Dest- you also have to remember to put the carafe in its place, have done that, what a mess.
Well today is Day 16 and I sit enjoying my cup of coffee:cupajoe: I so enjoy the flavour these days, before I quit AL I could not tolerate the taste, so a glass of wine of my morning pick me up. Sorry to say. Has anyone else found their taste buds have come alive again.
Windy- yes I remember the conversation, that is why I wondered if you were a fellow Ontarian. Me and Geography do not get along, sorry to say I forget what States border the Great Lakes, except for Michigan have been to the Fingre Lakes a number of times for Wine Tours.
LoLab- my little spaniel has spots. My 7 year old Grandson used to call her a fire dog when I first adopted her. I tell you when a storm is coming she begins to shake so violently I am afraid the spots will fly off and permanently imbed themselves in my walls.
Reading your epiphany put a smile on my face.

Didz- what a wonderfully romantic idea for Dave. If I were his wife and he did that I would be so overwhelmed with emotion and Love. Dfrom very good advice.
Yoga- hope your brother is able to beat his. Dennis and I are 11 months apart, we were in the same grade all through school. He is the middle child and was always flamboyant and the pretty one in the family. Dennis has given up, every time he has surgury another tumour comes attacks him. This is all happening to his head/face. Thankyou for your thoughts and I do apologize for going on about my brother and his "affliction" as he calls it.
I too used to down a few glasses of wine before I went out or company came. I do not miss that at all. Actually wine began to lose it taste for me. I changed brands, but I did not enjoy it all. I guess that was my body telling me it was time.
Rooni- Like everyone else here, I have lived both scenerios, and YES I will take the first one:thanks: I agree you should put it on a thread.
Monique-congrats on racking up your days
Kradle- Your words to Dave come from your heart, I hope he heeds them as all the nesters do
Sausage- You also have great words for Dave. I did not go AF as long as you, but I would have been AF for over 3 years had I not let the man I was living with influence me with his negativity. So it really has taken me almost 3 years to come to this point, with 1 month in between and numerous day 1's
Dest- I am so pleased for you, you should be dancing:dancin:
Coco- welcome:welcome: Day 1 is always tough, keep with it, you have taken a great step. You will find support and friendship in the nest. You will also follow other nesters as they reach their goals. This is a very positive place to come, as some say "Grab your velcro and hang on"