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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    K9....I am soooo sorry to hear about Charlie. I haven't been on here since Sunday and I was reading back over the posts that I have missed and saw where you had mentioned it. It is so hard when they pass on and it's never easy. Being a vet tech I have dealt with this ALOT not to mention that I have the equivalent of Noah's Ark as far as animals go! Ha! I don't know how to post links on here but got to I used to give people a copy of this poem after they lost a pet. Bigs hugs to you!:l:l:l

    Rooni....what a lovely poem that was! I am so happy to see that you are going to a PA tomorrow for the AB. I can't believe that my Dr's appointment was a week ago already....this stuff is "da bomb"...ha! This is the first time that I can ever remember that I am not constantly battling with whether or not I should drink. Thoughts of AL don't flood my brain anymore. If a thought comes into my mind it is gone before I know it because AL is not an option so I move onto thinking about other things. I am still taking the L-Glut and Kudzu along with Milk Thistle...I am playing it safe...ha! Today is day 9 for me and I really feel like I have my life back. I did some research on some AA meetings in my area and I found a bunch of different types so I am going to check them out. I live near Southern Pines/Pinehurst in Moore County. Good luck tomorrow and keep me posted!!!!!!:h

    Byrd, Lolab and everyone...thanks for the encouraging words! I am so thankful and grateful to everyone on here....what would I do without my peeps??!!!!

    Litre and LillyE.....OMGOD!!!!! Congratulations on 30 days you guys!!!!! I am so friggin proud of you!!!!! You are truly an inspiration to us all!:happy:
    AB Club Member
    AB Start Date - 7/25/12

    10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

    :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


      Newbies Nest

      Just checking in to strengthen my resolve almost through day four - have a screaming headache but have done lotsa housework - I truly believe I'm going to sleep tonight - fingers crossed Anyways sometimes t just helps to post and read, read and post....
      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


        Newbies Nest

        Cashregister;1358151 wrote: Just checking in to strengthen my resolve almost through day four - have a screaming headache but have done lotsa housework - I truly believe I'm going to sleep tonight - fingers crossed Anyways sometimes t just helps to post and read, read and post....
        Sleeping is the worst during the early days or no sleep. You will sleep again..take it from me. I went down your road to for the first week. It's gong to happen. The natural sleep cycle will take hold back.
        Started living again 2/7/2015


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks it's nice to know the abnormal is normal - makes it easier to cope with. Cashy xx
          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            Newbies Nest

            Here's hoping my eyeballs don't fall out first though - they feel like they are on stalks - not the best look
            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


              Newbies Nest

              Cashregister;1358154 wrote: Here's hoping my eyeballs don't fall out first though - they feel like they are on stalks - not the best look
              Cashy, sleep is the worst thing during the first month really. It's up and down...just let it go where it needs to go. I had alot of nights with out sleep the first month. It will get alot better...I promise.
              Started living again 2/7/2015


                Newbies Nest

                Having bipolar type 1 for many years I am pretty good at not sleeping but have meds I can fall back on if gets out of hand - unfortunately too little sleep can lead to mania so have to be vigilant - but then one of my major reasons for dong this is so I can manage my mental health a lot better - AL tends to blur the picture somewhat. Thanks so much for the support it is invaluable to know your not alone.
                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                  Newbies Nest

                  Btw I loved your fishing tale - I've been there before its what I call a ka-ching moment - like the sound of a cash register lol. That switch in thinking is the greatest but it takes work you have done amazingly!
                  "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi everyone,just popped in to say hello and see how things are going on..havent posted in here for a while so just been having a quick catch up..firstly k9 sorry about Charlie..stay strong.
                    Destiniey..great to see you again..and that avatar!!!keep going you're doing really well

                    Cashregister day 5 keep busy and smiling

                    Litre 2 well done you.. keep going

                    Finallydone......yes you are right,why would you want to screw all that up for the demon drink???

                    As I said just popped in...apologies for those I have not mentioned by name..just remember though..every time you post, you are helping someone including yourself..stay focused you will win

                    And finally I would like to say big thank you to Byrd lady..She is def a go getter on here and one of the first few I spoke to on here so a big thank you from me :thanks::l

                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all,

                      Thanks for the congrats on 30 Days all! Litre, I'm so glad we made it there together - Yay Boot Camp!

                      It'sMyTime - WELL DONE on the first week. That's the toughest for sure. Hang in there and you'll soon be finding it easier and feeling the benefits. Overcoming triggers is a great feeling. Think of it as retraining your brain. You CAN live without Al - and more happily.

                      LoLab, I totally hear that re complacency. It scares me. I could feel those thoughts starting to creep in even approaching 30 days and have to actively fight it. When does it become automatic? Does it?

                      finallydone;1358141 wrote: Maybe I had one of those light bulb moments in life. I got home tonight from a great day outside and it dawned on me. This one amazing thought. I don't have to ever drink again and I am more than happy for it. Maybe I am finally crossing that bridge where the compulsion to drink is finally losing it's grip on my mind and the will to experience what life is all about is more of a addiction than AL is.

                      Finally Done, read your amazing post after I wrote that and wow, that's what I'm hoping for if I can just hang in there long enough. That's amazing and just what I needed to hear today. Thank you.

                      , thanks And you've given lots of fabulous advice here that has helped me - and I believe you do qualify as someone who has managed VERY longterm sobriety in the past, so I know you know what you're talking about - and that you can do it again.

                      , I went to bed thinking about that hat and how happy it makes me and how hard it's been to get even this far. What you said really struck a cord too. I feel FAR more hopeful about all sorts of things for 30 days Al Free. Things aren't perfect yet, of course, it's early days, but I feel MUCH less hopeless. And, if I drank again I know that's just how I'd feel and very quickly.

                      As I posted in Abs? last night I did some reflecting and looking back on my journal of my struggles with Al the last year. I realized 3 things that you already know?

                      1) If I start drinking again I'll be back to binge drinking in no time even if not immediately
                      2) If I start drinking again I'll soon be miserable again
                      3) If I start drinking again who knows how long it'll take me to get another 30 days together. My previous longest stretch was 24 days last October and I've been trying for 30 ever since.

                      So, my next goal is 100 days.

                      , I don't know if you're reading here but you helped put that thought in my head some time back with your talk of 100 days. Sounds like a great second goal to me.

                      Go well all.

                      Lilly x


                        Newbies Nest

                        Ugh. Threw a pity party the last few days. Day one again for me. REALLY want to get another 30 day stretch going, but need to stay focused on one day at a time.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks for sharing your story FD, I really needed that today. Not that I want to drink, I just can't wait for the first month to be over and the brain starts to let go of drinking thoughts. I feel free that I won't drink anymore, just going through the adjustment phase right now.

                          Quick check in here at work, hope everyone is well and has a great day!!
                          new beginnings July 16, 2012


                            Newbies Nest

                            Congrats Lily and Litre on our 30 days. good job!

                            Rooni, I hope u can get your AB. It seems to help so many here. I wonder if i could have it and only take it when i am at risk. You know when dh leaves town, etc.

                            Finallydone, i loved your story. I know there are so many people out there who don't drink and seem to enjoy themselves just fine. Just because i feel like alc is needed tonhave a good time, does not make it a reality.

                            Yesterday, i took two of my kids to NYC for the day and we went to the museum and walked through central park, etc. lots of fun. No alc. got home around midnight and the power was out. So straight to bed.

                            Day 2 here i come. Again....i will have a plan.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning peeps! Day 10 today...yay...double digits!!!!

                              FD....what a great story that you shared with us. It is so inspiring to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that life does truly go on without AL!!!!

                     the "ka-ching" moment reference!!!!! I have always had issues with sleeping too when I would quit along with night sweats...ugh! This time around on the AB I haven't had tht issue. I know that alot of people take melatonin to help...just a thought!

                              ItsMyTime...You are doing great....keep up the good work and stay strong!!!!

                              Yoga....congrats on day 2!!! It sounds like you had a busy day yesterday..I am glad you were able to do it AL. I lived on Long Island my whole life until moving to NC almost 5 years ago...I never even saw the christmas tree in Rockefeller Center until the year that I moved....crazy!!!! Driving in the city scared the hell out of me...ha! Oh..about the AB...I think you should look into it...I have been on it 1 week on it is AMAZING!

                              Hey Mick! Love the pic of the beautiful! Hope all is well!

                              A HUGE hello to everyone else in the nest!!!!! Have a wonderful AF Wednesday!
                              AB Club Member
                              AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                              10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                              :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                                Newbies Nest

                                finallydone;1358159 wrote: Cashy, sleep is the worst thing during the first month really. It's up and down...just let it go where it needs to go. I had alot of nights with out sleep the first month. It will get alot better...I promise.
                                I haven't found that at all thankfully, I have been sleeping like a log - mind you I am used to having only a few hours sleep a night as my DS is a really bad sleeper so the few hours I do get I make the most of LOL
                                Taking it ODAT

