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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    ItsMyTime....on behalf of the entire Newbie's Nest, it is with great PRIDE that I give you, your hat!!!!!!!!!!!! :bday3: I can't begin to tell you how happy we all are that you made it. You will begin to see even more and better changes as you get to know yourself as a sober person. Well done, dear friend! Here's to the next 30...which will be easier!

    I am in Florida taking a customer on a tour of our corporate facility. I got in last night and was able to meet up with my oldest brother, whom I haven't seen in 5 years. I was in a strange mood last night, nervous about seeing him, it would have been easy to drink it away....but I ordered water, and he got 2 margarita's. Offered me a taste. Sometimes situations sneak up on you like would have been easy just to take a sip...but I know me, and I know AL...all he has to do is get a toe in the door and BAM! So I declined and that was the end of it. We had a wonderful visit. It would have been very different 2 years ago...aye, aye, aye! I am such a different person now...and I like it!

    Welcome Hope! And to everyone who is hanging on to the end of that rope...jump on in with us....we would not lead you into deep water, if we can do it, you can too. Things are so much better when you take AL out of the picture! I would have never believed it until I did it myself! Better days are just ahead! Traveling hugs! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      Glad to see so many making progress

      IMT, CONGRATS to you on your 30 AF days - great work!!!

      satz, I would be very, very careful self-medicating with Antabuse!
      There are good reasons why drugs require prescriptions for your safety. Antabuse has been known to cause liver problems in individuals with no prior history of liver disease. You really need to have your liver enzymes checked on a regular basis. Whether people realize it or not it is illegal in this country to sell or otherwise give your medications to another person. If caught you can be charged for dispensing drugs without a license to do so - not good. If the Antabuse is working for you then go see a doctor, get yourself covered & the proper medical care.

      Hello & welcome tubito!
      I have to ask, are you & your husband seeing a doctor & getting the Baclofen prescribed for you? I hope so because Baclofen is another drug you don't want to mess around with. I would not advise taking any herbal supplements while on that drug until you run it by your doctor. You want to keep yourselves safe while on this journey.

      I have a lot of opinions on this stuff because I am a retired nurse. Pharmaceuticals are a big business in this country, Canada, Europe, etc. They are in business to make money first & foremost ~ patient safety, not so much
      Most doctors are not well versed in the use of these & other drugs to treat alcoholism. The safest thing to do, if you are considering using medication is to seek & find a doc who has this knowledge.

      I'll jump off my soap box now & wish everyone a safe night in the Nest
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        so yesterday i went to 2 AA meetings and spent 1.5 hours talking to sponsor. Today, I had to go to the city for a meeting so could not go to AA meeting during lunch home at 5 and WANTED, CRAVED was desperate for wine....So, from what I learned over past 10 days, I decided to get myself out of that thought process so I went out and MOWED my entire lawn..It took an hour and lost of sweat and it wasn't my anger was at the lawnmower so I displaced the craving with my anger at the lawn worked
        !!! went to AA meeting my fingers are crossed that I am able to sleep all night....I have been tossing and turning....goodnight all and sweet dreams!
        I just won't anymore


          Newbies Nest

          Lav - That is very true and something I will keep reminding myself. Also I need to accept that what is done is done. If I've done things that may result in a negative outcome in court, well I can't change them now. I can only change things going forward and hope that a decision that is most beneficial for my son is made.

          Rooniferd - That is some great advice and I will be planning lots for the weekend ahead.

          Catbelle - Thank you for your encouraging words. And the support, I will be here alot this weekend I am sure.

          I hope I didn't miss anyone. I am sorry if I did. I tried to read back and forth, I'll have to get better at keeping pace. I will be making a plan for the weekend as I think it will be the hardest weekend I've ever had to get through.

          I had a horrible day with an email from my lawyer first thing this morning at work with some additional court stuff from my son's father that I have to address before Friday. I was feeling like hell already and ended up leaving work in tears. I was so tempted to drink tonight but instead had my daughter babysit my son and went to my first Women for Sobriety meeting. It was good and I will go back next Tuesday.

          I am still tapering, one beer tonight and I know I won't be able to sleep which has been the hardest part for me. I don't feel shaky tonight which I think is a good sign, although I've still got a raging headache and feel like I'm hungover.

          I am aiming for my first alcohol free day tomorrow! I hope everyone has a wonderful night!


            Newbies Nest

            Lav - That is very true and something I will keep reminding myself. Also I need to accept that what is done is done. If I've done things that may result in a negative outcome in court, well I can't change them now. I can only change things going forward and hope that a decision that is most beneficial for my son is made.

            Rooniferd - That is some great advice and I will be planning lots for the weekend ahead.

            Catbelle - Thank you for your encouraging words. And the support, I will be here alot this weekend I am sure.

            I hope I didn't miss anyone. I am sorry if I did. I tried to read back and forth, I'll have to get better at keeping pace. I will be making a plan for the weekend as I think it will be the hardest weekend I've ever had to get through.

            I had a horrible day with an email from my lawyer first thing this morning at work with some additional court stuff from my son's father that I have to address before Friday. I was feeling like hell already and ended up leaving work in tears. I was so tempted to drink tonight but instead had my daughter babysit my son and went to my first Women for Sobriety meeting. It was good and I will go back next Tuesday.

            I am still tapering, one beer tonight and I know I won't be able to sleep which has been the hardest part for me. I don't feel shaky tonight which I think is a good sign, although I've still got a raging headache and feel like I'm hungover.

            I am aiming for my first alcohol free day tomorrow! I hope everyone has a wonderful night!


              Newbies Nest

              Great job Lori!! Day one and to many more!!
              Started living again 2/7/2015


                Newbies Nest

                I can't believe in just 7 days I will be 6 months. How did i do it. I just did it. Where did it come from...the nest...where do i move on to....I think it will be me postng here. And Starting my own thread. Learning to Fly....I will always be here for nesters but we at times have to move on.
                Started living again 2/7/2015


                  Newbies Nest

                  Congratulations finallydone and thank you for the encouragement! Have a wonderful day!


                    Newbies Nest

                    finallydone - you are an inspiration!!
                    honeysoup - you are an inspiration!!! You and I started on the same day, 8/5 but i failed over the weekend but now back....i will steal some of your strength to get me through this coming weekend!! (and I will NOT go to a party)
                    Lori: you should be are going in the right direction...have faith that you will be AF today. I too feel hungover...not a bad hangover, but I feel really tired (minus the alcohol induced fog) and have a nagging headache that won't go away. But, I would rather feel like this without the wine than really hungover....I am going to stay in this process and live in the present...when a craving hits, i will start posting here, call my sponsor and do some urge surfing....Have a great day!!
                    I just won't anymore


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning y'all! Day 12! Yes!

                      Lori, day one! You got this and everyone Is here. So get in the nest, rant, rave, whatever you need to do to get thru the day.

                      Last day of work, then 6 days off. Woohoo!......sorta worried about all that time on my hand and my mind. But I have my new sketch pad and , charcoals, my 5k runner app, DIY projects and pinterest and a self examination project to work on, please dear I'd lt that be enough! Lol

                      Ck in later, Happy Wednesday!

                      "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                      -Alan Cohen


                        Newbies Nest

                        I think I can't get my stuff in a groove quick enough. I went swimming in the vino last night - pretty much every emotional trigger I had got tripped in the late afternoon, early evening and off I went.

                        I have a headache. I have a project due. I made an a$$ of myself with an old friend. And at least two people are mad at me. And I'm severely pissed at someone else - who frankly - really earned it...but I'm sure instead of getting that they stepped WAY beyond acceptable boundaries - is thinking well - she had too much to drink.

                        What an outstanding evening. And now I get to haul tail on a project due this afternoon - with a head ache. Fabulous.

                        FACE plant.
                        That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                        Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                        AF - August 20, 2012


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters & Happy Humpday!

                          Lori, wishing the best for you today - stick with your plan

                          FD, it is amazing how the AF days pile up & suddenly you are celebrating big anniversaries?? We are all very happy for you!

                          Greetings Honeysoup, Cat, et all

                          jennie, keep your focus on your quit because in reality ~ nothing else really matters

                          Have a great AF Wednesday everyone!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Very quick check in, hello all.

                            I went to a concert last night and it seems like every single person was walking around with a beer or wine but me. You know like that commercial when you quit smoking and everyone you see is. I had a fleeting moment of " I did 30 days, maybe I can have one" Then I thought WHAT????? you don't need it, you are dancing and having fun without it. So, that thought was chased away and I had an excellent time.

                            Ciao for now, gotta run!!!
                            new beginnings July 16, 2012


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks for the hat Byrdie
                              new beginnings July 16, 2012


                                Newbies Nest

                                The past comes back a-biting...

                                I will try to make this story very short, but I want to make a point how it's so much easier to deal with things with a clear head....

                                As you know, I just started a new job in my same company on Monday. I've spent this week meeting the team and getting up to speed on everything. So, yesterday, a group of us were sitting around the lunch room table, and a couple of girls were talking about a writer named Lindsay they used to work with on their last team. I was hoping they weren't talking about THE Lindsay who I had an awful experience with about nine years ago. Then one of the girls said, "And remember how Lindsay had some woman stalking her at work that time? Crazy!"

                                Then I KNEW they were talking about THE Lindsay....

                                Lindsay and I used to work on a writing team together, and we became pretty good friends. We used to do a lot of things together. I helped her get her job with our team, and things were good. Then things started turning south. I don't even know why, but she just suddenly stopped talking to me and became a real bitch to me at work. I was right in the middle of my divorce, and I was drinking very heavily during those days. Most days were spent hungover in my cube wishing 5pm would hurry. I was a basket case....

                                So one night, after drinking several glasses of wine, I called her. She didn't answer, but I left her a really mean message on her answering machine. I think I called a few more times that night. Honestly I don't even remember. I also did something else. She was hired as a university co-op, and I knew that she had dropped out of school without telling anyone. I sent an email to HR that night and asked if someone (didn't name any names) in her situation was still eligible to work. I blind copied her.

                                So the next morning, she goes straight to our manager and plays him my drunken messages from the night before. She also forwarded him my email to HR.

                                I didn't lose my job, but needless to say, my manager was not very happy with me. I moved to a whole new team a few weeks later, and I slowly stopped thinking about those horrible days. I haven't seen Lindsay since....

                                Fast forward nine years to yesterday, sitting at the lunch room table. It's just a matter of time before my coworkers find out that Lindsay's "stalker" is ME. I've been thinking how I will handle things when I'm confronted.

                                My first reaction is to defend myself and put all the blame on Lindsay. I mean, she was a reall bitch to me at work. Surely I wouldn't have done all those things had I not been provoked.

                                But no, I will not go there. I will take the blame and not say one mean word about Lindsay. I am no longer that drunk, mad woman who made those phone calls and sent that email. I am sober, and I am strong. I will deal with this situation with a clear head and accept the consequences of my actions. I will be the person I've always wanted to be.

                                Thanks for listening to my long story (which I tried to make short).

                                We can't change the past, but we can surely make up for it in the future. Happy hump day, all!!

