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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey, new here... looking to talk with anyone who has experience with the Sinclair Method. Feel free to PM me. THx


      Newbies Nest

      lolab;1369589 wrote: freefly - thanks for the kind words...I remember you very well. :-) changing your name...the tibetan rites, right? You haven't left - and that sure says something in my book.
      Lolab, what an excellent memory you have! Yes I was CantBelieveImStillAnEejit (in the words of G-bloke) and yes I'm still doing the 5 Rites as and when. Together with the Rites, walking and of course a significant reduction in alcohol, I've lost 15lbs. However, I was doing all of that in their own way for months and nothing changed. What I believe to be the real significant shift, and therefore weight loss, was in my own perception of myself. Beginning to love myself again, the weight keeps dropping off. The mind is a very powerful thing!
      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



        Newbies Nest


        I think you make a very important point - when we're white knuckling and beating our heads against a wall - and not drinking despite wanting to all the time, and feeling like a failure most of the time, it's just about impossible to have a shift in thinking. There does come a point that we see ourselves differently - and like you said - like - even love - what we see....and maybe it is the mind that changes things! But we also, not even really consciously - start to treat ourselves better physically...stop beating your self up mentally - and physically - and start nurturing your body and mind and that's when you'll see real change...:-)

        I agree with Byrdie, Roonie...:-)

        Tracers - welcome to the nest! I'm glad to see that you posted in a nother thread with questions about the Sinclair method...I'm not familiar and haven't heard too much about it here in the newbie's nest. But please stick around - we've got lots of support to offer here!

        juja - when I start posting page long ramblings - you might not feel the same - :H

        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


          Newbies Nest

          Byrdlady;1369850 wrote: I am getting your hat ready as we's a good feeling to know you are going to make it, isn't it?!!!! I could bust with pride.
          Welcome to the new newbie's and returning newbie's!! We are all in this together and we can beat this takes a village, but we've got the resources to do it.
          Strength to all today...Byrdie
          Byrdie, making you proud makes me want to flutter my wings and fly with joy. :-) I can hear the beast sulking in his cage, begging for nourishment. He's sweet talking me. Let the bastard rot! LOL


            Newbies Nest

            Roon and Byrd
            WOW - I can't believe how i TOTALLY RELATE TO EVERYTHING YOU HAVE SAID>>>>> I have been a "member" for a couple of years and I have been in and out of here a gazillion times. I have some days under my belt - more than ever .... the weekends are the very worst....but for some reason, this time, I am actually winning and putting the beast in his place...
            I do have one confession .... Last night, there was some wine in my fridge. I was unable to reach my AA sponsor and somehow convinced myself that it would be ok to just finish the bottle instead of pouring it down the drain (it has been sitting in my fridge for over two weeks). So, I poured myself a glass. Had one very small sip. Waited 5 minutes. Had another....then another and suddenly, I started to feel the alcohol in my body and I was totally turned off!! three very small sips and I can actually feel it in my body? and actually feel repulsed by it? I am really shocked at my reaction and so very grateful for it. I immediately poured glass and rest of bottle down the drain. So now my house is empty of it. And, I am not going to change my date because it was just 3 small sips and my reaction was the right one. I am just totally shocked and did not expect my reaction. I am sure some of you think I should change my date but I feel that my experience last night only reinforces my desire to be AF....

            So, you see, no matter how many days you have racked up, the urge and craving is still there....even if you don't really want the booze. Keep coming and posting and someday when you lease expect it, you will be ready....
            I just won't anymore


              Newbies Nest

              Jenni - you have the right attitude. Your reaction to the wine last night speaks to your commitment. One thing I remember in Allen Carr's book called "The Easy Way to Stop Drinking" is how he describes alcohol as tasting like a poison. I imagine you were doing the same thing last night. You weren't just tasting the wine. You were also tasting all the evilness that goes along with it - the shame, the guilt, the lies, the missed opportunities, the hangovers, the empty calories, the loss of productivity, and the list goes on and on. When I look at a bottle of wine, I can just see it morph into this evil monster with three heads, 10 beaty eyes, and lots of warts. I see the grim reaper. I see an early death in that wine label, not a description of how lovely it pairs with a fuck'n poultry dish or something.

              Good for you, and by all means, do NOT start your count over! Keep going!!


                Newbies Nest

                Getting real123;1369388 wrote: I would love to hear how you did it. I'm scared!
                Good morning everyone and
                :welcome: GETTING REAL 123. I have the same 123 after my handle because that's how children I am blessed with.

                I don't your story but you have most definately found a good place here, especially the Nest. Lots of experienced and very caring people.

                Looking forward to getting to know you! :h

                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
       tool box
       newbie nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  GETTING REAL:

                  Really reading these posts here is the first step to finding your own way out. You will see almost at once how NOT ALONE you are and how much you share in experience with AL with so many diverse people from all around the world.

                  Though I may bitch about the Internet at times because it lures my kids in to much, it certainly has provided one of the greatest places for people like us to come together and get ourselves together again, healthy and happy.

                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    OMG ROONI:

                    Just the other day I was in the kitchen washing up when the guy on the radio started talking about all the perfect Wine pairings for different dishes. Even with the big fat cheetah gloves on In a sink of dirty dishes I thought, " Man that sounds good!! Maybe I could have a bottle with a special meal because Australian Shiraz goes so well that summer sliced beef salads and light vinegreete dressing." my head was off to the races...I couldn't believe it... :upset:

                    Luckily I got distracted and the guy on the radio shut the hell up so all is well but you nailed it!!!

                    Can't wait to see you in you new hat! Do you have matching shoes?
                    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
           tool box
           newbie nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      rooniferd;1369842 wrote: Hi all - today marks 25 AF days for me. Today is truly a milestone because I don't think I've ever gotten past 25 days before, at least not that I can remember. Can you believe I'm only 5 days away from getting my hat from Byrdie? Wow!

                      Now that I've posted that, I want to respond to the posts about feeling intimated by the successes here and how everyone seems to be racking up sober days when others are struggling to get to day 2. If anyone here knows that feeling, it's ME!! I have spent so many months coming here, either lurking and learning, or getting serious and posting "day 1." Then that day 1 might turn into day 2 or day 3, but then I would slip and stop posting, mostly out of shame or embarrassment. Then I would come back with my tail between my legs and start over again. How many times have I done that? Who knows, but it's a lot!

                      One thing you have to remember when you see someone racking up days. Those people most likely had SEVERAL attempts before they figured out what they needed to do to get sober. Maybe it was a tool in the toolbox. Maybe something a nester said. Maybe a fight with a loved one. It could be anything. But regardless, they found that "thing" that prompted them to start racking up those days.

                      And believe me, just because someone has racked up a good amount of days (like me), don't assume that person is cured. I am scared as hell, and I know a lot of other folks up here with a good amount of sober time are too. The beast is everywhere, and he is always looking for ways to ruin lives around him. He doesn't care how many days you've got racked up. He just wants to kill you...

                      So, if you are struggling, come here and learn. But also POST. It may take 50 tries for you to finally get it, but you WILL eventually get it. But you've GOT to keep trying. It will stick eventually. Every slip will teach you where your weaknesses are.

                      Love you all!
                      Wonderful post Rooni and I couldn't agree more. I was here for 8 months trying and failing until it clicked. And each "failure" taught me a lot. Being here and trying and failing and posting is all a part of the journey. Nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to avoid.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Prairie Fairy;1369418 wrote: Hi all -

                        The weekend was not totally uneventful - spent most of it bonding with the SO and trying to repair a lot of the damage done - and that part was largely successful. We made a ton of progress over the weekend.
                        OKAY Prarie I'm prepared to embarrass myself once again!!

                        What does SO mean? At first I tout it was Son of A Bitch and you forgot the B . But that's definitely wrong

                        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
               tool box
               newbie nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thank you so much for the warm welcome! Day 2 is much less scary than day 1. I have 3 kids too and want to be the best I can for them. I am so grateful to have found a place where people understand me. I try and explain to my husband that it starts with one glass and before I know it the bottle is empty. He is a controlled drinker and just doesn't understand. He is sweet and supportive but I can tell that he just doesn't get it.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi all - reporting into the nest - long night last night - lawyers suck - followed by a lengthy conversation with the SO - it seems *HE* didn't want to let go the conversation I started Sunday and was determined to pick it up.

                            It was a long night. Boiled down to unless something changes that is outside of either of our controls - it kind of is stuck this way a while. Which I hate.
                            That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                            Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                            AF - August 20, 2012


                              Newbies Nest

                              Oh - and NO - I did not compound my difficulties by running to the liquor store. I am now safely on Day 8.

                              And given all the shite with the lawyers happening today - that's a bloody miracle if I do say so myself.
                              That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                              Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                              AF - August 20, 2012


                                Newbies Nest

                                Kradle123;1369896 wrote: OKAY Prarie I'm prepared to embarrass myself once again!!

                                What does SO mean? At first I tout it was Son of A Bitch and you forgot the B . But that's definitely wrong

                                SO=significant other

