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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters,

    Lots of storm clouds hanging over my portion of the nest - oh well.

    FD, glad to see you are feeling better & strong in your quit

    boozer, how are you doing?
    What's your plan to win this battle??

    Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Hello Lav,Its 9.30pm in OZ and I am about to hit the sack. I have been reading posts most of the day. Trying to understand why I get to day 4/5 and then slip. I definately need a plan to deal with this. Thanks for asking how I am doing. :thanks: I will check in again tomorrow.


        Newbies Nest

        May I snuggle in the nest? I'm back to MWO after having been AWOL.

        While on MWO, I often felt I didn't fit in anywhere, or felt bad because I failed at being AF. And to be honest, the success stories sometimes made me feel worse. Someone was getting it, and I wasn't. Small of me, I know, but that's how I felt.

        Anyway, I detect that the nest is safe, so I'd like to be a part of it.

        Day two for me, after slipping with 5 days AF. I recognized the trigger, and I wasn't even craving AL, but drank anyway. Go figure.

        My best to all---

        old Juja
        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


          Newbies Nest

          boozer;1368999 wrote: Hello Lav,Its 9.30pm in OZ and I am about to hit the sack. I have been reading posts most of the day. Trying to understand why I get to day 4/5 and then slip. I definately need a plan to deal with this. Thanks for asking how I am doing. :thanks: I will check in again tomorrow.
          Sorry, boozer-- I stepped on you.

          Anyway, I understand completely. Maybe someone will give us both some good advice on the 4/5 day thing.

          AF tonight? What do you say?
          "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning 35 AF here and I am feeling great. I went to my AA meeting yesterday..the first one since getting back from Florida...and I picked up my red chip!!!!! YAY!!!!!!

            Hi FD....I am glad that you are feeling better today. Only YOU know how to handle YOU and I am glad to see that you took charge of the situation in a way that you felt comfortable and came out on top! You rock and are such and inspiration!

            I have to read backover the posts as I have been busy and haven't been on here in a few days! I will catch up later because it is finally cool here and I am going riding!!!! YAY....I am finally back in the saddle! HA!
            AB Club Member
            AB Start Date - 7/25/12

            10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

            :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


              Newbies Nest

              Enjoy your ride Destiniey

              Welcome back Juja!
              Everyone is welcome in the nest, just show up.

              I think the best way to get through day 4/5 Juja & boozer is to make a PLAN!
              Go to the Tool box if you need ideas but just schedule yourselves to be as busy as possible, no where near AL & drinking people. Commit yourselves & be strong - you can both do this!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hey Juja!!! I'm so glad you came back to the nest. I totally understand what you mean about seeing everyone's success. It seemed like every dang body else could do it but me. I was jealous of other people's days..... I'd get to day 12 and BAM! Until one time, I got thru it....and I never looked back. Stick close to us, we will help you any way we can. If this were a place that everybody got it right the first time, well, me, Lav, Lola, and K9 would be out of a job!! It takes work...and it's not easy, but it is so worth it. We are here to support you in any way we can. Please don't ever feel you don't have a voice.

                I had my dinner party last night, and I must say, even for a seasoned veteran like me, it was tough. I really remembered drinking all day long doing my prep, and all during the evening until I scarcely remembered it. All that work and barely remembering makes me cringe. There were 7 of us, I was the only non drinker. The first couple came in with a bottle of sparkling wine...I had the glasses sitting out and she poured one for me and handed it to me! I said, 'oh, no thanks, I have to pass'. Why?? I said that my gastrointerologist suggested I give up AL in order to control my ulcerative colitis....I gave it a try and it worked. I said the benefit more than outweighs the inconvenience. She said, 'so you don't EVER drink?' I saw this was becoming an I said, ' no, not really, I don't'. The second couple and the guy who came without his wife (taking their kid to college) both brought hostess gifts of that leads me to believe that I am behaving in such a way that people don't think I'm an ALKIE!! So that's good. I had a great time!!! The louder they got the louder I got!!! It was easy to act drunk when everybody else is! They started looking up thru the top of their eyes, and got really close when they talked!!! I even got an "I love you" there near the end! Hubs drank from our bag in the box in the fridge...the other 5 drank 4 bottles. Yes, I kept score....that's what we alkies do, at least I do. I tried to imagine how much I would have'd have been more than they did. I'd say that would have been a 2 bottle night. I felt good this morning when I got up...I wonder if they did. It would have been nice to joined everyone...but I abused that privilidge. Long gone are the days where I just drank a couple at parties....I feel so blessed that I finally shook off those chains. It was a prison. And I put myself there, so I can't blame anyone else. It really was a great evening, and I remember it all! I took my own advice and just kept eating!!!

                Stay strong nesters! Keep up the fight and get over those rough spots...each one makes you stronger. Don't give up another day of your life to will win. NO, HELL NO! AL will not take one more day away from me. If I can do it, you can too. XXOO, Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Day 6 AF! I also had a gig in a pub and hada diet coke feel amazing about this


                    Newbies Nest

                    Nest Mum Byrdies fabulous dinner party pics

                    Looks very nice Ms Byrdie!!!!

                    Congrats finallysee - you did a great job - keep going
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thank you for putting those on for me Lav!!! I was the only the end of the evening, I was so glad...I bet most of my guests woke up with big head! I found those dessert plates at Old Time Pottery, I got each person's initial and they went home with them. The cakes were a hit!
                      Thanks Lav....Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning nesters, I am about to head to work and thought I would pop in to say Hi! Yes Juja, I am with YOU, no al for me today!! Its 8.30 am in OZ and 1.5 deg C grrrh!! Lav and Byrdie thanks again for your support, I just know I can't do this on my own, I need to stop! 4/5 af af days is not a problem for me,its the damn weekends that kill it. I did do 40 days once with AB, but am trying not to use it this time round. Sorry to rush, but I have some kids to look after. Work with abused and disabled kids..very stressfull!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Well Good Evening Everyone

                          I wrote my OMG post over on Mr. G's Thread , ' An Older Drunk.." I didn't want to scare any one here! I'm scaring myself enough as it is.

                          BYRD you are the best. That would have been a 2 bottle and a probably a 2 fisted vebal battle over something dumb with my husband. I love that you are giving dinner party's and are just fine, better than fine as I am still convinced that my annual holiday parties will be on ice this year!

                          JUJA I almost posted to you last night night but was wiped from this county fair we went to. I can so relate to what you wote. When I first got here it seemed to me that everyone was just racking up the days and living the dream!! But I lurked and lurked and pretty much figured out that we were all really on the same train just riding in different compartments. I found that when I just said screw it and started posting, letting the cow chips fall where they may, that was when I started to see some forward motion in my head...if that makes sense. Anyway, stay close:h

                          FD I just ditto Everything said here. The destination is not the's the journey and there's no question yours has been fantatstik:h

                          DEST so good to see you back. Havent posted much lately to you. Olivia got the green light to sit with the horses for her 4 H Her Summer was Kaput so it's nice she could at least enjoy the ending!

                          LAV & BOOZER so glad you're here. This is a long strange trip and I feel like I start started!

                          To everyone lse who PM'd and posted from this thread, I'm hoping over to thank you again and give you the update. It looks good..well, it looks a hell of a lot better

                          Hugs and love
                          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                 tool box
                 newbie nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Monday morning Nesters!

                            Pouring rain here on the east coast, oh well!

                            I hope everyone has a good & safe day in the Nest. Let's hear about your progress over the weekend

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning!! Happy Monday! I would NEVER have said that if I had had a drink yesterday. To top it off, I have already been to the gym today and it is only 7:14 am!! It is so nice to have that chore out of the way (although it is a chore I enjoy - once I am actually there and doing it)
                              So, I have completed two whole weeks. Who would have thunk it?
                              Still struggling from about 4pm to 8pm....but with each day, my resolve and determination grow stronger....why give up this good thing called sobriety?
                              Yesterday was the first day I did not attend an AA meeting since 8/12. I didn't really miss it. WIll go again today but to be honest, I have been doing a lot of research and I am not so sure AA is for me. I don't think I can ever complete the first step because I don't think I am powerless over alcohol.. Look at what I have accomplished in two weeks on a completely voluntary basis. But, I guess those with years of sobriety under their belt might be chuckling....I don't know...just having trouble relating to all the God stuff and the powerless stuff. I feel more powerful than alcohol at the moment because I am able to urge surf and resist the temptation!! I ordered some books on line about rational recovery so I will read up on that. I do enjoy the AA meetings and they do keep me rooted in my resolve, but I can't seem to bring myself to drink the kool aid.....anyway, those are the thoughts running through my brain at the moment
                              Hope everyone has a great day!!
                              I just won't anymore


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi everybody. I have decided to graduate from being a "lurker" to committing to go AF and getting a bit more involved on here :-) Day 1 today but everyone has to start somewhere right? I have confidence I can do this! Anyone else at the beginning of their AF life? Would be nice to have a traveling buddy at a similar stage to me, we could support each other :-) I have a fabulous husband who's behind me 100%, but would be nice to bounce off someone who really knows how tough it can be, sometimes.

                                I am not psychic but I predict over the next few months my life will involve a lot of rollerblading, walks with my dog and cinema trips while I get used to weekends and a social life that don't / doesn't revolve around alcohol... What stuff has helped other people? Love Rollergirl :-)
                                AF Day 1 = 27-08-2012
                                Goal #1: 7 days (02-09-2012) :h
                                Goal #2: 30 days (26-09-2012)
                                Goal #3: 100 days (05-12-2012)

