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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    ROONI you are my absolute hero! :h

    I don't think I could handle that with such grace and equanimity , especially towards someone who had betrayed me from the start. I have a Lindsey in my life too but she is long gone thank heavens. Please keep us posted. It is so encouraging to know that we can repair this stuff and be so much bigger than the original crap we created or endured. I am thinking of you!

    FINALLY DONE you are Da Bomb!! I knew there was a reason we got 5 dungees and a rock crab in our trap yesterday!! Six months for six shell fish :H

    I will bring them to your party. Melt some butter, baby!

    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Realfly!!!! Welcome to the nest....
      I just won't anymore


        Newbies Nest

        Hey y'all!

        First day of six off, yay! Pinterest DIY, HERE I COME!

        Welcome Realfly!

        Lori, great job on last night, and so what for the Big Mac , beats the hel out of Al!

        Ck in later! Happy Thursday!

        "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
        -Alan Cohen


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters,

          The weather folks have promised a nice day, so far so good

          Hello & welcome Realfly!
          Glad you have found us, please settle in & let us know a little about you. Have you read the MWO book yet? It's a great place to get started, just download it from the Health store here on the site.

          Congrats Lori, day one is done for you
          Just keep them going & stay close!

          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            I'm sleeping!!!

            As I come up on two months AF, I've seen a lot of changes taking place in my body and my mind, and the one that has really stuck out is that I'm actually sleeping an entire night! I did most of my drinking late at night, after my kiddo was in bed, and it got to where I relied on the alcohol to help me fall asleep. The problem with that is while alcohol DOES help you fall asleep, it completely wrecks your sleep cycle (I think due to dehydration?). I would fall asleep, then wake up numerous times throughout the night, often unable to get back to sleep right away, so I'd move into the living room and watch TV until I dozed off again. Then when the alarm went off, I'd wake up with a dry mouth, crusty eyes, and more often than not, a yucky headache and upset stomach. And the worst part is that I had myself believing I wouldn't be able to sleep without the alcohol.

            The first nights were a little rough, but with the help of some melatonin, I fall asleep within half an hour of getting in bed, stay asleep all night, and wake up with no headache and no cottonmouth, and I revel in it! It sounds like such a small thing to say "I'm sleeping," but as a recovering addict, it's huge!

            Hope you are all having many restful, AF nights!


              Newbies Nest

              ITGeek, I've heard many here say that the improvement in sleeping is worth the price of admission! I'm so happy for you! You will see many changes in yourself over the next weeks and months. To say that it is a journey of self discovery is just not really get to see what's down there waiting to get out is phenomimal. I have strength I honestly didn't think I posessed. My judgement is better and I'm making decisions as if I have more information about them...and I do...because I'm not recovering from the night before! At 52 years old...I finally feel on top of my game. Keep up the great IS worth it.

              Welcome Realfly! We are glad you've joined us. I know when I first flew in I was scared and lonely....I thought that I had dug myself a hole that there was no getting out of....but you will find many people here all around the world who are making his/her way out of that rabbit hole...we will help you any way we can....someone is always around to share a tip or story so don't be shy. I recommend reading back a couple of weeks or so here to get to know us. Sit down and talk a while....what has brought you by?

              Strength to all today! Happy AF Thursday! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Good Morning everyone:

                Haven't been posting alot in a awhile but definitely been reading. Lots happening here- Summer fun with the munchkins :H

                ItG: the biggest change for me ( and this s weird) is that my thyroid disappeared! Well it's still there, somewhere I'm sure but you don't see it sticking out of my neck any more!
                My skin looks really good which at 50 is a huge bonus and I can fit back into my size 8 pants.
                But the biggie is being able to talk to my kids about drugs and AL ( they are at the perfect age) without feeling like the worlds biggest fricken hypocrite.

                Other than that...still Pushing forward. It's still hard. I am out of the l glut and I've been wondering why I want to drink so badly this last week...Duh have to order it today.

                Lori I went and ordered an a&w double cheeseburger three dollar special with fries yesterday and my biggest problem was the gal forgot my ketchup!! I think we have to indulge or we'll go insane.

                Hugs to everyone flying in in the nest,

                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
       tool box
       newbie nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  ITGeek - I hear ya on the sleeping thing! I sleep like CRAP when I'm drinking. I constantly wake up in the night feeling panicky about the previous night and also about the upcoming day. When I'm drinking, I always have to recap the events of the previous night - mostly to try to piece things together but also to make sure I didn't do anything or say anything that I have to deal with the next day. I also think about all the crap I should have done and how behind I am at work and around the house, etc. And of course, that means I wake up feeling awful - mentally and physically.

                  But when I'm NOT drinking (like for the past 13 days!!), I sleep great! I may wake up a couple of times during the night, but I dont wake up in a panic with a mouth as dry as the Sahara Desert. It's so nice not having to piece together the night before.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning All!

                    Welcome Realfly! I'm glad you've found us. Please keep posting and let us know how you're doing...we look forward to getting to know you!

                    ITGC - Sleeping is a huge accomplishment! I know it doesn't seem like much, but to us alkies it's a big deal! I know that when I was drinking, I wasn't really sleeping, I was "passed out"...waking up at 3am with a fuzzy sweater on my tongue, and in a panic over what happened the night before. What a relief to wake up instead of "come to" and not be overwhelmed with panic!

                    All this talk about burgers and fries is making me hungry! Last night I was making chili and cornbread, well I reached into the oven to get the cornbread, and it slipped out of my hands and it fell all over the inside of the oven. I was able to salvage quite a bit of it. We ended up eating it with a fork. I almost sent my nephew to the store to get another box, but sending a 19 year old boy to the grocery store for cornbread mix would have been an all night ordeal! I can imagine the never ending texts from him..."where is it? what's it called? what does the box look like"...etc. LOL

                    Lori, Kradle, Cat, Rooni, Byrdie, Lav, FD and everyone else...have a great day! It's Thursday...almost Friday...woot! I hope everyone is doing well today and staying strong. We don't need that bastard alcohol!

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hey ya'll - just popping in to say hi...
                      That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                      Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                      AF - August 20, 2012


                        Newbies Nest

                        OK, now comes the big test....Thursday through Sunday.....I am determined to remain AF... Going to a meeting tonight. Will do 90 meetings in 90 days and then reassess....i am hoping that by then, this won't be such a big ordeal...being AF...the thing that is helping is that I have never done this before (except when pregnant and I don't count that) so I am really curious to see what happens in 3 months AF....will I lose weight? Will I be able to get off the zoloft? Will I feel better about my relationship with husband and kids?? I HOPE SO!!!
                        I just won't anymore


                          Newbies Nest

                          Day two down ... and I am exhausted. I've had very strong cravings all day. Court in the morning and then I've made plans for dinner and a movie with a firend, will be first AF Friday in a very long time! I am too beat to read tonight, but hope that everyone has a wonderful night! So happy to have found this place.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Just wanted to wish everyone a safe night in the Nest

                            Lori, great on your 2 AF days! The cravings are a normal part of the separation process but they won't kill you. Just keep your focus & stick with us for motivation, inspiration, etc.

                            jenni, you are going to be quite pleasantly surprised when you hit 90 AF days!
                            You will feel better, be thinking better & finally start to believe in yourself again. At least that's the way it was for me & so many others around MWO. Husbands don't change, the kids won't change but your reactions to them & the ways you deal with them will definitely change

                            Hi PF, K9, Rooni, Kradle, Byrdie, IT & everyone!
                            Have a great night all.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Nesters! Great job Lori on day 2! These early days are the toughest days. Keep talking about your feelings. It helps alot. Hi K9....let me know how your doing? I can sense your doing just fine Hey there kradle!! Hope your having a good time with little kiddos! And yeah I love the idea of some craps melted in butter right now. Welcome to new friends we have on here. It was a long day at work and I tired out. So glad to see everyone moving forward!!
                              Started living again 2/7/2015


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi everyone, two weeks sober today! TWO freakin' weeks!! :banana: Things are going so well. Is this a dream?? Speaking of dreams...

                                I was walking my dogs early this morning, and I was thinking back to some weird dreams I had last night. You know those kinds of dreams where they come in bizarre little snippets, and there's really no connection between them? Well, as I walked, I kept remembering those little snippets - one at a time. Then, out of habit, I would immediately try to figure out if any of those snippets had really happened. Is that something I saw on TV when I was drunk? Did I call someone and get that information? Did I talk to someone about that in the bar?

                                NO!! I didn't do any of those things. I DREAMED them. You know how I know? Because I am sober, and I remember what I do and say. Those furry lines between reality and dreams aren't there anymore. I either dreamed it, or I really experienced it for real.

                                Gosh it sure is nice not to have to walk through life wondering what happened the night before. If that isn't cause for a whole shitpile of anxiety, I don't know what is!

                                Keep trucking along sober everyone! Just think how great your weekend can be without having to tote the beast around everywhere!

