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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Lilly, you can make it through day 17 and to 30 and beyond! Stay strong, take your vitamins, minerals, medicine or supplements or whatever your program entails. I'm following the MWO program and using all of the above AND the hypnotherapy, and it really helps me. Then again I'm only on day ten, and it seems like a lifetime ago that I started!! If you've made it this far, I'm sure you don't want to start over, which should be additional motivation.

    Byrdie, stay or go as you choose, but as a newbie I don't want to be told I can't talk about my fears of failure, as that's part of my experience, part of what I'm dealing with. I will most likely attempt moderation at some point, and will talk about it here when I do so. You've been here long enough to know how to use the ignore feature if my posts or anyone else's bother you that much. Again, I'm just a newbie in the newbie nest, but I've already learned how great that feature can be. :sigh:
    Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
    When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


      Newbies Nest

      LILY your post went up as I was writing mine. I truly wish you nothing but success in your journey as I do ALL posters. As I've said repeatedly, even if I don't agree with anyone's advise I do raid and consider it. Heck, that's why I started to fear that moderation might be harder than abstinence, and expressed my fear of failing at moderation that riled so many. Good luck
      Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
      When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


        Newbies Nest

        LOL. " raid" should have been "read". Freud would have a field day with that one. That's what happens with an iPad and quick reply.
        Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
        When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


          Newbies Nest

          DfromCT;1351384 wrote: LOL. " raid" should have been "read". Freud would have a field day with that one. That's what happens with an iPad and quick reply.
          Thanks for that Dave. I wish you all the best too - and particularly with the upcoming birth of your twins - whichever way you choose to go re moderation or abstinence. I guess I still don't understand why you feel your discussion of your fears around moderation 'riled' people. I didn't see that or feel that. I don't know if maybe I just totally missed something here? In any case, best of luck. I really feel that for anyone who is struggling with their drinking 30 days of clear headspace from it HAS to be a good thing, whatever you decide to do afterwards. So keep going


            Newbies Nest

            Happy Late Night Everyone!
            Wow! What a long strange Trippy day it's been here in the nest... :earth:

            Welcome! Welcome! Blu & Washington :welcome: You have great fortune to have found MWO so early on! Stay close and keep your reading glasses handy

            I got so MANY Congrats on my Thirty Days I want to try and print then all , paste them on sticks or carpet cleaners and make bouquet out of them! I think I might try it and then take a Picture...Now if I can figure out how to download it to MWO!

            BYRDIE: Thank you SOOOO Much for rmy Hat! I'm going to wear it during my 90 minute massage! Yes NINETY MINUTES. I Love Groupon.

            LILLY: Am I really the First Boot Camper to hit 30 Days? That's pretty damn funny considering I STILL cant figure out how to put the Boot Camp check in at the bottom of my posts :H

            WICKED: Thank you for your kind words and I have to tell you I love your name. It speaks to me! So often I feel like I am the Wicked Mom whne my kids are out of control. I usually call myself mommy dearest but I'm changing that! Sounds like the title to a good book, doesn't it?

            DAVE: Thanks you for your wonderfulPM. I am collecting myself and will respond. Countdown to the twins! YEY. Mine are still up....God help me...

            LG: Thank you for all your love and support. Can't believe I made It!

            LITRE: I know it sucks- This betrayal. My daughter is singing Good Girl By Carrie Underwood at all the fairs this Summer. Ironic! I've been listeing to it all night. SOmething to consider, maybe. You know the crap I am dealing with (or maybe not) with my husband. Well it occurs to me that this is the FIRST time I am experiencing all the pain of our 'problems' without drinking. It really is a new sensation. As the osng says. Maybe you can experience this man's behavior without alcohol and see what that's like. For me, It hurts and I cry all the time but it also feels more...okay, positive, managable..Isn't that strange?

            I know i m not saying hello to others and I apologise. Just tired but feeling good.

            I had a nice day. Matt had a counseling appt. He likes her and the girls and I went shopping. We are getting readung to go camping so spending money and making lists. Oh and LOTS of cleaning. Yuk
            Really good News though. I called my Old COunselor whom I had I had not seen in over a year and I am back on the docket, so to speak. It felt so comforting to talk with her again. I told her i had 30 days today and I could her the happiness in her voice. I see her August 1. Isn't that funny?

            It's late. Have a big day tomorrow. Parting thought for my nesters is please remember that everyone here including me is not a professional...We just play one on TV.

            Hugs and Sleep Tight,
            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
   tool box
   newbie nest


              Newbies Nest

              Day 1 again

              So hello everyone, back again to start again. This time it will be for 30 days AF.
              Like so many others here have mentioned, the thought of not ever drinking at all ever again is just too big, so I'll see how I feel after 30 days. Which I don't think I have ever done in 10 years.

              One good thing that has happened recently, is I did drink at the conference I went to, but not to excess at all. Quite a few people who know me commented on it( which made me really aware of how much of an alcho they think I am)

              I am back taking my suplements which I stopped. And back here
              Litre, that must be so hard for you about that guy, but good on you for your fighting spirit!!!! You are truly an inspiration, as are the others here


                Newbies Nest

                Welcome Washington and blu,

                Kradle- awesome news- woo hoo!!!!

                Eleta- so so sorry. You are inspirational the way you are handling this. You really will be an inspiration to others- just hang in there and you'll feel invincible if you can get through this without slipping. What a dropkick.

                I'm on my way out tonight- if I get through this it will be 7 days. I am determined. I guess you're all getting ready to wake up!!!
                Have great AF day everyone!


                  Newbies Nest

                  hiya guys just popping in to see how things r going in the newbies nest, i am from the army thread and been sober 3 months and one day, keep up the good work newbies
                  I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                  Audrey Hepburn


                    Newbies Nest

                    I have to make this short.....

                    The discussion regarding moderation on this thread has gotten out of control and been taken the wrong way and insults have been made that were completely out of line. We are hear to help one another and learn from each other and that is all most of us are trying to do. Some of the language is harsh and does not help the cause at all.

                    Dave, I supported your effort and understood where your were coming from, but this one-upmanship has crossed the line of decent understanding.

                    I have been coming here for a very long time and would never consider talking about moderation as an ends to the means. It is disrespectful and incentive to people who need and want to remain free from alcohol. This thread was and always has been about abstinence from what I have gleaned.

                    That is my last two cents as I have decided my advise is not longer needed or listened to. It is a Newbies thread after all, as has been stated. I feel like people with wise words of wisdom are being treated unfairly and disrespected immensely. You hear what you want to hear after all.

                    And I will press the send button this time.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning nesters.

                      Today is day 11 for me. It will be a test, because the nice little routine I've settled into is broken by a day in the field as I'm going to visit prospects and clients in and around NYC all day. This is a big change from each day I've worked since I started. Every other day I've been safely in my basement office (my in home office I've moved out of my home into a basement apartment I rent from a friend for a number of reasons years ago.)

                      Good luck to all, have a great day.
                      Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
                      When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


                        Newbies Nest

                        I am so so sad to read what has been going on, please guys move on, listen and learn from it.
                        If I were a real newbie today I would not join this site and I thought we were trying to help people like us not turn them away, we all need help sometimes so come on lets welcome people not scare them into continuing alone PLEASE.

                        No matter what Byrdlady and all you other helpers you will and always will hopefully do a stirling job between you.

                        Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters, I guess I was wrapped up in my own self pity, so I missed alot of what was going on, I went back to re-read all the posts. I firmly believe any mention of moderation, is strickly to help, not condemn. We are all here for the same reason, if one wishes to try to moderate, good luck to them, some of us can do it and some of us cannot.

                          Didz- Thanks, I do not feel very inspirational but I have not caved. Sat will be 21 days and no one will take that from me. I let someone take my pride and self respect 3 years ago, I will not do it again. I guess the combination of being English and Scottish keeps my stubborn streak strong.
                          My youngest brother told me to forgive him, the anger and emotional turmoil is not good for my health, he makes so much sense. So I am on my way to forgiveness.
                          No for you, I should have told you first, that I now you will make your Day 7 with no problem, it will be a breeze. You are well on your way.

                          Windy- again wise words for all:welcome: I am happy the forums have helped you, keep coming back, reading, posting. Some say to make a plan, pick a day, you have started that day. Coming to the nest really does take courage. I believe you will make your family and friends very proud.

                          Washington-:welcome: Day 2 is a great step, only 30 and single not to worry. I am mid 50's, did I really say that, YUK!!! I did not have a speach impediment till I reached 50, then the lisp started, FFFFFFT, I sounded like a hissing cat
                          You could alway meet in a coffee shop, and when you are secure with your sobriety, something that is non-alcoholic. I have friends who quit drinking years ago, I never questioned him.

                          Dfrom-Dave congrats on Day 11

                          Pixie- yes I got my battery, the guy actually does house calls. Like Willy Nelson "I am on the Road again" and yes the wind will be on my helmet.

                          Bluebird-:welcome: I am pleased the forums helped you, keep coming back, reading posting it makes us all stronger as we progress down this road.
                          I believe you will make your family and friends extremely proud.

                          Lilly- :thanks: to all of my friends in the nest, you have given my more strength that I knew possible. I made it through yesterday. I guess I could break out in song "I am Woman, hear me roar"
                          Will miss you and all the strength you offer to the nesters, be sure to drop a line

                          Kradle-I have an idea about your husband, I am sorry you are going through that also. I also still cry, this is relatively new for me, but lets face it what does it give us, nothing but runny, stuffy red noses and puffy eyes. Very becoming if we are Pug Dogs, but we are not. I know there will be days for both of us that we have our pity parties, but those we have alone. It is different to go through this sober, but it is also liberating.:l

                          Daya-:thanks: to you also, I as I said earlier do not feel very inspirational, but my brother said it so perfectly "FORGIVE HIM, IT WILL SHOW HOW LITTLE WORTH HE WAS TO ME"
                          As far as starting another Day 1, so many of us have had numerous day 1's. I believe each one makes us stronger and more determined to reach day 2 and so forth. So keep going, one foot infront of the other
                          I am starting over as of Sept 6
                          SHIT this is so stupid (I hate AL)

                          AF since June 30, 2012
                          be AF for 7 days yea done:yay::yay:
                          be AF for 21 days July 21, 2012 boy I did it
                          be AF for 30 Days July 30, 2012 I have done it:thanks: to all the nesters
                          Now to be AF for 60 days Aug 29---blew it
                          Work to be AF for 90 days Sept 28---blew it

                          I have been AF for 1 month Oct, 2011
                          I have been AF before for 3 months Mar 16, 2011-July 2010


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning, Nesters!

                            Kradle, congrats on 30 days!!! You are an inspiration! :goodjob:

                            Litre, I am so sorry to hear about the way your "man" treated you. Good for you for staying strong during this difficult time. Some unsolicited advice: Living well and being happy are the best forms of revenge.

                            , you can do this! You will hit that 7 day mark!

                            , good luck to you today! I know it's trickiest when we get out of our comfort zone. You can do it!

                            To the other newbies, :welcome:! This is a great forum and has been a huge source of inspiration and comfort for me. There is something to be said for being in a place where people understand what you are going through.

                            I hope nobody that has felt they need to leave the Nest will actually do so. As a newbie myself, I like hearing from people who have been on this journey for a while. I think we all have something to offer the forum. A popular phrase in the autism community is "If you've ever met a child with autism, you've met one child with autism." Meaning that despite having the same diagnosis, each person on the spectrum is individual and unique. We are all unique and all facing different journeys on our path to a better life, but each of us is important. Whether you choose to abstain completely or try to moderate, I wish each of you nothing but strength, health and happiness.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey guys -- thanks for the warm welcome! Happy to be here and starting Day 3...and hoping to continue successfully on to Day 4. Would love to be able to eventually drink in moderation, but don't think it's a reality for me now....and wanna give my body a break after at least 4 years of drinking fairly heavily 5-7 days per week. Know I've gotta focus on me before dating, but don't wanna rule out dating completely at this point yet Great thing is...for the past 2 days, I really haven't had the urge to run out and get my wine and/or lame beer to keep myself company in my empty apartment. Or just get one bottle or one 6-pack thinking I'd be able to stick to that, only to run out and get more when that was easily finished. Maybe I've been able to hold back because I've had a cold. On a side note, it's nice to not have the little tremens jitters at work around 1pm...that always scares me...when my handwriting gets a little shakier and I can't focus on anything people are -- here's to Good Luck on Day 3! And good luck to the rest of yall out there!!! xoxo


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi everyone, I'm new too. Day 2 AF - AGAIN! Made it 12 days last month on my first attempt, then something seemed to justify a binge. Then another a week later. Then a few days later. Until I then realised I had drunk excessive amounts of white wine last Thursday - Monday inclusive, so back to every night. The sick thing was, when I woke up on the couch on Monday night/Tuesday morning, I actually congratulated myself on having not pissed myself! WTF?! When did that become a reason for self-congratulation for a 32-year-old woman?! And worse than all that, I'm a single mum to the most adorable 4-year-old in the world and I still keep bingeing. I've been to a few AA meetings since I started trying to give up last month (after knowing for YEARS that it'd come to this of course!), but I have several frustrations with them, and obviously can't make it out to many meetings anyway. But I'm hoping with a combination of these forums, all the reading I've done on the subject, and the meetings I can make, that I can beat this sh it cos I'm so down and so tired and so ashamed and frankly, so running out of money! The idea of 'never again' does seem sooooo bleak, although why?! How does drinking alone on my couch in front of the TV to alleviate the boredom and loneliness actually in any way alleviate the boredom and loneliness? It doesn't make sense really does it?! But if I don't just give up and go to bed at the same time as my daughter, I feel irritated and antsy and want to drink. Argh! Anyway, sorry for the long message, good luck to you all too.

