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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters!

    Cat & IMT, you are doing just great, keep up the good work. The emotional stuf will settle down soon enough, you'll see

    Greetings to everyone!
    Hope you have your plans in order for the weekend. I have so much to do there will be no time for me to even think about getting into trouble :H

    Wishing everyone a great AF day!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Hey kids. Made it to day 2. Had that pouring out of my heart a few days ago, but forgot to pour out the wine. Dang it.

      Anyway, hoping to just be solid. Slept ok. Coffee is good.

      AF praise God.


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning peeps! I have made it to 20 days AF...holy sh*t....Ha! This is just a quick hello before I head into the shower and get ready for my AA meeting at 10:30. I confirmed my Dr's appointment for Monday which is just a check-up for the AB....I think I am going to give my Dr a HUGE hug..I am sure he is going to see a big difference in me!

        It's so great to see everyone hanging so strong in the nest! It's not an easy journey that we are on but every second, minute and hour that we don't let the beast in is just that much closer that we get to our destinition which is to have our lives back!
        AB Club Member
        AB Start Date - 7/25/12

        10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

        :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


          Newbies Nest

          Everyone is doing great!!
          CatB...your emotions will be all over the place for a few weeks...get yourself to Day 13 and I think you'll find that they even out a good bit, or at least enough to where you aren't bouncing off the walls. You are doing great just keep going!
          I am getting the hats ready for a couple special folks about to rack up 30 big DAYS!!! I am so proud of yall'll (2 contractions of Southern Speak).
          Went out to eat last night with Hubs, step daughter and SIL...they got a bottle of wine and spoke of how good it was....all I thought was how can 3 people actually split a bottle of wine??? What a twisted mind I have....Dick Head at work, I guess. I drank was fine, I'm getting used to being the only non drinker at the table.
          Stay strong everyone, it is so worth it....I am flying out on Monday...used to connect thru certain airports so I could buy bottles of wine during connections....UGG! So nice to be freee of that, at least!! MindPeace today everyone!! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            As I popped my Antabuse, my friend just texted me to let me know about a bunch of folks partying by her pool. She asked if I could stop by and pick up some wine on the way.

            Guess they'll figure out that I'm not drinking eventually....


              Newbies Nest

              Hey everyone!

              I haven't posted in a while but I drop in almost daily and read. I have been really struggling the past couple of week. I'm still taking my pill and haven't had a drink, but I have really been having cravings. Not so much for the taste of alcohol, but for the numbness and not having to deal with things. Mind keeps telling me to allow myself one night of forgetfullness and I can always go back on the AB the following day. Only thing is, I've been down that road before...the whole "Just one more, and I'll start anew tomorrow" trip. One night turns into two, then three, then a week, and so on. Deep down, I know having some drinks won't help matters. It's just been a rough month. My dad's birthday was July 29th, but he died two years ago, and for some reason his birthday always affects me more than the anniversary of his death. Then there are issues with my husband. I am so tired of dealing with our son's autism being MY job. I'm the one that has to do the research, go to the seminars, read the books, and deal with the kid. To hear my husband talk, he himself shot out of his mother's womb a perfect human being, and I am tired of feeling like I let him down by giving him a child that isn't perfect. My son has come a long way, and is an awesome kid, and my husband is too blind and stupid to see it. It all gets so old.

              On a more positive note, I followed up with my PCP, who prescribed me the AB, and he's very happy with my progress. I dropped 7 pounds and my liver enzymes are normal. I keep telling myself that allowing myself to take even one drink will start down a path that will undo the progress I've made. I remind myself every morning how great it feels to wake up refreshed, with no hangover. I picture my body growing healthier from within. And above all, I keep taking my pill.

              Hope all of you are doing well and hanging in there.


                Newbies Nest

                Day 7 and one of the worst days! Big fight with husband I even put my hand through a window. My children were here. I finally kicked him out and told him I want to seperate. I don't know if its me bc I quite drinking or because of him. All I know is I am done trying to do everything myself. I work full time and I feel like I am a single mother.

                I want to pour a glass but I will not do that. I am not going to let one more thing be held against me even though I didn't do anything wrong. Why is life so hard?

                I really need break Lord! Please!
                Honeysoup :heart:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Wow, lots of good news here today & some not so great

                  Let me tell you something - I drank AT my husband for years & guess what? It didn't change him one little bit! I got tired of the whole routine, quit drinking & the fool walks out on me more than a year much for 37 friggin years of devotion, huh? Turned out he's the one with the emotional/mental problems!!!
                  No matter what's going on in your lives, you can & will get through it with a clear head
                  Don't let anything or anyone throw you off your plan.

                  I wish all of you a safe & peaceful night in the Nest! I'll be looking for all of you tomorrow morning :l

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning y'all! Had a much better evening yesterday, which is a relief, since evenings have been my Achilles heel. Today is day 8, the start of a new week, went to Daffin park yesterday with our dogs, had a nice walk and let the boys play in the doggie park for a while, it was awesome to do all that w/o the sluggishness of having had 7 glaases of wine the night before.

                    Des, I guess today is day 21 for you. Congratulations girl! Keep up the amazing work! You rock!

                    Honey, I'm so sorry about what you are going through. I know your emotions are whack because mine are too. I'm glad you didn't drink, so you can keep a clear head. Thinking about you today....

                    IT - my dad died last November, he was never much of a dad after I was about 10 yrs old but sometimes I think how different would my life be if, as a young girl he had been present in my life, to be a father. A girl sure needs one of those. But I keep telling myself the past is a locked door. Sorry about the husband. Autistic kids are awesome little beings, difficult at times, but special little peeps. They hold the same place in my heart as animals.

                    Lolab, Lav, amd Byrd, you are inspirations to us all. Thank you.....

                    Happy Sunday everybody!

                    "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                    -Alan Cohen


                      Newbies Nest

                      Honeysoup;1362903 wrote: Day 7 and one of the worst days! Big fight with husband I even put my hand through a window. My children were here. I finally kicked him out and told him I want to seperate. I don't know if its me bc I quite drinking or because of him. All I know is I am done trying to do everything myself. I work full time and I feel like I am a single mother.

                      I want to pour a glass but I will not do that. I am not going to let one more thing be held against me even though I didn't do anything wrong. Why is life so hard?

                      I really need break Lord! Please!
                      Oh HS, I'm so sorry you are going through this. Obviously I don't know your situation, but it sounds to me like you have identified the problem and taken action to alleviate it. If your spouse is not putting forth the effort he should, then you totally did the right thing. Also, as you as very well aware, this will be a MAJOR test to your sobriety. I hope and pray that you find the strength to deal with this with a clear head and be there for your children. Isn't it so ironic how we want to turn to the beast in times of crisis even though we know it only makes things worse?? When does it EVER make anything better??

                      If you stay sober, then you will know that all your thoughts, decisions, and actions are guided by a clear head.

                      I hope things work out for you. Please keep posting and letting us know how things are going. We are here to support you. And it sounds like several nesters have been there and done that as well, so the support will be even better.

                      We love you! Keep being strong!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        hello, this is my first post. i woke up today and decided to stop drinking. i've been drinking on and off, mostly on for 25 years. i am terrified of the withdrawal i may go through, i'm a single mom and noone knows i drink. i drink 1 -2 bottles of wine a night on average. i am going to attempt to go to a meeting on tuesday (women for sobriety).

                        i would like to do this cold turkey, but the idea of serious withdrawal is terrifying me. i won't go to a doctor or clinic for help as i have children and don't want to risk losing them.

                        i feel like i had better try tapering. i'm terrified and so ashamed that i've thrown most of my life away and have hurt many people in the process.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morningg Nesters!

                          Happy Sunday to everyone! Finally, a decent weather day today. It has been one long, hot, humid summer.

                          Hello & welcome Lori!
                          Glad you found us, this is a good place
                          I was a wine guzzler myself & safely reduced my intake a bit each day until I could quit without any physical problems. Turned out I had much more of an emotional attachment to th bottle than I thought. I started by downloading & reading the MWO book from the Health store here. I also purchased & used the MWO Hypno CDs ~ they are very effective when used as directed. Making a good plan for yourself is essential. Look in the for good ideas.

                          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Sunday! Hope you all can spend some time out in the fresh air

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning everyone. I had a nice time at the party yesterday - even had a couple conversations with other people who have taken the sober path. :-)

                            Lori - welcome to the Nest. First, I will address your questions about tapering - and Lav will be along to talk to you about a plan...

                            I can't give you advice but I can tell you what I did when I first quit - I had been drinking lots and I too was worried about withdrawals - but didn't feel that I could ask for medical help, so I tapered for about a week. Others say that they couldn't do it but it worked for me. I know I couldn't have if I was using my "usual" poison - so I tapered using an alcohol that wasn't appealing to me. I was a vodka and wine drinker so I tapered with beer. It wasn't hard to not over do it, actually. I was100% committed to stopping. And I used that week to work on a plan... Stick close by in the upcoming days...


                            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                              Newbies Nest

                              LOL see? :hallo: Lav

                              Lori, also - "i'm terrified and so ashamed that i've thrown most of my life away and have hurt many people in the process. " these feelings are so overwhelming when the awful depressive effects of alcohol are still in our system...You will feel better...start on an active plan today and you really will - very soon! :l

                              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                thank you so much for your responses. i've never made a plan before and have started writing one out now.

                                i've been reading the information here on how to taper and i will try it with beer (i don't like beer).

                                i just need to believe there will be a light at the end of this tunnel.

