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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    dill, I must be dense but I don't see my name at the top of any posts. I usually go to New Posts and search but it takes forever and sometimes I can't find the right thread.


      Newbies Nest

      I'm sorry that I don't know everyone's names yet. But, boy do I jump on here and hope to hear from each one of you. :l:l I made it thru Day 4 with all of your help. Whew - and believe me - it was with all your help.

      Prancy - When you are reading a thread, up at the top in the blue bar there is a menu title 'Thread Tools'. You can click on that and select 'Subscribe to this Thread'. Then when you get on the forum the next time, if you go look under the blue menu bar under 'Quick Links' there is a 'Subscribed Threads' link. That will show you all the different threads that you are watching. That way it's easier to see which ones you are keeping an eye on. I don't know if that's the easiest way to do it but it's working well for me.

      Have a nice evening everyone.
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Newbies Nest

        Evening everyone,

        Feeling sleepy early tonight, unusual for me! I managed to fill my day with indoor activities. I'm hiding from the PI Dill. Sorry to hear you ran into it today.......nasty stuff. Hope you were able to wash it off quickly enough. At least you were able to see it..........I never saw it and it got me anyway!!

        Chops, I love the picture of your granson's feet. My daughter-in-law has taken pictures like that of our little guy - so cute. They were here for a few hours today and will be back tomorrow. My son is stuck at work for 48 hrs. (two 24 hr. shifts, back to back). I love it when he's here, he remains my main motivator

        SD, Sunni, hope you had a good day.

        Prancy, NoraC, glad to see you are sticking with us

        Have a good AF evening one & all.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          prancy, when you post a message on a thread, is there a blue area at the top of where your message is displayed that contains some info? In the left corner it has your name with a dot next to it. The dot is green when you are on line. In the right corner it has your Join Date, Location, Mood, and number of posts. Click on your name in the left corner. Do you see it?

          Norac, I didn't know that about the "subscribe to this thread" option. I think that sounds like a better way for prancy to do what she is trying to do. I'm going to be using that tool from now on!

          OK, coffee's on and there is D Pepsi and D Coke on ice! Have a great Saturday, everyone.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Dill, prancy, NoraC and everyone to come!

            I hope you have no ill effects from your romp in the PI yesterday Dill! I'm still staying in for a while, just to be safe!
            Looking forward to some more grandson time today, he makes me so happy He's crawling, coming out with his first words and is generally just a bundle of joy! He remains my little buddy and my main motivator!

            Hope you all have a great AF day planned, enjoy!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Lav, Dill, Prancy, Chops and All.............

              I hope that everyone is having a wonderful AF day. Thanks for the Diet Coke on ice - I am enjoying it this morning.
              So - my 9 year old niece and my 6 year old nephew are coming today to stay with us for a couple of weeks. Yahoo. I am really happy. We are really close to them. Dad is in the military and they are going to be moving to another country within a month or two. I have been in a deep depression and that has been part of my downward spiral. niece has to fly back & join her husband for his graduation from the special class he took and take a week long class herself. So, we get the kids. :l I have been giving myself a big kick in the butt and telling myself to enjoy them and to get out of my depression. So - here I to have 2 weeks of fun. Remind me of that when they're bickering. :dancin:

              HAPPY SATURDAY.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Newbies Nest

                Hey, very cool on both tips on keeping track of threads. Thanks. My memory not being what it used to be (ahem!), I could not remember where I had left posts and there are so many threads to check!!
                Many thanks.

                Have a good day and weekend all. So great to not have a hangover!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Afternoon Nesters! Everyone seems to be in fine form today! I have been quite lazy thus far :H

                  Dill, I was bored yesterday at work, so I thought I would switch my avatar :H No, that isn't my grandsons foot, but I do have pictures like it. I am going to put up a better pic of the two of us. He is cute isn't he??? It is an excellent motivator.

                  Hiya Lav, SD, Nora, Prancy. Are you having a great Saturday so far?

                  I hope everyone continues to enjoy their AF day and weekend. I am off to go do some retail therapy.

                  Will check in later this evening. Happy Day everyone!! :l


                    Newbies Nest

                    Dissapointed so much it hurts!!!!

                    Hi All,

                    I'm so dissapointed in myself right now that I actually can't find the words,feel too 'drained' to even try. Want to tell everyone all about it,but don't have the energy to even explain it. Needless to say this week has not been AF, and last night was just a failure in so many ways I shudder!

                    Feel miserable,just want to curl up in a little ball and forget myself for awhile! Can someone stop this ride,I want to get off *sobs with great gushes of self-pity*

                    Sorry for the pity-party here, but right now negativity is just easier! I'll get back up again I'm sure,just don't feel like trying today. Haven't felt this low in a while, and was actually quite chuffed with myself as the 'moderation' thing seemed to be working really well.

                    Hubby keeps encouraging me to 'moderate' that's all I have to do",but I think I need to go the whole way.God I hope I can do it! It feels insurmountable right now.

                    All hugs graciously accepted here!



                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening to all,

                      (((HUGS))) to you Chicken. Sorry that your weekend didn't go as planned. I'll be perfectly honest with you. I tried modding the first few weeks after joining MWO and failed miserably. I ended up feeling worse than I did before I joined. Instead of messing around and wasting more time I decided to just bite the bullet and go AF. That required a huge change in my thinking and I really think the CDs helped me out a lot. Have you used them? If not, give them a try, you may be surprised

                      I'm feeling the need to tuck in early again tonight. I'm sure it may have something to do with the Benadryl I've been taking to control the PI itching!!! Hate the PI but enjoying the sleep!

                      Wishing everyone a good evening!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        So sorry to hear about your disappointment today. I have so been there. Only you know if AF or mod is the way for you to go. Others who don't share this alcohol "problem" just cannot understand. I have tried many times to mod, often with my husband's encouragement. It just doesn't work for me, sadly. I can do it for a while and then I wake up one morning and think what the hell happened? Always so depressed that I feel the need to have a few beers to help with the hangover and the next thing I know I have been drinking for two days and I feel like holy hell. So I am trying AF and today is Day 14. It has not been easy but at least I feel good.

                        Just dust yourself off and try again! There are lots of us routing for you!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks Prancy & Lavande! Was hoping someone would be there to hear me. Feel like crying heaps today,just emotional etc. How did I get like this? I have a great life,so why do I have to drown myself in alcohol all the time? I don't understand it? I have so many blessings in my life,so many reasons to be healthy and happy! Why,why why?????????????????


                            Newbies Nest

                            Been there

                            Hi all - Chicken, I hear you loud and clear. All day long today (Day 8!!) I have been thanking my lucky stars (and all of you wonderful people out there) that today wasn't Saturday a week ago. I had been trying to 'mod' for awhile; sometimes it worked, but more often it would just escalate into 1 night drinking/hangover/promise not to drink/drink the day after that. But last Saturday I was just so sad, wondering if I would ever be able to string 2 AF days together. I found this site (again - I had started a year ago), and found the only glimmer of hope that I could find.

                            And now it's a week already! It hasn't always been easy, but I have been doing really well at taking the Kudzu every day at 4:00 (my 'bad' time), thanks to putting an alert on my phone so that it 'dings' to remind me to take it, and also the 'sleep learning' CD and the 'subliminal'. It's been a really busy week, so I haven't done the other CDs, but I'm determined to put them into this experience as well.

                            For me, AF is less energy-draining than trying to 'mod'. Otherwise, I'm always thinking about when I can have the next drink, how much I can have, how to control it, blah blah blah. Sure, I've spent energy on turning away from al this week, but not as much energy as I used to waste on trying to control my drinking.

                            Just a thought - a week ago today, I thought I was the most miserable excuse of a human being that was on the planet. I was sad and sick and brokenhearted. But I'm climbing up out of the pit, and really I felt so much better in just a few days.

                            It's all up to you and what you want to do, but I'll tell you, the view from here today is pretty darn good!

                            Best of luck, and keep in touch-:l
                            to the light


                              Newbies Nest

                              Sorry I didn't get to get on here & post much.
                              Goodnight everyone.
                              (((((Chicken)))) You are not alone. Believe me - you are not alone. Cyn makes a lot of sense!!! Hang in there. You can do this. Lean on us - as we are leaning on each other.
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi all again. Just getting to be beddy time in So Cal but Lord, it is HOT. Was about 110 hot degrees today and it has not cooled down all that much yet!

                                Chicken, I too have many blessings in my life. Great husband and daughter (most of the time!), enough $$ to be comfortable in spite of world economic problems, a lovely home, a fantastic horse that keeps me busy, three dogs, a parrot and good friends, most of whom drink but hey, they are not problem drinkers like me.

                                So why do I drown myself in alcohol. I have no idea. I had my share of childhood problems. My dad was a raging alcoholic but that was so long ago. I am afraid my current life is on me. I drown myself in alcohol because when I start, there is a switch in my brain that clicks and makes me want more and more. And more. Then I feel so anxious and horrible the next day that I want to have a few beers to make the anxiety go away. And then, zoom, it gets away.

                                I guess what I am saying is that for me I am not sure it matters why. It just matters that I have to get a handle on this or I am going to take it too far one day and begin to lose all the blessings I have. Or die. Or hurt someone else while I am driving around having had all those feel better beers. None very pretty options. Stay strong and try to use your experiences to remind you of why you don't want to drink.

                                Listen to me. I am on Day 14 (at the end of Day 14! AF. YOu would think I was a darn expert or something. Take care.

