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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning

    Quick check in before taking off for the day with my wonderful sons. It feels absolutely amazing to wake up and get ready for the day and be present. I am off work this week and I would more likely than not be waking up with a fuzzy head, anxiety and all over feeling like crap. Not this week, I changed my thinking, I am not depriving myself, I am loving myself.

    A couple of friends thought I was drinking - ie NA drinks - when I said I'm not drinking AL it's NA I got the initial, why?? and I was honest and said I can't handle the awful anxiety anymore. That's all I got into, I didn't want to elaborate too much as they do know how bad I have been these past years.

    Anyway, my one dear friend afterwards said that she didn't mean to ask why and is very supportive. YAY, one hurdle down. We went out, I was drinking water and would usually been the drunkest one, but really did not that AL doesn't affect them like me. Anyway, we had a blast and I feel great today. I am more fun sober as I don't start getting all drunk eyed and stupid talking. I did not feel one iota tempted or "different" I was relaxed and enjoying my friends company.

    WOOHOO, I really, truly think this is it.

    Ya, Litre I just read about to have booze in our stores, I dont' think it is necessary.
    new beginnings July 16, 2012


      Newbies Nest

      Itsmytime, I really like that quote: "I'm not depriving myself, I'm loving myself." I am going to repeat that every time I get that "I want a drink" feeling. I know the craving will pass, and in the morning, when I wake up with no headache, no fuzziness, no nausea, and no regrets, I will be grateful that I didn't give in. Not drinking is one of the best gifts we can give ourselves!

      , congrats on 26 days! You're almost at the 30 day mark! Looks like we might get rain in my neck of the woods as well, and we need yard looks like straw.

      Hope everyone has a wonderful AF day!


        Newbies Nest

        Litre....way to go on 26 days! You are almost ready to get your hat from Byrd!:thumbs:

        My Time.....I am so happy to see you in such a good place...I will keep what you wrote close to my heart today -"I am not depriving myself, I am loving myself." Have a wonderful day wirh your sons!
        AB Club Member
        AB Start Date - 7/25/12

        10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

        :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone im new here, and have been reading through posts. I want today to be day 1 and so sick and tired of being actually sick and tired! Should i set myself small try not drink for 3 days then a week etc etc ?
          Thanks for any info
          AF Since 26 July 2012


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Mum and welcome! You will find so much support and encouragement here to help you through your journey. We have all been there done that so it is a comfort to know you are not alone in your struggles. There is no right way or wrong way to become AF...part of the journey is findng out what works best for you. Stay close and keep posting so we can get to know you!
            AB Club Member
            AB Start Date - 7/25/12

            10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

            :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Mumof4! :welcome:

              Welcome to the Nest! A lot of folks start out with small, manageable goals like you are talking about. A lot of times, that makes the process seem less intimidating: saying "I'm not going to drink for 7 days/3 days/1 day" and building on that instead of starting with "I'm never going to drink again," which can seem overwhelming. Set whatever goal you think you can meet, no matter how small it seems, and be very proud of yourself when you do! Then build on that.

              You can do this!


                Newbies Nest

                It does seem hugely over whelming to say "I wont drink again" I'd love to never touch it again, but its such a huge part of society now its quite an intimidating thought!! But for this now This will be my day 1 and i need to work and build on that and try regain a bit of pride, confidence and the sanity i feel im losing, esp for my childrens sake and husband. I'll read everyday and try post a wee update. Im sure im much more likely to succeed with support from people who have lived this also.
                AF Since 26 July 2012


                  Newbies Nest

                  Dest, are there any glazed donuts over there? Thanks for providing the eats this morning! You are kicking @$$!
                  Congrats to all the Day 3'ers! This is big...why? Because all the AL is out of your system and you are operating under your own power! On to Day 7 and you'll get a horn toot! Litre...I'm getting a special hat ready for you...and can't wait til you get it! I think the things we work the hardest to get are the dearest. Protect your quit with all you've got!! Well done.
                  Mum, welcome to you, and pull up a twig! I always suggest reading back a couple weeks to get to know us...we are a very tight group and we look out for each other! I wouldn't have believed how much support comes from here....I owe my sobriety to this very thread, and many others do, too. We are all pulling for you and we know it can be done!
                  Have a wonderful AF day today...and just say, NO, HELL NO! AL will not run one more day of my life!!! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning all. Day 4 for me. Almost to my goal! Next week starts the big 31 day stint, and I am looking forward to that.

                    Mum of 4 - Maybe just do not drink today and then tomorrow can be another day. I have 90 days AF this year so far. Not really where I want to be, but for me just building towards an AF life is working.



                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Byrdlady and Gdog. I will definately read back and look through the posts, to hear about other people and their stories. I really feel i need to give this my all now as its ripping my life to bits. 90 Days Gdog is definatley something to be proud of!! I certainly would be! I just seems to be a constant battle doesnt it? Im just hoping that in a few day's I can see things far clearer which will make me even more adement that I don't want to drink anymore. Fingers crossed
                      AF Since 26 July 2012


                        Newbies Nest

                        Welcome to the Nest Mum of 4!

                        Like Byrdie, I owe my sobriety to this thread and these wonderful people. I agree with the others, don't tell yourself "I'm never drinking again" (who wants to hear that?)...start with small goals, 3 days, 7 days, 10 days. You'll find that with each passing AF (alcohol free) day, you'll feel stronger, and you'll love the way you are feeling. You mentioned in another thread some behavior that was exaggerated by drinking (your neighbor and the dogs), and boy can I relate. I turned into a complete idiot at the end of my drinking. I was that stupid drunk girl that gets on everybody's nerves! I couldn't even remember most of my antics from the previous night, so that brought on extreme anxiety. Scrambling to read my texts, see who I called, what I said, did, to who..when, just became too much! It really is easier not to drink. And now I know that if I act like an idiot, well, that's just me. LOL

                        Stick close to us...we are here for you. Let us know how you're getting along, we like to celebrate even small victories around here!

                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Boy K9 I can relate. So often I get up and check the caller id on the phone to see who might of called or who I called. Check the text, etc. So here I am on day 3 again. Was AF Jan - April this year and then that one little sip at a party (really-not even a glass) lead to buying a bottle two weeks buying a bottle a day again. It took a couple of months to get back to where I was but the bottom line is I got back there. So for those who think just one sip, even if it doesn't begin the drinking cycle right away again, it eventually will. That is just my two cents.


                            Newbies Nest

                            I can relate to that K9 im the one who goes from being sensible to the opposite end of the scale and just generally acting like a total tit, im ok at home i suppose with a bottle of wine but once theres an audience, i have to be funny, louder etc etc until im even thinking, "thats enough now, your making an idiot of yourself!" but...obviously i cant!! And your right, it does make you very anxious and really is not worth it! I would like to be able to only drink on special occasions, but for now i have to start with baby steps and try to get to 30 days!! and then like i mentioned before i'd love to be out the habit and feeling so well its really not an issue.
                            AF Since 26 July 2012


                              Newbies Nest

                              Itsmytime, thanks for sharing your experience. "Loving myself..." What a great quote!
                              Hello everyone else. I tried to go to an all-women's AA meeting yesterday, but when I showed up at the church, someone told me they haven't had that meeting in at least 7 years. Ah, the aggravations of outdated websites.

                              I'll call the main office shortly and find out if there's another all-women's group in the area. I feel more comfortable there, starting out. I'm still looking for a not-completely-God-down-you-throat AA group in my neighborhood. It'd be nice to have some f2f support.

                              Anyway, I am doing well today and hope you are too. Off to yoga later!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Sorry to have to chime in so much...but a couple of posts made me think....when I am out in public now, I sometimes feel like I stick out like a sore thumb...If I'm not the only one not drinking, I'm usually in the minority. I now wonder why I ever let that bother me...since my drinking self was always the loudest and most obnoxious person at the table...that never seemed to bother me at all (cringe!). B
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

