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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I am so proud of your progress sweet friend! How's the fishing??
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Newbies Nest

      K9Lover;1351710 wrote: Hi FD!

      You're closing in on 120 days soon arent you? That's so awesome! Keep it up...people like you are really inspiring to the Newbies and are living proof that it CAN be done.

      I'm sorry people feel the need to jump ship. Life is full of things we don't agree with. Drinking used to be my escape. Now I just face reality as it comes, and it turns out, it's not such a big deal after all.
      Thank you for remembering!!:h
      Started living again 2/7/2015


        Newbies Nest

        mama bear;1351714 wrote: FD-
        I am so proud of your progress sweet friend! How's the fishing??
        It's been pretty good. Hard to be in the boat when it's 95 degrees
        Started living again 2/7/2015


          Newbies Nest

          yeah....I feel you
          it's been hot as heck here
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Newbies Nest

            mama bear;1351719 wrote: yeah....I feel you
            it's been hot as heck here
            more than likely worse to see your doing well there girl. How was vacation?
            Started living again 2/7/2015


              Newbies Nest

              Kradle 123 and Litre2 -- Thanks for the notes. I especially appreciate them at this moment as I'm proud of myself for making it through the vast majority of Day 3, going for a run, and now mulling how easy it would be to reward myself....and how much I want to reward myself with just a little glass of wine. But I can't. I've been texting my sister the past 2 days and I know she'd be disappointed if I regress so quickly...and I DO feel better...and I imagine how great I'll feel if I lose a little weight...I just need to focus on how it's raining outside & I don't wanna get out in the rain just for a little booze....and how great it is to be saving a money.

              K9Lover -- I appreciate your general messages to the Newbies, too. At this point in the game, it's too soon (for me) to even be considering moderation. It's way too slippery a slope for me. I'm already stressing about how I'll handle this meeting-a-guy-for-the-first-time-for-drinks thing tomorrow night. Say I'm on anti-biotics and can't have any booze?


                Newbies Nest

                Well, if recent promises are kept, we can all get back to the business of reclaiming our lives from the Beast!!
                Many newbies to welcome!!! TexasAg, Cocoflo, MICK!!!, Bluburd, WashingtonSt, Lucelastic and Middlepath...I think I missed a couple and I'm sorry!!! Gosh, we'll have those names shortened up in a hurry! Welcome to the nest...we aren't ususally in such disarray, and I must apologize for that....generally we have a rhythm to us, and we have lots of success here in this little place! If you are in days 1-3, you are doing the heavy lifting now. Get yourself thru those first hard days and you will find that each and every day gets easier to handle. We will give you to tools you need to succeed! Once you hit that Day 3, you are operating under your own power...all the AL is out of your system and you will find the cobwebs begin to clear out. Pull up a twig, and make yourself at home...tell us about what brought you by...I bet there isn't a story you can tell that we can't identify with. Hang in there with will always find someone to lean on. You are far from alone...we are from all over the world, but we all know the guilt/shame/remorse that drinking has brought us. Feel free to ask questions. It takes lots of courage to reach out for help, thank God someone was there when I did! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Byrdlady;1351737 wrote: Well, if recent promises are kept, we can all get back to the business of reclaiming our lives from the Beast!!
                  Many newbies to welcome!!! TexasAg, Cocoflo, MICK!!!, Bluburd, WashingtonSt, Lucelastic and Middlepath...I think I missed a couple and I'm sorry!!! Gosh, we'll have those names shortened up in a hurry! Welcome to the nest...we aren't ususally in such disarray, and I must apologize for that....generally we have a rhythm to us, and we have lots of success here in this little place! If you are in days 1-3, you are doing the heavy lifting now. Get yourself thru those first hard days and you will find that each and every day gets easier to handle. We will give you to tools you need to succeed! Once you hit that Day 3, you are operating under your own power...all the AL is out of your system and you will find the cobwebs begin to clear out. Pull up a twig, and make yourself at home...tell us about what brought you by...I bet there isn't a story you can tell that we can't identify with. Hang in there with will always find someone to lean on. You are far from alone...we are from all over the world, but we all know the guilt/shame/remorse that drinking has broght us. Feel free to ask questions. It takes lots of courage to reach out for help, thank God someone was there when I did! Byrdie
                  If there was a clapping avatar. You get it. Great post!
                  Started living again 2/7/2015


                    Newbies Nest

                    :applaud: Hey FinallyDone!!! There is!!! So proud of your 4 months!!! You must be all puffed up about it to...and it only gets better! Hugs, B
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Byrdlady;1351743 wrote: :applaud: Hey FinallyDone!!! There is!!! So proud of your 4 months!!! You must be all puffed up about it to...and it only gets better! Hugs, B
                      Thankful for it!!! No street parades needed! LOL! It's soo great being myself again.
                      Started living again 2/7/2015


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thanks for the welcome! Good to be here!



                          Newbies Nest

                          Welcome are in a good place here.
                          Started living again 2/7/2015


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks Byrdlady.
                            I will be starting day 1 tomorrow. The hardest thing for me is going to be my Moms birthday party that I am expected to be cooking for this year. Cooking is a good release for me, but it has always involved wine, wine, and more wine—not to mention the wine with eating and socializing. The party will be on my day 4. I'm really worried I might crack under the pressure...


                              Newbies Nest

                              Byrd- Your posts most always make me cry. In a good way? They are always so loving (even the tough ones...) and right on the money. I need a tissue. :h

                              Lifechange your words meant so much to me. Even though I know I have tried to make my words meaningful while I was drinking, I don't think I was all it feels good to b al there for a change when I'm talking now!

                              FD- I'm so happy to see you and you sound soooo good! 120 Days! :wd:
                              There's my personal,applause.

                              Now on to really important matters: I'm glad fishing is good but the Crabbing is fantastic!! Sedona ate so much Dungeness last night she got a major tummy ache !!

                              I have a great picture of Madison with the first Dungy of the season but o far NO ONE CAN TELL ME HOW TO UPLOAD IT TO THIS POST...So I am appealing to your fishermans heart as I think I have seen you post a pic or two. How does one do this ?
                              You won't be disappointed. It's a great photo.

                              BLU is there any way you can pull off a Mrs Doubtfire and order a great dinner - full menue delivered and pretend you cooked it?? Or maybe oprder bits and pieces of it like side dishes..
                              Cooking dinners was ALWAYS my downfall. I got so wasted one Thanksgiving, they ate the meal without me..That was a Very low point in my life.Didn't stop me though.
                              If you cant do that maybe get lots of other people to help you. Tell them you are under the weather. People love to help at parties. Gives them something to do! Keep us posted. :h

                              It's just me and Matt for a few days as the tins are off camping now with daddy. To be honest, I really need the break.

                              Hugs for a happy evening,
                              On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                              *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                     tool box
                     newbie nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Dang BluBurd, that's rotten timing....all I can say is this, (and it's gotten me thru many a rough patch)....all I can worry about is this day. But you are smart to be thinking ahead...forwarned is forarmed. I trust your dinner meal isn't being cooked with wine?? Plan out what you will drink instead of _____. Get your excuse in place and come right out with moment's hesitation can cost you. My excuse is that it has become like battery acid to my insides....but different things work for different folks. Plan that you are going to complete this party AF. Not if....It will be hard at first, but once you get over that little rough edge you will be great! If you are like me, having 4 days under your belt is too precious to lose!

                                If I had begun this journey telling myself that I'd never have another drink FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE (to be echo'd like in a canyon)...I'd have thrown my hands up and run out of the room. This journey is won in small's just like eating an do it one bite at a time.

                                You can do it! B
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

