A big thunder storm just rolled over my portion of the Nest ~ guess it's safe to get back online

Welcome back jennie!
I remember the cooking trigger for you in the past. It was a big one for me too but I simply replaced my bottle of wine with a quart of extra strong decaf green tea. Somehow or another it did the trick.
Cat, glad you picked up the Habit Busting program.
I think the more work you put into it the sooner you will see results

I worked it like any other class, did all of the reading & 'assignments'. Jump into it setting your intentions on killing the old habits & replacing them with new & better habits!
Next, please - you asked about my work??
I have a home based embroidery/monogramming shop.
I have nothing to do with the Habit Busting program, That's something I found online & it worked miracles for me.
Honeysoup, you have the ability to make this day your last Day 1!
You know what you need to do. Commit yourself & recommit yourself each & every sober day you wake up. Just do it!!!
Byrdie, cooking & baking in this heat...what a gal :H
Great that you have found something you really like to do!
The pineapple upside down cakes in the canning jars sounds interesting

Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest. Buckle in, velcro down, do whatever you have to do to stay put!