you are in front, pulling it to catch up to YOU. Also the realization that drinking is just no fun anymore - that's what got me started on this stretch. At one time it was fun, but that part is just fantasy now, and I try to focus on the reality.

      And I second Dfrom's suggestion to look into the supplements. The kudzu and L-glutamine have really helped me. B vitamins are good too - we tend to be low on those.

      Litre - you are sounding SO good. Doesn't it feel great when the AL is gone for a couple weeks? Gives you a whole new perspective on things.

      K9 - hope you pass your test with flying colors.

      Hi to everyone else - hope you have a good Saturday.
      AF since 6JUN2012


        Newbies Nest

        Don't know if you have it in your area, but right now the National Geographic channel is showing "Taboo - Booze," a show about the harmful and often deadly effects of alcohol. It's pretty mind-blowing.


          Newbies Nest

          "I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed." --Michael Jordan


            Newbies Nest

            DfromCT;1349896 wrote: Helloooo Nesters!

            Wow, I've made it to day 7! Gonna make it THROUGH day 7, and start my second week tomorrow!

            I'm beating myself up a bit this morning because for the second time this sober week I left my gas grill on overnight. Went to feed my pepper plants and noticed the porch was hot, dammit I did it again. Probably going to have to refill the tank, which means exposing to the complex that I'm using the 20 lb tank we're not supposed to have again this weekend. What a dumb f'er I can be. Can't even blame it on being shitfaced, just stupid!

            Going to run to the grocery store while it's still relatively early and the aisles are empty. Even sober I hate when the stores are crowded. My wife, now in her 35th week carrying our twins, is sleeping and probably will until noon, as her sleep patterns are really messed up late in pregnancy. I don't want to wake her to ask what she ordered online, but I also don't want to get stuff she bought. Hmmm...I guess I'll get a couple days food and if we duplicate something we'll use the freezer.

            I'm still pondering the dangers and pitfalls of my potential to moderate after 30 days. Maybe I'll go a few more and have that glass of wine with my wife the night before she leaves the hospital after the babies are delivered (c-section Aug 9 if all goes as planned, so that would put the last nights dinner somewhere around the 13th, which would be somewhere btw 35 and 40 days for me!) As I've discussed with some of my MWO friends, the last thing I want is to be a moderation failure and end up back where I was drinking heavily. OMG how that thought disgusts me.

            I'll probably check in later, hope all are well.


            K9 dying to hear how the test went. Wonder if you get results instantly, or wait weeks? Let us know how you think you did if it's the later. :l
            Sunflower, WELCOME and good luck. I'm rooting for you.:welcome:
            Litre, congrats on two weeks, WAY TO GO!
            Rooni---you're doing great, just let the days string together!
   a revelation! I started in a similar manner last Sunday, wasn't expecting it to be day one, but realized late in the day I didn't want to drink. You might want to add some serious vitamin and Kudzu ASAP, and consider the starter packs they sell here. The Hypnotherapy CD helps a lot for me. Let me know if you want to talk about my program and what I like and don't like about the starter package (ie I can't tolerate the Magnesium Citrate, haven't taken a single one since the pill made me gag, it's WAY too big!) :goodjob:
            Hi Dave:

            My twin girls are now ten and while I'm certain you are getting or will get an avalanche of unsolicited advice (and hand-me-downs) allow me to send congratulations and though my hat in the ring

            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
   tool box
   newbie nest


              Newbies Nest

              Day 1/50 is going fairly well from an urge standpoint. Rough day with teens, but we are pressing forward. Could be some more rough water later.

              Hope everyone is doing very well today!


                Newbies Nest

                Day 3 is coming to a close soon, and I am sober. I am home tonight cooking and watching TV. I am getting settled into hermit life for a while, but that's OK. I have to avoid friends and restaurants right now. I have only told one person I'm attempting yet again to quit drinking, and he was like "right...."

                I sure hope I can keep this up....


                  Newbies Nest

                  Skulking in under the raydar.....
                  You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                    Newbies Nest

                    What's up FF? Looks like it's you, me, and Gdog tonight LOL Don't know where the other nesters are right now. How you doing?


                      Newbies Nest

                      Goodnight peeps. God loves that you all are trying to go to a deeper well than Alcohol for your Joy. Making the choice to stop drinking from the shallow well is a great act of courage and love. Keep digging deeper. Let us all find Joy beyond Addiction.


                        Newbies Nest

                        rooniferd;1350050 wrote: Day 3 is coming to a close soon, and I am sober. I am home tonight cooking and watching TV. I am getting settled into hermit life for a while, but that's OK. I have to avoid friends and restaurants right now. I have only told one person I'm attempting yet again to quit drinking, and he was like "right...."

                        I sure hope I can keep this up....

                        YUK! YUK! YUK!


                        I just want want to give your 'friend' a big slap upside the head. You can definitely do this, better than this ninny...:
                        Stay close!

                        Sorry- feeling protective tonight. :h

                        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
               tool box
               newbie nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          I was able to make it to 21 days while on this board last year . I have gotten back into the habit and am drinking 2 bottles of wine most nights. I am not married so my drinking doesn't effect anyone close to me.

                          I am quite overweight and know I need to quit drinking and that is my reason for coming back to the forum. I hired a personal trainer 2 /week but unless I move my body other days of the week I will never get anywhere. My problem is that I end up drinking while I wait for the weather to cool down. By the time it has, I am toasted and don't want to walk.

                          I know once I get onto a pattern I will be fine, but I don't seem to get that roll started.



                            Newbies Nest

                            Day 2/50 dawns with hope. Many positives about it all for me. 4 full days this week of not drinking, and excitement about this 50 day plan. A bit tired but dry! Internet may be a big off and on the next few days as we are moving, so my posts may not be constant. Have a blessed Sunday AF friends.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Kradle123;1350088 wrote: I just want want to give your 'friend' a big slap upside the head. You can definitely do this, better than this ninny...:
                              Stay close!:l
                              Hey Kradle, yeah, I'm not offended by the friend. He's strictly a drinking buddy, and I imagine his words were out of envy, not sarcasm. He drinks all afternoon and into the evenings every day. He drunk dials me quite a bit in the evenings. If he doesn't know he has a problem, then he's in major denial....

                              Ellen - OMG, you and I are in the same boat. I firmly believe the 40 extra pounds I have splattered all over my poor body is a result of alcohol - the empty calories, the late-nite binges on pizza, the hungover meals (those always have to be greasy), and of course the lack of motivation to exercise from abusing my body with alcohol.

                              I joined Weight Watchers, and I think this (along with quitting the beast, of course) will be my saving grace. One glass of wine is 4 points, and we're only allowed 26 points a day. With two bottles of wine a day, that's 28 points!! Crazy....

                              Speaking of Weight Watchers, I went to my weekly meeting yesterday. The topic was how to handle failures. I think some of the points they made really apply to us as well:

                              - Accept that you will make mistakes. Practice makes perfect. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Mistakes are a natural part of any process, and they can pave the way to greater progress.
                              - Reflect on your mistakes. Reject the attitude that if you can't do it perfectly you're not doing it right.
                              - Open yourself to the lessons mistakes can teach. They're like road signs pointing the way toward a more productive path. Each time you make a mistake, you learn what not to do - and more importantly, what TO do.
                              - Believe that if you have a fall, it's not a disaster. Remember that very few people who succeed never went through a series of ups and downs.

                              And most importantly, give yourself credit for undertaking such a life journey - slipups and all!! :l


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi All. I have been scarce but doing well. just busy with the little guys and teens around because of summer. I have to fight for computer time, and wait for some privacy. I do keep up on reading posts, but i am so slow on typing on this dang ipad. Today is a big challenge for me...i have had a stressful week and also have to present at a meeting tonight. On top of that, dh will be out of town. Big risk factors for me wanting to drink. In the past, i would come home and feel like i really deserved a giant glass of wine and without dh watching, i could do it. I know i can do this and tomorrow i will be so proud of myself..

                                Thank you all for your encouragement.
                                Ellen, I know how that heat is...we lived in san antonio. Maybe you can find a walking partner. That would keepmu motivated and sober.

