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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Everyone

    Nellie - the idea of saying you're on a health kick sounds like a good one. There's lots of empty calories in AL. No need to be completely honest if you're not ready for that yet, or you're wary of their responses. Do what's best for you.

    Rooni - so happy to hear you finally found an MD/PA who would listen to you. You sound so good these days.

    Gdog - have you tried any supplements to help with the cravings? I've found kudzu and L-glutamine to be very helpful. You WILL figure this out, I can see the determination in your words.

    FD - thanks for the inspiring story. I'm having those moments of clarity where I'm excited for an AF life, I just need to focus on those thoughts more.

    I've been a little blue and blah these past days. No particular reason, I've always struggled with mild depression. I'm disappointed that being AF has not changed that. I AM grateful that my anxiety is WAY down since stopping, so I'm trying to focus on that good part.

    Have a good one everyone.
    AF since 6JUN2012


      Newbies Nest

      Hi All,

      I've spent Hours on these boards reading. Amazing how the stories repeat over and over again. I see myself in so many of them

      Currently, I'm stuck on the chapter of Day 1. I really need some support. I've been trying for the last month. I've already caved today which will have a negative impact. Nothing drastic, just not getting things done, which has become the norm for way to long.

      Negotiating whether to just start day1 tomorrow or try the reduction method? Thinking for me, reduction might just be a sneaky delay. However, maybe reducing gives me more time to get other parts of my plan, the one I have yet to put together, in place. I drink 1-2 bottles of wine every night.

      Appreciate any help.


        Newbies Nest

        Roon - Thanks for the encouragement. Last week I went 4 days AF, but felt ugh and slept poorly. I think for me it really takes more than 5 days before my body settles in and starts sleeping well.

        Next - I am not really one to give much advice, but my own take is that reduction would be good if you are worried about health issues, otherwise just start racking up AF days. Good job posting and asking. That is really a good step.


          Newbies Nest

          Roon, I am soooo happy for you! Your whole attitude sounds different, like now you can get on with it!! Way to have a plan and work it!!

          Nellie, Day 2 done and dusted? Yes, you will find the well-meaning people in your life can be a real road block to your success. You must get your story down and stick with it. I found that even a moment's hesitation brought on the ...'oh just one won't hurt you's' or 'you don't have a problem' or 'we're not having one if you don't'.....whatever...then none of us will because I am not! Stick to your guns. It is so easy to get derailed in social have an airtight story. Tell them you are on meds, or that you are driving, or that you've had some tummy issues lately that AL is bothering. In the early going, I told people that it was aggravating a couple of situations I had going on and patted my tummy...what I was referring to was my marriage and my liver, but they didn't have to know that. Or tell them you are on the Detox Diet....Then someone will say..oh I've heard of that diet! What can't you have? Just tell them 'anything that tastes good'. The conversation will move on and then nobody cares! It's just that first little bit that is the rough edge.

          Next, Please...we are so happy you found us! You are so right...all of our stories are the same....we thought we had a handle of our drinking and then one day we wake up and we are in dispair with no apparent way out. If you are drinking a bottle or 2 of wine at night, you are in very good company here. I know it seems overwhelming at the moment, but give it your all to get Day 1 under your belt....get that ONE DAY where you score a victory over AL...and you will be amazed at the strength it will give you. I went cold turkey and many here did...I had some night sweats and flu like symptoms, other say they are extremely tired...the first 3 days are going to be hard, but as you can CAN be done! If you got thru the last 15 minutes you can get thru the next 15. Get all the AL out of the house, and take your life back. You can do it, and we are here to help!! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Rooni, glad you got your prescription - that'll give you the security you need to get going...
            Next, take a look at Mauritiusdodo's 10% reduction thread - she used reduction and is 5 days AF. She has logged every step of the way so I think you would find her thread very interesting and might help you choose which way to go. It wouldn't be for me because one drink means 2 bottles and that is that. Hope you find what works for you....
            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


              Newbies Nest

              So I hope my nesters can handle me venting off here. Sobriety is such a lovely gift. Than you have to deal with everyone else around you. I guess this pay back for drinking my life away for too many years. I got sent home from work today for being pissed off. I had a damn good reason for it. On my second day off which was supposed to be today. I volunteered to come into work and help out. But I said I just want to do some easy stuff and help out where I can. Last week I told the boss...if I am forced into having to do something other than helping out...I don't want be here. I will just go out fishing on my day off. So guess what happens...they want to take advantage of me yet again and ask me to go on a crew that is doing stuff I don't want to do on a day I am taking away from my own free time. I WAS SOO DAMN MAD.....number one....i would have never signed up to work a easy job for the day knowing they were going to tell me to do something else. So I stood up for myself and said HELL NO! I'm doing what I signed up for. Or I'm going home. I went home. They can kiss my you know what. I am sure I'll be talking to the boss tomorrow but than he's going to get a mouth full from me too. But you know what sobriety does for a person. You start having respect for yourself and you become your advocate. Sorry I am venting.....:thanks:
              Started living again 2/7/2015


                Newbies Nest

                Hi FD :
                Your story sounds very similar to my friend Bobs who has several years AF. He also goes above and beyond the call of duty and often gets taken advantage of. Some of his stories are pretty hilarious actually but the happy ending in his employment (and I suspect yours) is Bob was and is the best guy on the job. That's why he always got called in, asked to do extra. He was easy going and good at what he did. Most of the guys on his team (he's a city engineer) were not.

                Hope that puts things in more of a positive light for you!

                Love and hugs,


                I think you did the right the right thing. Bob got so pissed once he dropped a big off a crane after some incompetent supervisor told him to do something he knew was wrong...
                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
       tool box
       newbie nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Oh sorry..I think it was a hard hat or a shoe...:H
                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thank you Kradle! I am the good solider. I always do what I am told to do. I get along with everyone. People look up to me and ask me for help. Just one day in life I wanted to take it easy at work and do the easy job on the crew and just enjoy the day. NOPE! They wanted me to do the dirty work yet again. I am going into my 2nd year at school in just three weeks and I working for company I am going to school for. But there are people who do NOTHING when I work my ass off and I get the crap hole. I know the owner like me. He is excited for me to be done with school. And loves my work ethic and hard nose approach and honesty. So it will be okay. I work hard. I get along well with everyone. I am a team worker. But for just one day I wanted the easy job that lazy asses get because they don't give a damn. And here I go again.
                    Started living again 2/7/2015


                      Newbies Nest

                      Wow FD you sound so much like Bob! Wish you were closer so you could meet him. I think you guys would hit it off.
                      The good news is his good work and tenacity were eventually recognized and he came out the other side a much calmer, happier person. But it was tough going, no question.

                      You're definitely not alone and if Bob's any sign, then it's definitely worth it.

                      Going camping at lake Cushman tomorrow for four days with friends. I'm nervous. Haven't done the really social no escape thing yet. I have support there but I also have a lot of AL there ........and woods....:lame:

                      Hubs and kids will be will be fishing. I'll be tubing!

                      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
             tool box
             newbie nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        So my nesters! I want apologize for going off and venting today. I love being in recovery. I feel like myself again. There are just days when I tired of always giving and want to just relax and be myself. Today is that day. Me in recovery means I need to finally grow up and act as a adult. After 15 years of drinking I left myself at the door back when I was 21. And now I have to catch-up with who I am again. I hate being selfish. And today I feeling like I am. I love sharing how I feel with everyone here. Today I was just frustrated and mad. I will wake up tomorrow happy and sober. I owe my life to the nest and mwo. I also owe my life to all the wonderful ppl in the nest. I am becoming me again because of you all. I being the person I want to be whether people like me or not because of this place. I am at time a abrasive person. It's just who I am. But...I will always support everyone here. I will always be on everyone's side here. I care about and love everyone here. There are just bad days in life. Today was just one of those. I know tomorrow will be better and I will talk to the boss and get things straightened out. You know what is coolest thing. I can actually talk to a boss because I am sober now and not sitting at home and drinking all day long.
                        Started living again 2/7/2015


                          Newbies Nest

                          Kradle123;1358655 wrote: Wow FD you sound so much like Bob! Wish you were closer so you could meet him. I think you guys would hit it off.
                          The good news is his good work and tenacity were eventually recognized and he came out the other side a much calmer, happier person. But it was tough going, no question.

                          You're definitely not alone and if Bob's any sign, then it's definitely worth it.

                          Going camping at lake Cushman tomorrow for four days with friends. I'm nervous. Haven't done the really social no escape thing yet. I have support there but I also have a lot of AL there ........and woods....:lame:

                          Hubs and kids will be will be fishing. I'll be tubing!

                          Kradle...remember one it worth drinking or not? Simple question. And you know the answer.
                          Started living again 2/7/2015


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            FD, don't feel bad for venting ~ that's what we do here
                            It's good to see you stand up for yourself with your boss - he'll get over it I'm sure!
                            It is a good feeling handling life sober, never forget that

                            Kradle, enjoy your camping trip. Commune with nature & leave AL out of the experience - you'll have a much better time, remember it, take great pictures, etc!!!!

                            Wishing everyone a safe AF night in the nest!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              I love the nest! And the last few days I have felt true freedom. I won't let AL rule my life. I will let my higher power God take me where I need to go. I feel the freedom to be myself again. I feel like being the person God meant me to be. If people don't like me I am okay with it. I was not put on this earth to please everyone I am here to fulfill what God has in mind for me. I will always be a hard worker but I will stick up for myself when I need to. I will take the time to talk to others when I feel the compulsion to drink I will help others in need when they need my help. I pledge myself to working hard everyday and being someone in MWO that people can lean on during the early rough days. I know this helps me stay sober not only that...seeing my life change inspires me to see others lives change. It happens when you want it. I want it. I know you all want it. We can do this.....Let's not die in a bottle...let's die fighting it together......I know I am fired up today. But the old me is back with a fiery spirit. The nest saved the nest has unlocked me....the old me is back...and I am HAPPY!!
                              Started living again 2/7/2015


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey FD.....vent away...that's what we are here for. Kudos for standing up to the boss. At least you gave him something to think about tonight and I am sure he has nothing but respect for you. Tomorrow will be a better day and I am sure they will think twice before having you do something you weren't planning on! Ha!

                       good to see you girl...I've missed you!

                                Daisy...I am the same way...I could never reduce my AL was all or nothing. Now that I am on the AB I feel like that was a lifetime ago!

                       Rooni!!!!! I know I already told you how happy I was for you on the phone today....but I will say it here too!!!!!! Yay for you!!!!!

                                Gdog....You are stronger than you think. Just the fact that you stay on here and keep posting is a huge step! You are not giving up and instead you are coming on here and being brutally honest with us and that will only help you in the long run!
                                AB Club Member
                                AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                                10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                                :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:

