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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello everyone
    Is there a spare twig for me? I've just flown in from Oz and I'm very tired. I'll need quite a sturdy twig if you can spare one, because I've brought my Mary Poppins carpet bag with me and inside I have my crock pot (full of vegetable soup), my bottomless teapot, a few dozen packets of chocolate biscuits and lots of blankies to pass around. You can tell it's still wintery in my part of the woods!

    Oops! I just noticed it's 110 degrees on Prancy's twig, so I'm detouring to get some ice cream as well!
    There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
    You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

    I didn't come this far to only come this far.


      Newbies Nest

      Morning Nesters!

      Welcome Glass Half Empty! You sound like our kind of bird. Hop on in here!

      Chicken, I think it's safe to say that most of us (if not ALL), have been exactly where you are. Chin up. Leave it behind and make a plan and move forward! You've been learning about yourself and should consider this just one more lesson learned. I, too, have a life of blessings. There isn't one earthly external reason for me to drink like this. It's just a broken off switch and I can't seem to find a place to buy a replacement!:H

      For me, AF is less energy-draining than trying to 'mod'. Otherwise, I'm always thinking about when I can have the next drink, how much I can have, how to control it, blah blah blah. Sure, I've spent energy on turning away from al this week, but not as much energy as I used to waste on trying to control my drinking. You said it, Cyntree! And might I add, that the energy spent on turning away from alc in the afternoon is not half as much as the energy spent getting through the mornings hung over!

      I guess what I am saying is that for me I am not sure it matters why. It just matters that I have to get a handle on this or I am going to take it too far one day and begin to lose all the blessings I have. Or die. Or hurt someone else while I am driving around having had all those feel better beers. None very pretty options. Stay strong and try to use your experiences to remind you of why you don't want to drink.
      I couldn't have said it better myself, prancy! I'm here because I want to hold on to my blessings.

      Hi norac, glad you checked in!

      Lav, I hear you on the benedryl!:H I managed to squeak by without getting the PI from my outdoor work, but I take a half dose of diphenhydromine many a nigt about half hour before bed just to help me breath a bit better through my nose and to get drowsy. I don't take more because it has a tendency to wake me up later in the night...kind of like alc.

      Hi Chops! I know you'll be by. I hope you are having a relaxing weekend away from your books! How's the garden growing? When does your dad get back?

      Have a great day, all!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi thanks, but I can't find the thread that monacat has started, please help.
        this site is so supportive, I can hardly believe I've found you all


          Newbies Nest

          Hi thanks for replying, which herbal otc preperations would you recommend?


            Newbies Nest

            Happy Sunday, Nestlings!

            Quick fly-by here... going to be away today and tomorrow - going out on the boat and praying the weather will be half decent!

            Have yourselves a wonderful AF Sunday...thinking of all of you!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters,

              A day out on a boat sounds lovely Sunni, enjoy!

              Hope you are having a better day Chicken, you can do it!

              Cyntree, NoraC and Prancy, congratulations to all of you. You have great quits going and will be rewarded with health, happiness and most of all - freedom from AL

              Hi Glass Half Empty, welcome, glad you are here with us!
              Hi Robyn 19, have you tried sending a PM to monacat? Maybe that will help.

              Have to run, get ready for church. Planning another family day and couldn't be happier

              Wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hello fellow "newbies". I have been on and off this site for a few years. Have attempted unsuccessfully at "modding" and am no longer pretending that will be an option now or ever in the future. I have 2 weeks today..................I am a SAHM of 3 beautiful little girls and am really excited to have this new life ahead of me. Looking forward to getting through this with some help and inspiration from all of yall!
                AF since 7/5/2009


                  Newbies Nest

                  Happy Sunday everyone. I am lazing in bed for a few before I go in to work for a couple of hours.

                  GHE - I loved the Mary Poppins reference. That is my most favorite movie. Bottomless carpet bag indeed. :H

                  Loved1 - Great to meet you. I know what you mean about "modding".

                  Lavande - Have a great family day. It sounds wonderful.

                  Sushine - Enjoy the boat. Sounds like a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

                  Dill - I really loved your 'broken switch' comment. Yep, I've got a broken switch alright. :H

                  Cyn - I haven't tried the CD's yet. I'd love to talk to you about them. I have ordered my Kudzu but don't know when it will come. I'm still relying on the L-Glutamine twice a day and Topamax once a day.

                  Prancy - Is it supposed to be so hot again today? Boy, it was hard sleeping last night. :upset: We don't have air conditioning.

                  Whoops - sorry......I've got to run. Greetings to everyone else. My nephew has a rash on his back and it's itching. Need to go check this out.

                  Have a wonderful AF day. :goodjob:
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning Fellow Nesters! It is another gorgeous day here in Oregon. It's looking like we are going to hit triple digits next week....ugh...guess I better keep my shades handy

                    Chicken, here's a big hug for you :l Here, take my hand and jump right back up. Onward and upward my dear friend

                    Cyn, Nora, are all doing marvelously. I am so proud of you

                    :welcome: Glass Half Empty and Loved1. Grab your favorite twig and nestle in for lots of support. Glad to have you in the nest.

                    Lav, enjoy your family day. That just sounds so wonderful. Are you having trouble with allergies? (I didn't get a chance to read the whole thread yet!)

                    Sunni, a day on the boat will be wonderful. I ended up doing that yesterday with some friends, instead of shopping, and it was absolutely perfect! Got bit sun-burned, but I was so relaxed, AF, and just enjoying what life truly has to offer! Hope the weather stays great!

                    Dill, the gardening is going well. My dad is back on Tuesday night, but won't see him til Wednesday. I am ready for him to be home. How goes the fencing project? Are you all done? Hopefully those darn chiggers are leaving you alone too!

                    PR, got to say, if you are checking in, we all miss you and G. Here's a hug! :l SD, the same goes for you

                    Hiya Robyn! Thanks for checking in. How are you doing?

                    Well, Nesters, I am going to run for now. Enjoy the coffee, diet pepsi and diet coke! Heck, I'll even through in some sun tea today. See you all later.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning all. Day 15 here! Not that I am counting......

                      I went to an event yesterday where the Dog Whisperer (the guy on TV National Geographic Channel) was giving a demonstration and there was a full bar open and free. Everyone was having ice cold wine and champagne. I would have loved a cold champagne but had a diet coke with lime instead, followed by a sparkling water. As I sat there feeling somewhat deprived (my daughter was having a champagne), I thought about how swollen my feet would feel in this heat if I had wine or champagne. Just held that image in my head and paid attention to the demonstration. Seemed to work.

                      NoraC, I think we have another hot one on hand. Depends on where you are in sunny SoCal however and I am in the HOT San Fernando Valley. No air conditioning? Wow. That IS tough. However, I have air conditioning but I don't run it because it is sooooo expensive. So I try to just cook it down when I am dying and then turn it off. Doesn't really work though because it just gets hot again.

                      Choppers, it doesn't seem fair when it gets to three digits in Oregon. That is supposed to be a cooler rainy state. I grew up in Lake Oswego. Know where that is? That is where I observed my father showing us how adults drink! Ah yes, he died young from a stroke, probably caused by his alcohol intake. He went the whole way with it -- right into jail, homeless and dead. I used to detest him but now I realize, there but for the grace of God go I. What wonderful lessons we learn as we grow older and wiser. Okay, older. Try to stay cool and for sure stay strong.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Evening Nesters! Just wanted to jump in real quick and give you all a tuck in and best wishes for a great evening. I am refreshed from my break from the books, and now am going back at it.

                        Prancy, great job on 15 days and for sticking to diet coke!! Well done! I know exactly where Lake Oswego is. Which part did you grow up in? I live out in the Gresham area, technically, in Fairview. So, not too far from LO. Really, I am not looking forward to the triple digits. We haven't had much rain as of late, so it will be nice when we get it.

                        Have a great evening all. I am so proud of you all and lucky to call you friends. :l


                          Newbies Nest

                          Day 1!ruffled feathers here.

                          Hello to all my new friends in the Nest!

                          Yesterday I hibernated, recovered from feeling utterly wretched and did what you all said, woke up today and started again. Having a pity-party yesterday seemed to help, as I feel somewhat more motivated that I can actually do this now,with your help I hope I can!

                          No alcohol yesterday, but for me this is actually Day 1: so this nestling has scrambled onto the very bottom twig today. Am going to fluff up my feathers and hunker down here for a little while! *peeps gently to self in encouragment*

                          Made a list yesterday of all the things I can do to nurture myself, want to start doing this, especially when the demon comes a-calling!!!

                          I am feeling tentative and not so confident-but yes I will take it as a lesson and move on. Just knowing you are all there helps so much I can't really say it in words! Your encouragement, advise and experience is everything I need right now. I am not using any other medications other than my Anti-depressants right now. But will see how I go with that.

                          Baby steps for me and gentleness with myself- I need to give myself some love!

                          Thankyou all once again.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Night all - survived Day 6. Rough day - fridge went out - nerves frayed - fridge shopping - food spoiling - weather scorching - kids bickering - but no drinking.
                            So - now it's beddie time.
                            Hope to be able to get on and chat more tomorrow.
                            Thanks to everyone for all the support. Thanks for all the extra twigs today. They sure came in handy.
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello! A poem about it all-cause writing poetry helps me!

                              Ode to the Toxic Boat!

                              Going,Going.....she's gone again
                              riding the toxic boat down the River Stix!

                              She lost her paddle years ago
                              and the stearings all shot!

                              She clings to the sides, adrift
                              and reason is an echo of before.

                              When she had no reason to doubt
                              that she could ride out the storm..

                              The ebb and flow of the tide
                              never posed a threat,

                              Now the tides are trecherous
                              and she can only hold on for dear life!

                              She never new she was meant to be a sailor!



                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Evening Nesters!!

                                To those who are new....what I have found here at MWO is that everyone can relate to something we've done, said, experienced....that's what makes this place one judges...we're in this together...we "get" each other....and when someone falls, we can relate and feel their hurt....the reason we encourage instead of berate!!!

                      's been another totally hectic weekend...ran out to the lake cabin to deliver my dad some groceries and let Brayden and his buddy swim, tube, look for frogs...etc...HAVE BOY FUN!! I could sit and watch them all day...the are so imaginative and creative in their play!!! Besides that, I did HOMEWORK!!! UGH!!!! I'm so sick of school....and I still have 2 weeks left!! The work is SO TEDIOUS!!!! And to answer you Dill, I'm not "seeing" Mike anymore....I was very honest and upfront right away about Brad and this current situation...whatever it may be....but it's not right to keep "leading him on" when I know I don't feel anything then maybe a friendship with him....he's super nice and funny...but it's just not there!

                                Well Bray has a friend sleeping over, so I better get them to bed....miss you all!!! Chops, what classes are you taking?? I'm sure I asked you b4.
                                BIG HUGS EVERYONE!!!
                                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


