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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    While still in my Hospital stay, an old friend of mine from Idaho, asked me about the meds, saying there are alot of side effects that Canadian Gov/Doctors does not offer to patients. I gave it to her, and she looked it up and sent it to me. Yes my anti-depressant had tendencies to suicide, but as a rare side effect, so not listed on my meds. It is too weird that only after a few days that happened. I was on other anti-depressants for the past 4 years and yes I got more depressed sometimes, and wished out load, but never really tried. Still today, I thank God I had enough sense and will to live that I called 911 even though I do not remember.

    So now on a different subject, my siblings family re-union is this coming weekend. My brother who is battling cancer is coming for the first time in years, he has to come from Windsor and then on to South Hampton. If anyone knows Ontario, they know it is a long drive, Windsor to London is about a 3 hour drive, and from London to South Hampton is another 3 to 4 hours.
    My delema is, I have just been asked if I am going. I am terrified, for everyone drinks. My youngest brother does not drink much at all, but my sister and my brother who is sick both drink very heavy. My eldest brother drinks, but not like the other two. So it will be me, if I have the courage and backbone to not. I had thought of not going to avoid the temptation, but this could be one of the few times I will get to see my brother. So again nesters, I beg you all to offer me lots and lots of support. Boy this has been one hellish of a week since I started this journey. Funny, it would have to happen when I am so excited about my 21 day goal on Sat.
    I am starting over as of Sept 6
    SHIT this is so stupid (I hate AL)

    AF since June 30, 2012
    be AF for 7 days yea done:yay::yay:
    be AF for 21 days July 21, 2012 boy I did it
    be AF for 30 Days July 30, 2012 I have done it:thanks: to all the nesters
    Now to be AF for 60 days Aug 29---blew it
    Work to be AF for 90 days Sept 28---blew it

    I have been AF for 1 month Oct, 2011
    I have been AF before for 3 months Mar 16, 2011-July 2010


      Newbies Nest

      Hey Litre2 Loads of support being sent from my end matey! If you have the will power thats half the battle! I have a cocktail night tom at my sisters and a house warming next avoid temptation i will drive to both!! Im hoping that will help me out. Its sods law im trying to sort this drinking carry on and suddenly there are social things to go to when normally we dont bother going out too much as we are both so tired with the children and his work.


        Newbies Nest


        I believe in two things regarding the reunion. You absolutely must go and you absolutely can say no to the alcohol.

        Please go see your family as you never know when/if you will have an opportunity to all be together again. Losing any family member under any circumstance is heartbreaking and there will be regret (I assure you) that is extremely difficult to overcome.

        As to the pressure to drink, there is truly no shame in being honest and saying something to the effect of "I am practicing sobriety at this moment in time." Just be sure that you provide your own beverages so that you have healthful options.

        If they give you a hard time, it's okay. You just need to remember that you have come this far and that there are many people here that support you in your journey and will be rooting for you as you exert you willpower and prove to yourself that you are the one in control. It will certainly be difficult, but it will just as certainly be worth it!

        Now, go love your family!
        We're all in the same game; just different levels. Dealing with the same hell; just different devils.


          Newbies Nest

          :H :H Sure K9, you can be me when you grow up but you'll have to take Stella off my hands :H :H

          Hope everyone is having a great AF Thursday
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            just posting to offer support to anyone stuggling now.
            Sunday would have been 60 days for me, but I had some beer last week while on vacation.
            No drama, just a few beers. But I own it, and have started over.
            If I can do it, so can you....
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              Newbies Nest

              That is one BIG crab, and one BEAUTIFUL girl! Thanks! FF
              . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


                Newbies Nest

                Hello all, back here after dropppin off radar for a while. First post in newbies nest. Wantin to take this seriously this time (really try at least). Getting a bit worried about wkend, havent made a plan yet. So... Plan is so far to make a plan and try to distract myself for a whole wkend. Crikey...


                  Newbies Nest

                  Welcome back Pooks & be sure to go right to the Tool box for ideas for your plan!

                  Mama, never give up trying!
                  You have the power to succeed, you just have to use it
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi everyone,

                    Day 1 is going as planned. The reality of AF has been hitting in heavy waves though. Long hot day at work, just got home, having iced coffee instead of my usual.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello All,

                      Day one again for me today! I'm sure I can do it this time. The truth is I love my sober life more than I do alcohol.

                      Take care everyone!! Beffy


                        Newbies Nest

                        mama bear;1352227 wrote: just posting to offer support to anyone stuggling now.
                        Sunday would have been 60 days for me, but I had some beer last week while on vacation.
                        No drama, just a few beers. But I own it, and have started over.
                        If I can do it, so can you....
                        Mamabear we love you hun!
                        Started living again 2/7/2015


                          Newbies Nest

                          K9Lover;1352081 wrote: Good Morning Nesters!

                          Welcome Arrii, we're glad you're with us! I'm glad to see the Nest has settled back down. I'm sorry for any part I had in the chaos. I know a couple of people have left (supposedly because of me) and that really makes me sad. I am here to help, not offend people and send them packing. Byrdie is right, the reason we are so passionate about helping others is that we have lived the nightmare, over and over...and it's hard to see someone heading down the same path (or hamster wheel) just want to reach out and spare them the grief.

                          Butterbean, wear your hat with deserve it! Keep up the good work!!

                          Lav, good to see you (and Stella) as always. You always know when to chime in and get us back on track. Can I be you when I grow up?

                          FD - Thanks for your kind words and support. You are doing an amazing job with your 120 days. You are a prime example of what CAN be done. Not only have you taken advice, you've given it right back. That's what this place is all about...helping each other. None of us can be strong ALL the time, that's why we need each other. So thank you again, and I hope you got some sleep. I am confident we'll all have a better day around here!

                          Lolab, Litre, Luce, and so many's good to see everyone here. Stick close and keep posting. The Nest has saved MY life too, I will be eternally grateful.

                          K9 come march there is a big hug and kiss waiting for you!
                          Started living again 2/7/2015


                            Newbies Nest

                            Byrdlady;1352059 wrote: Luce....doesn't it seem like a Twilight Zone episode? You are trying to hard to get AL out of your thoughts and EVERYBODY else is talking about it and flaunting it in your face! It's in EVERY movie and in all the literally IS everywhere. This is where the rubber hits the road...gaining control of your mind and your thoughts...the Pity Party is easy to throw and attend!! And hard to leave! But this fight isn't about everybody else and what they can's about YOU...and the steps you gotta take to regain control of your future. I KNOW it is hard to hear how everyone else can drink refreshing fruity drinks and how they all are smiling and I can't do that...but I CAN have anything else out there...I can still be happy without that drink. It takes some muscling your way thru these first few days...but you will be so glad you did. Focus on the things you CAN have and not what you can't. Our nestmother Lav practices Gratitude daily. Be grateful that you feel good today, and that you are taking steps to insure a better life. Is it easy?? Hell no. Is it worth it? Absolutely! Hang in can do it. B
                            Byrdy...what more can I say you just are a awesome person.
                            Started living again 2/7/2015


                              Newbies Nest

                              Notorious;1352132 wrote: Litre,

                              I believe in two things regarding the reunion. You absolutely must go and you absolutely can say no to the alcohol.

                              Please go see your family as you never know when/if you will have an opportunity to all be together again. Losing any family member under any circumstance is heartbreaking and there will be regret (I assure you) that is extremely difficult to overcome.

                              As to the pressure to drink, there is truly no shame in being honest and saying something to the effect of "I am practicing sobriety at this moment in time." Just be sure that you provide your own beverages so that you have healthful options.

                              If they give you a hard time, it's okay. You just need to remember that you have come this far and that there are many people here
                              that support you in your journey and will be rooting for you as you exert you willpower and prove to yourself that you are the one in control. It will certainly be difficult, but it will just as certainly be worth it!

                              Now, go love your family!
                              Great advice! I too have avoided family situations to not drink when basically I was letting AL win. Love what you said there.
                              Started living again 2/7/2015


                                Newbies Nest

                       is so upseting to see my peeps all in a feather!!!!!!!
                                My friggin god.......I have been through hell these past 2 days.....I managed to get to 17 days and i FUCKED up joke.....I had to stay with my mom and dad!
                                AB Club Member
                                AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                                10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                                :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:

