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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Welcome to all the new Nesters, I have mentioned a few. This is truely a wonderful place to be. There alot of people who are the backbone of the nest Byrdie is one, Lav is another. Sorry I cannot think this morning. I had another thought that I could drink, that after my dream has shaken me somewhat. I guess that AL Demon really does not want to lose his grip on any one of us. I truely saddens me when I see members of my family openly talk about drinking on networks like Facebook. They do not know about me quitting, I have not felt I needed to discuss it. There are only a few people outside of the nest who know. I would like to sayTHANKS for all your support. You have helped me this past month and I love you all.

    Next-:welcome:you have come to a wonderful place. We all identify with you and have basically the same story. So as they say, pull up a twig and hand on. Pick a day to be AF and make a plan. Look forward to seeing more posts.

    FD-Respect is such a wonderful thing, I am just starting to get mine. You did right to stand up for yourself. Am curious to see how your boss handles this, I am sure as the other nesters he will have more respect for you.

    Dest-It sounds so good to hear a skip in your posts, you sound so positive.:cheering

    Cash- Day 5, good for you, and so sorry about the sinus, it is a terrible thing to have. I know it can feel as if an axe is going through the head, hope it gets better soon

    Mick-:woot::wootay 30, and I want to say you have given some wonderful insightful thoughts for all the newbies

    Big-:welcome:Coming to the nest is a great step. Next is looking for help. All of us here have started the same way. You will find the stories, thoughts and every step has the same scenerio. I was told to pick a day to be AF and then make a plan. Take baby steps, come back and read, read, read and keep posting. You will find friends from all over the world. Pull up a twig and hang on, the road is long and bumpy, but there is an end to it.

    GDog-True the first few days are tough, but as everyone has told you, you are not a quiter, you keep coming here. You will find the right way that works for you.:h
    I am starting over as of Sept 6
    SHIT this is so stupid (I hate AL)

    AF since June 30, 2012
    be AF for 7 days yea done:yay::yay:
    be AF for 21 days July 21, 2012 boy I did it
    be AF for 30 Days July 30, 2012 I have done it:thanks: to all the nesters
    Now to be AF for 60 days Aug 29---blew it
    Work to be AF for 90 days Sept 28---blew it

    I have been AF for 1 month Oct, 2011
    I have been AF before for 3 months Mar 16, 2011-July 2010


      Newbies Nest

      Congrats Mick on 30 days!!

      FD - good for you, you're not being selfish, you are being self-full.

      I hear ya Litre about ppl talking drink etc..I have a coworker who is always joking about drinking and it is starting to get on my nerves. No one here knows the extent of my problem, I have only come in hungover after a Christmas party. I kept my binges to the weekend It affected my work in being anxious M-W, anyway those days are done. AL is always a topic when I talk with this coworker, next time I am saying something to stop this cycle.

      Wow, my crappy mood is really presenting itself. I am sooooo pi$$y today, but no danger of drinking. This too shall pass.

      new beginnings July 16, 2012


        Newbies Nest

        Yesterday, Dest and I were texting back and forth, and something she said made me really happy. When referring to her renewed commitment to sobriety, she said she felt like a child who has her whole life ahead of her. What a great image.

        But she's right. I have been drinking my entire adulthood, and I just turned 44. If I pick up sober life where I left off, I should be, say, about 18 right now!! Woot! I've got so much to do in this life!! I just can't wait!!

        Just think, no more hangovers.....

        That alone is a reason to jump for joy.



          Newbies Nest

          48 minutes into day six! Thank you all for your lovely comments and I hope everyone is feeling hopeful and upbeat in the other hemisphere today! My sinuses are still revolting can't wait to see Dr ( not often I say that )
          Bigcol if you need a little buffer to help you in such a big drinking culture like mining you can always say you're trying to get fit or your blood pressures up and your doc said not to drink or you re trying to shed a few kgs. It's all probably true anyway so it's not lying- just a little subterfuge
          People will soon just forget and get used to you not drinking and if you go to the pub just order something that looks like a drink
          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            Newbies Nest

            Hey Nesters,
            I need some help right now. I try to put on this strong, "I don't need anyone's help" exterior. Which i thought had everyone fooled until I just typed it out. I keep very private.

            Everyday recently has been, "The Day". I just can't seem to get day one. I give in by noon! I didn't drink for a month recently, but no one knows I smoked pot. Just a substitution in my mind. Now not only do I drink, but I smoke pot sometimes!


              Newbies Nest

              Next, Please...I'm afraid that I can't speak to the pot smoking at all....but I do know that when I was a heavy, heavy vodka drinker, I quit that and changed over to wine, thinking that I never had a problem with that at all. Unfortunately, AL is AL and pretty soon I was abusing that too. Maybe in your case, substance abuse is substance abuse. I've often thought that the only way I'd be foolish enough to take a drink now were if I were drunk!! Am I correct in thinking that pot would give you this sort of feeling? The easy answer is to give them both a shove.....easy for me to say...Do you have a serious smoking habit? B
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Hello & welcome Next, Please

                Glad you are here with us!
                Have you read the MWO book yet? That's where I started, it's full of helpful information. You can download the .pdf from the Health store here on the site.

                You have to make a good plan for yourself ~ obviously doing the same old thing is not working for you. Look in the for great ideas to help you put your plan together.

                Getting all of the AL out of my house & vowing to buy no more was my first step. I even made a big deal of pouring the last of the wine down the drain so my brain would start to understand that things were going to be very, very different from then on

                You can do it too but you need to work up the commitment, make a good plan for yourself & stay close to MWO for support!

                Wishing you the best!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thank you all so much for the good advice I have decided AF is the right path for me now, I only have to quit completely, easy said, but I will do it. I read a lot of older posts over the last couple of days amazing how similar the situations are. Can't thank you enough for the support. I make my own alcohol so I have been tipping that out kind of sucks but no point having it in the house if I'm not going to drink it. BYRDIE that is truly clever advice about what to tell everyone I'm also going to see if I can change my crew so I'm not with the same drinkers again
                  Enough is Enough, only one person can fix this, alcohol has never caused me anything but problems


                    Newbies Nest

                    Day six no probs off to Dr to fix sinuses happy as a pig in mud
                    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                      Newbies Nest

                      The jig is up

                      Just finished what should have been a wonderful vacation. AL ruined it. Made appt with outpatient rehab place but appt isn't until week after next. So, getting all my ducks in a row, starting a journal, and will religiously read posts in tool is time to dig myself out of this quicksand....Saturday will be spent making an exhaustive more randomly reading these posts and having a half assed plan. Things are out of control and it is high time I reigned it all in.....
                      I just won't anymore


                        Newbies Nest

                        Next - I don't know what your situation is but I agree with Lavande, one of the first steps for me was not having easy access. Not only vowing not to drink, but not to stop to buy anything to drink. There were many times I was not successful. Some of us, and I'm a champion now for this route, need additional help. I sought outpatient medical assistance and for the first time in years feel like I have a shot at staying AF. There are many, many ways. You know what doesn't work; now you just have to find a way that works for you. I'm also right there with Byrdie; I have had my experiences trading one drug for another, in my case quitting drinking but becoming addicted to Xanex (I almost killed myself when I stopped taking it suddenly - I had a seizure while driving). You'll find your way and you'll find lots of company here.

                        Hi BigCol, greetings! It's funny the things we think and worry about. When we could very well die from our drinking, we're worried about what to say to people and how they'll react. I'm guilty too! I didn't want to go to "regular" rehab because I didn't want to risk my job. In my field, it's (rehab) is fairly common but you never know when it's going to be used against you. You sound positive and I wish you luck. You've come to a community that knows what it's like and can offer much support.

                        - I'm prone to sinus infections so I know how awful they can be. I'm not happy you're sick but the truth is that being sick isn't a bad way to get through those first days anyway. To take your mind off. But I do hope you feel better and glad you're staying the course (and getting some sleep - that's great!)

                        - I've been half-assed about getting to Day 1 more times than I can remember, as is the case for many/most of us here. I finally started my full-assed plan almost 3 months ago! Almost 2 weeks - that's a long time to wait now that you've made the decision, but to have that date, to have made that commitment, is awesome. A huge step. Isn't it a relief in itself? It was for me. I only had to wait 4-5 days before I could get in to see the Dr. at the outpatient rehab place I found. I was drinking (2+ bottles of wine a day) so they told me to continue "maintenance" drinking until I could see the Dr. and get on Rx-s to help ease the detox/withdrawal symptoms and get my blood pressure down. It sounds like you're doing all the right things in preparation. Good luck and keep us posted.

                        We're here for you all!
                        "Indecision brings its own delays, and days are lost lamenting over lost days."
                        ~ from Goethe's Faust

                        :target: AF as of May 8, 2012
                        :target: Non-smoker as of Sept. 15, 2012


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi there nesters. Day 3 and i am in bed snuggling with my little girl. no alc would make me feel as good as she does.

                          Congrats Mick! 30 days. Quite the accomplishment.

                          Welcome all the newbies! I am still trying to catch up on posts. I have been very busy and tired these last few days.

                          stay sober!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thank you nesters yet again for your support! It went great today with the boss after we talked about everything. Being free of AL is allowing me to be a honest person. It's a freedom I won't trade for anything. Congratulations to everyone whether it's day one or day proud of yourselves. I am really proud of the nest today. You are all a supportive bunch and I am proud of you guys!
                            Started living again 2/7/2015


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning nesters..just popped in how are we all today??Start of a new weekend af? go for it.Quickly skimmed through the posts and already there are quite a few people on the way to getting their hat...Byrdie need to make some more!!
                              Cash way to go.. day 6 ..hope sinuses get fixed without any probs

                              Yogamom.. day 3.. what a great comment about your little girl..could be part of your strat.. if I had a drink what would she think?

                              Jennietech good on you..grab it and kick it..make sure al doesn't ruin another holiday..get that plan sorted..failing to plan is planning to fail remember that from somewhere in my past!

                              Big Col..keep us posted on how you are doing

                              Dest..19 days now go for it

                              Litre2 wow you are doing great..that 3 month record is going to get well smashed this time

                              Its my time .. pissed off yet no thought of drinking?looks like you have managed to separate them... thats usually everyone's first reaction..grab a bottle so well done you.

                              Finally to agree .great place to come..its all here to help you folks..all you need to do is take that step and bin the wee man off so go for it.

                              Right going now..will hand you back to the boss lady, whose spot I hijacked for a couple of minutes (sorry Byrdie)
                              Big shout to all those who I havent mentioned by name you are still part of the family..its just that I would be here forever
                              Have a great af weekend
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                                Newbies Nest

                                Still here still not drinking, I don't think my wife understands the desire for Al but she is pretty supportive of me anyway. I am still just reading some of the older posts its nice to know that im not alone (sorry about the skulking)and I have nothing but respect for the brutal honesty and strength of character that people show here when they expose so much of themselves and ask each other for help
                                Enough is Enough, only one person can fix this, alcohol has never caused me anything but problems

