Ok. Well HOW the HELL do you do that? Like any good battle, this takes a plan of attack. This is a little embarrassing, but if you can read back on the Newbies Nest maybe a month, and then SKIP the major squabble we had for about 2 weeks....you will pick up some wonderful tips for success. Get to know us. You will find people from all over the world here, and in various stages of quitting. When I first got here I was SCARED. How could I possibly go one day without AL, let alone give it up for good? Old timers would fly in and say how wonderful it was, but they didn't tell me how to do it. I will throw out a couple of things, and the other nesters will also tell you how they are doing it.
Get your story down. Have in place what you are going to tell people when you are offered a drink. This is key! If you hesitate..the well-meaning host will push it on you and derail your plan. My personal excuse is that "Al is like battery acid to my insides". As any Type A personality will tell you...tummy issues are always a problem...so this works for me. But get yours down and use it....I'm driving...I'm on a health kick...I made a bet with friends...whatever!
Get all the AL out of your house. ALL of it. No, you do NOT need a safety net....that is planning for failure, but you are planning for success. Surround yourself with things you love to eat...I mean LOVE! Do not worry about calories or fat right now, we have bigger fish to fry at the moment!! Keep yourself hydrated! If you like movies...get a load of them to watch. Or books. Whatever you really like to do/eat/play....get it and have it on hand. The first 3 days are the hardest. Your head will be filled with voices telling you to cave in. Don't you do it. Do NOT cave in no matter what and no matter who!!! You are not giving up and old friend...you are getting rid of an enemy who is playing for all the winnings!! No, one glass of ______ is NOT going to do you any good! (this is us you are talking to....we know all the tricks your mind is trying to play!). Distraction, distraction, distraction! When you have those thoughts, immediately change your thinking to something else....name all your cousins...recite the Lord's Prayer....sing the Happy Birthday song...anything to get your mind out of that LOOP! When a thought comes in to your head, say NO, HELL NO, you (AL) will not win this time!!!
Do not get hungry! This is a major trigger! Remember it's only about 4 hours you really need to get thru...at least it was that way for me (5-9). If you made it thru the last 15 minutes, you can get thru the next ones. You do not NEED a drink. The drink needs you....do not feed it! Get on here and read, read, read!!! If all else fails...just go to bed. Yep...get Day 1 behind you. By day 3, all the AL will be out of your system and you will be operating on full power!! It is a wonderful feeling to finally regain yourself. You can do it!!! Grab a wing and lets' get going!!! Byrdie
I don't know how to do this but I think your post should be cut and pasted in the Tool Box!
My favorite part is naming all my cousins. I have a zillion of them.

Thanks ! :l