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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Way to go, Destiniey!!! You are a rock star!!! :goodjob:

    Have a wonderful, AF Hump Day, nesters!


      Newbies Nest

      Wow, busy nest

      Jenniech - Way to go on that first weekend, it does get easier with each weekend passed sober. They are true weekends, not wasted away. Keep on thinking positive

      PF - waking up clear headed is great, keep taking care of yourself and do whatever you have to do to make your life what you want it to be.

      Destiniey - Congrats on 30 days!!! I found it got better with each day passed 30. And the next 30 is easier than the first for me.

      Cat - 19 days!! I found the Addictive Voice very strong around day 18/19. It was yelling and screaming at me. Each day I made it through made the voice turn into a whisper until it is barely heard.

      Finallysee - Welcome, you will find many great resources and support here. Keep coming back, it does help in this journey.

      HoneySoup - You sound like me, it feels so very different this time. I am approaching 40 days and don't miss it one bit anymore. I feel like me again. Let's keep this wonderful feeling going.

      K9 - I'm reaching 40 days and had a drinking dream last night. I took a sip from my hubby's beer and in my dream it didn't bother me at all?? I know it's a sign as to how easy it would be to go down that slippery slope again.

      To sign off I just want to say LIFE IS GREAT!!!!! I went to another concert and had no desire whatsoever and didn't notice all the ppl drinking this time. It's getting easier and the thoughts of alcohol are getting farther away.

      Thanks to the support here, I'm going to finally live my life on my own terms.
      new beginnings July 16, 2012


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nest -

        Checking into to say Happy Hump Day everyone...I have things to check off on the "Take Care of Prairie list today" - hunt down the counselor assingned to me and my son - neither called yesterday. Take care of legal crap. Blah. Take care of geting everything together to go to Support Group for the very first time tonight across town. Nervous - excited - hopeful - scare - all sorts of things about that...

        But I'm taking action oriented steps every day. So that's what counts..

        Good to see you all here today...and doing well...
        That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
        Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
        AF - August 20, 2012


          Newbies Nest

          Just curious, what's a happy hump day??

          Hi Lav, nice to see you
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Peeps! THanks for all the well wishes on my 30 days!!!!! It is very exciting!!!!

   of luck to you with your meeting tonight. I started going a couple of weeks ago and I was nervous as hell! I really thought that I would be the one in the parking lot, in my car, too nervous to go in...Ha! But I did and I am sooooo glad that I did. My Doctor that prescribed the antabuse for me had told me about the Celebrate Recovery group at a local church but when I looked it up on-line I realized that a person who was affiliated with it was the spouse of my daughters horse trainer....that was too uncomfortable for me so I went to an AA meeting. I find that the meetings do help but I am still learning the whole AA process.
            Take lots of deep breaths and let me know how you make out! It's all good....I promise!
            AB Club Member
            AB Start Date - 7/25/12

            10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

            :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi FreeFly! "Hump" day is Wednesday......the day in the "middle" of the week!
              AB Club Member
              AB Start Date - 7/25/12

              10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

              :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                Newbies Nest

                I am a bit anxious - but the Celebrate Recovery group is so big...

                But it's still a small enough town - I can see it now- I'll run into someone I know. That's how life works.

                ODAT - but I'm just dancing from foot to foot - virtually...waiting for tonight.
                That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                AF - August 20, 2012


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey sounds like you are staying positive and that is a HUGE step! I now realize that if you run into someone you know that it is NO big deal....they are on the same path as you and also need the help and support of others. Every day and every step that we take towards our new AF life is a learning experience!
                  AB Club Member
                  AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                  10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                  :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                    Newbies Nest

                    PF, I understand what you mean about 'foot to foot'...I seemed to pace from window to window. Don't know what I was looking for, but that's just what I did.

                    At those meetings, if you see someone you know, like Dest said, they are there for help, too. They aren't going to go to the grocerty store and say, 'you'll never guess who I saw at the meeting!'...because they are there for the same reason...and feel the same way. There is one lady in my company who knows about my troubles and I love seeing her...and I know my/our secret is safe. I don't think any one of us with this would go around maliciously broadcasting it.....altho I could be wrong (just look at facebook sometimes). I think we are all just trying to find our way. It may help to find someone nearby to talk to....

                    Well done for everyone who kept AL out of their lives the past 24 hours....if you did that, you can do the next 24. And so it goes..... MindPeace. Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Day 19, but my addictive voice is alive and well. Here's how I know.

                      Last night, I went to the Duran Duran concert (they were awesome, by the way). Before the show, I had plans to met up with an old friend who I have not seen in 20 years for dinner. Then I met up with some other folks at the event in the lounge area.

                      So I got to the place about an hour early before I was supposed to meet my friend for dinner. Of course, my first impulse is to go have a couple of drinks - just to get me "prepared" for the dinner and kill some time. I found a restaurant/bar close by, walked in, and asked if they had nonalcoholic beer (something I have NEVER had before). They actually had three different ones. I ordered one and drank it at the bar while I chatted with the bartender. It actually satisfied that "being social at the bar" cravings I've been having lately.

                      Then it was time to meet my friend for dinner. By the way, this is someone who I used to drink with very regularly on a year abroad program in college. So I get there, and he's having a diet coke! I was all prepared to make up some reason why I wasn't drinking, but I didn't have to! I ordered my coffee, and that was that.

                      So, after dinner, I made my way over to the performing arts center to meet up with my other friend (also someone I've drank with in the past). While waiting, I order another nonalcoholic beer. That's when the addictive voice really started to kick in. I found myself almost chugging the beer so I could order another one before my friend arrived. I order another beer, and then she arrived. So get this. She was drinking water and didn't order anything else! I had been obsessing about this for days, and she just orders water!

                      The whole time I was drinking my n/a beer, I kept looking at my watch trying to calculate how many more drinks I could have before the show started. I played close attention to the times listed on the wall of when the bar would close and again calculating how many more drinks I could have. I was very uncomfortable because all I could think about was freakin' drinking and how many drinks I could get in. I was planning it all out. The whole night would revolve around how and when I could get more drinks.

                      I kept having to remind myself that my "planning" was ridiculous, because this was NONALCOHOLIC beer!

                      Finally, the show started, and I let it go.

                      But I learned that those obsessive feelings are still alive and well in my head. 19 days sober is great, but I've got a LONG way to go....

                      Hope everyone has a great day!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning All!

                        Wow Rooni, doesn't that just show how deeply ingrained drinking is into our brains? You were almost panicking over how many more NONalcoholic drinks you could fit it. I'm proud of you for staying sober, despite the mental battle that was raging. You're doing awesome, and yes you have a ways to go (we all do)...but so what, you'll get there! Keep up the great work. You showed more strength last night than I would have.

                        I cannot believe summer is over and the kids are back in school. My daughter was NOT happy about it at all...she said there isn't one good thing about going back to school. The high school parking lot was a MADHOUSE. By the time I got to work, I was ready to call it a day! And today is only the first day...

                        Hope everyone is well today. Keep plugging along and racking up those AF days. Like our Nest Mother Byrdie says, we don't drink "no matter what, no matter who" (love that line Byrdie).

                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          Newbies Nest

                          I'm still super excited about CR tonight and dancing foot to foot.

                          It was interesting. The SO wasn't going to stop by for lunch today due to work schedules etc - but I got a call out of the blue change of plans - whip up something - he's in the medical field so it's very hit or miss. :-) I never mind the call with car noise in the background saying I'm on my way - what are you making - I keep stuff in the fridge to toss together in a hurry just in case. That's the best call to get. :-)

                          With everything going on and devolving - I haven't gotten an unexpected lunch date in a week...and it was nice to have lunch - talk about the day, get pulled onto his lap for a snuggle before he has to leave. It was nice to have normal. It was nice to have a day not ruined by AL. It was nice to have hope.

                          I can do this.
                          That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                          Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                          AF - August 20, 2012


                            Newbies Nest

                            So relieved, excited, happy that I found MWO today! Not 24 hours yet but after last night (and much more before), I know I really need this support. I've tried AA but I couldn't connect. Thanks for being here for me.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi all I'm on day 3 and have had a hard day at work my lower back hurts again after the stag weekend I had and I was very busy. These are the times that I would come home and drink I am seriously craving now!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Finallysee - go grab the L-Glut - a big dose now - another big dose later. Day 3 cravings are bad.

                                You can go as high as 5,000 mcgs (5 g) a dose safely these next couple weeks - maxing out at 13,000 mcgs (13 g) a's high but it won't hurt anything. But when you get walloped by a bad one - a 5 gram dose will kick it's butt. And the first couple of weeks - add the Kudzu. I didn't have much success before with it - but I'm going with it this time anyway.

                                I just hit my system a half hour with both plus the Aminos to head off the 1st witching hour - and the cravings that where building up - slammed down to nothing....

                                I'll be prepared to do it again - 1 maybe 2 more times tonight. I won't have to do that long - just this first couple of weeks while it exits the system biologically....then it's all head fakes...don't underestimate the head fake - but the first couple of weeks it's both...

                                Hang in can do this...
                                That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                                Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                                AF - August 20, 2012

