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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening nesters,

    So much going on here today!

    Gdog, just don't drink because it will not get you where you really want to go. I hope your prayer time in September brings you the comfort you need
    Look into some of the meditations I mentioned earlier today ~ to help you out until then.

    Hi Rooni, we cross posted this morning! Love your plan!!!

    I've seen the Hyperboleandahalf blog before - it;s great

    jennie, get your mind off the taste of wine or anything related to it by immersing yourself in some of the meditations if even only for 5 minutes. Life will go on & stuff will continue to happen whether you drink AL or not, right?

    Greetings IMT & hello & welcome Hope
    Please settle in with us for a while, glad you decided to join us.

    Litre, stay focused!
    Your Man sounds like the chronic passive aggressive I've been married to for the past 39 years. You can not change them - they are what they are! You can change yourself & the way you react to his BS - I did!

    Greetings Honeysoup, Cashy & pixie! Good to see everyone!

    I have an early babysitting gig with my grandskids tomorrow morning so I'm going to t-r-y to get to bed a little earlier.....
    Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      pixie;1361800 wrote: Cashy - I just read your link to Hyperboleandahalf - that was hilarious! And so true, unfortunately.
      Can't believe she is only 25 such wisdom at a young age! Clean ALL the things!!
      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning everyone ! Day 6 and feeling positive, but I know as I approach that 6oclock hour the tension will set in. But I'm gona hold strong. I wake up in such a fabulously happy mood when not drinking. It annoye my husband terribly. Lol. But in a good way.
        I'm off of work today so I plan to finish reading Jason vales book and doing some work on the system that Lav recommended. I'm really excited about it, but pensive as well. Self reflection, and putting it on paper is tough for me. I think it's tough for all of us to look at what we are doing wrong. As for me , I've buried it so long with AL, I've never had to face it. And it's time. I think this will be a piece in the big picture to real change. Hope y'all have a fab day, stay strong, and let's keep the end game in the forefront!

        "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
        -Alan Cohen


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all,

          Quick check in before getting ready for work. Still AF, still a little off, so very tired and no motivation to work out or meditate. That is so not me, when I was drinking I was working out and meditating daily - it's things like this that makes me think, is it going to get better?? I know that's my AV working and it will get better, I am healing right now and need to get over this blah feeling.

          My energy level had nose dived and I do not like it one bit!!!
          new beginnings July 16, 2012


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters!

            Cat, I'm happy to hear you are working the habit busting system. I probably didn't mention that I did a lot of it in tears!! Yes it is difficult to sit & dissect yourself but something you must do to make way for improvements

            IMT, take good care of yourself, you will come through this. It would be great if we could heal overnight but that's not realistic. Get yourself in a positive frame of mind, it's half the battle!

            I'm off for a morning of watching my two energetic grandsons - something that would not be possible with a hangover
            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Lav's so right - it doesn't happen overnight. I was thinking last night that 7 months after I quit, the mode that I was in was kind of a frenzied organize everything mode. I also had a paint everything in sight mode and a clean everything in sight mode! And a read everything in sight mode, and a pinterest mode. :H

              I really think I went overboard with most of these activities, but turned out to be what I needed to do - keep mixing things up to keep myself busy. This summer I've been going to garage sales for old furniture to fix up. I think all of these things serve two purposes...keeping me busy, and catching up on long neglected tasks and interests. So go with the flow for awhile. If something looks like fun - give it a try - be a little selfish. :l

              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning everybody,

                Itsmytime, I remember going through some ups and downs and feeling blah at times. If you can muster up any energy, you should try to work out. You will feel tired AND better. Plenty of sleep, stay hydrated, eat well, take vitamins and excercise will help you recover quicker.

                Lolab, how are you? Every time I read about your manic cleaning, I laugh, and then I turn around and frown when I see all my clutter. I was lazy then and I'm lazy now! I also agree with you about rekindling lost interests. Most of us neglected our inner life along with our physical body by drinking. I have found that reconnecting with things I really used to love before my drinking took over has helped me remember myself.

                Old friends and new faces, I hope you have a great AF day!
                "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                AF 11/12/11


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Morning Everyone

                  Today is day one for me. My first goal is to get through today AF! I have had a lot of day ones, but I really want this one to be my last. My plan for today is to stay close to the nest, take a different route home from work and plan to do something special for my family for dinner tonight. I will also go to the health food store at lunch time and get a healthy juice for myself. Thanks for all the support :l


                    Newbies Nest

                    Welcome to the Nest Hope!

                    You will love it here, there is so much kindness, support and wisdom. We've all been through what you're going through. For me, the hardest days were 3-4, because that's when I'd feel like I was "OK" and go back to drinking. Sounds like you have a good plan for tonight. Anything you can change in your routine will help, even little things. I was at at-home-only drinker, so I even moved things around in my living room to make it look different than my normal drinking "spot". Whatever it takes to get you through the first few days, do it!

                    Please stick close and let us know how you're doing. Oh, and what's for dinner?

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning everyong

                      Hope - Welcome to day 1! You have such a great positive attitude and a good plan. Keep it up you can do this!

                      Day 5 for me! I am so happy I have made it this far, yet I woke up this morning feeling like crap. Why am I so tired? I too have no energy and have been eating like crazy. I hate being hungover but I hate being fat too!!! I need to lose about 30lbs to be back to my "normal size" I don't know what happened???It's like to blew up as soon as I turned 35. That and I quit smoking after almost 15-20 years! I am now 36 and I want the AL gone and the fat!

                      I am terrible...I WANT IT ALL NOW! I would love to have a day I didn't think about AL at all. To have energy to go to the gym after work and too look at my scale going down!

                      I know I will get there...but one thing at a time I guess.

                      Hope ya'll have a great day!
                      Honeysoup :heart:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Day 6....

                        So I just made plans for the weekend, and for the first time in MANY years, I don't have that nagging, worrying feeling that I will end up breaking or canceling them because of alcohol. Honestly, I can't remember the last time I actually made a plan and knew for a fact that I would fulfill my promise. I also can't remember the last time I wasn't worried about getting drunk before, during, and after a planned event.

                        I can't describe how happy I am today. I feel so liberated.

                        Keep trying, people. Getting sober FAR outweighs any buzz you can get from alcohol or any other drug.


                          Newbies Nest

                          we are both on day 5 together and I too feel very tired and am eating eating eating. Lots of sea salted roasted almonds and dark chocolate....somehow, that takes the edge off for me. I too need to lose 30 lbs. During these intial days, however, I am not thinking about my food diet. I am only thinking about my liquid diet.....My consumption of liquids in a caloric sense has dropped at least 800 calories a day since I am no longer downing a bottle or two of white wine a day....that is really exciting to me! Also, even though I am exhausted, I am forcing myself to the gym. Today it was hot yoga....
                          So, don't worry about what you are eating....I want it all at once too but unfortunately, the older we get, the harder these things are to achieve.
                          I just won't anymore


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Nesters

                            Not checked in for a while. Day 168 for me. Need to read back a bit on this thread as I'm a bit out of touch.

                            Stay strong everyone xx


                              Newbies Nest

                              jenniech;1362092 wrote: honeysoup
                              we are both on day 5 together and I too feel very tired and am eating eating eating. Lots of sea salted roasted almonds and dark chocolate....somehow, that takes the edge off for me. I too need to lose 30 lbs. During these intial days, however, I am not thinking about my food diet. I am only thinking about my liquid diet.....My consumption of liquids in a caloric sense has dropped at least 800 calories a day since I am no longer downing a bottle or two of white wine a day....that is really exciting to me! Also, even though I am exhausted, I am forcing myself to the gym. Today it was hot yoga....
                              So, don't worry about what you are eating....I want it all at once too but unfortunately, the older we get, the harder these things are to achieve.
                              Jenni - You have inspired me...I just took a fat burner and going to the gym for the first time in 2 1/2 weeks. I too was downing a bottle or 2 of white wine every night. That's a good way to look at it. and guess name is Jennifer...lool
                              Honeysoup :heart:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Well that was annoying as hell. I was on my way home from work, and I turned into a grocery store to grab some clothes detergent on the way home. Well this grocery store is right beside my old drinking hole. Who did I see walking down the street but Ron, and regular who I know drinks way more than he should. His parents left him some money when they died, so now all he does is bar hop all day - and I mean all day - from the time the bar opens until the time he passes out....

                                Anyway, we made eye contact, so after I finished grocery shopping, I walked into the bar to talk to him. Everyone says he's been really depressed lately, so I felt like it would be a good idea, especially since I haven't seen him in several days.

                                So, after saying hello to everyone (bartenders and regulars), I sit down and order a soda water. OMG, you would have thought I had ordered a frozen shit shake or something. I had to explain mulitple times that I wasn't drinking because I had work to do when I got home. The bartender jokingly rolled her eyes and said "you're going to come into my bar and only order a soda? WHAAAA????"

                                I talked to Ron for two minutes, and yes he was depressed, but I know exactly why - he's addicted to a major depressant called alcohol. How do I know this? Because I am too, and I see the signs!

                                Ron ended up getting a phone call, so I took that as my excuse to leave two bucks on the bar and walk out, telling people along the way that I had groceries in my car.

                                I doubt I will be going back in there any time soon. What's the point?

                                Home, sober, and so glad I'm not still there, sitting on a bar stool wasting money, time, and brain cells....

