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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Oh, and I just need to boast a little bit: This past weekend was the first weekend AF in 13 years....and I was only AF 13 years ago because I was pregnant, not because I didn't WANT to drink
    I just won't anymore


      Newbies Nest

      Cat: good for you for replacing AL with activity! I tried C25K but wound up with an ongoing case of plantar fasciitis in my right foot. Bad days suck, and there will be some of those, but I always tell myself "The best thing about bad days is that they end." You can do this!

      Congrats on 6 months! You are an inspiration! :goodjob:

      Today I go find out if I have to have surgery for the plantar fasciitis, as nothing else we've tried has worked. I'm completely messing up my gait as my body tries to adjust for the painful spot when I walk. Getting old sucks. :eeks:

      Hope everyone has a wonderful, AF day!


        Newbies Nest

        Way to go, Jennie! Going AF an entire weekend is a big step, and something to keep building on. :goodjob:


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning - made it through the night.

          The SO ended calling out of the blue around 8:45 saying he was on his way over. He didn't so much want to talk - I think he's made his point. It's action now. I somewhat suspect he wanted to see if I had snuck off to get more wine since with as bad a set a news as I got - normally I might have done that. As well as check on me in general.

          Well - that's not what he got. I was stone cold sober. We ended up on the couch - curled up together, emotionally spent, and having to deal with the latest kid revelation - so he held me while I cried. He went home to his house - he lives out of town and has to be all over out there this morning - but he came. It's a start.

          And I hadn't let either of us down. And that's a start too.

          Tonight will be hard. Everyone I use for phone support during the witching hour - is gone today. In class, out of state, or otherwise occupied. Tomorrow night during the witching hour - I'll be at support group. Tonight will be hard.

          I'll be close to here tonight.

          But I wanted you to know - even after he left - and I was here - alone with all of it- and I could have darted up to the liquor store - I didn't. I crawled into bed - and went to sleep. And woke up this morning proud of myself.

          It's a start.
          That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
          Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
          AF - August 20, 2012


            Newbies Nest

            :yougo:Good morning to all my peeps! It is 30 days for me today!!!!!! Never in a million years did I think I would make it this far!!!!!:yougo:

            I have been MIA on here for a while although I have been texting with Rooni. I had to leave last Thursday to get my daughter moved into her apartment for college. My husband and I painted her room until the wee hours of the morning and then we all left to drive to Florida for my in-laws 50th Wedding Anniversary party. I have been dreading this trip for some time and I am just glad that it is over! It was really hard being in my daughters apartment while the roommies were moving in and al AL was flowing......ugh! It was even harder to go through the weekend with my in-laws without pickling myself.....another ugh!!!!! All I can say is thank God for the antabuse because if I didn't have it I never would've trusted myself around the AL. I kept popping the AB.....realized drinking wasn't an option...and moved on.

            I am so proud of myself that I did it and I am so happy to be home so that I can get back to normal and start going back to my AA meetings and posting here. I am having a hard time and missing my daughter....but my emotions are so much more in check now that AL isn't in the equation. I've missed you all soooo much but I am back!!!!!!!!!!:h:h:h
            AB Club Member
            AB Start Date - 7/25/12

            10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

            :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


              Newbies Nest



              You should be getting your hat from Byrdie any minute now!!! I know you are so excited. Look at where you are now compared to about five weeks ago? Isn't it amazing? I am very proud of you, and so is everyone here. Both Cat and I are at day 18, so we are right behind you! Kradle just made two months, and FinallyDone is six months!! It will be such a great feeling to start counting months instead of days!!

              I'm happy for you. You are truly an inspiration. The beast is still alive in your head, but his food and water bowls are empty. He's starving and starting to shrivel up. I think I can hear his faint cries from here. Why don't you give him a kick in the head? Good riddance. DIE BEAST DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Again, congrats Dest!!!



                Newbies Nest

                Thanks Rooni! I just kicked him in the head....once for me and another time for you! HAHAHAHA Thanks so much for your encouraging words and congrats to you and Cat for 18 days!!!!! That is awesome about Kradle and FinallyDone....we are totally kicking this bastard beast to the curb!!!!!! Pretty soon we are going to be able to get that coffee....I am so excited!!!!!
                AB Club Member
                AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi I just wrote my first post in the just starting out forum and a users recommended I came to this page. I need to sort my life out


                    Newbies Nest

                    Destiniey;1367060 wrote: :yougo:Good morning to all my peeps! It is 30 days for me today!!!!!! Never in a million years did I think I would make it this far!!!!!:yougo:
                    Way to go Destiniey - that's just excellent :l

                    Hello to FinallySee - you've found a great site
                    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning - I just wanted to say I'm still here and AF! Today is day 17 and the cravings seem to have disappeared. This time is so different than any other times I have tried to quit. I just really feel like I am done with AL and I am so grateful for that.

                      I will you all a AF day. No I am going to do some reading and catch up on what's been happening!
                      Honeysoup :heart:


                        Newbies Nest

                        finallydone;1366929 wrote: I just hit 6 months as of now!! Thank you nest!! You made it happen.
                        Congratulations! :goodjob:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Dest...I just counted back your days and you are only on day 29. FAKE OUT!!! I am so very proud of you and on behalf of all the nesters...I am proud to present your hat!! :day5: Isn't it just amazing the difference? Didn't this seem impossible at first? You just do it one day at a time....and they add up! I am genuinely thrilled for you! And the 17 and 18 day'ers right behind you!

                          FinallyDone just makes it look easy!! 6 months is a milestone. Welcome to Life 101. It's nice to be back, isn't it?

                          Finallysee, I will look for your other posts, but welcome to the nest. As you can see, we have LOTS of success here! I always suggest reading back a couple weeks to get to know us...we hang it all out there. If you are serious about taking your life back, you've landed in the right place. We have all walked where you have....and we know the struggles and the loud voices calling you over to the other side. We have ways of shutting those voices up! It takes work and commitment...but you can do it! We are glad you found us....tell us what brings you by.

                          PF, love will always find a way, won't it? My thoughts are with can stay stronger without AL. It is amazing the strength we have when you take the mind numbing effects of AL out of the mix. You can do this!!
                          MindPeace to everyone are stronger than AL! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Congrats Finallydone and Destiniey!

                            And Destiniey - I'll be so excited when the AB get's here as well - want that choice out of my it's about forming new habits with no other options...
                            That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                            Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                            AF - August 20, 2012


                              Newbies Nest

                              Destiniey;1367060 wrote: :yougo:Good morning to all my peeps! It is 30 days for me today!!!!!! Never in a million years did I think I would make it this far!!!!!:yougo:

                              I have been MIA on here for a while although I have been texting with Rooni. I had to leave last Thursday to get my daughter moved into her apartment for college. My husband and I painted her room until the wee hours of the morning and then we all left to drive to Florida for my in-laws 50th Wedding Anniversary party. I have been dreading this trip for some time and I am just glad that it is over! It was really hard being in my daughters apartment while the roommies were moving in and al AL was flowing......ugh! It was even harder to go through the weekend with my in-laws without pickling myself.....another ugh!!!!! All I can say is thank God for the antabuse because if I didn't have it I never would've trusted myself around the AL. I kept popping the AB.....realized drinking wasn't an option...and moved on.

                              I am so proud of myself that I did it and I am so happy to be home so that I can get back to normal and start going back to my AA meetings and posting here. I am having a hard time and missing my daughter....but my emotions are so much more in check now that AL isn't in the equation. I've missed you all soooo much but I am back!!!!!!!!!!:h:h:h
                              Hooray Destiniey! Congrats on 30 days!


                                Newbies Nest

                                DESTINIEY!! DESTINIEY!! :h

                                THIS SO FRICKEN GREAT!! I wish I knew how to post all those fun glittery smiles but I have use the CAPS for now.

                                I am so happy for you . I know that final struggle was soooo hard. But I knew you would make it and really you have landed in such a great place: painting to the wee hours with the husband...oo la la!
                                Still can't believe you are old enough to have a baby in College!
                                Anyway, haven't talked with you for ages. SO sorry. Been a bit tough over here. Just trying to get thru and ride the waves.

                                Kiss the horses for me.

                                Huge and hugs,
                                :l:l :l
                                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                       tool box
                       newbie nest

